White-Robed Chief

Chapter 781: Transfer


PS: The update is complete, I'm really sorry. www.vodtw.com

Yat Kwok Mansion

Chu Lizhen appeared in the East Garden.

At the beginning of the Huadeng Festival, Li Yue was practicing in the yard. When Chu Li appeared, he closed his fists and smiled at the baggage on his back: "What is this?"

Chu Li threw the burden to him.

Li Yue busy reached out to catch it, opened it and stared, "Well, so many treasures?"

A large bag is full of antique calligraphy and painting.

Chu Lidao said, "I know this is hello, I will give you a reward."

He has already put a batch on his island. The island is now managed by Bi Liu. He usually comes back to live and live occasionally.

He returned most of the property to the island, and then picked some rare antiques to give to Li Yue.

Li Yue shook his head: "How can I have such a valuable thing."

Chu Li smiled: "Do you really want to?"

"Don't!" Li Yue shook his head, stroked one piece of antiques, and laughed, "But it's okay to play for a few days! These things aren't from our season, how can we get them?"

"Da Li." Chu Li Road said.

Li Yue picked up a painting, slowly opened it, with an obsessed look on his face, and sighed, "The master is the master, this pen, this ink, this spirit, ... it really makes people cast their ground!"

Chu Li smiled, "How are you doing your martial arts?"

"It's okay." Li Yue laughed. "Congenital is complete."

He said indifferently: "Anyway, I'm practicing and practicing, but I didn't think about using it to pass the time."

Chu Lidao said: "The martial arts are stronger, you always have the power to protect yourself, and you are not always out. Although the city is safe, but there are accidents in everything, it is good to practice martial arts!"

"I've been practicing." Li Yue waved his hand and said impatiently: "Brother Chu, you're getting more and more boring, and you're practicing all day long."

Chu Li smiled bitterly.

Li Yue reached out and picked up the drawing axis, then wrapped up the baggage and signaled to wait.

He quickly entered the house and took out a hot little pot, exuding a strong aroma: "Taste this, you are a blessing!"

Chu Li smiled.

He admires Li Yue's cooking most, and others are far behind.

Li Yue lifted the lid, the aroma was more mellow and rich, Chu Li drooling out.

"This is Snow Chicken Snow Mushroom Soup, the most authentic taste." Li Yue laughed. "I still have to trust you to get this Snow Chicken and Snow Mushroom from the Baicaoyuan in the house, which others can't taste." "

Although Chu Li is not in the house, the power has not diminished but increased. At present, he is still the director of Tianlingyuan.

As a close friend of Chu Li, Li Yue enjoyed far more benefits and treatments than seven grades, or even less than three grades.

Knowing that Li Yue's mouth was sloppy, there was something good in the house, and he would often send him a copy.

Chu Li took the spoon that Li Yue handed over, stirred the soup, and laughed: "This is a hard time. I haven't tasted any good things. I've been practicing retreat and can finally enjoy it."

"Hmm ..." Li Yue shook his head and said, "You're so tired of living. Practice all day long, retreat, kill, thrill, it's really not as comfortable as I am!"

He also wanted to live a colorful life at first, but later found that he was timid, not really the material, so he was a guard at ease, staying in East Garden, quiet and comfortable.

Now there is Chu Li's asylum, and the days are even more happy, no one cares, and there are people who flatter and take care of it. It is really beautiful.

Chu Li smiled: "No way, I was born to work!"

"You, it's really hard work." Li Yue shook his head and smiled: "Look at your current island. If you stay in the state government and be your own island owner, how happy you are!"

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

He is like a Mercedes horse, running non-stop, without stopping for a moment.


A round moon hangs on the horizon, like a clear hook.

Chu Li came to a Feiyun restaurant in Dafengcheng.

The restaurant was very lively. The first floor was noisy and the second floor was not quiet. He went straight to the third floor.

There are not many people on the third floor, and the seats by the window are not full.

He sat at a table in front of the window and asked for a few dishes, a pot of wine, and casually drank the wine and ate the dishes, contented with ease.

When he was nervous, he would talk to Li Yue and feel the quiet life.

Li Yue's tranquility and calmness made him very envious, and staying for a while can restore him to calm and calm again.

The properties of the Gale Gang were all detained, Sun Jizhi would go crazy, and Hu Xiaotang would not stop.

Chu Li guessed that at this moment, they would break into the house and look for those antiques and silver tickets.

I have already moved away, so I can imagine the mood of Fengfeng Gang. Thinking of here, Chu Li has an inexplicable smile, these guys must be crazy now.

He estimated that the people who helped by Fengfeng would rush over to find themselves, and they did not dare, so they would pull Huxiaotang's people together. Huxiaotang might not have looked at himself and must do it.

He glanced around and shook his head. Sun Mingyue didn't follow him.

In theory, if you leave yourself here, you should find someone to protect yourself secretly, otherwise it is too dangerous and you ca n’t let yourself die.

But the fact is that no one followed him at all, Da Yuan Jing Zhi has been looking around, and based on his sensitive feelings, he didn't notice it.

Dayuan Jingzhi could not find Sun Mingyue's existence previously. With the integration of Dayuan Jingzhi into the Daguangming Sutra and the Great Sun, the power increased greatly. After the achievement of Daguangming, Sun Mingyue could be found.

Is the Great Guangming scripture so harsh on disciples outside the mountain, not secretly protecting it, relying solely on its own ability to endure surging, regardless of life and death?

This is too amazing ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't know how many geniuses will be folded.

The next time Li Ruolan came over, he decided to ask carefully.

He was thinking about it, and suddenly there were hurried footsteps downstairs. The four men strode to the building and came straight to Chu Li.

Chu Li glanced at Sun Jizhi and said lightly, "I'm really not afraid of death."

Sun Jizhi cried, "Zhao Dahe, you are too much!"

Chu Lidao said, "Is it? ... these three are your helpers?"

The three middle-aged men are plain and ordinary. They are all masters of the sky and the sky. They are like a tiger going down the mountain, and they will jump over at any time.

A middle-aged Shen cried, "Brother Zhao, why are you so aggressive?"

Chu Liheng asked him, "Do you want to hit?"

"If Brother Zhao surrenders the property of Fengfeng Gang, we can not hold it accountable." The middle-aged man said.

Chu Li Road said: "Then hit it!"

"So, Brother Zhao doesn't want to pay?" The middle-aged man hummed.

Chu Li impatiently said, "It's you, you will pay?"

The middle-aged man said, "If you don't hand it over, Huiyaotang ten years ago is your end!"

Chu Li frowned: "Hui Yaotang fell, did you do it?"

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head.

Chu Li said disdainfully: "Dare to act or not, not a man! ... Say, do it, and stay with you to the end!"

"Brother, what to talk to him, just clean up!" Another middle-aged Shen cried, "What about the Holy Religion, it's as honest as ours in Windy City!"

Chu Li Road said: "So big tone!"

"Well, let's get some advice from the three of us brothers." The former middle-aged man sighed and shook his head: "Why ... why not!" (To be continued.)

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