Chapter 395

The feeling of doing the Internet industry and industry is different. The Internet is too illusory and like a bubble, but at this moment, watching the tall building starts because of itself, the surging feeling in the heart tide is indeed a bit unparalleled.

“Safety training in the construction site must be in place, and various safety equipment must also be sent to regular inspections. In addition, the weather is relatively hot recently.

Jiang Qin said from the platform above, and said while walking towards the managers and supervisors on the back.

Hearing this sentence, the people behind nodded again and again: “What Jiang said, we all came in accordance with the regulations.”

“It’s not good for the light rules, it’s going to enter the brain, oh yes, how long is the people’s construction period?”

“It is expected to take more than half a year.”

Jiang Qin walked down from a steel plate bridge that is convenient for hand -to -bottom, and asked, “How does the worker’s eating problem solve?”

Manager Wu, who inherited the company, took a few steps: “We have a chef for large pots of dishes in the factory area next door, and someone will go to the construction site twice a day.”

“You can’t always eat large pots of vegetables. When you have time to lead them to find a shop, eat a buffet, improve the food.”

When I heard this sentence, the people who built the company and the Wanzhong Group couldn’t help but look at each other, and felt like they looked at each other.

How many money does a large pot? How many buffets? Is this good?

If it is a better self -service, such as the kind of seafood, the cost of that person is enough for dozens of people to eat.

President Jiang is still too young. I don’t understand how low the standards for the food of the underlying workers are, and there is a feeling of eating meat. If you say it, everyone feels easy and a little naive.

“President Jiang, you can make a joke, buffet or something, can far exceed our budget.”

Jiang Qin stopped at the door and rest for a while: “Group purchase.”

Manager Wu stunned: “Ah?”

“You have been working in Shanghai in Shanghai, haven’t you heard of the group purchase website?”

“I heard it. Now there are advertisements everywhere in the urban area. I can receive ten leaflets from the street. I still have the same website. I don’t know what it means.”

Jiang Qin took the paper towels handed over by a female secretary and wiped the sweat: “Now the discount of group purchase is very strong, and a member can enjoy the folding. After finishing, you can blow the air conditioner when you eat. ”

Manager Wu stunned: “I haven’t thought about this, but if you buy the group purchase, there is no way to get the account?”

“You just take the usual account, get the extra money to send me the invoice to make up for me, so I invite the masters to eat.”

“Okay, President Jiang, I have arranged people to take a split vacation in recent days to eat buffets.”

Jiang Qin nodded, and said that the capitalist wool subsidies were subsidized to the worker master.

Then he walked around the periphery, and finally left from the construction site. He drove to the project department of Wanzhong Group and saw He Yijun and He Manqi.

The project entered the later stage, and Lao He was not as crazy as before, but because the recent performance in Linchuan City was very prominent, there were more and more opportunities to take over the reform of the old mall.

Coupled with the ability of Wanzhong to be able to spread in Shanghai Construction Mall, many cities intend to absorb all thousands of malls.

The last half of Lao He is dealing with this incident, and the other half is dealing with brand investment.

This is just like the difference between the existing house and the period of the housing. Although the people in Shanghai have not finished it yet, many large chain companies have already begun to pay for in such places of money.

While collecting money, while doing the old mall transformation, while doing the renovation of the old mall, and collecting money, the Wanzhong Group has undergone a gorgeous transformation, and now it has also entered the stage of development of a virtuous cycle.

Of course, the brands that have successfully stepped out of Linchuan after Jiang Qin’s marketing plan have also taken the lead in picking a good position and signed the settlement agreement.

In addition, the renovation of several old malls in He Yijun has also left Wangpu for them.

So why should the business owners in Linchuan follow Jiang Qin with heart? The reason is here. He can really take everyone together.

“Uncle Jiang Qin, what about my sister Nan Shu?”

“She didn’t come, in my hometown.”

He Manqi yelled, pouting some disappointment: “I still want to invite her to my school feast.”

Jiang Qin laughed twice: “Didn’t you report it? You will be a school in the future.

“可我心里没底啊,临川大学的分数线去年就涨了不少,我复读之前的好几个同学都不小心滑档了,今年估计又要涨了,而且外面都说是因为你,我 Dad think so too. ”

“I can’t even learn it. Is it polite to improve the score line for me? Is this thing the score line?”

“It comes according to the admission ranking. However, Linta has been using your deeds as admissions materials, making more and more students reporting in the province, and the score line naturally goes up.”

