Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 107 Portgas D Ace! (Fourth update, 13w, please subscribe)

Goa Kingdom, Mount Korpo.

1 Ace carried a small bag on his shoulder and moved flexibly through the dense forests in the mountains.

As he walked, the small bag kept shaking, and the metal colliding sound came from it.

The small bag contained some banknotes and coins -

They were the "treasures" that Ace had just looted from the evil forces of the Uncertainty Terminal.

A few years ago.

The princes and nobles of the Goa Kingdom set fire to the entire Uncertainty Terminal and almost completely destroyed it.

But a few years have passed.

Because the Goa Kingdom is still continuing the previous ruling rules - forcibly expelling unwanted citizens and objects to ensure the "beauty" and "purity" of the entire country.

These people and objects abandoned by the country have no other place to live, and can only gather at the Uncertainty Terminal again.

As the number of people and objects abandoned by the Goa Kingdom continues to increase.

The Uncertainty Terminal, which was reduced to ashes in the fire before, has been rebuilt.

Ace carried the treasure he had just robbed and came to his personal treasure hiding place.

He took out and smoothed the banknotes that were easily damp and damaged one by one, and put them separately in a treasure chest, while the rest of the coins were randomly piled together.

The treasure chest was not large, but it was the "family property" that Ace had accumulated through plundering over the years.

If nothing unexpected happened.

Ace would use the money to buy a small boat that was big enough for him to sail alone, and then officially start his pirate career.

When he was a child.

Ace would also consider many problems.

For example, his "father" and "mother" whom he had never met;

For example, the views of ordinary people in Windmill Village on the "Pirate King";

For example, whether his arrival - the son of the Pirate King - was a good thing for the world;

For example, how he would walk on his future life path, whether to follow his father's footsteps or follow the ideas of his "grandfather"...

But after growing up, these small problems were no longer cared by Ace.

Or rather, these questions have been hidden deep in Ace's heart and will not be easily revealed.

He now has only one idea -

Grow up, go to sea, and become a pirate!

Then let the world hear the name of Portgas D. Ace!

Ace quickly counted all his wealth, confirmed that there were no mistakes, and then hid every box containing treasure.

Then, he climbed to the top of the crown of the nearest tree like a monkey.

This is near the peak of Mount Korpo.

Ace sat on the branch of the tree and overlooked the Pirate Bay below.

At the foot of the Uncertainty Terminal and Mount Korpo, there is a small harbor.

The pirate ship of the former Sapphire Pirates once docked here.

As he grew older, Ace often came here to overlook the scene of Pirate Bay.

He imagined what it would be like if he set sail one day...

Just as Ace was admiring the scene of Pirate Bay as usual.

A white dot suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

Ace subconsciously raised his right hand and placed it above his eyes, trying to see the appearance of the white dot clearly.

In Ace's eyes, the white dot continued to enlarge until its true appearance was revealed.

It was a white dragon that seemed to fly out of myths and legends.


Ace widened his eyes in astonishment, looking at the white dragon flying freely in the sky.

"There are actually dragons in the sea!"

As the son of the Pirate King and adopted by a navy hero, Ace has heard many legends from his "grandfather".

But from childhood to adulthood, Ace has always lived on this Korpo Mountain.

He is very familiar with every plant and tree in the mountain.

But this is still the East China Sea.

The "weakest" East China Sea.

Ace has heard many stories from his grandfather that seem like myths and legends.

But Ace has never seen any of the "protagonists" in those myths and legends.

As for his grandfather?

Ace is very grateful to his grandfather for adopting him, but "respect"?

It was hard for him to respect the old man who was so out of tune and always wanted to stop him from going out to sea as a pirate...

It was even harder for Ace to believe that his grandfather would be a "navy hero" admired by the world.

The white dragon appeared in the sky at this time.

It was like a ball of flame, directly igniting Ace's longing for the sea.

He also wanted to sail freely on the sea...

Ace looked up at the white dragon in the sky and looked forward to his future pirate career.

But as time passed.

Ace's expression changed from initial surprise to ignorance, and then solemnity.

Why does that white dragon seem to be flying towards this side?


The blue-eyed white dragon flew towards Mount Korpo, and the huge dragon wings gently waved, bringing a strong storm to the forest below.

Ace's left hand tightly hugged the trunk of the tree next to him, so as to avoid being blown off the tree by the sudden strong wind.


Ace put his right hand in front of his eyes, and looked through the gaps between his fingers at the blue-eyed white dragon that fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

"Who is that person?"

