Chapter 122

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Qin drove to Linchuan University of Science and Technology to submit the prepared materials.

Hu Maolin, the director of the Science and Technology Youth League Committee, nodded, reached out and picked up the red chapter, and built a poke on the examination and approval of the Qinhuixue.

Subsequently, Shengshi directly drove the car into Linchuan University of Science and Technology and sent new signboards and new printed leaflets.

Because it was in late autumn, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold and night was cold sooner or later, the routine of the advertising fan could not be used, which could not help Jiang Qin feel a little regrettable.

However, in addition to the fan, Sheng Shi also provided other alternatives for Jiang Qin.

Such as umbrellas, water cups and hats.

However, compared to fans, the cost of these propaganda materials is too high, too cost -effective, and if the quality is too poor, it will not only play a propaganda role, it is likely to cause resentment.

My fucking rainy days to go out and play with your umbrella, there is a pole left halfway?

Therefore, under comparison, Jiang Qin chose ordinary leaflets.

The students of the University of Science and Technology have hidden expectations for the school flower competition, and their inner acceptance is relatively high. Jiang Qin specially asked Pang Hai to marked the school flower competition on the leaflet, which can also make up for the defects of insufficient practicality of the carrier.

After replacing the signature of the milk tea shop, the Science and Technology Branch of Xikanjia Tea Store started its business again.

At the same time, Jiang Qin also found a large number of part -time college students and began to distribute leaflets in the school.

As the team leader of the group 1 group of leaflets, Guo Zihang was seriously responsible and ended in person. After glowing for a day, he was so tired and sighed that it was not easy for life.

“Brother Jiang, the session is really not a man’s work.”

“Yeah, my fucking hands are sour.”

Jiang Qin squatted on the steps and drank milk tea, and what he said was that he had been holding the milk tea cup, his leaflet was placed on the ground, and the female college student around him was robbed.

Seeing this scene, Guo Zihang’s mouth began to twitch: “Righteous father, teach me, why are you glowing charm all the time?”

“Want to learn?”

Guo Zihang nodded fiercely, his eyes showed endless desire.

Jiang Qin coughed, straightened his waistboard, straightened his arms, and then looked like he held it. Draw the arc back and forth.


Subsequently, Guo Zihang practiced this action while sending a leaflet while practicing his arms. As a result, he was not only rolled in his eyes, but also looked at his face like a fool.

He didn’t know if the action was not standard, or he didn’t understand the tips, but Jiang Qin had returned to Ling University at this time, and he couldn’t ask, so he could only continue to practice.

At night, Guo Zihang returned to the dormitory while practicing Jiang Qin’s movements and showed his roommate.

“Lao Guo, what are you doing? Turn a one -handed steering wheel with one hand?”


Guo Zidang’s movement was stiff, and suddenly he seemed to be a pouring top, as if he instantly understood the true meaning of this posture.

Damn, the righteous father means that my charm is because I have an Audi!

So what is used to practice this posture? The important thing is the car!

Jiang Qin didn’t know that Guo Zidang’s understanding had such a big deviation. At this time, he had one -handed Audi back to Ling University and came to the entrepreneurial base 208.

Su Nai was waiting for him at the office at this time, and the computer was still on, and it was the new website homepage.

The school flower contest of Linchuan University of Science and Technology is gradually heating. Dong Wenhao’s already busy feet have not been stained, but Su Nai has never participated. Instead, according to Jiang Qin’s instructions, he led the new team to build a “Pinpin Pap. The website of the group.

“Boss, this is a new station built according to the requirements of the 建, look at it.”

“So fast? This is only five days, Su Nai, I really didn’t read you, you look like a boss.”

Su Nai coughed: “Boss, don’t be happy first, this is just a framework, it is used to display it, it is equivalent to … PPT.”

Jiang Qinbai was happy: “What do this do?”

“Of course, for effective communication, there is a deviation from the start of the start. It must be found first, right?” Are you right? ”

Jiang Qin pulled a chair and sat down: “Okay, you can make sense, please start your performance.”

Su Nai nodded and began to demonstrate the various design and details of the website: “The most basic sector of the group group is malls, food, entertainment and life. Probably similar, the other is the display effect of the window, and there is a preferential page pop design … ”

“Also, what the planned book is basically reflected.” Jiang Qin gave affirmation.

“Since then, I will continue to do it in this direction.”

“Roughly how long will it take?”

“The group is more difficult than Zhihu, because there are too many plates and functions, there are about six teams I have recruited. It takes about a month to achieve all the functions in the plan.”

Jiang Qin nodded and felt that it was not too long for a month.

