White-Robed Chief

Chapter 767: Surprise

"This is a maiden," said Girl Ruolan.

Chu Li widened his eyes and busyly said, "Sir? Really?"

"You don't believe it?" Said Girl Ruolan.

Chu Li shook his head busy: "How can I see the maiden, am I not dreaming?"

"You are dreaming," said the girl Ruolan lightly, "then ask you, who is in your family?"

Chu Li sat on the ground absently answering, glanced at the maiden from time to time, and showed a green boy vividly.

In the final analysis, it is caused by the magic of heavenly magic. He is completely integrated into Zhao Dahe's personality, and he is completely integrated, with only a trace of clarity reminding him of his original identity.

After a long while, the girl Ruolan was still asking, but the maiden suddenly gave a hand.

The girl Ruolan stopped.

The maiden asked lightly, "Zhao Dahe, why do you want to join the Holy Religion of Light?"

"In order to teach xùn Feng Xi!" Chu Liheng hummed: "There is also Master Zhou Xiang! ... he is too eloquent!"

"Just don't want to have more money? There are more beauties?"

Chu Li scratched his head, hehe laughed: "Of course I think about it, but I don't think so, anyway, I'm a hungry family and I'm not hungry. It doesn't matter if I have enough money."

"Where's that woman?" The maid asked lightly.

Chu Li said: "I want to find that kind of fairy-like beauties, but those beauties don't look at me. I am so unseen. I must cast a good tire in my next life. I am handsome and handsome. No hope! "

Girl Ruolan said: "As long as you have the true skill, why worry that no beauty likes it?"

"Will a beautiful girl like Ruolan like me?" Chu Li looked at her hurriedly.

Girl Ruolan glared at him angrily: "Whimsical!"

Chu Li sighed: "Look, I said so, my face is now!"

"As long as you have great skills and become a Fa-Kong, Ruolan may not despise you." Virgin Road.

"Fawang?" Chu Li opened his eyes wide. "As long as I become Fawang, will Ruolan girl like me?"

"Yes." The maiden's light jaw.

Girl Ruolan looked helplessly to the maiden.

The maiden is also funny.

How could he be such a silly guy to become a king.

What the king needs is peerless martial arts and top perception. This silly Zhao Dahe Zi is good enough, but only has advantages in the early stage. At the high level of martial arts, what is needed is understanding.

Zhao Dahe may become a disciple in Yamauchi, but wanting to become a king of the law is out of reach and almost impossible.

Chu Li's gaze was sharp, and she looked firmly at Ruolan Girl.

Looking at his model, everyone knows that he fell in love with the girl, and was determined to catch up with the girl.

The girl Ruolan glanced helplessly at the maiden, and saw a smile from the maiden's clear eyes.

The maiden is really satisfied with Zhao Dahe. She is pure in heart and not so selfish, so setting a goal for him will greatly stimulate his potential, so that he can quickly improve martial arts and grow fastest.

She decided to let Ruolan teach Zhao Dahe in the future to see how far he can grow.

"You can go back." Madonna said.

"Okay." Chu Li stood up and stopped suddenly: "Sir, I beg you, please."

In the girl's glaring, the maiden said, "Say."

"I want to live in a different yard, I don't want to stay there." Chu Li busy said, "I will always think of Brother Bai, he died so badly!"

"Well, then change it." Madonna said.

"Thank you maiden." Chu Li fists.

He thought that the phoenix of the maiden was so beautiful that she could win people's hearts with just these eyes.

From the first beauty, this pair of Phoenixes can be compared with Xiao Shi. Xiao Shi wins in the depths, she wins in her talents, and she is good at autumn.

If Ruolan was walking in front of her, Chu Li followed closely and came to another courtyard.

"You live here first." Girl Ruolan pointed to the courtyard: "Don't run around."

"Okay, I don't run around." Chu Li nodded.

Although the girl Ruo Lan thought he was ugly, she was also docile, but she did not dislike him so much, and urged: "Tonight the Virgin will teach you the Great Sutra."

"Tonight?" Chu Li busy said.

The girl Ruolan nodded: "Someone will bring water later, you can wash and change your clothes, and then you will be the disciples under the mountain of the bright religion!"

Chu Li suddenly looked excited.

Girl Ruolan walked away lightly.

Soon three girls rings brought hot water, each carrying two large wooden barrels, reaching their waists, seemed to be able to overwhelm them.

They lifted them lightly, poured them into a large bathtub, and let Chu Li take a good bath. After coming out, they put on a white coat.

This white cloth is soft, strong and firm, and a little wind flutters a little. Although it is not as good as the white robe presented by Xiao Qi, it is not ordinary cloth, showing the essence of the bright religion.

He sat in the small courtyard and stared at the bright moon in the sky.

Without Dayuan Jingzhi, he is very unaccustomed. The whole person seems to be separated from the world and becomes a deaf blind. He completely loses all the feeling of being in control.

Footsteps sounded, Ruolan girl came over Yingying, did not speak, but just gently waved.

Chu Li followed her out of the courtyard, walked back to the garden, and came to a waterside on the lake.

The corridor leading to the water pavilion is paved with white jade, exuding a warm luster, and the lights inside the water pavilion are bright like daylight.

"Sir, Zhao Dahe is here." The girl Ruo Lan paid respectfully.

Chu Li looked at the water pavilions illuminated by the lights, and each place was built with unique ingenuity, which was amazing.

"Come in." The Virgin's touching voice sounded.

If Ruolan girl opened the door, Chu Li followed.

The white carpets and moon-white furniture were spotless and unbearable.

The maiden was sitting cross-legged on a low couch, watching them quietly, with white gauze covering her face, and a pair of phoenix eyes glittering, she seemed to be able to see through the centrifugal bottom, with a dignified temperament like a Guanyin.

Chu Li refused to let herself think of anything else, only to be curious, and always wanted to see her appearance under the white veil.

The Virgin reached out her hand.

The girl Ruo Lan pushed Chu Li: "Stand in front of the maiden."

Chu Li came to the maiden and stood still, only one step away. She could smell the cold fragrance of orchids like musk ~ www.readwn.com ~ He disappeared Dayuan Jingzhi, but did not disappear. Upon hearing the scriptures, Superman's sense of smell was still there.

He blushed and beat instantly, which fully matched Zhao Dahe's response.

The maiden said indifferently, "Don't think wildly, focus on your spirit."

"Yes." Chu Li busy said.

The maiden held out her right index finger.

Her forefinger was carved out of white sheep's fat, exuding a soft glow, lightly touching his forehead.

"Boom!" Chu Li was shocked.

With the launch of the prayer flags, the giant Buddha appeared in the void of his mind, sitting on the lotus seat, his hands printed, and chanting the prayers of the day as the golden lotus flowed into blossoms.

Chu Li's secret screaming is not good, and it is too late to stop, so he can only hold on to it, so that Da Ri can continue to run without moving. (To be continued.)

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