White-Robed Chief

Chapter 972: Seek

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Chu Li rolled his eyes and squinted at Qiao San: "It's rare to be loyal."

Qiao Sanheng whispered: "What is the identity of Shizi, even though your chief executive officer Chu also has a high weight, he cannot talk to Shizi like this!"

Chu Lidao said, "What kind of product is he?"

"Grade is not everything," Qiao San hummed.

Chu Li smiled, and turned to look at Leng Tao: "Tao Shizi, it seems that you, the guard, do not value the grade so seriously, you have courage and admiration!"

Leng Tao coughed a little, and shook off the folding fan, shook it a few times: "The people in Wulin didn't value the grade as much. The bloodline was the most important thing. I am an authentic royal bloodline!"

"It's a pity that you failed to inherit the emperor's excellence." Chu Li shook his head and said, "Wine pouch and rice bag, sad and regrettable!"

"You are all like Chu, you are so proud of it!" Leng Tao finally couldn't hold it, he simply tore his face, anyway, he would go to the Emperor's Mausoleum, no longer worry about it, and he would never meet again.

Chu Li Road said: "I keep the emperor's mausoleum is a beautiful job."

"Haha, beautiful!" Leng Tao smiled dismissively: "You will really comfort yourself, you are beautiful!"

Chu Li smiled and said, "You can concentrate on martial arts, and it's no different from retreat."

"It's a retreat, but you're a deadlock!" Leng Tao pouted his lips and said disdainfully, "Once you entered the emperor's tomb, it was imaginary. What is the use of martial arts? It is useless. Sad or sad? "

"I believe the emperor will call me back." Chu left.

"It's ridiculous that you bullied the monarch and settled such a crime. Even if the new monarch is on the throne, you dare not use you." Leng Tao leaned at him obliquely and shook his head: "The grandfather of the emperor is extremely loath to you and will never let go You come out! "

"What is the future, and who can see it clearly?"

"Mouth-hard!" Leng Tao said disdainfully: "Your proud days are over, but it's boring at the Emperor's Tomb, to see if you can survive it!"

Chu Li smiled.

Xiao Shi's face did not look good, and Xiao Qi also sank her face.

Leng Tao hugged his fist and said, "Mother Aunt, I leave first!"

Xiao Shi coldly said: "Leng Tao, what are you talking about?"

Leng Tao laughed: "Anyway, the General Manager of Chu University is over, and Auntie Three must also be prepared, arrange it properly, and plan early!"

He said he turned around and walked away, too lazy to care about Chu Li, but an insignificant person.

"This guy!" Xiao Shi shook his head and looked at Chu Li.

Chu Li looked worried at the three women, and smiled: "Don't care about him, there will be a way."

"I hope so," Xiao Shi sighed.

She had always had confidence in Chu Li, but the news she heard was worse than one, as if entering the tomb of the emperor was like entering a cold palace. There was no day for her, which made her a little bit frustrated and concerned about her.

Xiao Qi groaned: "It seems easy to get in but hard to get out, you have to be careful."

Chu Li nodded.

The four returned to Wang'an Mansion with anxiety. As soon as they arrived at the gate, the general manager Chu ran over and whispered, "The princess, the chief manager, King Jing is waiting in the house. It's been half an hour!"

Chu Li nodded: "I'll be right there."

Xiao Shi and Xiao Qi went straight to the house and returned to Tianshu Courtyard, while Chu Li came to the hall.

The light in the hall was bright, and King Jing hit the purple robe and was sitting in a teacher's chair to read the book. His expression was concentrated and serious, and the majesty was faint.

The sound of footsteps from the outside interrupted him, put down the book and looked at it, and saw Chu Lihu fist coming in, so he got up and hugged fist.

"Lord Wang has long waited for forgiveness!" Chu Li fisted and sat opposite King Jing.

A handsome Xiuhuan put the tea cup on her back and retreated lightly.

Chu Li took a sip of tea and put down the tea cup: "The king came to the palace in person, I wonder what enlightenment?"

