White-Robed Chief

Chapter 947: Submit

Chu Li said goodbye to Prince Bao and returned to Xiao Qi.

"What the **** happened?" Xiao Shi covered her face and stared at him with deep eyes.

Chu Li shook his head and said, "You will know when you go back, it's better not to say."

"Qiao San!" Leng Tao, who had been raising his ears, listened to him, yelling loudly.

"Shizi!" Qiao San was following behind the guard of the An Wang Palace, only ten steps away. Upon hearing Leng Tao's greetings, Qiao San rushed forward and hugged his fist: "What does Shizi command?"

"What happened in the city?" Leng Tao hummed.

This Qiao San acted very carefully, he would be very helpful, and his brain was awake abnormally. He didn't wait to tell him that he had done everything. It really worked like a finger.

Joe San looked around, showing a difficult look.

"There are no outsiders here, just say it!" Leng Tao hummed.

Qiao San lowered his voice: "It is said that Princess Ping was assassinated and killed."

Chu Li looked at Leng Tao helplessly.

Leng Tao yelled, "The four concubines are dead?"

"Yes." Joe San nodded slightly.

"How is that possible!" Leng Tao was incredible.

The guards of Ping Wangfu are strict. Those guards are battle-hardened warriors. When it comes to killing, they are more powerful than martial arts masters. They failed to protect Princess Ping and were killed!

Qiao San lowered his voice and said, "This is the news."

Leng Tao looked at Chu Li: "Mr. Chu, is that true?"

Chu Li glanced at the girls whose faces changed slightly, and said, "Why bother to say this affects everyone's mood."

"Who's still in the mood!" Leng Tao cried.

Chu Li said angrily: "Death is dead, everyone's life must still be the same, this world is dead every moment."

"So, really dead?" Leng Tao was busy.

Chu Li nodded: "Dead."

Leng Tao mumbled incredulously: "Dead?"

He always thought that his emperor was noble, far from death, and no one dared to kill himself. Princess Ping's death rushed to him like a flood of dyke, and it turned out that death was close to him!

Xiao Shi sitting lazily immediately said, "It's just assassination, look at your success!"

Leng Qiu and Leng Qing were also a little bit dumb. When they heard Xiao Shiqing's voice, they turned back and saved themselves. The princess was assassinated not once or twice, but she still lives well.

So the assassination is not so terrible, the guard of the palace is strong enough.

Leng Tao glanced up to meet Xiao Shi's deep, bright eyes, smiling, and turned blushing.

Xiao Shi turned around and rushed away from Chu: "Who did it?"

Chu Lidao said: "It's not easy to say now, we are investigating."

"So brave, aren't you afraid of King Ping's revenge?"

"Who said no."

Xiao Shi looked at his perfunctory expression, apparently didn't want to say that he could only give him a glance and no more questions.


Chu Li and Prince Bao stood on high towers, watching the cavalry on the prairie in the distance.

Leng Tao hadn't recovered yet. A small mistake was caught by the opponent and he was defeated, and Prince Debao shook his head constantly.

The sound of footsteps rang, and a Xuanyi **** stepped onto the tower and climbed up the stairs.

Chu Li turned to look at him: "Qi Meng."

"Captain Chu, this is the letter from Xu Tong." Qi Meng handed a letter.

Chu Li took over: "Tough work."

Qi Meng stepped back.

Chu Lixun swept the stationery and gave it to Prince Bao.

Prince Bao looked somber after watching it, "It turned out to be them!"

Chu Li reached out for letterhead, gently rubbed into powder, and sighed, "I didn't expect them!"

He turned to look at Qi Meng: "If you have any work, tell Xu Tongling, I know ... Do n’t let Qi Meng know about the letter you sent me. You have never been here. Xu Tong led me to call me back. ! "

"Yes." Qi Meng held his fist, returned to the stairs, turned back down the stairs, and rode away.

The two were holding on to the delicate railings carved with flowers and plants, looking out at the grassland in the distance, silent.

A wave of strong winds blew, Prince Bao purple robe hunting, Chu Li white robe fluttering.

After a short while, Prince Bao said, "Do you think the emperor will hide the news and not tell the king?"

"How can we guess the emperor's thoughts." Chu Li shook his head. "But in my opinion, the emperor has no plans to fight on two fronts. It is already very difficult to deal with the big departure. Another battle will start again. The national strength cannot support it. In the end ... ... "

"Yeah ..." Prince Bao sighed and shook his head. "It's the bitter King Ping."

"If the emperor hides King Ping, he will be afraid that the father and son will end up staring at each other." Chu Li frowned. "Now only three of us know the truth, plus only four of the emperor. In case any of the kings of peace knows, we cannot escape. No one knows whether the emperor will be angry when he loses his responsibility. "

"I will persuade the Emperor to tell the King Ping frankly." Prince Bao nodded.

Even if the emperor does not become angry, he will lose his relatives, with serious consequences, so he must stifle the bud.

"Chu Li, you should be an official in the DPRK, and you will definitely be able to ascend to the top." Prince Bao laughed.

This Chuli thoughts are thoughtful and keen, and often one step ahead can predict the danger and eliminate it. If it enters the court, it will be like a fish.

Chu Li smiled: "I'm a martial arts man, how can I enter the DPRK as an official, I prefer to be at ease."

Prince Bao nodded: "That's true, once you're an official, you put on a rope."

"Now Dali and Daqiu are going to fight, do you think you should take the opportunity to get down the rocks and pack up Dali?"

"I think it's time to fight, but you don't have to fight too hard, you only need to involve some troops, so that Da Lie cannot deal with Da Qiu wholeheartedly."

"Wasn't it cheap Daqi?"

"It's cheaper if you don't fight.

"Da Li is not Da Qiu's opponent. Even if we don't fall into the hole ~ www.readwn.com ~, they will also lose, maybe they will be destroyed by Da Qiu."

"Master Wang, don't forget that there is a grandfather." Chu Li shook his head and said, "He will not allow Daqiu to destroy Dali."

"Master Fu ..." Prince Bao gritted his teeth and hummed, "It's just a poop!"

Chu Li smiled and nodded.

The grandfather takes himself as the leader of the nations. In order to prevent the remaining four nations from challenging his position, he has always solicited alienation and does not allow the relations between the two neighboring countries to be harmonious.

Once the two countries join hands, or even the three countries join forces, the grandfather can't bear it no matter how strong he is. Even if he can win, he will be greatly injured and lose more than he gains.

Prince Bao sighed: "This is the sorrow of a weak country, but we don't need to worry about these things, let the emperor worry, let us obey!"

Chu Li nodded.

Their status does not determine these things, they can only talk about it.

When the hunting ceremony was over, when Chu Li returned to King An's palace, no one in the city knew the news that Princess Ping had been assassinated and died. People were so worried that Princess Ping could be killed.

An Wang's Mansion is as stable as ever. They have experienced many assassinations. Both the Daji Wulin factions and the far-away Bright Holy Religion have visited An Wang's Mansion.

After eating at noon, Chu Li was talking to Xiao Qi and Xiao Shi in Tianshu Courtyard, and talked about the assassination of Princess Ping.

Suddenly Zhu Tianhua's voice came from outside: "General Manager, there is a guard outside with a surname Qi asking for help."

"Let him in." Chu left.

A moment later, Qi Meng, a man in a black suit, strode in and took a fist: "I have seen the centurion."

Chu Li waved his hand: "What's the matter?"

Qi Meng glanced around.

Chu Li nodded, and got up and said, "Come with me." (To be continued.) 8 More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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