White-Robed Chief

Chapter 912: Dark chess

[Title: white robe white robe Explorer Explorer Chapter Contents Chapter 912 Anqi (two more) Author: Xiao Shu]

The latest chapter of "White Robe Explorer" pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the dragon base of the customs clearance base has been smuggled into the holy doomsday new world god-level hex fast-wearing revenge office [Interstellar] pet wife guide super talented wizard Li Ruolan has already set off against Ji Xin back, Approaching Zhou Jinchun.

However, Zhou Jinchun was forced to retreat by Dao Guang, getting farther and farther from the two. He knew he should go in the opposite direction, but he was so aggressive that he couldn't control himself.

Li Ruolan waved his sword like electricity and yelled, "Brother Ji, you go first!"

"Good!" Ji Xinyang cried.

Li Ruolan's Jianguang rose sharply, overwhelming the four people on the opposite side, Ji Xin ignored the opponent and shot fiercely at Zhou Jinchun.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..." In a series of sword and sword sounds, he merged with Zhou Jinchun, facing back to back.

Li Ruolan fell to the wind with one enemy and four.

She wielded her sword so quickly that she could cope for a while without being crushed.

Zhou Jinchun and Ji Xin were one enemy and two, still struggling. The short and middle-aged middle-aged man was too powerful. It seemed to be cold and cold. They seemed to freeze people. They reluctantly leaned on Li Ruolan.

Li Ruolan barely supported, and Zhou Jinchun and Ji Xin also struggled to meet her.

"Huh!" The slender middle-aged man sneered, turned around, and rushed towards Li Ruolan, together with the other four, and besieged Li Ruolan.

Zhou Jinchun and Ji Xin saw a bad situation and wanted to support Li Ruolan, but were entangled by their opponents.

Their opponent is a tall and thin middle-aged man, who has not seen much power, and looks dim under the dazzling blade of a short and thin middle-aged man.

At this moment when the short and middle-aged man left, he suddenly showed his might, and the sword light soared and surrounded the two, and for a moment blocked their progress.

"Sister Li!" Ji yelled anxiously.

He saw Li Ruolan quickly fall into a desperate situation but could not help, the more anxious the more chaotic, the swordmanship was violent but the accuracy was not fierce.

Opponents are easier to deal with, the sword is as dexterous as a sword, and the two are tightly trapped, unable to support Li Ruolan.

That thin and short-aged middle-aged man was extremely skillful. After joining, Li Ruolan had no luck at all. After three strokes, he had a knife in his right shoulder and blood stained his shoulder shirt.

Suddenly she was weak and weak, and there was no resistance.

"Sister Li—!" Ji Xin hissed, his liver and gallbladder split.

He watched the sword cut to Li Ruolan's slender, swan-like neck, and the corpse would be separated in the next moment.

"Ding ..." A flash of light flashed, and the thin, middle-aged and old man swung open, flying away from the palm of his hand.

"Oh!" Another electric light shot into the thin short middle-aged chest, and he flew up like a long knife.

"Wow!" A howling sounded, and the four others who besieged Li Ruolan followed, and landed more than ten meters away.

"Bang bang bang bang!" The five of them came together, rolling over their chests.

"Master Zhao!" Ji Xin cried out.

"Oh!" A howling sounded again.

"Ding ..." Waving a knife with the tall and thin middle-aged man who Zhou Jinchun started, chopped the intangible air knife, and suddenly the long knife was swaying lightly. Even if he was ready, he still couldn't stop the surge of force from the knife.

"Alas!" After a howling sound, the tall and middle-aged man flew out, his chest splattered with blood.

"Brother Zhao?" Ji Xinyang cried.

Chu Li fell from a tree to the three and hugged his fists.

"It's Brother Zhao!" Ji Xinsong breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Li Ruolan with his fists: "Sister Li, doesn't it matter?"

Li Ruolan shook his head: "Anyway, the flesh hurts."