This is the first time he has seen King King in An Wang Mansion, and King King has hardly visited An King Mansion.

King Jing sighed: "I heard the imperial edict, do you really want to guard the emperor's tomb?"

"The Emperor's imperial edict has been issued, and I can't disobey it!" Chu Li nodded.

King Jing frowned and looked at him: "What the **** caused the emperor to be so angry?"

Chu Li said, "I found out the mastermind who assassinated Princess Ping, and then told the kingmind."

"Who is the mastermind?" King Wang Shen said, "Willn't he be my king?"

Many people outside reported that he sent someone to assassinate the princess, just to affect the peace of King Ping, so that he was so upset that he could no longer lead soldiers to fight.

"Not Wang Ye." Chu Li shook his head: "It's Da Zheng Xuanji Pavilion."

"Dazheng ?!" King King said incredulously: "How could it be them? Is it not the Holy Ghost?"

Shaking his head: "Xuanji Pavilion hid chess pieces in the Bright Sacred Church. When it was crucial, it was activated. Everyone thought it was the Bright Sacred Church."

King Jing gritted his teeth and sneered, "It's a hot and spicy Xuanji Pavilion!"

This move is so bad that it is hard for anyone to think of them. Everyone speculates that the murderer is either the Holy Ghost of Light or he.

Chu Li sighed.

King Jingdao: "I heard the news that the fourth brother is going to give up his military power and was attacked by the assassination of the princess. He is disheartened and refuses to return to the border. He wants to live in seclusion and ignore the world affairs.

Chu Li looked at him in surprise, but did not expect that King Ping was so resolute and popular that he even gave up his military power directly, and even more terribly, went to guard the emperor's tomb.

"Speaking of them, Si Brother is really pitiful, Si Ji is the most innocent, Xuanji Pavilion is **** it!" Jing Wang said at the end, his face was gloomy, his teeth gritted, his voice cold and murmurous.

He thought that if his princess had been assassinated, he would feel cold and his heart beating, and he could not imagine how painful he was.

Xuanjige's move is too vicious to make it intolerable.

"The emperor promised King Ping to guard the emperor's tomb?"

"How is it possible!" King Jing shook his head and smiled bitterly: "After listening to the imperial edict of the emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ this king just realized that the fourth brother is probably fighting with his father emperor. . "

Chu Li nodded slowly: "If King Ping didn't plead for me, the emperor was afraid to kill me directly. In order to hide the news, the emperor led Xu Tong to the tomb of the emperor, thinking that I didn't know the mastermind, so he sent someone to ask me , I can't bear to lie and tell the truth. "

King Jing sighed, "Chu You is also a temperament!"

He could guess what happened to Chu Li at that time. Once he violated his father's intentions and leaked the true murderer, it would be a killing. Chu Li leaked, and it was a fluke to guard the emperor's tomb.

If it wasn't for the fourth brother's plea, Chu Li would be dead, according to his father's temper!

Chu Lidao said: "I can't change my temper, and if a cultivator loses his heart, he will never succeed."

"I thank you for Sige!"

Chu Li smiled: "Is the Lord relieved?"

King Jing smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect Sige to be like this, but the lack of Sige on the border is really worrying."

Chu Li smiled and said nothing.

The meaning of King King's words was very profound. Obviously, what he was worried about was not the big departure, but that Ping Wang's men would be dissatisfied, and the army was unstable and difficult to control.

King Ping's prestige in the army was too deep, and he suddenly left without giving a word. How could those men be at ease, maybe they would think that the emperor had forcibly taken King Ping's military power and would not be convinced.

King Jing took a tea sip and took a sip, and bowed his head without talking.

Chu Li smiled: "If King Ping comes to see me, I will mention one thing, please ask King Ping to write a letter to his subordinates."

"This is so good!" King Wang stood up and raised his fist solemnly.

Chu Li waved his hand: "Master Wang is polite." (To be continued.) (White robe director)

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