Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 24 Bai Fu’s sacrifice must not be in vain! [Two in one]

There was a brief silence in the room.

At this critical moment, all the players did not expect that such words would suddenly pop out of Bai Fu's mouth.

But if you think about it carefully, this reaction seems very reasonable.

Their actions just now were indeed a bit willful, but putting aside the willful part, they did not want to leave, and their move to force them to stay and carry the burden together could also be called reliable.

In other games, they do this just to show off.

Because they are facing a person who only repeats the lines that have been set long ago. Even if he was there with the player fondly recalling the adventure a second ago, once the mission is over, he will turn into a poker face and won’t even Will definitely talk to the player's NPC.

But in Above the Stars, the situation is completely different, because the NPCs here are intelligent enough to look real.

After seeing the reliable side of these players, it was normal for Bai Fu to express such emotion. She was originally a kind-hearted and good person.

The legendary warrior?

That's right, we are the legendary warriors from the "different world", fighting for all love and justice!

Thinking of this, several players who were usually very decent players couldn't help but straighten their backs.

Those players who just like to go to the village to kill chickens and try various methods to move NPCs to monster nests are also in a good mood.

Playing games is for fun, and being praised from the bottom of your heart by an NPC is also a joy.

Bai Fu couldn't help but snicker, yes, that's the reaction.

But now is not the time to be complacent, the next step is the key to goodwill.

"Since you insist on my explanation, I will explain it well. The Wildfire Gang organized a commando team, and the target is your stronghold. Now that they are outside, I pretended to be greedy for credit before they launched a general attack. Came here."


This news shocked all the players, and those who were close to the window quickly looked out.

Bai Fu urged: "With your current strength, it is absolutely impossible to defeat this commando team. Take your things and move immediately. If it is later, it will be too late."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Fu stood up emotionally and said, "I won't leave. If I leave, they will definitely find out that Fu Fu is here to inform you, and all your plans will be in vain. You will still be in crisis, but I won’t leave anyway.”

His words were echoed by many players.

"There is really no need to leave. The monsters coming this time are all elite monsters. If you can replace one, you will earn money. Moreover, we also have camp confrontation tasks. The accumulated damage can be converted into experience in the future."

"Brothers, it's a game. If you encounter difficulties in reality and become a deserter, do you still want to be a deserter when playing a game?"

"Let the fight begin, my sword is thirsty."

"Haha, Ah Fu, as expected of you!"

Every time something like this happens, the one who rushes to the front must be Black Tiger Ah Fu.

Seeing their relaxed or enthusiastic expressions, Bai Fu frowned even deeper.

She seemed to be working on her emotions.

One second, two seconds... five seconds...

"Shut up!"

A dull, suppressed roar blasted through the entire room.

All the players stared dumbfounded at Bai Fu's sudden outburst.

"Do you think the Wildfire Gang's purpose is just to raid your stronghold?"


Dig Ji hesitated to speak. No matter what, turn on the camera first!

Bai Fu shouted: "Naive! The ultimate goal of the Wildfire Gang is to gradually compress your living space until you are driven into the contaminated area. There is no use for you to stay here. In the end, you just lost a bunch of supplies. Making it increasingly impossible for you to defeat the Wildfire Gang, conserving your strength and waiting for the opportunity is what you should do now!"

"That's true, but losing these supplies actually doesn't have much impact."

"Yeah, being driven into a contaminated area is no big deal."

There were several players whispering there.

This time Bai Fu's voice became even more distorted.

"You don't understand, you don't understand anything! The polluted areas outside the settlement are full of pollution sources. Whether they are humans, animals or plants, as long as they come into contact with the pollution sources, they will undergo mutations, ranging from death to losing their minds. Even the most powerful scavengers dare not stay in the contaminated area for a long time. What can you do if you go there? Do you want to become a monster and be killed by me? "

"That's not true, but you..."

"You, you, you, you bastards! You don't have to worry about my affairs. If it fails, it will be a failure. If you want to take care of it, why don't you take care of yourself? Ask yourself why you are here."

This continuous spray stunned the players in the room, and no one spoke for more than ten seconds.

Bai Fu was still very calm.

She was not worried at all that her words would scare the players away. She had already thought about it before coming here.

If the player runs away, she should be able to knock down the entire fucking player stronghold single-handedly, and she will definitely be able to earn a lot of money from the [Counterattack] mission.

