Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 110: Capture the Pirate King's Son! (Three updates with 10,000 words, please subscribe!

"Vongola Storm."


"What do you think of...'One Piece'?"

Ace was silent for a long time, and finally asked this question shyly.

"One Piece?"

Storm raised his eyebrows and asked with some interest.

"Are you talking about this world? Or your father?"


Ace held it in for a while, like a weird kid, and forced out his father's name.

"Pirate King Roger...what do you think of him?"

Ace didn't know where Storm knew that he was Roger's son.

But apart from "family", Storm was the first "outsider" Ace met who knew his life experience.

And judging from the attitude Storm showed just now...

The other party was not like ordinary people, who had emotions such as fear, disgust, and rejection towards "One Piece".

From childhood to adulthood, apart from "family", Ace has almost lived in a social environment that is hostile to "One Piece", and very few people have different views on "One Piece".

"So you are talking about your father..."

Storm stared at the barbecue of the King of the Sea, thought silently for a while, and finally commented.

"A poor man who was born at the wrong time."


After hearing Storm's words, Ace was stunned for a moment.

He expected Storm to give him a different answer.

But he didn't expect it to be "different" to this extent!

Poor man?

Even Ace has never felt that the image of his father can be associated with the word "poor".

"From the perspective of a pirate, your father's life is indeed quite legendary. He has been galloping on the sea for so many years and has achieved great achievements that no one has been able to achieve in the past few hundred years."

At this point, Storm changed the subject.

"But it's a pity, if your father could be born eight hundred years earlier, then he might be the 'savior', and the 'savior' who won the final victory.

"If your father could be born fifty or sixty years later, then he might also become the 'savior' of this generation.

"But it's a pity that your father was born in the wrong era."

"Your father" was mentioned all the time, and Ace's eyelids twitched wildly.

"What's pitiful about this? My father - no, Roger is the Pirate King!"

"Yes, I know, so what?"

Storm looked at Ace a little strangely.

"Your father is the Pirate King, but this does not affect my evaluation of him.

"And to be honest, from the perspective of a pirate, your father is quite successful.

"But from other perspectives, he is also an absolute loser in life.

"But, forget it, death is the greatest. ”

What the hell is “death is the greatest”?

Ace’s forehead was bulging with blue veins again.

“Vongola, the reason you came to me is because I am…the son of the Pirate King?”

“It’s partly because of this. After all, he is the son of the Pirate King, just like some great super celebrity. It’s not a loss to meet him.”

Storm said very calmly.

“However, the reason why I decided to recruit you has nothing to do with your identity.

“I will recruit you because your potential is strong enough, and you should be able to grow into a good helper in the future.”

“In addition, changing the direction of this world…is also one of my goals.”

Storm’s honesty was somewhat beyond Ace’s expectations.

Ace was silent for a while.

“You, don’t you think that ‘the son of the Pirate King’ is the offspring of some devil?”

“Huh? Are you going to compete with Douglas Barrett for the nickname?”

“What? "

"Douglas Barrett, a trainee in your father's pirate group, his nickname is 'Devil's Heir'."

"Who is this guy you are talking about? I don't know him!"

Ace snorted coldly and looked away.

"Besides, my father-Roger is Roger, I am me, what does the trainee in Roger's pirate group have to do with me?"

"That's quite right."

Storm nodded. Seeing that the barbecue of the King of the Sea was almost cooked, he turned it over slowly.

"Your father is your father, and you are you.

"I can't just arrest you and send you to the Navy Headquarters or the World Government because you are the 'son of the Pirate King', and then publicly execute you like your father to shock the world...

"That would be too sad.

"In this world, no one should be destined to die as soon as they are born."

Storm's last words.

It was like a bullet that hit Ace's heart directly.

"Hey, Vongola."


"I have already decided to go out to sea and become a pirate."

"Oh, I know."

"Originally, I wanted to go out to sea alone and be my own captain."

"What about now?"


Ace fell silent again, as if he was organizing his words.

Under Storm's calm gaze.

Ace spoke a long paragraph.

"What about 'red hair', 'straw hat', 'fate', 'devil fruit'... I don't understand what you said, and I don't know if they are true.

"However, since you said they are all related to my brother, I can't just ignore this matter.

"I can act with you, but I am not your crew."

Storm smiled, picked up a grilled skewer of the King of the Sea and handed it to Ace.

"You are too awkward, Ace. Even the little girl I recruited before didn't have such an awkward personality as you."

Speaking of which.

Storm has been away from the Konomi Islands where the Cocosia Village is located for several days.

After this trip to Dawn Island is over, I will return to the Konomi Islands...

"My personality is not awkward!"

Ace took the barbecue and took a bite. The hot barbecue made him exhale repeatedly.