Jiang Qin patted her shoulder: “Rest assured, you tried to repeat it for a year, God will inevitably treat your efforts. If you are at a loss, I will take you to find the principal.”

He Yijun hurriedly came out of the meeting room: “I haven’t seen President Jiang for a long time, let’s find a place to eat a meal and talk well.”

“Why is Mr. He stunned?”

Jiang Qin looked at him and found that He Yijun lost weight. How many feet did he wash in his heart?

He Yijun sighed quietly: “Such a large project, I’m afraid of leaks, I have been staring for a few months, and the nerves have been loosened until now.”

“I am the same. After running for a few days, everyone is dark. Everyone in the team said that I am not like Wu Yanzu, but it looks like Gu Tianle.”


He Yijun said that it was different, and I would never reach the kindness of President Jiang.

Then the three of them found a restaurant and ate a Huaiyang cuisine.

Speaking of her girlfriend, in fact, He Yijun was grateful to say that when she thought of her girl, she was really wild, let alone university, she was the life of a technical school.

But in just two years, more than 630 points, who did this fuck look for it?

If the affairs of the Wanzhong Mall can let He Yijun thank Jiang Qin for a lifetime, then He Manqi’s affairs have made him thank him for eight lives, but he can’t say anyway.

But it is not because he is not good at sensational, mainly Jiang Qin is too dog, fearing that he is winning a win -win situation.

He Yijun thought about it, and then transferred the topic to the project: “I just received a call from Manager Wu at the construction site, saying that you would let them buy coupons and bring workers to eat buffet?”

“Well, what I said, now the group buying websites on the market are copying my model, and may be an opponent in the future. I have to win a win -win situation.”


He Yijun’s heart jumped, and said that he didn’t thank him just now, and the fuck was too hanged.

Who is so fucking that he can’t think of his opponent with Jiang Qin? Are you really not afraid of losing bitter tea? He Yijun did not know those who bought group buying, but they had secretly admired their courage in their hearts.

However, he got a message from the words just now, and he had to do the group.

That’s great. When the 10,000 malls in various places open, the two of them will come back to the bright sword marketing again. Who can stop it?

“Do you need money?”

“Need, how much can you get it for me?”

“You should have tens of millions, I can still get thousands of …”

He Yijun said half -cut, and suddenly he sweated on his forehead. He said scared me to death, and almost fed himself in the dog’s mouth.

Jiang Qin froze: “What about Wan? Wan you have eaten it?”

“There are thousands, no thousand, my asset has taken the cushion project.”

“Then you can save it first, and wait for the entry funds of various malls to retract, I don’t need it now.”

Jiang Qin had eight heavenly kings in his hands, and he didn’t worry about the fund’s matter. He may not be able to use it in the end, but no one would think that he had a lot of cards.

The more cards, the more stable it can be in the later period. This is inevitable.

After eating and drinking, Jiang Qin bid farewell to He Yijun and returned to the group branch, and planned to clean up things to go around in other cities.

Before leaving, Boss Jiang did not forget the most important part of the part.

I changed a lot of scenes in a row. The office and conference rooms have also made a lot of action of serious thinking, serious mouth, and waved atmosphere.

Shencheng on July 9th, No. 13 Yuecheng, Kyoto on the 15th, Jiang Qin walked around in first -tier cities, and had a clear understanding of the lineup of the main battlefield.

Then he walked around in six second- and third -tier cities and his surrounding cities, took various teams to build a dinner, and then returned to Lingchuan by plane.

There are also the third round of brand marketing to deal with the Linchuan Merchant Gang and the Golden Sinan Foundation. The project progress of Su Nai must also be stared at. Jiang Qin can’t wait to pull out a monkey hair to blow thousands of monkeys.

But fortunately, although Jiang Qin does not divide the body, there are still 208 working skills.

Under the auspices of Xu Yu and Lai Ciqing, the third round of brand marketing has successfully entered the right track, and the progress of the project on the Sinai side has also been developed in an orderly manner. The internal management system has begun to take shape.

This management system is classified and jurisdictional. It is not until the cutting -edge market that it will be converted into a camp mode.

There are two accounts that get the highest permissions of the system, one is Jiang Qin and the other is Feng Nanshu.

Although the boss did not participate in business activities, Wei Lanlan had previously ordered Su Nai to not participate in participation, but it must retain the right to speak for the boss.

This is the workplace.

(This chapter is finished)

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