Chapter 409

“Hi Sheep and Gray Wolf’s Bulls” is the first big movie of the Hi Sheep series. Although it is a masterpiece, the story and the overall structure are not as good as “Tiger and Tiger”.

At this time, primary school students may evaluate a plot too hard, the story is inconsistent, and there are problems with people, but college students are very good, and they can be more.

As a result, the scene of the entire open -air movie became happy because of a cartoon.

After about an hour and a half, everyone watched the bullishness. Suddenly, a tall boy raised his hands. He strongly suggested that he should watch “Tiger and Tiger”!

So they watched the tiger and tiger again. I do n’t know if it ’s good or not. Anyway, college students are not just clear and stupid. The key is to stay up late.

Both movies have been late at night, just like the moon of the silver plate shakes to the extreme, it really responds to the word of the Mid -Autumn Festival.

“The tiger and tiger are very good. I want to go to the amusement park.”

“There is just a amusement park nearby, but it is not big, but there are many playable items. There are bumper cars. There are also jumping machines that can get rid of shoes. Every ten pairs of shoes must throw three of them.”

“Why are you so clear?”

“Because I am a local!”

“Are you a local person? Then you spend Mid -Autumn Festival with a group of people who can’t return home?”

The local Ye Liangchen scratched her head and couldn’t help but glance at the girl sitting next to her. Hehe didn’t speak with a smile.

Then they began to discuss, and they said that they would be boiled for one night. After watching the movie, they played a card. The next day they went directly to the playground.

After listening to his mouth, Jiang Qin was crooked. He said what brand of college students are the fucking. Can he be a big name?

Looking at Cao Guangyu and Ren Ziqiang again, they were already hilarious. I ca n’t wait to pass it now. It shows his man’s spirit on the jumper jumper and establishes the image of a tall and powerful boyfriend.

Especially Master Cao, who was always pressed by Ding Xue, the desire to turn over the salted fish was extremely strong.

Only Zhou Chao, as if he was sealed in the barbecue area, what kind of beef and beef, what moon, and any amusement park, were not as attracted to him.

Jiang Qin stretched out a finger and poked Feng Nan’s smooth face: “Little rich woman, do you want to go to the amusement park tomorrow?”

Feng Nan Shu watched the movie dullly, and immediately turned his head after being poked, staring at Jiang Qin’s face for a long while, and then said brightly: “Brother.”

“I ask you if you want to go to the amusement park, not let you be me.”

Jiang Qin held his breath, and he was proud and loose, but he still pretended to be calm.

“No, I won’t go.” Xiao Fu shook her head well.

“You girl is really strange. You can’t love to shake the car, but the amusement park does not like to go? Do you do n’t know what there is in the amusement park?”

Feng Nanshu pursed the rosy little mouth, and whispered after silent for a while: “I have been to the amusement park when I was a kid, but I don’t like it very much.”

Jiang Qin froze: “Why?”

“After my mother took me away from my sister -in -law, I saw that I wanted to go to the amusement park every day, so I took me away, and then asked me I forgot, I came to pick me up until the night closed, and said that I was disobedient and ran around. ”

Feng Nan Shu’s tone was soft, but his eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

It was as if I saw the playground that was full of people that day, and saw a lot of people walking towards her together. Those people laughed and stared at her from time to time.

She dared to stand alone alone, holding the red balloon she got in front of the door, raised high, looking forward to being found.

But from the early morning to the dusk, she has always been obedient, and she has not moved in one step, but she was found until everyone walked away.

“Later, I never said that I want to go to the amusement park again.”


Jiang Qin looked at her, and her expression gradually lost her expression.

The strength of the Feng family was very strong. At the time Qin Jingqiu came to Jeju, he brought six accompanying personnel with him. What a few amusement parks could not find someone all the time.

So it deliberately, right? It’s like not allowing the Spring Festival couplet, not allowing the test well, and not allowing social networking. You must go home when you get.

No wonder Feng Nanshu always wants to hold hands. Every time she releases, she will look nervous, and she has to ask if she can leave me again. No expression.

Jiang Qin was silent for a long time, but in the end, he was not willing to scold the most vicious swear words to Xiao Fu Po.

