White-Robed Chief

Chapter 905: search for

[Title: white robe Explorer search of the body of Chapter 905: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: smuggling into the sacred dragon skeleton War God Doomsday New World God-level hex customs clearance base fast-wearing Revenge Office [Interstellar] pet wife guide Super Pin Wizards The three of them are experts in search, eyes are like a torch, Wherever there is a place to hide people, they cannot hide their eyes.

At this time, there were two gray robe monks standing on a roof not far from the house, one was a handsome young monk, and the other was a middle-aged monk.

"Master Fayuan, they may escape the hunt of the secret guard?" Fa Xiang slowly said.

"Amitabha ..." Fa Yuan shook his head and sighed: "If Brother Chu is carrying a secret guard, they can't escape, but this Chen Donghai is a miss."

"What will this inspector do?"

"If the Secret Mansion can be seized, it can be given to Secret Mansion. It is the kindness of our Daleiyin Temple. Secret Mansion can't catch it. Let's take another shot and we can't let him escape." Fa Yuan said calmly: "Guangming The Faith has become more active recently, and they need to be made aware that there are still people in the season. "

"Exactly." Fa Xiang Shen said: "But in the words of God ..."

"We are helping the secret guard house, and the emperor has nothing to say." Fa Yuan calmly said.

Fa Xiang smiled: "Master is a good means."

The disciples of Da Leiyin Temple need to be careful and careful in the gods. They ca n’t easily shoot, but the Secret Mansion moves first, and then they move, it is justified. It seems that Master Yuanyuan has been able to integrate the circle of the Dharma into daily activities. It is gratifying.

In the hall of Fengfu, Chen Donghai looked at Feng Qi with a negative hand, and said in a deep voice: "Master Feng, are you a disciple of the bright religion?"

Feng Qi narrowed his eyes and stared at him, showing no sign of weakness. When he heard this, he stroked his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, the old man is a man of the ritual department, and the court order officer is not a bright disciple! ... Su Wen, the secret guard of your forbidden palace is in a state of scamming, and is notorious. I did not expect to plant it on my husband! "

"Master Feng, don't pretend to be confused!" Chen Donghai said coldly: "We have accurate information, and there is a bright disciple in your house!"

"How does Master Chen say this!" Feng Qi said coldly: "The old man has never heard of martial arts, he is just a scholar, how can he know what a bright disciple!"

"It seems that Mr. Feng does not see the coffin or cry!" Chen Donghai sneered: "As long as we hide here, we can search it out. Do you think you can hide our eyes from hiding?"

"Okay, it's up to you to see what you can find!" Feng Qi hurriedly frowned, throwing his robe sleeves: "If he can't find it, don't blame the old man for questioning the emperor in front of the court!"

"Huh!" Chen Donghai snorted coldly, knowing it would be useless to ask, "Let's go to the back garden!"

Feng Qi said calmly: "Okay!"

The two walked slowly to the back garden. After entering the courtyard three times, they saw a mess in the courtyard. Several secret guards were operating very fast. At this moment, all the rooms had been searched.

Feng Qi had no family members and lived alone. There were only a few people in the house. They all shrank in the corner and didn't dare to speak.

They reached the back garden.

Chen Donghai came straight to the quiet room.

Feng Qi jumped slightly under his heart, a little nervous, and there was a cellar below the quiet room, which was dug deep. Li Xunshi and Zhao Dahe should be hiding in the cellar.

Chen Donghai turned to smile at him.

Feng Qi's heartbeat speeded up slightly, but Chen Donghai, who had deep martial arts, could not be concealed.

"Come!" Chen Donghai yelled.

A middle-aged secret guard floated over: "Centurion."

"Search this room, search it!" Chen Donghai pointed at the quiet room.

"Yes." The middle-aged secret guard looked sour, as if everyone owed him two thousand dollars. He promised expressionlessly, bowed his head into the room, and quickly searched the room.

After a while, he came to Chen Donghai and hugged his fist: "Centurion, this room is fine."

"Oh-?" Chen Donghai frowned at Feng Qi.

Feng Qi sneered, flicked his sleeves, and turned to give him a back.

Chen Donghai yelled, "One more!"

Another old man in blue came forward: "century?"

"There must be something wrong with this quiet room. Search me!" Chen Donghai hummed.

"Yes." The old man in blue promised and entered the room.

After a moment, he came out and shook his head: "There is really no problem."

The quiet room is very narrow. Once it is empty, it is difficult to calm down. There is only one case and one chair in the quiet room. In addition, there is no other thing. The search is very simple. The percussion can be checked soon.

Chen Donghai turned into the house and searched.

Eventually he returned without power and slowly walked out of the quiet room.

Feng Qi sneered sarcastically: "I said, Master Chen, you must be willing to give the old man a count, so you are willing to do something out of nothing!"

"Hehe, there is nothing out of nothing!" Chen Donghai said coldly: "You are not worthy!"

Feng Qi Shen said: "Then I have to ask my colleagues in the DPRK, what exactly can you do at the Secret Guard House, really, the Holy Ghost disciples can't catch it, but they come to harass the ministers, bully and fear. Everyone knows that those disciples of the bright religion are hiding in the palace, but you should come to investigate! "

Chen Donghai's face was gloomy, frowning at this quiet room and humming: "Look around, maybe the secret room is not in the room!"

"Yes." The two secret guards agreed and began searching around.

Feng Qi's heart beat slightly.

Chen Donghai smiled at him with a smile: "It seems I guessed it ~ www.readwn.com ~ It really is not inside the house!"

Feng Qi sneered, swiped again, turned his back to him.

"Find it!" Shen middle-aged secret guard said.

Chen Donghai was refreshed, and another old man came over.

The middle-aged secret guard pointed at a stone, and Shen said, "This is the organ!"

He said slowly pulling the rock.

A "snap" came from the flowerbed not far away.

The middle-aged secret guard stepped into the flowerbed, and then tore it, a piece of wooden board was pulled up suddenly, exposing a hole.

Chen Donghai smiled proudly at Feng Qi: "Master Feng, what else is there to say!"

"The old man has nothing to say!" Feng Qi said coldly, "Will the old man still be guilty of repairing a hiding place?"

"Okay, it's really hard-spoken, I see when you're going to hard-spoken!" Chen Donghai shook his head proudly and said, "Come!"

Two middle-aged men flew over, both masters outside the sky.

"Come in with me." Chen Donghai said.

"Yes." The two middle-aged men nodded.

Chen Donghai was the first to drill down, and the two middle-aged men also followed, tense, ready to shoot at any time to deal with the surprise attack.

Chen Donghai walked in the front and was the most nervous. He didn't feel anyone but was more vigilant, maybe he was a stronger master than him.

Stepping down the steps step by step, walked nearly ten meters, the two houses were tall, and saw a stone room, which was empty and there was no shadow.

After a careful search, no one really did.

Chen Donghai was so angry that he hurried outside, his eyes staring at Feng Qi like electricity: "Master Feng, good method!"

Feng Qi frowned at him.

"Centur, will there be more than one secret room?" The old man in blue said in a deep voice.

Chen Donghai heard Feng Qi's heartbeat speed up again. (To be continued.) Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network

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