Chapter 406 System Test

After playing the poker, a few people line up and wash, and then return to the bed, each of them.

Ren Ziqiang was because he and Wang Linlin talked about sweet love again. Cao Guangyu’s pupae talked with Ding Xue again online. Zhou Chaojiu was because he saw the climax of the net novel again. Flosted in place.

Jiang Qin came out of the bathroom and glanced at the three pupae, and said that the sand sculpture college students really had their own happiness.

He put the washbasin at the table, turned on the computer, started handling the work email, and then did the abdominal muscle exercise several times. It was not until late at night to climb into bed, relieved.

It is not easy to be a boss. Except for more money, it is not.

As soon as he slept until the next day, Jiang Qin got out of bed and cleaned it up simply. Then he called Dong Wenhao and Luffy. The three came to the Mall in the city center and took the elevator to the fifth floor.

After this recruitment, the technology department of the group has expanded to 53 people, which is far more than the number of people added by the Marketing Department and the Ministry of Commerce.

“Why are there so many people?” Dong Wenhao was very surprised.

Jiang Qinyang raised his mouth: “We register are information technology companies. The programmers are all facades. There is no disadvantage to move more, so as not to be stuck in the stuck in two years.”

Lu Feiyu looked around for a week: “What about Sister Su Nai?”

“She now lives in Jingyuan in the Development Zone, getting a bicycle every day to get off work, and now … it is estimated that it is still on the road.”

“Well, isn’t she a driver’s license?”

Jiang Qin heard three words in the test license test: “Su Nai’s subjects were hung twice. I said to help her take a back door. As a result, she was not happy, and she was a bit proud of her body, but the subject two was not the two. Do you have any hand? ”

Lu Feiyu: “…”

“What’s wrong? Why do you have a kidney deficiency expression?”

Dong Wenhao coughed: “Feiyu’s subject two also hung twice, and died in the warehouse.”

Jiang Qin just called Niu: “It’s okay, work hard, and strive to dedicate youth to the enterprise. In the future, I will directly match a driver.”

Luffy Yu’s eyes brightened: “Boss, do you want to use a driver for me?”

“No, I asked him not to be idle when I drove me, and taught you to reverse the warehouse by hand.”


In the kung fu, several programmers came to say hello and helped the leadership.

In fact, these newly recruited programmers are not familiar with them. After all, they have recently joined the job, and they are not in a place. They want to be familiar and have no chance.

However, when they saw the sign of Dong Wenhao and Luffy’s chest, they immediately knew that they must be leaders.

Because no matter whether it is the technology department, the marketing department, or the business department, the work card is written on the group, and those who are qualified to hang 208 are the core leadership, commonly known as the people above.

Just like their young manager, the business card also has only 208 numbers.

This is not Jiang Qin’s intention, it is because he has been developing the Lingchuan Merchant Gang and the Golden Sinan Foundation in the past year. He is not too much.

And now there is no personnel department in the eight classics, all of which are managed by the people of Yue Zhu and Bao Wenping, and have become a historical issue.

However, it is not good to keep the title of 208. At least everyone knows that the company has a mysterious senior organization, which is also helpful for the condensation of core leadership.

“Well, boss, why are you here?”

When the three people chatted, Su Nai came out of the elevator and walked all the way to the door of the Ministry of Technology, looking at the three.

She doesn’t wear strap pants now. She is configured with small white suit everyday. She looks like a urban beauty. She can be regarded as half of her feet away from the school and entered the door of society.

“Come and check it out to see if you have a serious work.”

“I spent all my energy on work, but I didn’t learn the car well.” Su Nai was angry when he talked about learning the car.

Working hard is to make money for the boss, but the driver’s license is his own. As a result, the boss makes money every day.

Jiang Qinxin said that this is a typical that can’t pull out the monster Earth without gravity: “Talk about it, how about the three items you have done?”

Su Nai nodded: “The internal management system is almost the same. The product management system is undergoing stability testing. As for the group app, at present, the Ministry of Technology has 60 % of the people who are new and have not yet started. ”

“Okay, the progress is not slow, can you experience it?”


The three of Jiang Qin followed Su Nai and came to President He’s original Lao Ni, and now it is the internal management system development office of the group.

After logging in to the internal management system, Boss Jiang can check the five major business group sectors.

The first business group is Zhihu business, the second business group is a group business, the third business group is Xiangtian business, the fourth business group is Linchuan Business Gang business, and the fifth business group is the business of the Golden Silkan Foundation.

There are five general managers in the five business groups in charge of each manager.

As a boss, Jiang Qin can use the highest level of permissions to issue offline tasks to all general managers to generate items to be confirmed to downstream.

The general manager can use the authority to add tasks to the downstream department, set the reminder time, and receive the feedback online, and then generate a report to re -feedback to Jiang Qin.

This is also based on the system of the logistics park, but they pass on the order number of each warehouse, and the specific content and execution are conveyed here.

Of course, the first version of the version is indeed not complete. Like some fund management, tax information and reimbursement channels are not yet, but these functions are now enough to use the current group.

