Who made him a sword-wielding Gu Immortal?

Chapter 33 The Invisible Sword Master

Zao Ba's eyes suddenly blurred, and the electric eye Gu in his eyes could no longer see any figure.

Just as he was searching around, Tie Yunqing's somewhat teasing voice came to his ears:


Zao Ba's whole body was stiff, unable to move an inch, and his eyes widened, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

How could Feng Wuming's signature Gu be on this person?

The next moment, Tie Yunqing, who was in stealth mode, waved his hand gently at Zao Ba's head.

The silent and shadowless sword Gu suddenly started.

Shi Tou, who had not yet rushed to the front, saw a scene that he could not understand.

Zao Ba, who was in the distance, kept running. The head with heavy eye bags on his neck fell down without any signs, rolling on the grass, and bleeding.

Shi Tou was stunned in place. He did not hear any sound and did not see anyone take action.

At this moment, in his eyes, Zao Ba, who had previously shouted about slaughtering a fat sheep, did not fall down because of death. Even though his head rolled off, the headless body still maintained a frozen motion while running.

This strange scene made Shitou feel great fear in his heart.

Once a person faces unknown danger, the fear in his heart will be maximized.




Regardless of the bodies of his companions, the instinct for survival urged Shitou to escape from here quickly.

He had a special moving Gu, called the Stone Entering Gu. With this Gu, he could drill into the stone, enter the ground and hide.

At this moment, Shitou burst out with an unprecedented speed, turned around and ran back, trying to return to the place where the boulder fell at the beginning.


This sound of "stop" seemed to be a death sentence to Shitou's ears.

His joints were rusty, but he could still move slowly. But as a local Gu master, he also used a lot of Gu worms to increase his strength.

At this moment, under the effect of the body-fixing Gu, he could still forcibly move his body.

Tie Yunqing had already left his invisible state, and walked towards Shitou step by step behind him.

In his eyes, Shitou seemed to be running in slow motion, and the joints of his legs seemed to be moving frame by frame like a stop-motion animation.

Tie Yunqing's leather boots stepped on the grass of Beiyuan, making a slight rustling sound.

When he walked side by side with Shitou, he raised his hand towards his neck again and waved it gently...

Shitou felt no pain and heard no sound. Because of the effect of the hidden sword Gu, he did not feel any hostility when Tie Yunqing was close to him.

Until he died, Shitou did not see what the Gu Master who ended his life looked like.

Looking at Shitou lying on the ground, Tie Yunqing squatted down and touched his empty cavity, but there were only some Gu worm fragments.

At the last moment, Shitou made all his Gu worms explode, leaving nothing valuable.

This time he went to Beiyuan, his whereabouts were top secret, and he entered Langya blessed land from the Crescent Lake to seek the earth spirit to refine three poisonous insects, which was his biggest goal this time.

In order to prevent accidents, seeing him walk out of the boundary wall stone and Zao Ba, he was doomed to die from the beginning.

The air was filled with the strong smell of blood brought by the two corpses.

At this moment, a strange movement came.

Tie Yunqing stood up, squinted his eyes, and looked into the distance, and found a dust flying, and the ground was also shaking slightly at this moment.



The howling of wolves one after another was endless, and the sound also changed from weak to strong, constantly echoing. Listening to the sound, you can know that the number of this group of wolves is at least hundreds.

The falling of the boulder and the bloody smell just now attracted the wolf pack, and Tie Yunqing made a guess in his heart.

The terrain of Beiyuan is mostly dominated by vast grasslands, and wolves are the most common social animals on the grassland. As predators on the grassland, there are many types of wolves.

The poisonous beard wolf that often stays in the poisonous grassland, the wild wolf that roams at night, the red flame wolf that is good at fire poison, the turtle back wolf with amazing defense, etc...

It's a pity that I don't take the slave path, otherwise it would be a good idea to settle in Beiyuan. With a wave of my hand, I can command thousands of troops. It's very cool! Tie Yunqing fantasized in his heart.

While thinking, Tie Yunqing saw with his naked eyes that the first wolf was rushing towards Zao Ba's body.

Hidden scale poison!

Tie Yunqing mobilized his true energy and poured it into the hidden scale poison. His figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then in front of the wolf pack, he swaggered towards the direction of Crescent Lake.


As night fell, the grassland was covered with a layer of black gauze, thousands of stars were shining brightly, and they could be picked with one hand. A Milky Way hung upside down above Tie Yunqing's head.

The sky was like a dome, covering the four fields.

The sky was vast and the field was vast.

On the first night in Beiyuan, Tie Yunqing sat cross-legged at the entrance of a naturally formed small cave with his back against the mountains.

The evening breeze blew, and the blazing flames on the fire in front of him, accompanied by the constantly newly born sparks, swayed left and right, illuminating Tie Yunqing's firm profile.

Unlike the quietness of the grassland at this moment, Tie Yunqing's mind sank into the empty cavity at this moment, seizing the time to impact the cavity wall.

In a short while, the true essence in Tie Yunqing's empty cavity was rapidly consumed, and the sea level in the 92% Yuanhai continued to drop. This round of impact on the light film cavity wall of the fourth turn consumed a lot of true essence.

The initial stage of the fourth turn of pale gold true essence continued to impact, and the cracks on the light film continued to increase. The cracks on the translucent white light film also continued to increase, and some places began to gradually connect into one piece.

The golden waves formed on the true essence sea surface slammed against the acupoint wall fiercely, like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food.

The constantly consumed true essence was quickly restored with the replenishment of Yuanshi.

Tie Yunqing came to Beiyuan from Southern Xinjiang this time, bringing a total of 5 million Yuanshi from Baigushan.

The main reason was that he was not short of money.

40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, when the 80% of true essence was consumed, the acupoint was about to reach its limit.

Come again!

The new true essence was replenished into the acupoint non-stop, and a new golden wave took shape.

Do it in one go! Move forward bravely!

With the sudden shock of the bang, the originally thick light film collapsed and shattered instantly. Crack, crack, crack, and shattered piece by piece.

Instead, there was a completely new water film cavity that was round and spherical, filled with a softer light than before.


The sea of ​​true energy in the cavity was surging. A trace of bright golden true energy began to appear. It was much more condensed than the pale golden true energy with a faint golden light before.

At this moment, Tie Yunqing successfully promoted from a fourth-turn primary Gu worm to a fourth-turn intermediate Gu master in an unknown small cave in Beiyuan.

Being in Beiyuan, due to the regional suppression, the strength shown by Tie Yunqing at this moment can also reach the level of the third-turn intermediate.

The next moment, under Tie Yunqing's urging, the bookworm in his mind turned out the Beiyuan map that he had stored before.

It will take about half a month from here to Crescent Lake.

Tie Yunqing estimated the approximate time of the action from the straight-line distance on the map.

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