Who made him a sword-wielding Gu Immortal?

Chapter 13: The Inheritance of Bones

At this moment, Zhou Quan, brothers Xiong Tu and Xiong Huo also came closer, wanting to hear what Xiong Feng found outside.


In the morning glory Gu, there was first a violent sound of wind, and then the sound of majestic wind sounded.

"Sir, a strong wind suddenly blew in the White Bone Mountain, and there were many more bone beasts in the places I could observe in the mountain. There is another strange thing. At night, green flames and stars would appear inexplicably on some rocks in the White Bone Mountain. Dot."

"Green flame? There won't be any special fire Gu in this mountain, right?" Xiong Huo, who is a fire Gu master, was inexplicably excited when his third brother talked about green fire.

Regarding the green flame, Tie Yunqing guessed that it was caused by the environment of Baigu Mountain. He had basic knowledge of chemistry.

The body of White Bone Mountain is basically bone, and the main components of bones are calcium and phosphorus. Those green fires may be caused by the spontaneous combustion of phosphorus.

In the past, they often appeared in cemeteries and were often called will-o'-the-wisps by the older generation.

, not hearing the hundreds of Gu masters leaving and returning, Tie Yunqing ignored Xiong Huo, but injected real energy into the morning glory Gu, telling Xiong Feng to be careful and safe, and report the situation outside White Bone Mountain every hour.

As for the large increase in the number of bone beasts, Tie Yunqing is not even worried. Anyway, they have entered the spiral bone cave. Even if a bone beast comes in, the threat is not great.

Tie Yunqing and the three of them continued to move towards the spiral bone cave, but not long after, they stopped again.

He remembered that in the original work, there was a bone spur here that could be twisted, and the spiral patterns on this bone spur were particularly dense.

But looking at the hundreds of bone spurs in front of him and the somewhat dim environment of the bone cave, Tie Yunqing waved to the three of them.

The four people gathered around, and Tie Yunqing ordered: "According to my information, there is a bone spur with dense lines around here, which is the key to opening the cave. Xionghuo, you are responsible for providing us with light, and the three of us will go one by one. Find.”

The other three nodded in agreement, and Xiong Huo stood in the middle of the cave, activating two fire Gu at the same time, trying his best to provide light.

Tie Yun concentrated on searching carefully. The current situation was much better than when Fang Yuan obtained the White Bone inheritance. Although the time was also limited, at least there were no hundreds of Gu masters chasing after them.

Therefore, they can relatively completely obtain most of the Gu worms in the White Bone inheritance, as well as those few Gu worms that will play a decisive role in future development.

"Sir, come and see, is this the one?" Zhou Quan exclaimed, attracting the attention of several people.

Tie Yunqing took a few steps and came to Zhou Quan's side. He stretched out his hand and put it on the protruding and thick bone spur pointed by Zhou Quan.

Then he gave it a slight twist.


There was a sound, and a piece of bone spurs shrank together, revealing a square hole.

The other three people's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Let's go in!" Tie Yunqing ordered again.

The next moment, the four people lined up in a column, Xiongtu activated the Earth Road Defense Gu and walked in front. His younger brother, Xionghuo, followed closely behind, lighting up the team.

Tie Yunqing was in the middle of the team, protected by several people. Zhou Quan relied on his strength at the peak of his third turn to take the back seat.

Four people stepped into this secret passage one after another, and the inside was bright, shining with soft and white light.

However, there are still a large number of bone spurs growing in this hole, as if the tails of spears are stuck in the bone wall.

Xionghuo took back the fire Gu and looked around curiously. He had never seen the scene here before in his whole life.

"Sir, look ahead!" Xiong Huo looked into the distance and screamed strangely.

The bone spears were densely packed and sealed the corridor, but a hall could be vaguely seen at the end of the corridor.

Tie Yunqing looked around, and immediately found the shortest spiral bone spur at his feet. He put his hand on it and pulled it outward.

The next moment, the bone gun suddenly shrank, and the corridor that was originally sealed by the dense bone gun became a thoroughfare.

The four of them stepped into the corridor carefully, and followed the careful steps behind the palace.

Click, click, click~

At the entrance of the cave behind him, the bone gun popped out again, blocking the entrance this time.

A smile appeared on Tie Yunqing's face because he saw the hall with the milk spring recorded in the original work.

This milk spring is one of the most important resources in the White Bone Mountain, because it is the food for feeding many Gu worms in the Bone Path. It is precisely because of it that many Gu worms can survive in the White Bone Heritage.

Walking into the hall, even though he was well-informed and thoughtful, he couldn't help but sigh. He had never thought that there would be such a bone wonder in the desolate Bone Mountain where bone beasts were rampant.

Tie Yunqing looked around. This was a pure white bone hall. There was an exquisite large vat made of white bones placed in the hall, and there was nothing else.

"Why does it smell like milk?" Xiongtu kept twitching his nose and sniffing around.

Tie Yunqing called the three of them to the big vat, put the five fingers of his right hand together to form a palm socket, and scooped them gently.

A stream of milky white liquid was scooped up by him, and then he tilted his palm, and the milk spring water was poured back into the vat, and the fragrance of milk in the air became even stronger.

Tie Yunqing immediately explained:

"This is a milk spring. There is a spring connected to the bottom of the tank. This milk spring water is a specialty of White Bone Mountain. It can be used to feed bone channel Gu worms or for drinking by Gu masters and mortals."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tie Yunqing rolled up his sleeves, put his hand into the jar, and fished it out.

When he took his hand back, he already had a handful of Gu in his hand.

The size and volume of these Gu are the same as an adult's index finger. Their bones are all white, with one end rounded and the other sharp, like a miniature version of a spear.

This is the bone gun Gu.

At this moment, Xionghuo's eyes widened with disbelief on his face, and he was trembling a little as he spoke:

"This...these are actually Gu. Just grab a bunch of them. Then in this tank..."

Halfway through, he imitated Tie Yunqing and reached out to fish for it, and sure enough he also fished out a bone gun Gu.

Xionghuo was even more excited. In the past, the three brothers had to save up for a long time to buy a Gu, and they had to borrow money to buy it. But now, any one you catch is a handful of Gu worms.

Not only the first-level Gu, but also a small number of second-level Gu.

Xiong Huo was overjoyed and asked subconsciously: "Sir, how did you know about this treasure land and the existence of these Gu insects?"

Hearing this, the eldest brother Xiongtu, who was standing next to Xionghuo, glared at his younger brother, jumped up and scalped him, causing Xionghuo to stagger.

Suddenly being taught a lesson by his own brother, Xionghuo did not dare to resist, but felt a little aggrieved. He felt that he had said nothing wrong.

The next moment, I heard Xiongtu, the eldest brother, grabbing Xionghuo's ears with serious words and shouted in a low voice: "Sir, you have such achievements at such a young age. Knowing a secret is nothing. Second brother, take care of your business." Mouth."

After Tie Yun heard this, he did not speak, but just raised his head and glanced at Zhou Quan.

Although Zhou Quan concealed it very well and his expression remained unchanged, Tie Yunqing knew that it was obviously abnormal for him to know the details of this bone inheritance so accurately.

He needed an explanation, one that would convince everyone in front of him.

Tie Yunqing immediately smiled and said: "It's okay to tell you. I'm just lucky. The elders in my family knew the details of the inheritance in the early years, but they had high vision and looked down on this place. That's why he told me , let me pick up this ready-made bargain."

"I just didn't expect that Baijia was also interested in Baigu Mountain. It doesn't matter, we calculated it mentally or not. Not only Baigushan, but this time even Baijia is ours."

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