“Is the effect okay?”

“It’s not bad, it’s a bit of that taste.”

Jiang Qin held the mouse and slammed it twice: “I notify the departments to start trial, and cultivate the habit of dealing with the business online first. We have a good weapon now, and it will be the regular army in the future.”

Su Nai nodded: “Feiyu stay later and help me write a notification document to the branch department.”

“Good Sister Su Nai.”

Lu Feiyu is now a leader. After all, today’s headline section is now completely responsible, but in front of Su Nai, he is still used to being a younger brother.

Subsequently, Jiang Qin tried the product management system and used himself as a merchant. He experienced a series of operations such as listing products, setting amounts, order inquiry, evaluation management.

“Can you simplify it? Simplified to all operations can be done on the same page.”

“This is already a very simplified version.”

Jiang Qin looked at Su Nai: “We also have to consider those merchants who are not good at using computer operations. When I first touched the computer, I didn’t know if I was on the search box.”

Su Nai thought about it, “Then I turned back and discussed with them a simplified plan.”

“Yes, another feature is added, called shop discount.”

“Shop promotions?”

Jiang Qin loosen the mouse: “It is the same meaning with our group coupons. On the basis of the discount of the station, we allow merchants to generate their own coupons.”

Su Nai blinked: “Isn’t these two functions conflicting?”

“No conflict, the merchant can choose to enter a price, and then set a preferential price, the front end will show a gray original price, and the right is the price after the discount.”

Jiang Qin’s hand ratio was measured: “When the merchant chooses an automatic discount, then cooperate with our main station coupon …”

Dong Wenhao suddenly raised his hand: “I understand, so it has become the most attractive discount on those websites? And we only need to bear the cost of the main station discount?”

“Well, Wenhao understands it well.”

“Is there really a merchant, will it take the initiative to discount?” Lu Feiyu was not sure.

“Promotion or non -discounts are voluntary, but some chain companies have sales tasks. In order to complete the sales task, it is not impossible to reduce the price independently. In this way

Jiang Qin turned around and looked at them: “Do you remember that there is a function of fighting for a group, called the praise ranking?”

Dong Wenhao nodded: “Remember, I used to work overtime with Feiyu to help them brush up.”

“Autonomous discount sales, replacing praise, and entering the top of the list, this will also become a gameplay that is different from other websites.”

Su Nai doesn’t understand the boss’s thinking, that is, letting those merchants who sell the volume or like to play their own discounts, and then cooperate with the discount of the main station to become a discount.

With this feature, their ground push does not have to work hard to run to various stores to talk about discounts, because competition will naturally have a price war.

Just like the group purchase burning money, when the ecosystem of the platform is developed, the competitive merchants in the same system will also reduce the price for various reasons.

“Do you know, whether it is pulling hands, glutinous rice or other messy websites, the understanding of group buying is still at a very primary level so far. They think that the group purchase is to move the service industry online.”

“We have the obligation to tell them how to play the real pure online operation mode, scaring the bastard of the bastard.”

Su Nai glanced at the arrogant boss: “Do the commodity system be delivered to the merchant first?”

Jiang Qin shook his head: “We don’t have such a large number of settlements now, and this system is not needed for the time being, and this system is a nuclear bomb. It is necessary to detonate at a critical time. “,”


“Damn, Xuemei is not a bit losing, isn’t I a little handsome just now?”

Dong Wenhao gave a thumbs up: “I can’t open my eyes with handsomeness.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Dong Wenhao with a praise: “By the way, Su Nai, and a living to you, today’s headline sector will go out of the forum independently after the year. Book the direction. ”

Su Nai took a deep breath: “Boss, I regret helping you to do the internal management system.”


Su Nai pursed the corner of his mouth: “When I think of you, you do n’t use it in the future, and you can do it directly for me to do a council, and my brain hurts.”

“Tired of shouting as soon as you work, you don’t get a lot of bonuses!”

Jiang Qinxin said that even if I was alone, I followed my dog: “Okay, let’s discuss it, Wenhao and I went to the mall to walk around.”

After speaking, the two left the office of the group branch, and then took the elevator to the third floor and walked to the rest area.

“Wenhao, I asked Luffy to be responsible for an independent project alone. What do you think?”

“The boss arranges the best.”

Jiang Qin looked at him: “Do you think I am a bit thick?”

Dong Wenhao immediately shook his head: “It is good for me to be responsible for being responsible. As for the news business, I don’t know it. Feiyu is born in a science class.

“What if the headline is more valuable in the future?”

Dong Wenhao pursed the corner of his mouth: “Then … can I mention a condition? Boss? If you know that one day is not important, I want to give you a full -time secretary.”

“That’s not okay. I guess at that time, you have to match a full -time secretary. How can there be a secretary to wait for the secretary.”

Jiang Qin patted his shoulder: “Do it well, you are more important in my plan line, but you will throw it slightly than Feiyu.”

(This chapter is finished)

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