The school flower competition of Linchuan University of Science and Technology is starting. It takes about a month from the preheating to the end. The node is just stuck.

“Then you can do it with confidence. You don’t need to worry about other things. You can call Wei Lanlan if you have something. She is doing my secretary part -time now. I have explained everything. Everything is preferred by you.”

“Good boss!”

Jiang Qin patted Su Nai’s shoulder and walked to the window and stretched his waist.

The group is the monetization tool he will launch in the next step, and it is also the second big step and important attempt in the entrepreneurial stage. Of course, the source of inspiration is Ye Ziqing.

Professor Yan has been puzzled in recent times. Why did Jiang Qin come to inquire about the “failure of entrepreneurship”? In fact, because Jiang Qin turned over the afternoon school newspaper, he knew almost all the causes of the cause.

Ye Ziqing is the unfortunate student in the mouth of Professor Yan. Like Jiang Qin, he has been engaged in wind and rain in school since his freshman year.

Her starting carrier is actually not the Internet, but uses class and dormitories as a unit, and the QQ group as a tool to gather college students. Promotion in disguise, takes the merchant.

Later, the more she went offline, the more and more group buying groups, and the problem began to appear.

Because management statistics require people, buying bargaining also requires people, not only has the cost rapidly increased, but the later development direction is also restricted.

To this end, Ye Ziqing simply engaged in a website, allowing college students to self -help choose the goods they want to buy, pick out the products with the highest purchase rate, and then send specialized people to get the goods.

But the problem is that Ye Ziqing’s step is undoubtedly turning himself into an intermediary.

The only result of an intermediary is that they do not ask both sides.

In the end, Ye Ziqing found that the team was getting more and more difficult to manage, but more and more part -time college students recruited. Everyone was crowded together, becoming a huge burden of the Jiuhui Group Buy Network.

However, Ye Ziqing was not convinced, and the family conditions were very good, so he began to burn money and intends to break the cricket.

Jiang Qin did not know later, but it must be that the harder, the slower and slower, and finally yellow.

Positioning yourself into a commodity agency and holding the user’s needs to find the seller. This development method can indeed be immediate in a small area, but the restrictions are also firm.

If Ye Ziqing could stop and think about it at that time, he gave up the baggage in the team and changed his mind. In the end, he may not be messy.

But you can’t judge her approach from the future.

Because at that time, most of the people who were group purchase groups were almost thinking. Ye Ziqing was just catching the ducks on the shelves. Finally, with a thick background, he accidentally came to black.

“It’s all the tears of the times.”

“I am different, I am the bug of the times.”

Jiang Qin knows that the Internet era is coming soon. The real direction of the future is to be a platform and a cloud market.

Only by becoming a person who can formulate rules can you stand higher and farther.

However, Jiang Qin did not dare to think about formulating rules. It needs to burn a lot of money, but the realization of a small range can still be available.

This incident may be difficult for others, but it is easy for Jiang Qin, because he has a forum, which means that he has huge user resources and merchant resources.

First make a game to change the traffic, and then use the traffic to attract users.

The user is the foundation, and the group purchase network replaces the forum advertisement, becoming the last fall.

Jiang Qin is not targeted, there is fantasy.

Because when I was running at school before, many merchants came to ask about advertising promotion, but when facing high advertising costs, some small merchants immediately retired.

Now, you provide them with a platform and a drainage. No one will feel resisting?

“Jiang Qin!”

At this moment, there was a footsteps sounded at the door. Tang Lin and Hong Yan came to 208. Behind him, a master wearing a blue worker was followed: “Cao Xue let us contact the uncle of the school to repair the window 207.”

“Really? That’s so thankful that this window seam is almost about my life. I can’t sleep well at night, and I still enter mosquitoes.”

Jiang Qin walked out of 208 and took the school worker to 207.

He was so busy every day recently, and he was very small when he returned to the dormitory. Sometimes it was directly 207, but it was the broken window that made his sleep quality poor.

At the same time, Tang Lin pulled Hong Yan into 208, quietly visited inside, and finally his eyes fell on the statistics table on the wall.

“Yan Yan, I heard that this website took more than 500,000 advertising fees last month. Are you really or fake?”

Hong Yan couldn’t help nod: “It should be true.”

Tang Lin’s hand could not help but pass by Jiang Qin’s boss chair, and sighed: “It’s really good, but there is less thing.”


“Little boss is sitting in the town.”

At this time, Su Nai returned from the toilet, and he heard the words of the boss three words frowned slightly.

Are they talking about the boss?

Well, the boss is the best, and the whole world is the best.

(This chapter is finished)

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