Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 1 Vongola Storm!

Yesterday, Storm was just a rookie sailor.

Maybe he can become an officer tomorrow!

Haiyuan calendar year 1518.

Early morning on New Year's Day.

Vongola Storm woke up from his turbulent rose-colored sleep.

He found that a brilliant [big trophy] suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

What's this?

The fantasy-filled [Big Trophy] floated quietly in the air, firmly attracting Storm's attention.

Is this a dream?

Storm stared at the [Big Trophy] for a while, and quickly received feedback.

[The only trophy: coming of age day]

[Trophy Stars: None]

[Conditions for achievement: In the turbulent era of great pirates, survive to adulthood in good health]

[Trophy comments: Set sail, set sail! 】

Not a dream, but reality?

Will the golden finger he has been waiting for for eighteen years finally arrive today? !

Storm looked at the [Big Trophy] in the void in disbelief.

Eighteen years.

[Big Trophy] Do you know how I have lived these eighteen years?

In the year 1500 of the Hainan calendar, the era of great pirates began, and Storm was reincarnated into the sea.

Although I failed to obtain the household registration of Holy Land Marie Gioia - a local household registration, not an immigrant household registration.

But he was very lucky to be born in a town behind the Navy Headquarters next to the Holy Land.

Three generations of ancestors were all in the navy.

In this dangerous sea.

Ordinary people must try their best even if they just want to live.

The towns behind the Navy Headquarters are absolutely secure in terms of security.

When Storm was just born, he happened to be caught up in the world-class event of the golden lion Shiki attacking Marinefando.

An unprecedented super storm ravaged the Navy headquarters.

Storm almost experienced the wonderful experience of "being born into death".

But it was precisely because of the attack that shocked the world.

Storm got his current name - STORM.

Logically speaking.

Bearing the legendary title of "Stormborn".

Storm thought he could also become a "king".

However, the "Sword in the Stone" that became the king has not been waiting for a long time.

Until the age where formal education is required.

Storm finally gave up on unrealistic fantasies such as "dragons", "systems", and "superpowers".

He finally decided——

Study hard and exercise.

Follow the example of your ancestors and join the army.

The "hot" knowledge of the sea.

Even the extremely weak super weak navy has his specially customized plug-in——

"Two hundred times the effort" hang up and open!

Storm officially entered the Naval Academy at the age of 16 and exercised like crazy during this period.

At the age of 17, he joined the Navy's elite recruit training camp and graduated with honors.

If nothing unexpected happens.

The 18-year-old Storm will skip the two stages of "recruit" and "sergeant" and directly become a "lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters"!

This is the normal treatment that outstanding graduates of boot camp should receive.

Storm’s next stage of life goal is——

Work hard and make money.

Then get a powerful enough devil fruit!

Although Kaido, the famous lecturer of the sea, once said.

"Only domineering power exists above all else."

But let’s not mention that this guy himself is an ability user who has eaten the [Fish Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Azure Dragon Form].

Not to mention that after this guy said these words with his front foot, he immediately launched his ultimate move "Fire Dragon Torch" with his back foot.

Not to mention that the person who defeated Kaido-sensei was also an ability user who ate the [Phantom Beast Nika Form].

Another well-known villain of the sea, Blackbeard Teach, also taught a lesson.

"Compared to flaws, Devil Fruits have more advantages!"


Blackbeard Tikki here is talking about the powerful Devil Fruit.

Like "there are no rubbish devil fruits in the sea, only the rubbish ability users".

The nature of these words is the same as "There are no useless martial arts spirits, only useless soul masters."

Pure poisonous chicken soup!

Devil Fruits clearly have a hierarchical relationship between superiors and subordinates.

The rockberry fruit is the superior fruit of the burnt fruit.

Even if everyone is a natural ability user.

Magma Man can also punch Pyro Man through!

Storm has no repulsion towards powerful Devil Fruits.

The natural system is not too weak.

The rules system and concept system are not too strong.

If it's a fantasy beast, that would be even better!

Storm knows better than anyone else in the ocean what a "version answer" is.

Are you right, hen wow, spirit nika?

But now.

Storm had been working hard for a long time with the custom-made plug-in for ordinary people that had "worked twice as hard".

[Big Trophy] is here?

whispering sound!

Come on, come on~

Storm tried his best to recover the corners of his mouth that were almost reaching his ears, and began to explore the specific ability effects of the [Big Trophy].

The shining [Grand Trophy] emits a whirlpool that seems to reach its source.

Less than a moment.

Storm understood everything.

[Big Trophy] has two abilities.

First, the [Big Trophy] can help Storm get what he wants most in his heart.

Secondly, the "stars" corresponding to the [Grand Trophy] can be used to improve his own abilities.

Usually, you can't have both.

But some special trophies have both effects.

If you want to get the [Big Trophy], there is only one way——


The stronger the opponent and the more intense the battle, the higher the level of the [Grand Trophy] you can obtain!

According to Storm's understanding.

The ability of [Big Trophy] is to "make a wish" and "add points".