Before Ace could see the man's appearance clearly.

The huge Blue-Eyes White Dragon "dissolved" into the earth like a ball of water.

A strange man Ace had never seen before appeared at the place where the Blue-Eyes White Dragon had just stood.

It was as if the giant dragon just now was transformed by this man.

If it weren't for the mess left by the storm attack.

Ace would have thought that the white dragon just now was his illusion...

'Is this the Devil Fruit ability user that grandpa mentioned before? '

Just when this thought flashed through Ace's mind.

The man on the ground below suddenly raised his right hand and waved at him.

"Portgas D. Ace? I am Vongola Storm!"

Storm had a smile on his face. He looked at Portgas D. Ace standing on the treetop and said straight to the point.

"Would you like to join me and turn this world upside down?"

"World? Huh?"

Ace stood on the branch, looking down at the man below.

Even though the scene of the other party riding a dragon just now shocked him a lot.

But he didn't have the hobby of being a crew member for others.

Ace stared at the strange man below and sneered.

"Who are you? Get out of here!"

"This is my territory!"

"This is not your territory, and it will not be your destination. "

Storm's mind moved slightly, and the power of the [Awakening] of the [Clay Fruit] surged out instantly.

The big tree where Ace stood was immediately assimilated into a "Clay Tree" by the power of the [Clay Fruit].

The hard branches instantly turned into soft clay.

Ace was careless and fell directly from the treetops and hit the ground heavily.

But at this time, the earth was also completely assimilated by the power of the [Clay Fruit] and turned into soft clay.

Ace hit the ground, but he was not hurt at all, just a little frightened.

The clay brought Ace to Storm like a wave.

"The sea is your destination, Portgas D. Ace."

At this point, Storm paused and said the other party's real name calmly.

"Or, Gol D. Ace. "

The moment he heard the name.

Ace's pupils instantly shrank sharply to the size of a needle.

The man riding a white dragon in front of him actually knew his true identity!

The disdain of being stopped by a stranger, the panic of falling from a high altitude, and the surprise of being exposed by someone else...

All kinds of complex emotions mixed together, like a ball of fire, ignited the heart of Ace, who was already very sensitive.

"You guy!"

Ace didn't care about the identity of the man in front of him. He swung his fist and wanted to hit the man in front of him in the face.

"Who do you think you are! ? "

Ace thought his fist was powerful.

To Storm, it was like soft and slow cotton.

He didn't even think about resisting the opponent's fist.

At the moment when Ace's fist was about to fall on Storm.

Storm opened his hands and fell backwards.

The earth instantly formed a huge soft clay bed.

Storm lay on his back on the clay bed and easily avoided Ace's fist attack.


Storm yawned loudly.

Then, another ball of clay rose from the ground, and its shape kept changing.

In a moment.

This ball of clay turned into the shape of the Lizard King Hanafda.

The Lizard King was more than five meters tall, standing in front of Ace, like a little giant.

"Since you want to fight, then you can fight with him for a while. "

Storm gave an order to the clay figurine of the Lizard King, who immediately took action and walked towards Ace.

"I'm really not interested in playing house with a child."

Children...playing house...

Ace's forehead suddenly showed several blue veins.

The way the man who claimed to be "Vongola Storm" dodged the attack just now was enough to make him feel annoyed.

Unexpectedly, the other party's ability to make people angry...is really one set after another!

Ace looked at the Lizard King who was coming towards him and clenched his fists again.

How could I lose to such a big fool?

Ace roared, rushed forward quickly, and displayed the skills he had trained in Mount Korpo.

One punch, one kick, one knee, one elbow...

Ace took out all kinds of martial arts, and his attack was like a hurricane. The heavy rain fell on the body of the Lizard King, and the dull sound of "dong dong dong" continued.


Ideals are full, but reality is skinny.

Ace used all his strength to beat the Lizard King for nearly half an hour.

His fists were almost worn out.

But the Lizard King still did not change at all.

Ace's attack had no effect on the Lizard King at all.


Ace punched the Lizard King hard again.

This punch finally left some bright red blood on the Lizard King's body.

But that was not the blood of the Lizard King.

It was Ace's blood.

"Are you tired of fighting? I'm going to eat now."

After taking a nap for half an hour, Storm opened his eyes and lazily looked at Ace who was still struggling with the clay.

"Are you going to eat with me, or are you going to continue to struggle with the clay doll here?"


Ace punched the Lizard King again, but it only made his fist more injured.

Now that things have come to this, let's eat first!

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