White-Robed Chief

Chapter 752: Expel

"Help Lord, Sanjue Tang is the backstage of the Iron Blood Gang?"

"That's right."

"Then there is a back office for our chivalrous gang?"


"which one?"

"San Jue Tang."

"It's the same family?" Chu Li asked in confusion.

"Not one family," Qiao Zhenhai shook his head. "At the time, the two ancestors of the two founding gangs were both disciples of Sanjuetang, but the two founding ancestors were enemies. "

Chu Liheng said, "Why did the three people in the hall be with Feng Changwen? What is the origin of this Feng Changwen?"

"He has an uncle who is the master of incense at Sanjuetang." Qiao Zhenhai said.

Chu Li's eyes widened: "Tianwaitian Master?"

Qiao Zhenhai nodded slowly.

Chu Li said, "The lords may have beaten him?"

"It's hard to compete." Qiao Zhenhai said.

Chu Li smiled: "The helper is so young, he must be old, he will definitely surpass him in the future, what are he afraid of?"

"It's different ..." Qiao Zhenhai waved his hand: "I'm not afraid of Feng Changwen's uncle, it's Sanjuetang!"

"Help me, I have an idea!" Chu Liheng hummed: "I must kill Feng Changwen, but you can't be involved in the gang. Will you drive me out of the chivalrous gang?"

"Hmm--?" Qiao Zhenhai watched him unexpectedly.

Chu Li gritted his teeth and said, "Feng Changwen killed me once, and also abandoned Lao Guo, plus Master Wu Xiang and Master Zhou Xiang. If we don't kill this guy, what are the faces of our chivalrous gang?"

"If you don't help shelter inside, you won't survive even if you kill Feng Changwen!"

"As long as I can kill him, it doesn't matter if I die ... I kill him, and go away to fly high, that is, I'm alone or alone!"

"You have an adventure, and you have a divine power. You have a bright future, so why bother with him?" Qiao Zhenhai said.

Chu Li hummed, "I can't bear it, I must kill him!"

"Funny." Qiao Zhenhai shook his head.

Chu Lidao said: "If the Lord does not agree, I will return to the Chivalrous Gang!"

"You--!" Qiao Zhenhai sank his face: "You are so determined to die!"

"Yes, I have to pull Feng Changwen back when I'm dead!" Chu Li hated. "This guy must die!"

Qiao Zhenhai was puzzled.

Feng Changwen pushed him down the cliff, but he died and was blessed by misfortune. He had a divine power. It is logical to say that there is not so much hatred against Feng Changwen.

As for the abolition of Guo Shan and the killing of Wu Xiangzhu and Zhou Xiangzhu, his relationship with Guo Shan is good, but Guo Shan did not die. The relationship between Wu Xiangzhu and Zhou Xiangzhu is not very good, and he will not urgently want revenge.

Chu Li Road said: "I can't see the kid's madness, I must kill him!"

He had to kill Feng Changwen in order to take revenge for the original Zhao Dahe, and Feng Changwen had a connection with the Holy Religion. It was also his shortcut to enter into the Holy Religion. Killing Feng Changwen was a killer with two birds with one stone.

"Just because I can't get used to it?"

"Of course he hated me!"

"You ..." Qiao Zhenhai understood vaguely.

It may not even be possible to kill someone else, but a guy like Zhao Dahe can understand Feng Changwen.

"Lord, you will be kicked out of me tomorrow, and I will clean up Feng Changwen when I am hurt!"

"How to help you out?" Qiao Zhenhai shook his head: "You have just done great work."

"Just say I did my best and hit you." Chu Li said.

Qiao Zhenhai laughed.

Chu Li said: "Or else, how many of you can I help you?"

"... Well, if you say this to someone else, you won't believe it. Put it on you, everyone can really believe it."

"Ok, deal!"


The next day, Chu Li was practicing his knife in the courtyard. This time he used the Kuan Rong Jing and his body speed was faster.

When there are adventures, his strong recovery ability will not cause people doubt, people will only admire the magic and envy.

Guo Shan banged the door and came in, staring angrily at him: "What are you doing, Dahe?"

Chu Li waved his knife: "The main help me out?"

"You are getting bolder and bolder." Guo Shan Shen said: "Since you have an adventure, you have become more and more unreliable!"

"I know it."

"There is a fart!" Guo Shan snorted angrily. "If you have a count, can you help the master?"

"The lord will not let me kill Feng Changwen."

"You ..." Guo Shan was suddenly discouraged.

He hated Feng Changwen so much that if it weren't for Feng Changwen, he wouldn't be a waste, and he couldn't keep up.

Chu Lidao said: "The lord said that it would hurt the chivalrous gang, so I can only help me out!"

"Why the Chivalrous Gang?"

"Because Feng Changwen has a close uncle who is the master of incense in Sanjietang!"

Guo Shan's face suddenly changed.

Chu Li smiled: "I'm just a lonely man, no matter what **** is the absolute master, I just want to kill Feng Changwen!"

"Well ..." Guo Shan sighed.

"Lao Guo, you are worried about it, don't bother you, you have a family and a mouth."

"Fart, Feng Changwen is also my enemy!"

"Then you do me a favor, and let Xiao Song help me."

"How to help?"

"Go outside Luozhou and stare at Feng Changwen." Chu Liheng hummed: "This guy's light work is so good, I need to find a chance to kill in one shot!"

"... Okay!" Guo Shan nodded.

In the evening of the next day, Chu Li was eating at the stone table in the yard. It was a meal sent by Mrs. Guo from Xinger.

Song Fei turned in from the wall, panting, "Dahe, Feng Changwen is back!"

Chu Li was refreshed and put down his chopsticks.

Song Feidao: "Just came out of the city of Luozhou, it is estimated that I can return to my house in half an hour."

"Very good!" Chu Li smiled. "This time, you have to kill him!"

Song Fei said: "There are ten guards around him."

"What about the ten guards!" Chu Li said dismissively: "You run back from Luozhou City in one breath, drink saliva, find something to eat yourself!"

He said he took the long knife on the stone table and turned away.

Song Fei thought for a while, without stopping, ran to Guo Shan's house and then went to help.


Feng Changwen rode a horse on the avenue leading to Ping'an Town.

He was followed by ten knights, all congenital.

Feng Changwen's face was somber as he struck his horse.

This time he was frightened and fled, leaving him with a big loss of face. He did not expect that Zhao Dahe, who had always looked down on, became so intractable ~ www.readwn.com ~ he was not an opponent.

This time when I went to Luozhou City, I talked to my uncle about two masters to help myself destroy Zhao Dahe.

He never felt that it was heroic to fight alone, but rather a fool.

Only a fool would not use his advantage to destroy his opponent, let the opponent grow up, and take his own life. Zhao Dahe is an example. He should kill him before pushing him down the cliff.

It was a pity that it was too rushed at that time, and it was a sneak shot, and it was too late to get a knife.

It is better now that Zhao Dahe had an adventure, which is several times worse than before, and can threaten his life.

This was a profound lesson, so he went directly to Luozhou City to ask his uncle for two masters, to kill in one blow, and never give Zhao Dahe a chance to turn over. This guy is so lucky that he will be alive again, maybe he will If there is an adventure, you must be foolproof!

"Bang!" In the explosion, the ground suddenly splashed with dirt, a figure emerged from the ground, and a cold light flashed. Feng Changwen's horse was short and hissed. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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