Chapter 298 Our Story

The beginning of the story is a rich man’s inner monologue. She tells her desire and longing for friendship with her social ability.

Adolescence itself is an incomparable age group, and precious friendship is like a glittering gem. No girl does not like gems, just like no one wants to live in the world alone.

But for things that are completely unfamiliar or even scared, few people can successfully take the first step.

The girl who dare not take the initiative has been secretly looking forward to it, wanting a big good friend to fall from the sky, and like her to be good to her.

In the midsummer that year, the cicada was endless. Because of the end of the college entrance examination, the cold -hearted Tianxian girl completely left the campus and lived a more monotonous and lonely life. She could only soak in the library every day to see the adventure of others.

She is envious of the Demon Eye Shao Puji Su. There are loyal blue dogs as partners, friends who can become sand with her, and the courage to swim everywhere in various galaxies in the universe.

She doesn’t want so much. As long as she needs a good friend, let him take himself to a small commodity city that he has been to his classmates to risk a danger.

This desire continued until noon of a somewhat sun. That day, she was watching the third volume of the magic eye girl. Suddenly, she had a feeling of staring, so she turned her head at a loss. A tacit understanding was generated.

[It’s a class next door, a little panic, pretend not to see it. .

The girl silently raised the book and blocked her face, thinking that this was the ending of the story, but she never thought that the boy was sitting opposite him.

After reading the first chapter, Jiang Qin turned his head silently and looked at the little rich woman sitting in her living room to eat ice cream.

In the next second, Feng Nanshu seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and looked at him. After thinking about it, he stretched his face: “I eat the last one, can I do it?”

“What is the first one?”

“The second one, but this is eaten for tomorrow, I won’t eat tomorrow.”

Jiang Qin reluctantly agreed with her overdraft, turned her head to slide the mouse, and came to the second chapter.

This chapter is different from the first chapter, because Hui Huizi, who loves sugar, has explained the name of the male and female protagonist since this. The name of the heroine is very hasty. birds.

Damn, when the name is obtained, it must have brought personal grievances, right, Hui Hui, who loves to deduct money?

Holding my story and earning my support bonus, I didn’t expect you to have something to do.

My empty glove white wolf is enough, you dragged my hand to put me!

This is not the most excessive. The most excessive is that since you stole my story to make my money, the at least must be written according to the real situation. How can you talk nonsense.

Feng Nanshu is a girl -like girl, and I am a boy who looks like Pupong. This fuck is not real!

The adaptation is not a mess, the show is not nonsense!

Jiang Qin’s mouth was crooked, but he still couldn’t hold back the rolling wheels and looked down.

Because the whole novel is written from a girl’s perspective, the content of the first chapter is still a bit strange for him, but after this chapter, he is too familiar to the story after the male lead sits down. It’s right.

The Tianxian girl accidentally kicked the boy from the opposite side and got a bottle of drink. From that day, the gear of fate began to turn.

It is magical that she found that she would eat the last piece every time, and she thought it was a coincidence, but later found that the opposite boys did not eat it every time they were almost eating.

[He loved me a little. .

The young girl like Tianxian thought coldly, and she felt like she was in her heart.

However, as the timeline moves forward, the male lead’s life becomes more busy, and some worry about asking the heroine if he will be lonely. Essence

But it wasn’t until the man really did not show up that she found that she could not go back to her previous life.

That’s right, she miss him a bit.

“Good -looking, overwhelming, more troublesome!”

“I think this story is a bit problematic, so, you send me subsequent drafts and I check it for you.”

“The heroine is so cute, where can I get it?”

“Real story adaptation? Damn, this beast has saved the earth’s grass in his life!”

“Favorites, please make me diabetes!”

“The author’s conscience is really bad, so you can’t make a dozen or twenty chapters again? You are the five chapters, and you will break half of it. How can I live?”

“Please, give another chapter, I swear that I will never touch this thing again …”

Jiang Qin has been watching the comments below, and then reached out and touched the phone, with a serious expression of Hui Hui, who was willing to be deducted for sugar.

Ordinary college students are generally panicked during the summer vacation, and Gao Wenhui is the same. In addition, she can’t see Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin and can’t get her favorite sugar. She can only pin all the energy on writing. Essence

Today, the first five chapters of her book were officially launched, which really caused unprecedented violent response.

She was very excited, yes, how could someone in this world not like to be sugar, how perverted his fucking.

