White-Robed Chief

Chapter 774: Go out

? Chu Li and Xiao Shi Xiao Qi said that they should focus on cultivation for two months, may not return, and then return to Xiaoguangming Peak.

He sat in the hut of Xiaoguangmingfeng, and the wind blew outside, and the house was warm as spring.

His heart calmed down inexplicably, and he entered the state again.

一次 This time he intends to integrate Dayuan Jingzhi into Daguangming Jing and Da Ri Rugao Jingjing. Both can be practiced together. If Dayuan Jingzhi is integrated into it, it will be more convenient, but the power of the two classics will also increase.

巨大 Two giant Buddhas sit on the lotus seat with their backs facing each other, and then a round mirror appears behind the heads of the two Buddhas, right in the middle of the two Buddhas.

The round mirror is bright and flawless, reflecting everything clearly.

He didn't expect it to be so easy, a hint of joy came to mind.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, a demon suddenly fell into his mind, huge and towering, just like two Buddhas.

The two Buddhas suddenly moved their hands, and the original handprints were untied to form a magic seal. The scriptures chanted in the mouth remained unchanged, but the lotus flower transformed into the scriptures was twice as large, and shot at the demon quickly and urgently.

The huge and incomparable sacred chanting chanted the sacred scriptures, and the lotuses emitting dark golden light, like a ball of flames floating out, collided with white lotus and golden lotus, and they were one enemy and two, and they were equal.

For a moment, none of the lotuses in his head fell on them, and they were constantly consuming, which he felt faint.

In their minds, they became their battlefield. The Great Guangming Sutra, the Great Sun Rugao, the Demon Sutra, and the Three Sutras are all extremely powerful, without a weak one.

Over time, the Lotus of the Three Classics has grown larger and faster.

He can feel that the spirit is exhausting, the lotuses collide with each other, and the mind is vacantly shaking, and there is a tendency for instability.

There is a trace of anxiety in my heart, but this is the root of the spirit. Once it is damaged, I do n’t know how to repair it. If it is not good, I am afraid I will become an idiot.

"噗!" His blood spewed out and landed on the stone couch.

After a short while, Li Ruolan appeared like a gust of wind outside the hut, opened the door to enter, and saw Chu Li's face as gold paper, sitting on the stone couch with his head down and knees, motionless and weak.

This faint breath is completely different from the deep and slow breathing after entering.

忙 She was busy pressing Xiang Chuli's wrist, her face was somber.

She let go of Chu Li ’s wrist, took out a jade bottle from her arms, poured a Xuebai Dan Wan into his mouth, then laid him flat, patted him gently on the palm of his heart, carefully checked by the wrist, ten After a few breaths, there was still no improvement.

She glanced at Chu Li, turned and fluttered away.

A moment later, the white figure of the maiden appeared in the hut.

Have her jade hand pressed against Chu's forehead, motionless.

若 Li Ruolan reappeared soon and whispered: "Is he going into a devil?"

"Well, it's quite possible."

怎么 "How can this happen!" Li Ruolan frowned: "... Blame me, you shouldn't let him be so anxious, you should take a good rest."

"Say these now!" The maiden glanced at her, and said lightly, "Relax, you can't die!"

"He is a Wizard, I'm afraid to ruin such a Wizard ..." Li Ruolan whispered, "Then my sin is too great!"

The maiden said lightly, "Shut up."

若 Li Ruolan swallowed the words.

The maiden sister-in-law disappeared and appeared again a moment later, holding a small rosewood box with a forefinger in her hand, and handed it to Li Ruolan: "Give him!"

若 Li Ruolan opened the small box curiously, and there was a beeswax pill wrapped in bright yellow silk, only one, round as longan.

She carefully opened the sealing wax and whispered, "What medicine is this?"

"Yuan Yuan Dan." The maiden said indifferently: "Specially supplements the spirit."

若 Li Ruolan has not heard of this elixir.

She did not explain much: "I hope it works."

若 Li Ruolan can see that this elixir is very valuable.

He carefully took Chu Li away and stared anxiously at him.

The maiden sister also stood by looking at Chu Li, her eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

After a tea time passed, Chu Liyou opened his eyes, his eyelids were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his eyes were dim and dull, as if he was seriously ill.

"How about Zhao Dahe?" Li Ruolan asked quickly.

Chu Chu left Changshu with a sigh of relief, and finally woke up, but she wasn't dead, and she was lucky.

When his mind was blasted open, he was afraid that Kurong Jing would not have any useful effect, he thought he was dead.

Maid of Honor: "What's going on?"

Wu Chuli smiled bitterly: "I don't know what happened, suddenly a demon came in."

The truth is false and the truth is false. He cannot tell the truth completely, nor can he tell the truth completely, otherwise he may not hide the virgin.

He only talks about the demon, but he doesn't say that he has practiced the demon script. The level of the skill of the demon is no longer shallow. Others can't see it. He has great confidence in the demon, because it can be compared with the Great Guangjing.

"God invasion!" The sigh sighed: "I didn't expect you to enter the country so fast!"

Chu Chu left: "What's going on?"

"There are gods and gods in the void, and gods of heaven see the gods as natural enemies. Once they find that someone has succeeded in the Dharma, they will obstruct and destroy their realm by every means." It ’s a disaster, I did n’t expect you to enter the country so fast! ”

Chu Chu departed, "Do I practice fast?"

"Well, a little faster than I expected." The maiden said lightly: "At your current state, you need to protect the law."

Chu Chuli busy said: "Who will protect the law for me? Girl Ruolan?"

"Joran can do it."

若 Li Ruolan said calmly: "Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will protect him."

"You need to rest for a while," said the Virgin, "spiritual wounds are far more troublesome than physical injuries."

"I can practice right away." Chu Li busy said.

"Don't force it." The Virgin said, "If you have anything to do with me, please."

说 She said a moment and disappeared into the hut.

Chu Chu departed: "Girl Ruolan, why do you protect me?"

"I will stay by your side and practice together." Li Ruolan said.

"That's really good!" Chu Li said excitedly, then scratched his head: "But you are by my side, I'm afraid I can't calm down."

"Shao," Li Ruolan hummed, "what a thought!"

Chu Chuli nodded: "Yes, I can't think wildly, I want to enter Tianwaitian as soon as possible, and then become a king of law."

Before changing to Li Ruolan, he would show disdain and felt that he was talking big, but now he dare not say so, maybe Zhao Dahe could really become a king of law.

Xi Chuli stopped talking, and sat cross-legged, and was settled again.

若 Li Ruolan saw that he was so obsessed with cultivation. He was a little worried and happy. Such a motivated man is indeed worthy of appreciation.

Xu Chuli quickly settled, and the emptiness in his head surprised and surprised him, but he did not expect it to become like this. (To be continued.)

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