“Jiang Qin, each of us will have things that we are afraid of. We can’t forget or defeat, but we can pretend to be stupid.” Feng Nanshu was like a philosopher at this time.

After hearing it, Jiang Qin was shocked: “Are you stupid?”

Feng Nanshu was panicked, immediately bluffing his face, and swinging his hands for a while: “No, brother, you listen to me, my silly is true.”


“Really, I will never lie to you.”


Late at night, people who had dinner were also hungry, so they went around to find things in front of the barbecue stall.

Everyone played and made trouble. At this time, all the plates were waiting for the plate. Only Zhou Chao took the lead in filling the belly. At this time, he was lying on the sofa in the rest area and looked at the moon while patting his belly.

Damn, this year’s Mid -Autumn Festival is really good, you have to come back.

Of course, there are little couples who are hungry without eating, and want to go to the moral depression to explore the mystery of life.

For example, Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, such as Ren Ziqiang and Wang Linlin, and other couples who have seen Jiang Qin, but they can’t name them.

However, when he was leaving, Ding Xue quietly got together Feng Nanshu’s ear. He didn’t know what he murmured, and then Feng Nanshu came back and told Jiang Qin, brother, go!

“are you not hungry?”

“I can eat moon cakes.”

Feng Nanshu picked up a piece of moon cake and bite a sip, and then looked up at him: “Are you hungry? I can accompany you to eat it before.”

To put it bluntly, you have to go. Jiang Qinxin said that this time he couldn’t run anymore. He was fucking Lai Dingxue ah grass and destroying my friendship.

Good, good, this hatred is formed. Sooner or later, he will retaliate on Lao Cao. Then he put down the plate, took Feng Nanshu to the terrace, and stepped on the night to go all the way to the specified moral depression.

Xiao Fu’s wife didn’t have much thoughts and desires. When she walked on the road, she was satisfied as long as Jiang Qin was held by Jiang Qin, but when she was invisible to others, she was held in her arms or her favorite option.

Because of some of her previous encounters, she couldn’t accurately feel the feedback of emotions. The only thing was that Jiang Qin liked her a bit from the physical contact with Jiang Qin.

Hidden in the moral depression behind the bamboo forest, Xiao Fu’s woman sat across Jiang Qin’s legs, shrunk in his arms, and held half a piece of moon cake in his hand, which was softened into a water.

Jiang Qin felt the feeling of the very well -developed girl in her arms, and began to count silently in her mouth.

“10 …”



“3 …”



After dozens of counts, Jiang Qin raised his arms expressionlessly and blocked in front of his neck. He didn’t even look at it, but he pushed his forehead very accurately.

Again? Is it? This little charming magic will not be honest in his arms for ten seconds, and it will be stunned in just ten seconds.

Jiang Qin looked down at her: “I predict your prediction.”

“Just give my sister.”

Feng Nanshu’s expression was as cold as the queen who was about to recruit himself, but what he said was that he wanted to grow strawberries, and he felt a little request.

Jiang Qin suddenly remembered the news that I saw yesterday morning, for fear that he was in the hands of good friends, so he shook his head very firmly and resolutely not being tempting by friendship.

Other good friends, they eat together to eat together together, the most excessive is just lying on a bed pure chat. How can there be a good friend like a rich woman and holding their good friends every day as a strawberry land.

However, Feng Nanshu was obviously addicted to it, so that he would not let the 嘬 not be honest at all.

“Drive the attention of good friends …”

Jiang Qin was silent, and suddenly he moved forward, posted in front of Xiao Fu’s eyes, and could even smell her breathing.

Before Xiao Fu’s reaction, he took a deep breath, stunned, and gently kissed her full pink little mouth.

In the Mid -Autumn Festival, as the name suggests, it is the middle of autumn, which is late autumn. Because of the problem of environmental temperature, Feng Nanshu’s lips are slightly cool, but it is very fragrant and moist.

Jiang Qin held her in her arms like this, kissed for about three minutes, and found that Xiao Fu’s body was softer.

I am so comfortable with my mouth?

I grass, my grass, my grass!