However, her heart was a bit timid, because she knew that Jiang Qin was most resistant to falling in love. Even if everyone could see that his friendship with Feng Nanshu was definitely deteriorated, he still said that this was a new friendship!

Xiao Gao felt that even if Nan Shu accidentally had Xiao Jiangqin or Xiao Nanshu, he would say that this was the crystallization of the most friendly development to the extreme.

So her book, the title of the book should be able to die.

“Love You in the name of a friend”, which is equivalent to breaking all the camouflage of Boss Jiang, exposing all the ambiguousness to the sun. Damn, it is really exciting.

However, when Hui Huizi saw the moment when the call was displayed, the heart couldn’t help but jump a bit, and said that the calf was finished.

Needless to ask, Jiang Qin will definitely block her novel, and even deduct her part -time salary of her next year. Maybe she really wants to go to his house as a nanny to repay her debt after graduation.

Even he didn’t even dare to admit feelings, but I was naked to the audience of the entire network. I was really dead.

Sure enough, when Hui Huizi turned on the phone, there was a roar from the other end of the handset, and it sounded like eating people.

“You wrote the serial novel in the forum, are you polite? Are you polite?!”

Gao Wenhui in front of the computer couldn’t help shrinking his head: “No, impolite, but very exciting.”

Jiang Qin’s face was dark: “I want to inform you now, all your salary in the next year is deducted!”

“I don’t!”

Gao Wenhui was also angry, and he said that he was too back. He only saw it as soon as he uploaded, “Aren’t you a big boss who is a lot of money? If you do n’t go out to do business, why do you have time to read in the forum? ! ”

Jiang Qinhou said: “I have done a market research for half a month, and ran back to Lin’an for three days. I just planned to go home and take a good look at the surprise you prepared for me!”

“Since you rest at home, you sleep more. What computer do you look at, your eyes have to rest, you are a black -hearted capitalist.”

“Don’t transfer the topic, quickly change the adjective back, delete your post without changing me, and block your number.”

“Change back? What to change?”

Gao Wenhui has always felt that Jiang Qin was going to delete his post, so he was a little confused after hearing this word.

“The male leader is Pupong, is this you wrote? Do you respect the objective facts? Do you respect the laws of science? Do you have the vision of zero?”

Gao Wenhui stunned: “Are you angry because of this?”

“Otherwise? My fucking Jeju Wu Yanzu, you said so mediocre, don’t you feel guilty?” Jiang Qin’s voice couldn’t work.

“If I change, do you still delete my post?”

“If you change it, you will not delete it. Now you know that you will enter the promotion stage immediately. You need good content to attract the audience. At present, the effect of your serialization is not bad.”

Gao Wenhui was surprised, because Jiang Qin had always avoided the love of love, and no one was allowed to mention it. This time, he agreed?

Is he really because the story can attract the talent network? Or, he is not afraid that others know how much he likes Feng Nanshu?

At this moment, Jiang Qin’s door was pushed away, and a beautiful but serious face was exposed outside the door.

“Jiang Qin, I seem to hear other girls talking.”

“It’s Gao Wenhui.”

“oh oh.”

Feng Nanshu revealed a reliable expression, returned to the living room, and continued to watch his TV.

“Aren’t you resting at home? Why did I hear Feng Nanshu’s voice? Are you living together?” Gao Wenhui exclaimed on the other side of the phone.

“What is boring, she comes to my house to play.”

“What do you play? Oh, I understand, then I won’t bother first. I don’t have a boyfriend, I can’t hear such a sound!”


After the call was hung up, Jiang Qin suddenly scolded for a while, and said that the scholar Zhen Nima became more and more scary. Just listen to what he wants to hear, right?


Jiang Qin did not think that Feng Nanshu’s heart still lived in a small drama. There were so many activities in her heart. It was quite interesting to see the story from her perspective.

He held the mouse hand, and used the web page to refresh the webpage twice, and found that the message in the post was still increasing.

“Is it really adapted from a real story? How about the two protagonists now? A giants, a general boy, this combination is generally a bad ending. If this is the case, I will not watch it. Fultil, can’t stand this. ”

The author replied: “Don’t worry, the two of them have lived together, and the relationship is very stable.”

I have never rest after my marriage, and I ran for three hours for three hours. I went to bed directly yesterday. Life is always full of accidents. Sorry, I really can’t stand …

(This chapter is finished)

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