Chapter 117 The word adult is not easy

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was infinite.

Just because it is in the mountains, it looks a little foggy around the surroundings. When the sun scattered a piece of Jinhui in it, it does not have a taste.

Dong Wenhao took a lot of people who liked to climb to the behind the town to climb the mountain.

As a result, before noon, the group of people who went to climb the mountain came back. All of them were mad, saying that they didn’t even see a temple hair.

The most annoying thing is that although the mountain behind it is not high, but there is really no way. Everyone walks deep and shallowly, and finally did not find the way back.

“This breaking place, never come again in the future!”

Jiang Qin listened to Naole: “Don’t even do the group building in the future, delay working hours blindly!”

“Boss, your feet are lame, and you still have a joke?” Dong Wenhao didn’t understand.

“Does my foot hurt will affect talking? Roll.”

Su Nai also looked at it strangely: “Boss, you haven’t followed us up the mountain, why is it still?”

Jiang Qin said calmly: “Illitis, old problems, do it, don’t beep, the bus is here, hurry up and count the number of people, get on the car!”

“The number of people is enough.”

“Okay, then go back to the house.”

All members of Jiang Qinmu sent 208 got in the car and returned to the yard of the farmhouse to drive Audi. There was a small wound on his feet that did not affect the brakes and throttle.

At this time, Feng Nanshu stood in the yard, watching his rolling pants legs and the same wounds as his own, and his expression was cute and dazed.

“Jiang Qin, what’s wrong with your feet?”

“The toilet fell, and the ankle was first.”

“I don’t believe it too much.”

Jiang Qin grinned with a car, saying that I didn’t believe it, anyway, you have no evidence.

Back to Ling University, the excitement of the group construction quickly passed, and all 208 were devoted to the activities of the promotion of science and technology.

In addition to the class, Jiang Qin has been running back and forth between Linta University and Technology.

His rear seats have changed several people. Sometimes, Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing who investigate market information, sometimes Dong Wenhao and Luffy of the creators of the science and technology interview content.

Of course, more often he himself.

Because the meeting was too Qin, Guo Zihang even had the illusion of him as Jiang Qin at the same university.

After class, you can see it, you can see a meal, and even when Jiang Qin was bored, he followed Guo Zihang to go to two lessons, but he fell asleep in three minutes.

Perhaps because of his special charm, Jiang Qin even chased the QQ number by several girls in Guo Zi’s flight.

“Father, you seem to be a male god.” Guo Zihang was a little envious.

Jiang Qin pouted his mouth and disdain: “What birds do male gods do? What I want to change most is the local tyrants.”

“You can ask our class to have a cup of milk tea. Someone must call you a tyrant, believe it?”

“Then the fuck is called a big grievance, no, it is called Qin Ziang!”

Guo Zihang deeply affirmed the second half: “It makes sense!”

Jiang Qin suddenly remembered what happened before the group building: “By the way, how about you and your sister Cui Xue?”

“I don’t know why, she ignores me.”

“Hehe, ignore you just right, go back to find a little aunt, I know the pain in the older age.”


After class, Jiang Qin came downstairs in the girl’s dormitory and sat on the bench watching the milk tea shop on the opposite side.

The milk tea shop has been asked by many people, but everyone feels difficult for everyone to accept the price of 30 % higher than the market price.

Therefore, there are a lot of people who want to take over, but do you really dare to shoot.

They were all waiting, trying to wait for Gao Dawei to calm down, and wanted to open it, because everyone could feel it. Gao Dawei only asked for the price because of the destruction of the mentality after the divorce.

But his mentality could not be maintained all the time, and one day he would return to calm.

However, Jiang Qin didn’t want to wait.

The promotion plan is imminent, he cannot restrict himself because of the location of a milk tea shop.

It didn’t matter before the group building, but after the group building, everyone was prepared for promotion. It was about to do a lot. After that, all the enthusiasm would be consumed.

So on Wednesday afternoon, Jiang Qin came to Lingchuan Technology again and picked up Wei Lanlan, who inspected the surrounding shops here.

“Boss, I found five shops, and I have to say that encounter is the place that is most suitable for our later promotion. This is not as crowded as before. There are enough activity areas and queuing space. There are three milk tea shops around. The effect is obvious. ”

When Jiang Qin nodded after listening, it was also inclined to fight for the milk tea shop: “Have you sorted out the content of the phone you organized?”

“Well, it’s all sorted out, I am carrying it with me.”

Jiang Qin reached out and closed the window: “Read it for me again.”

Wei Lanlan took out a table: “Gao Dawei, 43 years old, and 18 years old, he came to Hechuan. After that, he bought a house and paid off the loan 5 years ago. At the age of 38, he was introduced by a matchmaker and married. The woman who met a blind date has been quarreling for three years, and finally divorced, no children. ”

Jiang Qin frowned: “Damn, why is this person so familiar? Is there any more?”

“He said he didn’t want to dry the milk tea shop now. He just wanted to take one -half of his life and took his parents to travel to travel.

“What about the mentality?”

“I feel like I fail, and I have a nightmare every day.” Wei Lanlan put down the watch in his hand after reading.

Divorce, the mentality collapse, despair for life, and great pressure.

Jiang Qin nodded, reached out and stretched out the sunboard, opened the small mirror and looked at his eyes: “Thirty -eight years old, do not dare to face parents, dare not face the future. Parents, dare not face the future … ”

Wei Lanlan was a little embarrassed. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw that his boss’s face suddenly became particularly mournful.

Then, Jiang Qin took the transfer contract printed in advance, opened the door, took out two bottles of wine from the trunk, a bag of sauce pork, a bag of peanut rice, put it in a cloth pocket, and stepped into the milk tea shop.

Gao Dawei now complains to everyone. Let’s complain about one. The tone is irritable. Few people can talk to him three sentences, but he still grabs people and talks. It is not worth the world.

He needs to vent, and he needs to be resolved, and he doesn’t care if anyone listens to him.

He just needed a living, panting object.

However, everyone stared at his milk tea shop to light his eyes. If he couldn’t get angry, he bite the price, and no one would change.

But this time, he found that the young man in front of him was different.

He recognized Jiang Qin because he had been here last week and wanted to sell his milk tea shop, but this time, Gao Dawei found that he was not in a hurry to ask the price, but kept listening.

The thing that made Gao Dawei the most surprising was that his face was as deadly as himself, and his expression also had the vicissitudes of similar to himself.

“When people reach middle age, there are too many things that they can’t help, so the world’s world is not easy.”

Jiang Qin said dullly when his complaints were abruptly ended.

Gao Dawei slightly stunned: “Can you understand?”

“I understand what you are thinking, and I feel that the incense is broken in this generation. I feel that letting parents work for a lifetime. A person is getting lonely and lonely. I want to remember memories. I turned around and found that I didn’t leave anything in my life.

Gao Dawei opened his eyes incredible: “I am grass, can you really understand?”

“I have an uncle like this. I feel that there are too many regrets in this life. I am adults, dare not cry, afraid of shame, do not worry about the good news at home, and fight for most of my life. In the end, everything is empty. It’s also empty, I can’t sleep every night, I feel that the whole world has betrayed myself. ”

“What about then?” Gao Dawei’s voice trembled a little.

“Later, he couldn’t hold it anymore. He gave his nephew, that is, me, called, and we talked all night!”

Jiang Qin pointed to his heart nest, and took two bottles of wine from his pocket.

(This chapter is finished)

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