He looked towards [Coming of Age Day].

This is a special trophy with no "stars".

This means that [Coming of Age Day] cannot be used to "add points", but it can be used to "make wishes".

Odd trophies for writing.

Read as Newbie Benefit.

Storm was not in a hurry to check out his "newbie gift package."

Instead, he used his thoughts to call out another brand new [Grand Trophy] in a slightly awkward manner.

[Vongola Storm’s big trophy]

【Physique: ★★☆】

[Domineering: Not turned on]

[Comment: A sailor who exercises like crazy is qualified to become one of the 100,000 sailors who besieged Whitebeard in the Great War]

Although Storm is not yet sure how high the intensity corresponding to "★★☆" is.

But judging from that [comment]...

High emotional intelligence: Not very strong yet.

Low emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence.

Storm continued to look.

[Physique] and [Domineering] both have three branch attributes.

[Domineering] are naturally [Armed Color], [Seeing Color] and [Overlord Color].

As for the three branch attributes possessed by [Physique], they are——

【Power: ★★☆】

【Speed: ★★☆】

【Endurance: ★★★】

"...He is in good health, his limbs are intact, he is eating and drinking normally, and he has a promising future."

Storm closed the [Big Trophy] and comforted himself silently.

Immediately afterwards, he bathed, changed clothes, burned incense, wore a crown, and sat upright.

Wait for your mood to calm down completely.

Only then did Storm call out the original [Adult Day] trophy.

"What will be the 'Sword in the Stone' that I have been waiting for for eighteen years?"

Under Strom's gaze, the [Adult Day] trophy burst out with a burst of strange and gorgeous light.

The dazzling [Big Trophy] finally turned into a simple and natural silver-gray ring.

[Name: Devil's Ring]

【Rating: ★★★★★★★★★】

[Description: A creation of ultra-ancient technology, the crystallization of the wisdom of an ultra-ancient kingdom]

[Effects: 1. Natural energy: [Devil's Ring] can draw energy from the invisible, and its own energy is almost infinite;

2. Unbreakable: [Devil's Ring] is made of very hard material and is made in a very special way, so it cannot be destroyed;

3. Demonic power: [Devil Ring] can suppress, absorb, seal, and transfer the supernatural factors contained in any devil fruit, and use its own energy to exert the original ability of the devil fruit]

[Comment: The devil can’t kill me! 】

"One, two, three...nine? Nine stars?!"

Nine-star prop [Devil’s Ring]!

Storm was almost blinded by the nine densely packed stars.

But what’s even more eye-catching are the three effects of [Devil’s Ring]!

What is the biggest weakness of Devil Fruits that have strange appearances and various abilities?

After eating the devil fruit, the person with the ability will instantly become a being rejected by the sea and be unable to swim for life.

On this "blue planet" where the ocean area occupies an absolutely dominant position.

Being unable to swim is a very fatal and absolute weakness!

But it's just like Blackbeard Teach said.

Devil Fruit, despite its obvious shortcomings, has more advantages!

For example [Ghost Fruit].

For example, [Card Fruit].

The powerful advantages of the Devil Fruit more than offset its accompanying flaws.

Storm previously regarded "eating a Devil Fruit" as a small goal in life.

It's because he has already made up his mind to "lose the ability to swim in this life".

But now there is [Devil Ring].

Storm can use the Devil Fruit without consuming the ability without eating it at all!

In one word, cool!

Storm was in an unprecedented mood.

This feeling is as refreshing as wearing new underwear to welcome the morning of New Year's Day.

The marine put on the ring.

Headquarters is right outside the door.

Justice has no holidays.

On the first day of the New Year, the Navy Headquarters building was still a busy scene full of people.

Wearing a blue and white navy uniform, Storm looked inconspicuous among the navy.

He made a lot of twists and turns, and finally came to the door of a top-floor office in the headquarters building.

Tuk Tuk——

Storm knocked on the door.

Vicissitudes of life's powerful response came from inside the house.

"Please come in."

After receiving permission, Storm pushed open the door and entered. He raised his hand in salute, with his palm facing back.

"Sir! New recruit Vongola Storm, come and report!"

"Storm? You came early."

The person who responded to Storm was a tall, muscular man with purple hair.

Former Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Black Wrist Zefa!

He is also the chief instructor of the Navy's elite recruit training camp.

Storm came here today to confirm with Zefa his future changes in military rank and position.

Zefa looked at Storm and pulled out a letter from the side with his good left hand.

With a flick of his fingers, the letter flew directly in front of Storm.

"This is a letter of recommendation written by me personally.

“Now, go next door and find Kuzan!

"He'll tell you everything!"

Qing Pheasant Kuzan?

Taking the recommendation letter, Storm came to the office of the current general next door in a daze.

Qing Pheasant seemed to have known the situation for a long time.

When Storm pushed in the door.

Qing Pheasant gets straight to the point.

"Vongola Storm? Have you brought your resignation letter?"

Storm froze in place.

Not a promotion.

But expulsion?

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