The disadvantage is that she may be suspected of having a relationship with the player and be attacked by the Wildfire Gang, but this is not a big problem. The money saved from killing Brother Da Biao and capturing the player is enough for her to take Anya and run away to other settlements. Went.

How will players choose?

Bai Fu glanced around.

The dragon of natural disaster clenched his fists and became emotional.

[Damn it, even my father never scolded me! 】

But the feeling of being scolded didn't seem that bad. After all, Bai Fu scolded them because she cared about them and didn't want to see them die. Besides, Bai Fu's anxious and angry look was much prettier than her previous poker face.

I can’t say that it looks much better. The main reason is that I suddenly feel that the character’s flesh and blood has become fuller at once.

She is no longer an expert hiding behind the clouds, but like a real older sister.

Maybe this is the so-called sense of game substitution?

If this was a card-gaining game, Calamity Dragon felt that he might have been charging money by now.

The reaction of other players was not as intense as that of the Scourge Dragon, and they all spoke in the team channel.

[Although I was scolded, I felt pretty good. Am I shaking my head? 】

[I really didn’t expect Fufu to do this. She risked everything for us. Once exposed, will she really be safe? 】

[Fucking Wildfire Gang, fucking planning! 】

【plan:? 】

[Why are you still standing there, crying! 】

【Fubao, my Fubao】

[This expression, this tone, this game is so immersive! I used to be too lazy to read what the NPC said]

[Don’t go crazy, in short, you can’t let Bai Fu be exposed, otherwise this plot may be interrupted]

Their ideas may not be the same, but at this time they all have a consensus -

You are playing a game with a high degree of freedom. How can the legendary brave man cause the people who are traveling with the brave man to fall into tragedy?

Yes, the Wildfire Gang is very strong in Novice Village, and the contaminated area does sound scary, but so what?

They braved the ravages of aircraft and cannons and braved the hail of bullets, just to pursue peace after tomorrow;

They once walked with fear in a dark and cold hospital, and finally allowed the souls of those who died unjustly to rest in peace;

They have also traveled across the world, using their mortal bodies to defeat gods and demons, and reopen the world for the common people on the broken earth.

They are fucking players, fearless players!

Pai Daxing took a step forward: "Sister Fu, I can completely understand your thoughts, but I still decided to stay. Don't worry, I know you may be very disappointed with me now and feel that I am stubborn and unwilling to listen to advice. I am overconfident in my own abilities and like to act emotionally, but..."

He looked at the other players around him, with a bright smile on his face.

"I think maybe this is the reason why the supreme will you mentioned chose me to become an immortal. These characters are indeed not good in many cases, but if I don't have a strong head, how can I have the courage to challenge powerful people again and again? Opponent; if I don't have too much confidence in myself, how can I dare to face the crisis; if I don't like to be emotional, how can I be so concerned about the world on the other side of the fog."

Strength is the reason for being king.

And Tou Tie is the player’s confidence to dare to face the king!

Patrick's confident and somewhat neutral lines immediately aroused heated discussion among the players.

[Damn it, Paida said it well]

[Nice pen, Paida, why do you have such a long mouth? You have sewn up all the words spoken by Bai Fu such as the Supreme Will, the Immortal, and the Other Side of the Fog]

[Just saying this makes me feel awesome, but actually I just want to play a game to kill time]

[Although you just want to kill time, it is undeniable that you did save the world]

[To tell you the truth, I didn’t think this game was fun until this moment. I remembered a game I played before. I had obviously practiced to the point where I could easily kill the final boss in seconds, but because of the game mechanics, I could only watch helplessly. The teammate who accompanied me all the way sacrificed herself, and in the end, I couldn’t even say goodbye to her according to my own wishes]

[Brother, this time we are creating our own story, so we must leave no regrets! 】

[Stop talking, stop talking, I’m fucking on fire! 】

Fufu, who had converted with enthusiasm, stood up for the second time: "I will stay too, I will never let the Wildfire Gang hurt you Fufu!"

Immediately afterwards, Dig Ji, the Dragon of Natural Disaster, and some players that Bai Fu had never seen before also stood up.

"I'm staying."

"Me too."

In the end, only Black Tiger Afu stood in the corner.

"Look at what I'm doing. Don't you understand me? I just fight. I never thought about leaving from the beginning."


The room erupted with laughter.


Bai Fu's eyes swept over the faces of each player, as if she wanted to keep the appearance of each of them firmly in mind.

