Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 102 The Sea Trembles! Whitebeard Pirates and Edward Teach! (Fourth update, 16w)

Nasu Juro ignored Bai Long's ridiculous question. He simply evaded the other party with a few words and hung up the Den Den Mushi.

Then, the Five Elders continued to send emergency notices to the other Seven Warlords of the Sea, asking these "official pirates" to focus on the whereabouts of Whitebeard II.

After Hawkeye and White Dragon.

The third Seven Warlord of the Sea that Nasu Juro contacted was "Sea Knight" Jinbei.

Jinbei was very surprised by this "Whitebeard II" who appeared out of nowhere. He listened carefully to the mission of the Five Elders and hung up the Den Den Mushi.

In a sea area in the New World that Nasu Juro did not know.

Jinbei directly hit the Whitebeard Pirates with a Den Den Mushi.

Since the advent of the Great Pirate Era, the Whitebeard Pirates have planted a flag on Fishman Island.

Although the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates cannot completely prevent Fishman Island from being harassed or even attacked by other forces.

However, compared to before the Whitebeard Pirates "planted the flag", the security environment of Fishman Island has improved a lot.

Jinbei, the "Sea Knight" from Fishman Island, felt that he had received a great favor from Whitebeard, so he was very close to the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this moment, Jinbei learned about the news of "Whitebeard II" from the World Government and immediately sent a contact to the Whitebeard Pirates.

This matter was completely beyond the control of the Five Elders.

Nasujuro Sei, who was unaware of it, just continued to contact the Seven Warlords of the Sea according to the plan.

The fourth person to receive the notification from the Den Den Mushi of the Five Elders was Boa Hancock, the Nine Snake Emperor, located in the Calm Belt and Nine Snake Island.

Hancock was not very interested in the so-called "Whitebeard II".

If it weren't for the fact that Grandma Zha forcibly took the Den Den Mushi away, she would probably hang up the phone of the Five Elders!

When making the fifth call.

Nasujuro Sei hesitated a little, but finally made the call.

No matter how bad Don Quixote Doflamingo's actions were, he was now one of the government's Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After receiving the call from the Five Elders, Doflamingo was very interested in this "Whitebeard II".

"Fufufufu... the young Whitebeard who ate the [Thunder Fruit]?"

Doflamingo, who was wrapped in bandages, looked at the bounty order held in Monet's hands and laughed.

"This sea is really getting more and more interesting..."

"I know, Nasujuro Sei, I will cooperate with the government. "

Wait for Nasujuro Sei to hang up the Den Den Mushi.

Monet looked at Doflamingo with great concern.

"Young Master, you are so seriously injured, you should not do any strenuous activities in the short term..."

There is another meaning hidden in Monet's words-

This "Whitebeard II" who suddenly appeared is an enemy that even the government cannot solve.

Even with just this name, this person gives Monet a very strong sense of deterrence.

Monet is really worried that Doflamingo will take the initiative to find Whitebeard II...

Just like a few days ago, Doflamingo took the initiative to go to Wano Country and find Kaido, the Beast...

"Fufufufufu... Monet, do I look like such a stupid person? "

Doflamingo was lying on the bed, and the care from his "family" made him feel warm.

Even the body that was almost smashed by Kaido's stick was no longer so painful...

"That time with Kaido was just an accident..."

Doflamingo was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"Besides, we have successfully established contact with the Beasts Pirates...

"Isn't this good? Fufufufu..."

In order to avoid excessive worry from Snow Girl Monet, Doflamingo forced a smile.

He admitted that he was a little careless before.

A few days ago.

Doflamingo set out from Dressrosa with full confidence.

He planned to steal the treasure of the Lizard King and then give it to the Beasts Pirates to establish a relationship with Kaido.

The first half of the plan went very smoothly.

The treasure ship secretly sent by the Lizard King to the New World was intercepted by Doflamingo halfway.

The two Animal-type Ancient Species Dragon-Dragon Fruits on the ship were also robbed by Doflamingo on the spot.

The problem is the latter part.

Doflamingo personally rushed to Wano Country with precious gifts and full of sincerity.

Kaido of Beasts gladly accepted the gift from Tenyasha——

Then he casually rewarded the "Flamingo" with a mace.

When Doflamingo woke up again.

He had been thrown into the Rabbit Bowl Prison in Wano Country by the minions of the Beasts Pirates...

