Who made him a sword-wielding Gu Immortal?

Chapter 17 Tie Yunqing's Diary

"The day I came into the book, I inherited the original owner's memory on March 1st. According to calculations, today is March 15th. I didn't expect that the Gu Xiu world doesn't count the years. If Tie Ruonan hadn't told me, I wouldn't have believed it at all. A world doesn't have years.

I found that my memory began to decline. According to my familiarity with the original work, I suddenly couldn't remember the names of several of the ten great masters. My memory is so bad. Well, I'm going to start writing a diary. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen.

My uncle is right. I have been enlightened for a few days, but my progress is slow. I have to work hard to practice.

The life in the Gu Xiu world is more difficult than I thought. If I am not a top-class, if I don't make meritorious deeds by accident, I don't have much resources to practice purely relying on the Yuanshi issued by the school.

It's harder than the days of drifting in Beijing.

Things that take up my energy There are too many emotions, and I can't concentrate on practicing.

I studied how to get rid of the energy consumption of doing everything myself. So I moved to Master Tiejian's house and lived with him.

A few days ago, when I moved, the master blocked the door with a somewhat resentful look. So I took out the clan leader's order, and Tiejian covered his face and cried. He made a small room for me in the courtyard of his house.

He is a single dog, living in such a big house is a shameful waste! It's great to have a servant life, and it feels great not to have to worry about the trivialities of life.

In addition: Today I broke through to the middle level of the first turn, and Tiejian was stunned!"

"March 16, the weather is fine.

I met Tie Ruonan in the school and learned that her natal Gu is a first-turn grass puppet Gu, and she is ready to go the slave path. Originally, the Tie family has always been a team battle, and the slaves Taoist Gu Masters have potential for development, I think it's great! The main reason is that the grass puppet Gu is too cheap to feed. I plan to buy a Tusita Flower Gu as my storage Gu, the price of plant-based Gu worms is very affordable!

The average daily feeding of the Attitude Gu and the Sword Edge Gu costs me one and a half Yuanshi, these two foodies. ”

“March 17, sunny.

I'm not in a hurry to buy the Tusita Flower Gu. Tiejian asked me for living expenses today. Aren't the master and the apprentice like father and son! I called him dad, and he gave me a 10% discount. I only have 500 Yuanshi left. ”

“March 18, cloudy.

Today in the school, I was holding a wooden sword. After defeating the weapon instructor for the eighteenth time, he was silent. Although I may be slightly inferior in boxing and kicking, I am a little proficient in swordsmanship. The other students were dissatisfied. I killed a little friend with one sword, and the instructor They behaved like human beings, and then they were convinced.

The brown curly-haired Tie Yimu, the son of Tiexuefeng, I took special care of him. The coach said that Tie Yimu needed to rest at home for three days before he could recover. I am not as cruel as someone else, who not only beat up the students but also robbed them of their Yuanshi. The extra 20 Yuanshi I have today are the sparring fees they voluntarily gave me. I did not force them. Tie has always convinced people with virtue. "

"March 19, sunny.

Master Tiejian took me to the trading market today and taught me about the materials for refining Gu, mainly related to kendo. I asked him how Jianfeng Gu was obtained by reverse refining, and he said that this question depends on fate. I still went the same way and asked how much it was. He raised a finger and it turned out to be 100,000 Yuanshi.

I asked him why it was so expensive. As a master and apprentice, is there only a transaction between us, and no feelings? Master Tiejian rarely said seriously that Jianfeng Gu was the cornerstone of his own research on refining, and the subsequent kendo Gu worms were all refined based on Jianfeng Gu.

I was shocked after hearing this. I didn't know how powerful it was. A sword-edge Gu had such power that it could cut through the ice defense of a third-turn Gu Master. As for the subsequent sword-path Gu worms... As for refining sword-path Gu worms, do I have to practice Taoism as a supplement? "

"March 20, the weather was cloudy.