"I'll bandage for you." Ji Xin said: "You're a daughter's family, it's best to be less injured."

He stepped forward to bandage for Li Ruolan.

Li Ruolan stepped back: "No need, Brother Ji, I don't care, a little hurt, just take some medicine."

"... Okay." Ji Xin watched her expression resolutely, and resigned her hand helplessly.

Zhou Jinchun hugged his fists and laughed: "Master Zhao? Is that famous Zhao Dahe Zhao master?"

Seeing such a terrifying light knife, he guessed Chu Li's identity.

In the Great Bright Peak, who can practice the Bright Sword to such a state, in addition to the saint, there is only the famous Zhao Dahe.

Stepped into the Great Bright Peak for several months, and practiced the Bright Sword to the eighth or even the ninth floor. Although only at the first peak, it is already a legend.

Chu Li's fist: "Under Zhao Dahe!"

"I'm Zhou Jinchun. Brother Zhao's bright knife really deserves its reputation!"

"I'm one step late." Chu Li shook his head and sighed, taking a look at Li Ruolan, Li Ruolan was lowering his head to smear himself and ignored him.

"It's not too late," Zhou Jinchun said busyly. "It's just right. I didn't expect the Gudao Palace to be so bold and dare to approach the Daguangming Peak. I really don't know how to write it. Now they know it!"

His words fell at a glance, and the sword men on the ground rolled over and shot, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Chu Li frowned at the direction they disappeared.

Li Ruolan hummed: "The sword sword palace has the secret technique, does not shoot the sword heart to kill them!"

"There is such a secret technique?" Chu Li said in surprise: "Sword heart?"

"They use their bodies as knives and exercise their flesh with knife air, so they are all lean but extremely powerful." Li Ruolan took back the jade bottle and looked up: "I want to kill them completely, or behead, or destroy the knife heart."

Chu Li nodded slowly: "Shoot directly next time."

Li Ruolan said, "Why are you here?"

Chu Lidao said: "The maiden has a life, let me protect you secretly to ensure nothing is wrong this time. I originally thought that the maiden was redundant, now it seems that the maiden is wise!"

All three blushed ~ www.readwn.com ~ They thought that the mission was a piece of cake, nobody knew it, and the three inspections made it possible for them to retreat, even if they met their opponents. Got the master of the sword.

Had it not been for the maiden's backhand, they would have been planted in the palace of Sabre this time.

It's a pity that he died himself, what's more terrible is that his colleagues in the fall city will be endangered, even endangering the safety of Da Li, and the sin is too great!

Chu Li Road said: "Since these guys have fled, your whereabouts have also leaked, let's hurry up and don't get blocked."

"Let's go," Ji Xin said busyly, "Sister Li, can you hurry?"

"Yes," Li Ruolan said.

Chu Li took a look at Li Ruolan: "Sister is best to adjust her breath for a while, it is too much consumption. If you run into your opponent again, I am afraid that you will not fight back."

"No need!" Li Ruolan snorted.

Chu Li said: "It's up to you. I'll take a step."

He said that Zhou Jinchun and Ji Xin hugged their fists, and flew away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Ji Xin looked at Li Ruolan in doubt.

It is reasonable to say that Li Ruolan and Zhao Dahe are very close. Li Ruolan is a guide to Zhao Dahe, but they look like enemies. They have no sense of closeness, which is strange.

He didn't know about Li Ruolan's return to the capital of the gods. Li Ruolan went quietly and returned silently. Few people knew her whereabouts, but could not conceal the saint.

"Sister Li, Brother Zhao has offended you?" Ji Xin asked carefully.

"No!" Li Ruolan said coldly.

Ji Xin shook her head.

This is obviously offensive. I do n’t know what Brother Zhao did wrong. It made Brother Li so angry, and her spleen was so gentle that she would n’t get angry easily. So she must be offended. Ruthless.

This made him extremely curious. (To be continued.) Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network

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