The boss Jiang, who hadn’t seen the world, was shocked. He said that chewing wine was a hair. This is the real elegance and sweetness.


After a long while, Jiang Qin moved his face gently, and found that the little rich woman was stupid. Sitting in his arms, the cool little face seemed to wipe the rouge, and a touching red, beautiful eyes appeared. The eyes are more like a rippling water, and it gradually opens ripples.

She used to be stupid before, but it was rare like such a silly expression.

Haha, are you honest?

I don’t want to be strawberry this time, right?

Jiang Qinle does not work. He said that you are selling cute and coquettish, and I only need to subdue you in one trick!

It’s so good, the dog life is preserved!

“You have moon cake crumbs on your mouth, I can eat it for you.”

Jiang Qin forcibly explained a wave, like a real gentleman.


Feng Nanshu seemed to have lost her silly cat who had lost her soul, and looked at Jiang Qin dumbly. If Jiang Qin had been dragging her back and small waist with her hands, she might fall directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin’s smile gradually converged. Will you not let me be broken?

Then Feng Nanshu suddenly blinked and said seriously, “Jiang Qin, you kissed me.”

“No, there is a little moon cake crumbs in your mouth. I didn’t say it just now. You are so soft now. I have to help you both hands.

“Mooncake crumbs …?”

The old saying is good, friendship makes people wisdom, so that Feng Nanshu’s small head reacted for a long time, and then raised his right hand blankly, and glanced at only half of the moon cakes that were eaten. The eyes became thoughtful. Essence

Jiang Qin wanted to talk about it, a little hungry, see if there is anything left to eat. As the result, she hadn’t said it. She saw Xiao Fu’s wife reaching out and throwing it down and sticking to it. The corner of his mouth, and then quietly looked at his big bear.

“what do you mean?”

“Brother, I accidentally stained again …”

Jiang Qin was silent for a moment, and she was so stupid. She didn’t pay attention to eating, and then lowered her head and gently passed, and kissed her little mouth again.

The one that was just a sneak attack, and Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law did not respond at all, so she didn’t taste it at all.

But this time it belongs to her clever and has to create conditions by herself, so she is a bit nervous. She couldn’t help but pinch Jiang Qin’s clothes, and her slender legs couldn’t help claming.

After a long while, a night breeze blew through, bringing a coolness, and the little couples who came to the depression to explore the meaning of life began to withdraw, and the footsteps of the time also awakened two people.

So my lips were separated, panting, and my eyes were more moist than one …

When the corridor behind the bamboo forest came out, the rich woman was holding hands to come to the terrace, and the whole person was still a little stupid.

Jiang Qin began to call people to clean up the garbage, and re -returned to the sofa that was placed together. While directing everyone to clean up, he couldn’t help but glance at the rich woman, and found that she was looking for something around the table just gathered.

“Nan Shu, what are you looking for?”

“Sister Ding Xue, I want to take the moon cake back.”

“You like to eat moon cakes, but moon cakes are eaten light.”

Feng Nanshu “oh”, then patted his wallet: “Then I will buy something back to school.”

Ding Xue stunned and said that Feng Nanshu turned Jiang Qin to the bamboo forest for more than half an hour. When he came out, he was so interested in moon cakes. What did the two do inside?

“But the Mid -Autumn Festival has passed, and the school should not sell moon cakes. Even if it is not sold out, it should be returned.”


Feng Nanshu opened her beautiful eyes, like a lightning strike.

At the same time, Cao Guangyu came over with a broom, walked to Jiang Qin, and watched his crazy rising mouth a little confused: “Lao Jiang, why are you so happy?”

“It’s a holiday, I can’t help but be a little happy, right, are you cold?”

Master Cao shook his head: “I’m not cold, my clothes are very thick.”

Jiang Qin turned to look at him: “When I came, I didn’t change my clothes, my hands were a bit cold, can I reach your wallet warm?”


Cao Guangyu looked at him incredibly, and said that I knew the story of the wolf changing people during the Yuanyue, but the first time the dog changed people.

(Recently, it has been a four thousand words for a period of time, and I almost exhausted me. Now it is already at the beginning of the month. Poor children, give some monthly tickets!)

(This chapter is finished)

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