I still didn't practice Taoism. I found a school that was suitable for me to practice as a supplement, that is, Zhidao. Zhidao can enhance my memory and remind me of the details I have read in the original book. In terms of intelligence, even if Chunqiuchan is reborn, he can't compare with me in knowing the direction of development... My natal Gu is Attitude Gu, which belongs to Zhidao School, but Attitude Gu has only one turn. How can I increase the number of turns of Attitude Gu?

In order to cover up Attitude Gu and create my masked man character, I spent a Yuanshi to find someone to customize a mask that was a replica of Attitude Gu. Because I took it to the school every day, Tie Ruonan laughed at me for several days. "

"March 21, the weather was heavy rain, just like my mood at the moment.

A bookworm appeared in the Tie family trading field. The degree of preciousness of bookworms is the same as that of wineworms. It is an extremely precious existence in the first-level Gu. It is shaped like a silkworm pupa, although it has three body sections: head, chest, and abdomen. But the whole body is like a spindle, somewhat round and cute. It is all white. The surface seems to be coated with a layer of glaze, with a glossy luster. I touched it in my hand, and it was also smooth and smooth, as if it were a fine porcelain.

It’s a pity that the bookworm was sold for 700 yuan stones. Why don’t you rob it? Even if you sell me, it’s not enough! Damn profiteers! "

"March 22, the weather is cloudy.

Today I went to my uncle’s house for dinner, and at the dinner table I asked about my master. The reactions of other family elders to Tiejian were not normal, which made me more curious.

How could a Gu master who can refine Jianfeng Gu be an ordinary family elder.

My uncle said that the elder Tiejian was originally a talented fourth-turn intermediate sword Gu Master with Class A qualifications. During a hunt for magic Gu Masters, because he had just entered the fourth turn, he was arrogant and underestimated the enemy, and was greedy for merit and reckless, resulting in the death of thirteen elders and the injury of four, and the Tie family suffered a heavy blow. His own natal Gu was destroyed, and he was seriously injured. His strength fell to the third turn, and his qualifications also dropped to Class B. The Tie family called that hunt a shame for the Tie family.

The reputation of the Tie family in Southern Xinjiang was greatly damaged.

Later, although Tiejian was still a third-turn elder, he was not responsible for specific affairs, and gradually became depressed, and went to the trading market every day to set up a stall.

After his natal Gu was destroyed, I somewhat understood why Tiejian chose to assist in cultivating the Tao. ”

“March 23, the weather was fine.

I only have a little over 400 Yuanshi left. Feeding the Gu worms and using Yuanshi to warm the empty cavity every day consumes much more than I thought. My next goal is to find a way to earn Yuanshi.

I asked the master how to earn Yuanshi faster, and he said that just getting stronger is enough. Once you are strong, there are many ways to hunt magic Gu masters, collect food materials, or catch wild Gu insects. I asked him how to get stronger, and the master said to use Yuanshi.

In the afternoon, I greeted his nine clans in my heart. Forget it, I am also in the nine clans. But in the end, the master actually gave me ten Yuanshi. I can only say that there is only a good master in the world, and the child with a master is like a treasure. "

"March 24, sunny.

In other novels, the male protagonists have adventures one after another, but real life is much more cruel than novels. It has been almost a month since I came here, and I have not achieved anything. I have embarrassed the time traveler.

In my memory, the Three Kings Mountain inheritance, Shangjia City, and Yitian Mountain War have not yet started. I thought of it! I can contact Shang Xinci's caravan in advance and escort her all the way to Shangjia City. Millions of Yuanshi will be credited in seconds.

Forget it, I don’t even know where the Zhang family she originally belonged to is now.

At night, my master told me that a caravan would come to the Tie family to trade in a month. The captain of the caravan was called Jia Fu. I nodded frantically. Of course, I would not tell him. I also knew that he had a younger brother named Jia Jinsheng.

Speaking of Jia Jinsheng, this person died in Qingmao Mountain. Maybe I can get in touch with him, guide him, let him not die, change his fate, and wait until the third turn, use him to leave the Tie family and participate in the Dou Gu Conference in the internal strife of the Jia family.

Third turn, third turn, when can I reach the third turn! ”

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