If it weren't for Doflamingo's eloquence, he made a lot of extravagant conditions without any money, and signed a super unequal treaty with the Beasts Pirates.

He probably can't come back to Dressrosa now, and he's probably still in the Rabbit Bowl Prison in Wano Country, moving bricks and working illegally for the Beasts Pirates!

Even so.

Doflamingo has not recovered from the heavy blow he suffered before until today.

Kaido, the beast, that monster!

At this moment, Doflamingo's mind only flashed a vague trace of a human figure, and he shivered involuntarily.

In silence, another "King addiction" man appeared...

"Young master, does it hurt?"

The snow girl Monet looked at the trembling Doflamingo, and her expression immediately became anxious.

"I'm going to find a doctor right now!"

"No, no need, Monet."

Doflamingo quickly called out to the loyal snow girl to stop.

"I'm fine."

Without waiting for Monet to respond, Doflamingo forcibly changed the subject.

"That Whitebeard II, just let his men collect information. Family members don't need to pay attention to him.

"No! Come closer! Monster!"

At the end, Doflamingo's words still contained a hint of fear that was hard to detect but deeply rooted in his bones.

other side.

Nashou Langsheng had just finished a phone call with Sand Crocodile.

He originally valued the sand crocodile.

After all, when he was young, this guy was also a young monster who made great achievements, and his strength was as strong as Douglas Barrett, the descendant of the devil.

I didn’t expect that I would be so decadent now...

The Sand Crocodile, which cannot even be defeated by the White Dragon, is no longer valued by Saint Nashoulang.

If it weren't for the sand crocodile, he would still be alive and well.

The Nasjuro Holy Capital wants to banish this sand crocodile's identity as the King of the Shichibukai!

Sand Crocodile showed great interest in "Whitebeard II".

When Nashou Langsheng saw this, he was also happy.

If Sand Crocodile finds Whitebeard II and is killed directly by Whitebeard II, Whitebeard II will take his place and become King Shichibukai...

That is definitely the best situation for the government!

Just when Nasjuro Sage was about to dial the phone, he called the last king, Shichibukai.

Another burst of phone ringtones suddenly rang in the power room.

Nashou Langsheng looked intently.

The telephone bug of the Five Old Stars, Legal Martial God, Topman, and Vauchuuli Saint is constantly sending out signals.

Saint Nashou Lang immediately became quiet.

Saint Wuchuli answered the phone, and a rapid announcement came from the receiver.

"Saint Vauchuli! Judiciary Island is attacked by giants!

"The leaders are the captains of the Giant Soldier Pirates from a hundred years ago, Broki the Red Demon and Tori the Aoki!

“The gatekeeper giant on Judiciary Island has rebelled!

"Four giants took away a warship and escaped from Judiciary Island!"

Urgent notifications from the judges on the Judiciary Island kept ringing among the powers that be.

Several Five Old Stars frowned when they heard this.

Unconsciously, the spiritual connection was achieved again.

‘Captain of the Giant Pirates? I remember, shouldn't the two of them be fighting on the small garden? ’

‘Who released these two giants? And they also attacked Judiciary Island! ’

‘The Island of Judiciary is one of the three major departments of the government! The government's face will be lost! ’

‘Pursuit! Must pursue! Send warships to chase those four giants! ’

‘Even if we can’t kill those four giants, we can still let the warships drive them into the Devil’s Triangle! ’

‘Isn’t there a King Shichibukai stationed in the Devil’s Triangle Sea Area? ’

‘Let the pirates deal with the pirates! ’

'But the King's Shichibukai there is Moonlight Moria...forget it, Moonlight Moria is just Moonlight Moria! ’

After a brief spiritual exchange.

Saint Wuchuli comforted the judges on Judiciary Island and gave orders in an orderly manner, asking the surrounding naval bases to dispatch warships to pursue the giants.

After the matter with Wuchuli Saint is over.

Only then did Nasjuro Sage call the last king, Shichibukai.

"Moonlight Moria, the government has a task for you! Four giants may enter the Devil's Triangle, don't let them go!"

"Giant? Hehehehe! I like giants the most! Leave those four giants to me!!"

At a time when the world government is actively taking action.

The sea also made waves because of the reward order for "Whitebeard II Edward Teach".

New world, a certain sea area, the deck of Moby Dick.

Whitebeard Edward Newgate was currently half lying and half sitting on the large sofa located in the center of the deck.

He was surrounded by several young and beautiful female nurses.

