White-Robed Chief

Chapter 910: task

[Title: white robe white robe Explorer Explorer Chapter Contents Chapter 910 tasks (six more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: God-level hex doomsday new world fast-wearing revenge office smuggled into the Holy Dragon Skeleton War God [Interstellar] Pet Wife Guide Customs Base Super Product Wizards ps: update completed.

In the end, the two women took a dozen fruits each, and Chu Li took them back to the State Mansion but did not return to Tianshuyuan. They lived on Yuqi Island.

Yuqi Island has been taken care of all the time, and Xiao Qi is always ready to return. Every few days, she will be exposed to the quilt. They will not have nowhere to stay when they return.

After they returned, there was a rush on Yuqi Island. The Xiao Tieying couple and Xiao Baihe also came over and chatted with them. They would not sleep that night, and Yuqi Island became very lively.

Chu Li didn't make up for the excitement, returned directly to his island, Xue Ling greeted.

The moonlight was like water. She wore white clothes, her hair shone like black satin, and the whole body exuded a strand of cold. The level of Taiyin Jue was extremely high.

"My son." She greeted, her cold jade face smiling.

Chu Lidao said, "Can you find the Dan furnace?"

"It has been found, and the alchemy room has also been built." Xue Ling said.

Chu Li nodded: "Look over."

He said, handing Xueling five fruits, he walked and said, "Nothing serious in the house recently?"

Xue Ling said: "The grandfather quarreled with his wife. The wife ran back to her maiden's house. The grandfather greeted him personally. He just returned for two days."

Chu Lidao said: "It seems that Fu Gang is struggling. Why is it noisy?"

"The eldest son killed one of his wife's flowers while practicing boxing." Xue Ling shook her head. "That's my wife's favorite flower."

"Is the grandson deliberate?"

"Yes." Xue Ling nodded gently. "Mrs. was too much thoughts on this flower. The peanut was sick and uneasy a while ago, which made her very nervous. Fortunately, she was rescued. I didn't expect the eldest son to be killed Now, can't Madam be angry? "

Chu Li shook her head and laughed.

Xue Ling laughed: "The eldest son is mature and stable, he becomes a person in front of his wife, and they both quarrel like children."

"That's good, sweet and sweet." Chu Li smiled. "Is there anything else?"

"The martial arts are quiet," Xue Ling said.

Chu Li nodded.

The two came to a room, an alchemy house built by Xue Ling himself.

The windows are open all around, and a small Dan furnace is placed in the center of the room. There are firewood and black stone beside the furnace. Black stone is the best charcoal. This charcoal can generate high temperature. The firewood cannot reach the required temperature. Not a panacea.

He looked at the Dan furnace and felt satisfied. Obviously, it was not anything, and the financial resources of the state government were enough to get a good Dan furnace.

He immediately started to make alchemy, put out water to ignite, threw popular grass into it, added a few more grasses, and lit a few charcoals underneath.

Chu Li, sitting beside the Dan furnace, did not seem to feel the high temperature.

Xue Ling waited, and served tea and snacks.

She didn't even care about the high temperature. Her own yin tactics kept her body warm and cold. No matter how high the outside temperature was, she couldn't change it.

In one night, he practiced two furnaces of elixir, one furnace of popular elixir, and one furnace of elixir.

Twelve each came out, and two were given to Xueling.

"Take it right after you go back." Chu Li said: "Good stuff."

"My son, what's the use of this?" Xue Ling looked at the four Dan pills in her hand, grape-sized, which Chu Chu had just rubbed out.

"This is the popular Dan, increase your speed, this is the giant spirit, increase your power." Chu Li pointed out: "Two are extreme, no matter how much you eat, it ’s useless, see if your speed can increase As much power as you can. "

"Is there such a panacea?" Xue Ling was surprised.

The elixir of Yiguo ’s government is already top-notch. Qiyuandan is a Qidan that can be counted in the whole season, but there is no such kind of panacea in the house as the popular giant Danling.

Can directly change the physique, that kind of elixir is the legendary elixir of ancient times, now no longer in the world, I did not expect the son can be refined.

Chu Li Road said: "Don't speak loudly, hurry up and eat."

"Yes." Xue Ling nodded.

She knew that this kind of miracle was precious. If it was heard by others, it would be a **** storm, and the state government of Yi country would not be peaceful.

Chu Li waved his hand: "You were also busy all night, went back to serve Dan, and I left."

"Don't take a rest?" Xue Ling reluctantly.

Chu Li shook his head: "It's still busy over there."

When he arrived at Yuqi Island, the sky had not yet been illuminated, and the morning light had not been revealed, and the two women were sleeping soundly.

He awakened the two, then took them back to Tianshuyuan, gave them four Lingdans, the same as Xue Ling, and then returned to the spiritual medicine garden.

The spiritual medicine garden was quiet and did not move. People were still dreaming. Chu Li took a popular dandelion and realized the medicine power. After a while, the medicine power was diffused, stimulated by the work force, and completely absorbed by the body.

He could feel his body lighter by two points, and flickered, appearing outside the house, a shadow looming, and the speed was strangely fast.

He couldn't help showing a smile. The medicine of this popular Dan was half stronger than the one he got. The speed increase was not inferior to that of the previous medicine. If he took one more, it would increase, so he took two more.

After absorbing the medicine this time, he increased his speed by one more point, knowing that it would be useless to eat again.

But his own speed is beyond imagination.

Not only is the speed faster, it is also faster to move, and its strength has greatly increased.

He took three breaths of spirits with another breath, and his strength skyrocketed. This time, he was regarded as a complete natural divine power, no one else could.

The increase in strength will also increase his speed of shots, faster moves, and increased strength.

Chu Li is full of confidence. Today, he can go down the mountain to compete with the world's heroes. Even if he is inferior to them, it may be compensated by speed and strength. It should not be too much to become an inspector ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as there is a chance!


In the early morning, the ice peak on the top of the Great Bright Peak exudes a million glow.

As soon as Li Ruolan hit a white shirt, he came to the Hall of Light and saluted with his fists: "Sir."

"Ruolan, you have another mess." Sun Mingyue said: "Can the body recover?"

Chief Li Ruolan: "I was not injured, the maiden ordered it."

Sun Mingyue said: "Send a batch of elixir to Luoqiu City."

"Luo Qiucheng ...?" Li Ruolan thought for a moment, "Is it a border town?"

"Yes." Sun Mingyue said: "It is the border between Dali and Daqiu. To invade us, the Daqiu army must attack the city of Qiuqiu .... Luoqiucheng was originally a city of Daqiu, and later we were captured Over the years, they have been eager to win the city. Once the fall city fell into their hands, the south gate opened and they could drive straight in. "

"The battle in the city must be fierce." Li Ruolan said.

Sun Mingyue shook his head: "The army has not yet confronted each other. Only the martial arts masters are fighting in secret. The martial arts masters of Daqiu sneak in and want to become insiders and also assassinate them. Our big masters clear them out, and they ca n’t fight each other. It ’s dangerous, so you Let Jixin go together. "

"Brother Ji ..." Li Ruolan frowned.

Sun Mingyue said, "Why, you don't want to go with Ji Xin?"

"Brother Ji is still injured." Li Ruolan said: "Need to rest for a while?"

Sun Mingyue's eyes flickered with a smile: "Distressed?"

Li Ruolan shook his head.

"He asked to go," Sun Mingyue laughed. "I have agreed, so you go together."

"But I'm worried ..." Li Ruolan frowned.

"Then add another person to you." Sun Mingyue said: "Can't be more, there are really insufficient staff, which one do you want?"

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