Chapter 219

In the evening, the bright fire burning clouds ignited the sky, making the original monotonous sky suddenly became much gorgeous.

The part -time student who was busy for a day began to clean up and went off work one after another.

Gu Tiantian also put on his shoulder bag, followed Chen Wenfang and Tang Li out of the event classroom, and walked towards the cafeteria.

It’s just that she was absent -minded along the way, and she kept Jiang Qin in her mind that Jiang Qin pointed out Jiangshan, and her heart trembled. As if she was going to jump out, she almost hit a boy who had just fooled.

Fortunately, there is no soup in the plate of others, and it is also faster to hide, which avoids a tragedy.

“Sweet, what’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing, maybe work is too tired.”

Gu Tiantian returned to Tang Li casually, and then sat in front of the dining table, and the red lips couldn’t help but pursed together.

She was moving.

Yes, she was excited about Jiang Qin.

The boys they usually see are too naive, and men like Jiang Qin who are mature and glittering are really poking at her small heart.

Yu Sasha is really eye -catching …

But having said that, why can’t Yusha can like it?

After all, her face value and figure are not worse than Sasa, and she still has a bit of dance, a word of horse thief, this should not be added.

Gu Tiantian has regarded Yu Shasha as the benchmark of “can like Jiang Qin” at this moment.

But what should I do if I already have a boyfriend?

“It’s okay, the problem is not big.”

Gu Tiantian comforted herself instantly and found a reason to justify.

Married people can divorce, let alone love.

Think about it from another angle. The previous love was actually practicing, just to meet better people.

Liu Ruoying has a song called “Love You Very Love You”. There is a lyrics in it: I love you very much, so I am willing, willing to let me, and fly to more happy places.

If his boyfriend really loves himself, then he can understand.

With such an idea, Gu Tiantian ate dinner happily, and then returned to the bedroom, ready to think about what to do.

Yu Sasha was lying on the bed and watching the novel. On the bedside was the snack from Hou Xiangkai, a large bag, all kinds of.

As soon as Gu Tiantian saw her, his thoughts couldn’t help but couldn’t help but: “Salsa, I ask you a question, what point did you go with Jiang Qin?”

Hearing this sentence, Tang Li and Chen Wenfang couldn’t help but turn their heads.

Jiang Qin is now their boss, and they will really have a lot of curiosity about the boss’s affairs.

When Yu Sasha saw Jiang Qin, he shouted with his eyes, and shouted the male god in a vigorous manner. What was the relationship between the two people?

Is Yu Sala chasing Jiang Qin?

But why did she still accept someone else’s snacks?


Yu Sasha raised her head, her eyes were full of confidence: “What does progress mean?”

“I’ll change to the way, have you fell in love with Jiang Qin?”

“What is joking? How could he like me?”

Yu Sasha’s scalp is numb, and who said who dares to be in front of Feng Nanshu, the inappropriate brain is sick, but Jiang Qin is the man she sees, want to grab it? It can only be confident.

She quickly ate a jelly and was frightened.

Hearing her answer, Gu Tiantian raised his mouth suddenly: “If you don’t plan to chase Jiang Qin, just want to treat him as a male god, then I will chase it.”


“What’s wrong?” Gu Tian Tian was a little uncomfortable by her eyes.

Yu Sasha stunned for a long time before returning to God: “I didn’t understand, who gave you the courage?”

“Of course it is myself. People who are brave than you will definitely get happiness earlier than you, and then you don’t regret it.”

“Waiting for a while, I seem to think of one thing.”

Yu Sasha looked at her blankly: “Isn’t the one who came to send you to your boyfriend at the beginning of school? You also say that you have been together since the senior year.”

Gu Tiantian pursed his mouth and said a little bit literaryly: “There is no way. I accidentally met better people. I couldn’t stop my heart. Love is really a little bit at all.”

“Don’t make trouble, Jiang Qin has a girlfriend, you hurry up and die.”

“You dare not chase and don’t want others to chase, right? I have asked, he said he never fell in love.”

Tang Li also nodded: “The boss did say he never fell in love.”

Yu Sasha didn’t know that Jiang Qin had a habitual mouth, so he was full of doubts. If he had no girlfriend, what would Feng Nanshu improve? Both of them were celebrated together.

Oh, I got it.

Feng Nanshu is his wife?

Alas, the damn male god is no longer satisfied with the name of his girlfriend, and even this kind of little romance is playing vividly.

“Sasa, let’s say so, you don’t chase, let me chase!”

“With you, but remember to shout first when you are chasing, it’s not as good as roommates!”


Yu Sasha is too lazy to explain, because forcibly explaining that people will not listen, maybe you will feel selfish.