Every female nurse is wearing a pink nurse uniform, and the exquisite and wild leopard print stockings tightly wrap their slender legs, giving people a feeling of gentleness and wildness.

Around the deck, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were standing or sitting. Most of them had food and drinks in their hands, and cheers were endless.

This is the "daily family life" of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Edward Teach? I understand, Jinbe."

With a golden pineapple punk hair, Phoenix Marco, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' First Division, hung up the phone bug.

This is an urgent notice from Jinbei.

In the phone bug.

Jinbei mentioned a reward order suddenly issued by the World Government today.

He also mentioned that he would send the reward order to the Moby-Dick via fax later.

In Phone Bug, Jinbe's tone sounds a bit weird and awkward.

"Hai Xia" didn't say anything more and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Not long after.

Marco received a fax from Jinbe.

It is the reward for "Edward Teach"!

Marco stared at the picture of Edward Teach.

He is a veteran member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he hung out with the young Whitebeard when he was very young.

Marco was certain.

The "Edward Teach" on this reward order is very similar to the father in his youth!

Same blond hair, same long face, and even the white beard that looks almost exactly like him...

"Dad, you..."

Marco turned his head and looked at his dad who was drinking and receiving an IV.

He felt a little unwell.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, except for the captain, almost all the members are Whitebeard's sons, and almost all the members affectionately call Whitebeard "Dad".

Over the past few decades, the only exception is the captain of the second division, the man named Kozuki Oden...

Kozuki Oden is not Whitebeard's son, but his "younger brother"...

This does not affect the status of Marco and others as "sons".

But now.

Marco turned his head and stared blankly at the bounty in his hand.

It seems that a man who is more suitable to be Whitebeard's son than them has appeared...

"Marco, don't you want to have a drink?"

The captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Flower Sword Vista, walked over with an erratic step. He put his arm around Marco's shoulders and squinted at the newspaper in the latter's hand.

"Eh? Why are you suddenly interested in the bounty order from Dad's youth?"

"You're really drunk! Vista!"

Marco shook his shoulders and gently pushed Vista, who was a little confused.

"You can't even remember what Dad looked like when he was young!

"This is not Dad, this is a new pirate named 'Edward Teach'!"

"Edward Teach?"

Vista burped and his eyes widened.

"Teach! ?"

The conversation between the two captains was not heard by others at all.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was enjoying the banquet.

Marco took the bounty order and walked quickly towards Whitebeard.


"Gulala, Marco..."

When Whitebeard saw Marco coming in, he smiled at first, then nervously stretched out his hand to protect the barrel in his hand, and said with a vigilant face.

"I didn't steal your wine this time, this wine was invited by Joz just now! "

Under normal circumstances, Marco would definitely say a few more words to Whitebeard to take care of his health and not drink too much.

But now, Marco didn't have that intention.

He raised the bounty in his hand to Whitebeard and asked with a feeling of both grievance and humility.

"Dad, do you know 'Edward Teach'?"

"Ah? Who?"

Whitebeard heard his last name.

He looked up at the bounty Marco held high, and saw his face when he was young again.

"Marco, what are you doing with my bounty?

"1.9 billion Baileys?

"Those bastards in the navy actually lowered my bounty! ? "

Whitebeard was confused at first, and then became angry.

Marco looked at Whitebeard helplessly.

"Dad, this is not your bounty, this is the bounty of 'Whitebeard II'!"

"Whitebeard II? "

Whitebeard was stunned. He raised his hand, rubbed his eyes, and looked at the wanted poster again.

After seeing the wanted poster clearly, Whitebeard frowned, his mouth corners turned down, and his face was full of absurd and speechless emotions.

"Who is this?"

"Whitebeard II, Edward Teach!"

Marco repeated the name on the wanted poster helplessly.

After saying this, he took a few steps closer to Whitebeard and lowered his voice.

"Dad, do you still remember that person? Buckingham Stussy... Ms. "

When the name Buckingham Stussy came out of Marco's mouth.

Whitebeard fell silent instantly.

He and Buckingham Stussy did have a "past".

That was the story when they were all members of the Rocks Pirates...


Whitebeard looked at the blond kid on the wanted poster who was almost the same as him when he was young, and called out his name.

"Edward Teach... Teach!! "

In the corner of the deck of the Moby Dick.

Marshall D. Teach, who was eating cherry pie, looked up blankly.

Dad seemed to be calling him?

What happened?

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