Izumi closed her eyes and began to feel the energy of nature.

After meditating for a while, he felt a tingling sensation in his skin.

His body absorbs natural energy at a slow pace.

"I can feel the natural energy, but how can it be absorbed so slowly.

If you suck it up like this, you have to suck it up to the year of the monkey.

If this is put into battle, it is estimated that even a 'Fire: Lighter Technique' will not be released once it is smoked.

Just adding practice time wasn't a long-term solution, I had to try something else to see if I could open a new door.

Senna activated his Sharingan and observed the whole process.

He could see natural energy entering his body through his acupuncture points.

"This is natural energy, and there is nothing mysterious. Izumi

looked around and saw that giant trees were releasing a lot of natural energy.

He suddenly had a plan in his heart, and instead of passively pandering, it was better to take the initiative to attack.

Why not try to forcibly pull this force into your body.

Izumi said just do it.

He calms himself down and focuses his attention on the natural energy.

He releases his own chakra from acupuncture points. The released chakra wrapped around natural energy and tried to pull it into his body.

"It feels heavy as a mountain, and I can feel the will of nature in this natural energy.

I have to compete with nature for this energy. Izumi

gritted her teeth and released more chakra to pull the natural energy. Eventually a lot of natural energy is dragged into the body.

Then a cyan chakra cloak appeared around his body.

"This energy really lives up to its name, and I can feel that under the nourishment of this natural energy, the vitality of my body is constantly increasing.

Especially in terms of strength, I can clearly feel that it has improved a lot. Even without using Chakra now, I can make a big hole in the tree here.

Izumi clenched his fists and punched with all his strength.


His punch was so powerful that it produced a sonic boom. The powerful shock wave blew the surrounding vines and bushes hunting, and in an instant, everything returned to calm, feeling like drinking too much fake wine with too much water, and there was no stamina.

The reason is that the "Sin Seal" is activated, directly absorbing a essence of natural energy, allowing Izumi to get out of immortal mode.

"Wow, Izumi Na-kun, it's so powerful, the first time I absorbed natural energy, I entered the immortal mode. The slug's tentacles trembled with excitement.

"It's just for a moment, though. But it really entered the immortal mode. Izumina-kun, you are a genius, no, you are simply a demon. At this rate, you'll have fully mastered Immortal Mode in a matter of weeks. "

The slugs don't skimp on their words of praise.

The Chakra cloak around Senna dispersed, and the whole person returned to normal.

"I'll put your lungs on top, Lao Tzu's pants are off, you show me this."

Damn, this damn 'Sin Mark', feeling like never enough to feed, ate my Chakra like a snack for three whole years.

I finally sealed the half of the Nine-tailed Yin Chakra into it, thinking that I would completely get rid of the fate of being enslaved, but now I can pour it well, and I began to absorb my natural energy again, endlessly, okay, wait for Lao Tzu, I let you suck it, there is a kind of sucking me dry at one time, sucking Lao Tzu dry, Lao Tzu and your surname.

Senna infuses the light attribute Chakra and mixes it with natural energy. After making contact with the light attribute Chakra, the Sin Mark directly clicked its mouth twice and disappeared.

In the past three years, he has gained a deeper understanding of the 'Mark of Sin'. It was a rather greedy seal mark that constantly sucked Chakra from the Yin Nine Tails, occasionally stopping when it was full.

Senna can also use the Chakra stored in the 'Sin Mark', but the attributes are darker and match this mark. It repels anything related to light properties.

When Senna uses the light attribute Chakra, the 'Mark of Sin' stops.

"I still can't recreate that ninjutsu at that time, maybe one day I will use it when I face another death threat, but I hope that day never comes." Izumi

remembered the ninjutsu he had used on the cloaked man again.

"I can't balance the light and dark attributes of Chakra to replicate this feat.

They are mutually exclusive and incompatible.

I haven't figured out how to balance them yet. I definitely missed something crucial in the process.

Izumi sighed and closed her eyes to refocus.

"However, this 'Sin Mark' is not all without benefits, at least it will not turn into stone by absorbing too much natural energy.

It would absorb extra natural energy to keep me safe, and to be precise, I couldn't feed him at all.

Now let me try Naruto's method in the original book.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are other ways to practice, but that is to be considered in case of emergency.

I hope that through Naruto's method, I will master the secret of the 'Six Immortal Mode'.

It's time to speed up the process with Naruto's ninjutsu of this rotten street. "

Shadow Doppelgänger Art"

Izumi created three shadow doppelgangers.

The shadow doppelgangers sat around the tree and began to meditate.

"What are you doing, Izumina-kun, why are you making the Shadow Doppelganger?" the slugs looked at Izumi in surprise.

"It doesn't hurt to tell her. She can't use a shadow doppelganger, after all, people come with their own doppelganger. "

Lord Slug, I'm using the Shadow Doppelganger to speed up the process of cultivating Immortal Mode.

Whenever the shadow avatar disperses, it transfers all memories and experiences to the ontology.

This way, I can shorten the time and learn a lot at the same time.

But this method has a drawback, that is, many doppelgangers can cause information overload in the ontological brain when they are dismantled. That's

why I only use three shadow avatars to speed up this learning process.

Otherwise, I will directly divide tens of thousands of shadow doppelgangers, and I will almost master it in a sudden day.

Any more would disrupt my concentration and impose a burden on me all at once.

So, I need to be careful when using this technique.

Izumi explained to the slug.

"Sounds like a good idea, Izumina-kun. You can learn as much as you want.

I will always be by your side and follow your progress. The

slugs leaned against the boulder and watched Izumi as they shook their tentacles.

Senna continued to cultivate the Immortal Mode.

And this state lasted for several days.

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