Chapter 207

Invisible creature go and there and take back that part without any problem, ninja look at them, he already plan for this, they know that, this will be better chance to attack them, so ninja send invisible creature to took out that part.

Invisible creature go there and without any problem, he brought that part, he feel nothing impossible, even headmaster of angel academy scared of it, and they thought him as ghost.

Loha and simha both were send to volcano they have to battle with the lava creature and get that part, they were just too much to understand, loha and simha standing in hot place, where lava slowing turn in to monster formation. They slowly came out from the lava.

Loha said, we brought some cold weapons to counter them, they are really hot, we need to focus on him, they are just too much

Lava creature moving toward them, but one lave creature said, stop, we have to ask him. Why they came here? Then we will attack them

Surrounding temperature is high, lava bubble just pop out from magma, surrounding completely dust and ashes of lave from volcano.

Simha said, we came here for the part of sword, who is very powerful, if you help us, we take it and return it.

Monster were just accumulate to each other and discussing this matter, they were just talking and looking at both of them, they just saying to each, if we give it to them, we are just free.

Other creature said, we really don't know where it is now, this is really hard for us, if we know that, it will easy for us to find them, but we all don't know

One lava creature said, I know it, that part you are talking about, that is inside the volcano, I see a one time in my life, it really inside the volcano

Hello traveler, lava creature turn and look at them, they said, they are just inside the volcano, if you want to take that piece, you should go there and find it, it will be best for you

A big blast happen in volcano and something came out form the volcano and lava and ashes, there is something feel in front of them

Lava creature who reveal the part of sword, look there it is, this is thing that you looking for, wait, I just clean it for you, I will cover it to ashes, and you could take it with you

Simha said, thank you, they leave the spot

Lave creature said, you also ask them for some tea and coffee, you look we live here for just week, you should respect your senior. If visitor came again, you should let us talk.

Rhi and j were playing chess against them, the person who carry that part bet the slavery of rhi and j

J reply, I am cute and weak, you show take this huge weight and beautiful body, I just slim and nothing in my body

The person was gambler, if I feel cold, I will burn you, and you just need to live,

Rhi look at the gamble, who check it pocket specs and they clean the speaks and said, if you don't want to play, just don't waste my time, I am very busy person, you need to go and play with your level

Rhi and j agree with it, but they don't want to get is serious battle, so both play this game very wisely.

Rhi and j make this game very excitement, but game is just make loss and win game, but rhi make this game very clearly, they really make this game very interesting

Gambler said, you really play well, you really know. How to compete with the real man?

J was celebrating because, they are going to win against them,

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But gamble already prepare some cheats against them, so they will apply on game, there are really don't know about cheating in game

J look at him, he throw some illusion power toward rhi, but j absorb it, so they will not get beaten by this gambler.

Game end with checkmate, loss of gambler, gambler accuse rhi for cheating, it not going to happen, gambler just can't accept his lose, they just accuse him, gambler trying to accuse him

J absorbed all the drugs smoke powder and look gambler as enemies and j attack them, J jump in his head and attack them, they just can't see the gambler, J saw him as enemy

J pull out his wig and said, you should worry about them, J said, you fools, I will show your place today, J pull out the part of sword and throw out and rhi grab the part and catch J and come out form the place, they are running away

Rhi said, we finally find that part, this is because of you J, you need treatment, and I will take you to that place where you can clean this smoke of drugs.

Las and final part, that they are looking for this no other the king salmon sword, but they leave the shape of sword, every royal family, but this sword was just not remove from the family, it will never be taken to any female of the royal family.

Varu understand it, he feel the presence of other part of sword, after he get the part of sword from jenny.

Dracula preparing this ceremony for this battle, they are just can't wait for her sacrifice, Dracula look at him

Jenny from day after tomorrow, you will be never leave a presence of your living, your body will never be found, I will take you to your grave where you will res after we serve you to our sacrifice, you will never see your friends and parents again. You can't do nothing about it, you just stay here

Sid said, good bye jenny, I will find a new one, you just tell me our last wish

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