Gu Tian Tian saw that she was not opposed, and couldn’t help but be a little happy, so she got into bed, covering the quilt to her chest, and looked at the ceiling empty eyes, and continued to repeat Jiang Qin’s words and deeds.

[I just have a little talent and handsome. .

[I have always emphasized with Linta’s team, calling through the phenomenon to see the essence. .

[Old, we are doing business, not charity! .

Gu Tiantian’s gaze was full of eyes, and the more he wanted to be more exciting, he forgot to make a phone call with his boyfriend every night.

But soon, her boyfriend took the initiative to call, told her baby, and asked her if she had a good dinner.

But Gu Tiantian had no mood to chat with him, but he said that he was too tired to sleep early, and then hurriedly hung up the phone.

In the next few days, the game continued, but Jiang Qin had never appeared. Although Gu Tian had a confession, he couldn’t get a chance.

However, there is a wind and a wave. The gossip of the workplace and the gossip of the campus. This kind of melon is so delicious, so the news of Gu Tiantian who wants to chase the boss gradually spreads in the small group of the University of Science and Technology.

Gu Tiantian is indeed a little beauty, especially in the science and engineering university with scarce girls in girls. The popularity is quite high. Everyone thinks that if it is her, it is not impossible to chase the boss.

“Sweet, I heard you want to chase our boss? Really false?”

On Friday morning, Li Xiaoxiao in the same group, Sun Yue, Zhao Wenhua and Wang Le could not help but surrounded Gu Tian’s side.

“Oh, who is so annoying, why did it spread to me?”

Gu Tiantian blushed a little, but the corner of his mouth could not help showing a smile.

“It is said that women chase men’s compartments, and the sweetness is so beautiful, and the success rate is estimated to be very large.” Li Xiaoxiao said his judgment.

Sun Yue couldn’t help but follow: “Don’t forget us after being a boss, but we have run side by side for half a month of the market group’s revolutionary comrades!”

“I know, I will definitely not forget you.”

Gu Tiantian pursed his mouth and thought about it, and quickly added: “But if you don’t work well, I will not open it on the Internet.”

Zhao Wenhua ticked his chest and said it was not: “But our school is not close to it.

“It doesn’t matter, he has a car.” Gu Tian Tian smiled sweetly than his name.

“Yes, the boss has a car. It’s a half hour.”

Tang Li couldn’t help but come over at this time: “Sweet, I just inquired with Director Ding, she said that the boss may come today.”

Gu Tiantian immediately took out a small mirror and made up: “What time does he come?”

“It’s coming, it’s already on the road.”

“Cherish the day when it’s sweet, it is estimated that today will call the boss in the future. I shouted in advance, the boss is good!”

Wang Le is proficient in the sloppy way, and he made Gu sweetness and sweetness as soon as he spoke.

Talking without spending money, let’s talk about it first!

It is achieved, that is, from the merit of the dragon, it does not achieve selective forgotten, and does not suffer at all.

Half an hour later, the front door of the event classroom was suddenly opened. The first came in was to Cunqing and Ding Qiaona, and the boss Jiang, who hadn’t appeared for a long time in the middle.

Seeing his appearance, Gu Tiantian’s eyes lit up for an instant, immediately collected lipstick or something, and took out a confession letter in advance from the bag.

Li Xiaoxiao, Sun Yue, Zhao Wenhua, and Wang Le have prepared the words, and after the glory returned after she became the boss, she passed a rainbow fart.

However, the next second, Jiang Qin’s words were silent to several people.

“Everyone has worked hard, let’s set it up first, your loser boss came to send you milk tea.”


Hearing this sentence, the part -time students of the University of Science and Technology couldn’t help looking out of the door, and then saw that two boys walked in with a large cardboard box, all of which were sweet and sweet signature milk tea. Half cups are all the kinds of materials.

Subsequently, a beautiful girl walked in from outside the door, her eyes were cold and cold, and her temperament could not work, and then she ran to Jiang Qin’s side to stand by.

“Jiang Qin, I am undefeated.”

Jiang Qin looked at her with a high face: “You fill up the small ingredients of each cup, which is thicker than Babao porridge. Who is your undefeated?”

“I am their boss.” Feng Nan couldn’t help it.

When the promotion entered the later stage, it was already a traditional program to take the boss to show up in front of everyone. Ling University and the University of Science and Technology have experienced it. Xiaoyi also likes this link very much. Essence

“Even if you don’t let Fang Xiaoxuan add so many small materials, no one dares to say that you are not the boss.”

“Jiang Qin, let’s say more.”

Feng Nan looked at him with a comfortable light: “I love it a little.”

(This chapter is finished)

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