After the Loulan incident, Izumi and Mizumon and the others returned to Konoha.

Izumi looked at her right hand and was stunned, there was a strange sealing technique on it. For some strange reason, only Senna himself can see the Indian style, and it must be in the state of opening the Sharingan. Izumi is disturbed by this unknown seal on his body as it continues to passively absorb his own chakra.

Senna can't suppress this seal with other sealing techniques, and even if he seals Chakra himself, "This Seal" will break the seal on his Chakra and start absorbing again.

Senna's current Chakra reserves are very terrifying, almost equivalent to the amount of Chakra of the two tails of the Nine Lamas, and this continuous absorption of Chakra has little effect on Izuna. The only drawback is that when he starts injecting more chakra into ninjutsu, the chakra absorption rate will also increase, resulting in the rapid loss of Senna's chakra, and the power of ninjutsu will be greatly reduced.

Especially once when I practiced against the water stop, I obviously used the big fireball technique, and the result was a small flame, which directly let the big fireball technique of stopping the water burn the hair of the body, and I almost couldn't see people.

And in the face of this situation, Izumi was helpless.

This unknown "seal" is still the cause of potential danger in the future, and Izumi cannot afford such a risk. Even his chakra eyes couldn't see the doorway inside. It is too complicated to decipher with his own three-hook jade chakra eye, maybe the kaleidoscope chakra eye can know his secret.

Since there is no way, it will not be tossed, life is like strong *, since it cannot resist, then let him go.

However, what made Izumi very upset was that the old man of the third generation of Hokage actually released his pigeons.

The reason is that Shisui also left the school early after six months and was also placed in a squad, and Senna is still unclaimed.

It was said that if there was a vacancy, let Izumi fill it, but someone cut in line. If he hadn't known that Shisui was his younger brother, Izumi really wondered if this stinky brother was the illegitimate son of three generations.

However, Izumi is still very happy for Shisui, because it is precisely because of joining the team that Shisui awakens the Sharingan in the first mission, and he can see that he responds to that sentence, and practice the truth. However, since he is his younger brother, Izumi can't let Izumi be in danger, after all, he has just entered society and still needs to be experienced, so Izumi often makes cameo appearances as the best 5th person in the Shuishui team when nothing happens. And in the process of getting along, Izumi also gradually liked the members of the team that stopped the water.

The water stop team consists of the young master of the Uchiha family, Shisui, the orphanage Takahashi, and a civilian girl named Yuzuru.

Takahashi is a very optimistic and cheerful person with a very high talent. His parents died in the line of duty, and he had to grow up in an orphanage.

Yuzuru is a shy girl who seems to have a crush on Shuishui, who doesn't know it at all.

As an older brother, Izumi often makes fun of Izumi about this, but Izumi is confused, and he doesn't know where Izumi's laughter is.

After the Loulan Kingdom mission ended, Watergate asked to directly promote Senna and Kakashi to Kami-Shinobi, because their strength was completely qualified.

As a result, the three generations of Hokage promoted Izumi to the rank of Naka Shinobi, and made all kinds of excuses to say that Izumi did not yet have the qualifications to become an upper Shinobi. For example, Senna's size is too small, not yet 1.5 meters. (Izuna: Lao Tzu's parents are not basketballers, your child is seven or eight years old 1.5 meters.

And Kakashi became a shinobi, you said that it was not deliberately aimed at Izumina, and Izumi did not believe it when he died, why. It was as if Kakashi had 1.5 meters. Even the three generations of Hokage said unashamedly afterwards that Kakashi was not qualified enough, but out of the spirit of talent, he broke the rules. (Senna: You say angry no, double-standard old dog.) Recently

, in Kusanagi, there has been an increase in suspicious activity in Iwa Shinobu. So most of the upper Shinobi of Konoha Village were deployed there, which left many advanced tasks for Naka Shinobu and Lower Shinobu.

Many times, the Shinobi squad led by Naka Shinobu will even perform missions with mission difficulty of B.

Izumi is also honored to become the temporary captain of the Water Stop Squad, and their previous mission happens to be B-class.

It was also in this mission that Shuishui directly awakened the double-hooked jade writing wheel eye, but if he could, Shuishui was willing not to open this new force.

Today, Izumi is fully training the teamwork of the water-stopping team, and Izuna's teamwork knowledge comes from Watergate, which can be regarded as borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.

Recently, Watergate and his squad have been so busy at the border that even the captain of the Shangnin Squad has gone to support.

Since Izumi has become a Naka Shinobi, he is no longer in a hurry to find a new squad to join, although he has thought about it before, and even complained about three generations of Hokage, but later he also figured it out, if it comes, it will be safe, and everything will follow.

Just as their training was in full swing, a summoned eagle began to hover above them. Senna and Shisui soon noticed the eagle, which was the sign of Hokage's summoning, so the group hurried to Hokage's office after training and left.

As usual, when they entered the office, Hinata was smoking with his pipe, he took a deep puff of the cigarette, then exhaled and placed the pipe on the table.

"Uchiha Senna and Class Four, there is an urgent B-class mission that you need to perform today. As you know, normally, tasks of this level are handled by the upper Shinobi, but the disturbances at the border have left us understaffed. Therefore, this task will be handled by your squad, Izumi, and you will lead the four shifts to complete the mission as the leader of this mission,

which is the mission briefing. In recent years, various cases of illegal smuggling of weapons, ores, and even ninjutsu scrolls have been common. There is a terrorist organization involved behind the scenes, and this time your mission is to find and assassinate the leader of this group and bring back their illegally smuggled items.

And this mission will not only confront terrorist organizations, it is very likely, Iwa Shinobu will also participate in it, you must be more careful, now, are there any problems?"

"Naruto-sama, such a mission should involve ninjas of the upper ninja level. Isn't it too low to give only a B grade in this case. Izumi questioned whether the mission's judgment was too hasty.

"You don't have to worry about this. The information collected is accurate and has been verified by reliable sources. So, this time the mission level is indeed B-level.

"With all due respect, may I ask the source of the information. After all, I need to ensure the safety of my team during the mission.

"You can rest assured that the source is absolutely reliable, as it was provided by an elder in the village, who is also a good friend of mine." Needless

to say, this news was definitely provided by the old glass group.

When this pineapple head did not have Ansheng, all tasks related to him were definitely the kind of dead-end tasks.

But knowing the source provided by Zhidanzo, I can also rest assured, the level of this mission is at least A-level, most likely S-level, in general, this is a task to send people's heads, but I still can't say it, I can't say that I don't go, because I can't trust Danzo, how to say that Danzo is also one of the real power figures in Konoha, I am not qualified to say this, even if the verbal disrespect will bring me big trouble.

Fortunately, with my strength, there should be no problem in coping, protect them well, and complete the task, I can still do it, okay, so be it, since you can't escape it, then face it calmly.

Hey, I really don't know what my friend thought about the three generations, Danzo doesn't think so, the village ninja are in short supply, isn't it Danzo's masterpiece. This grandson can sacrifice everyone for his own sake.

"Okay, Naruto-sama, we've taken on this task. "

Well, here are the detailed details of the mission, as well as information about our spy, and you can contact him directly for more information."

Be sure to keep your intelligence about spies safe, it is top secret, and don't leak any information about spies to anyone.

"Yes, Naruto-sama. "After they left Hokage's office, Izumi gave the first order to the three as captains.

"An hour later at the entrance of the village chance. Prepare your ninja tools and weapons, and when you've arrived, you'll be ready to go.

"Received!" the three replied in unison.

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