Yes, yes, you are really on the right track!

"I've said it all, but you still don't listen. If something happens to you in the end, it has nothing to do with me!"

She converted to Wu Fu and said, "This is my own choice. No matter what, I will not blame you Fu Fu."

Bai Fu looked away.

Everyone didn't know if she didn't believe it, or if she was simply dissatisfied because her good intentions were ignored.

【what to do? 】

[Let’s find a way to calm Fubao’s anger]

[As long as we fight well, Bai Fu will naturally calm down]

[Don’t worry, let me take a look first]

The Dragon of Natural Disaster secretly gave Bai Fu a reconnaissance skill.

【Name】: Bai Fu


[Main occupation]:?


[Health value]:?




[Favorability]: Treasure (83)

[Danger Level]: Red

When the data came back, Calamity Dragon almost thought he had seen it wrong.

What, 83, isn't this 1 point higher than the 82 I saw at the beginning?

It turns out that Fufu is still a tsundere character. She said it had nothing to do with me, and turned her head away. In fact, her favorability did not drop but increased.

Calamity Dragon quickly shared the data panel with other players.

All players were relieved after seeing the data.

[Fubao is so nice, always tolerant of me]

[Next time I vote, I must send Fufu to the first place! 】

【Go, go, go, since the favorability hasn't dropped, just go and it's done】

Digging Ji looked at Patrick: "How to fight?"

Patrick said: "It's too difficult to fight head-on. Let's split into two groups. One group will stay here to set traps, and the other group will be responsible for intercepting and luring the Wildfire Gang to the vicinity of the traps. By the way, notify those who are out, and when they come back, we can just make a counter-encirclement."

A player shook his head: "Too few people are out. Even if they can all come back in time, I guess they can't counter-encircle."

"It doesn't matter, I will take action!" The Dragon of Natural Disaster crossed his arms.

Digging Ji was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "I almost forgot that Sister Natural Disaster is a little rich woman!"

The Dragon of Natural Disaster smiled and directly took out his trick-

Post on the forum and spend money to recruit people to help!

"Okay, okay, now I feel my chance of winning has increased a lot."

"Don't be careless, the opponents are basically elite monsters, and the leader is likely to be a small BOSS."

"Don't be afraid, they are just mortals. Even if they are gods, as long as the health bar is showing, I will kill them for you to see!"

"Brother Guiyi, go and add some gold juice to your weapon."

"It's a pity that time is too tight, otherwise I can make a dust explosion and blow those guys to death."

A group of players gathered together and quickly made a division of labor. They were not worried about the upcoming war at all.

Just fighting!

Everything was ready. Digger Ji, who was the first person Bai Fu met, walked up to Bai Fu and said, "Fu Fu, the battle is about to begin. You should leave now to avoid being affected."

Bai Fu curled her lips and said, "At this point, do you think I can still leave? If I leave, they will be more suspicious of my relationship with you."

"Ah, what should we do now?"

Bai Fu stretched out her hands and said, "Go ahead, tie me up, beat me up, and inflict some injuries on me."

Digger Ji quickly refused, "No, absolutely not, how can I beat you."

Other players echoed.

Bai Fu couldn't help but emphasize her tone, "I've been here for almost ten minutes, and I haven't encountered any accidents in ten minutes. Do you think those people outside will believe it?"

It seems really hard to believe.

"Okay, hurry up. Take me out after you're done. Threaten them with me as a hostage. They won't accept it. Instead, they'll try to provoke you to kill me. You don't have to worry about anything. Just throw me aside after the fight. I'll leave by myself."

Although Bai Fu had said this, no player dared to do it.

Fufu's eyes were red.

Damn it, Fufu has risked her identity being exposed for us. How can we let her make a bigger sacrifice!

"If you don't come, I'll do it myself!" Bai Fu raised her hand.

Digging Ji hurried up and grabbed her sleeve.

"Stop, stop, stop, Fufu, I'll tie you up, isn't it okay to tie you up? Forget about beating. Let your hair down, and then paint some red paint to disguise it. Anyway, they can't see clearly from a distance."

The two sides finally reached an agreement.

A minute later, Digging Ji and the Dragon of Calamity held Baifu hostage on the left and right and walked out.

When they reached the door, they looked at each other.

This time, Fufu's sacrifice must not be in vain!

PS: Today is still two-in-one, since I will post them together, I won't separate them into chapters.

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