"Huhu... So hot!"

Storm looked at the scene in front of him and laughed again.

After Ace finally ate the piece of meat in his mouth, he continued to ask.

"Besides me, who else did you recruit? Is it the big fool just now? "

"No, the clay doll just now is the former Shichibukai, Lizard King Hanafda."

Speaking of this, Storm couldn't help but glance at Ace.

Ace's talent level is indeed great.

If Storm hadn't intervened.

The person who really defeated the Lizard King is Ace!

In just one year at sea, he defeated the famous Shichibukai.

And he is also an animal-type ancient devil fruit ability user who can do sit-ups.

This record is already very strong!

Ace nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I know! The newspaper said that you defeated that Shichibukai and took his place."

"Yes... I have someone else under my command."

The figures of Robin and others flashed through Storm's mind.

"By the way, Ace, there is one thing I need to remind you.

"My subordinates, to be precise, two of them, may not like you very much."

Ace tightened his palm holding the fish meat.

"Why? Because of my identity."

"It's not just because of that."

Storm shook his head and explained casually.

"They are both from the South Sea, and one of them was born in 1501."

Ace tilted his head, and a few big question marks appeared on it.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand..."

"In short, it's..."

Storm gave a rough account.

"In 1500, your father was seriously ill and surrendered to the navy, and then was publicly executed;

"After that, the World Government inexplicably discovered your existence.

"In order to find you, the World Government and the Navy launched a super-large-scale search operation in the South China Sea, and at that time, a large number of pregnant women and babies were "dealt with", causing many human tragedies.

"...Hey, why are you showing such a low expression now?"

Ace said with self-blame and pain.

"So those people...all died because of me, right?"

"Ah? Are you mentally ill? "

Storm's words were elegant and gentle.

"This matter is related to the World Government and the Navy Headquarters, your father, your mother, and the old man Garp cannot escape responsibility.

"But you?

"You were just a bunch of cells at the time, or even just--cough! Anyway, no one should be blamed on you!"

The words were rough but the truth was true.

In Storm's view.

People have no way to decide their own birth.

When the World Government and the Navy Headquarters launched the South China Sea search operation, Ace was still in his mother's belly!

How can such a thing be blamed on Ace who has not yet been born?

Storm's words were a bit harsh.

But at least it alleviated Ace's guilt.

"When I meet those two people, I will apologize to them..."

"...It's up to you, but whether they will accept it is not within my jurisdiction. "

The two people that Storm was talking about were none other than Kidd and Kira.

Kira was born in 1497, and Kidd was born in 1501.

And if Storm remembered correctly.

At least Kira knew about the "South China Sea Navy arresting pregnant women and babies". (Chapter 43)

It is very likely that these two people were witnesses of the "South China Sea Manhunt Incident" that year...

Storm thought about it and suddenly frowned.

"Why do I suddenly feel a little bit wrong?"

Ace, who was eating the King of the Sea barbecue, looked up in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"If you are included, the composition of my team seems a bit strange! "

Storm's expression became a little strange.

Kuma is a descendant of the Bakani tribe.

Bonnie is a test subject of Saint Satan.

Robin is the successor of Ohara.

Ace is the son of the Pirate King.

That is to say.

Four people in Storm's team are definite enemies of the World Government!

Only he, Kidd, Killer and Nami have relatively "innocent" backgrounds.

Ace didn't understand what Storm said.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing... It's all the fault of the World Government!"

Storm stopped talking nonsense and he ate meat faster.

Seeing this, Ace on the side felt an inexplicable desire to win and also ate faster.

A huge offshore king.

Storm and Ace quickly ate it up.

Ace was stretched out like a balloon and collapsed on the ground, unable to move.

Storm's belly was also bulging.

But he just took a deep breath and [Life Return] started to operate quickly.

A breath of effort.

Storm's body shape returned to its original appearance.

Ace was shocked when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes.


"It's only about seventy percent full!"

Storm touched his belly and then looked at Ace.

"Ace, do you want to leave with me now, or do you want to say goodbye to your brother and the others?"

"I'd better go back to Mount Colpo first."

Ace looked at the sea not far away, with a flash of desire in his eyes.

"At least... I got to meet Luffy and Dadan."

"what ever."

Storm left Ace his phone bug contact information.

“When you decide to go to sea, contact me.

"I'll come get you."

Ace took the string of numbers and looked up at the blue-eyed white dragon flying away.

It didn't take a while.

The blue-eyed white dragon disappeared into the sky.

Ace also completely digested the barbecued meat from the King of the Sea that he just ate.

He stood up, looked around, and suddenly discovered a big problem.

How to get back to Dawn Island without a boat?

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