Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 120 The Supreme Water Pipe! (Fourth update, 13w, please subscribe)

I'm not interested in devil fruits...

It was hard for Storm to imagine that these were the words that Portcas D. Ace, a man who would one day be known as "Fire Fist" would say.

Especially when the other party said this in front of [Shaoshao Fruit].

[Burning Fruit] If it had a unique will, its soul would definitely cry...

Storm threw it away casually, and the [Burning Fruit] in his hand fell onto the blue-eyed white dragon's body.

The blue-eyed white dragon's strong dragon scales rippled like water, swallowing the [Burning Fruit] and preserving it.

"You don't like devil fruits?"

Storm looked at Ace with interest.

"Still don't like the flaws that come with devil fruits?"

"Actually, there's no such thing as 'like' or 'dislike'."

Ace thought for a moment and answered seriously.

"My younger brother - Luffy, he ate the [Rubber Fruit] - the 'Savior Fruit' you mentioned before.

"Luffy and I have been fighting each other since childhood, and I know all his abilities.

"Luffy's [Rubber Fruit] is also quite... interesting.

“But what really determines the outcome of a battle is physical fitness!

"And being a pirate means you can't swim. Actually, I think this is quite funny...I'm not saying you're funny."

"It's okay. Almost everyone knows that the Devil Fruit's weakness is that it can't swim."

Storm waved his hands, not paying attention to Ace's last words.

"But you said, 'Physique determines everything.' Did you think of this yourself, or was it something your grandfather taught you?"

"All of them!"

Ai said calmly.

"The old man's fists are very powerful, and it hurts very much when he hits someone.

"Even Luffy's rubber head can't withstand the old man's fist."

"Because he is 'Hero' Garp, 'Iron Fist' Garp, an old marine who relies on his fists to make a living."

Storm raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and scratched it a few times.

“A pure ‘martial arts sect’ like your grandfather’s—that is, a sect that fights with bare hands—is quite rare in the sea.

"You also want to be like your grandpa, hitting people with just your fists?"

"Of course I can't just use my fists. I'm not a fool, and my fists are not as strong as swords."

Ace looked at Storm speechlessly. He rummaged through the huge package he carried and pulled out a weapon.

"Although I haven't learned how to use weapons to fight, this kind of thing is still quite simple."

As he spoke, Ace waved the "weapon" in his hand.

A hollow water pipe, about the thickness of an ordinary person's thumb, danced in the air and made a "woo-woo" sound effect as he moved.

It turns out he is the owner of the "Supreme Water Pipe"...

Storm's heart suddenly felt awe-inspiring and funny.

Speaking of which, when Garp was a child, his "main weapon" seemed to be a water pipe...

Storm reached out to Ace with some curiosity, asking for the other's "supreme water pipe".

He carefully inspected the water pipe and tapped its outer shell, making a "dong-dong" sound.

It is indeed an extremely ordinary water pipe.

Ace looked at Storm's series of operations and couldn't understand.

"What are you doing?"

"Try the feel."

Storm held the pipe like a sword.

He held his breath and concentrated, grasped the water pipe tightly, and swung it towards the sky in front of him, and the air instantly made a sharp explosion.


Storm's powerful power enveloped the surrounding air, and a white and dazzling vacuum slash was immediately released.

A crescent-shaped vacuum slash streaked across the sky.

A white cloud not far away was torn into pieces on the spot by this vacuum slash attack.

The remaining momentum of the vacuum slash continued to fly forward and disappeared into the horizon.

Ace was dumbfounded.

"What was that just now? Was it hit by a water pipe?"

"The power of the vacuum slash is average, not comparable to the flying slash released by the great swordsman."

Storm weighed the water pipe in his hand and returned it to Ace's hand.

"But if it's used against some ordinary minions, its clearing effect is okay."

Storm had wanted to use "Flying Slash" just now, but the water pipe was not a sword after all.

When he first started practicing, he didn't release the "Flying Slash", but just used the force technique of [Lan Kou] to create a vacuum slash.

As for the power, it's seventy-seven or eighty-eight.

Ace picked up the water pipe and followed Storm's example just now, waving it several times.

But apart from a few whistling sounds in the air, his swiping movements had no effect.

"Vongola, how did you do it?"

Ace gave up the test for the time being and asked Storm.

"That slash just now? And you are also wearing a long sword. Are you a swordsman?"

"No, the main reason why I wear a sword is because it's handsome!"

Storm said very candidly.

"At least it's more handsome than carrying a water pipe around!"

You guy...

You must be mocking me, right?

When Ace heard this, his head was filled with black threads.

"So I can't be called a 'swordsman'."

Storm unhooked the [Liquor Iron Ore Saber] from his waist and handed it to Ace.

"At most he is a pirate who can use a sword."

Ace took Storm's [Liquor Iron Ore Saber] with both hands and unsheathed the sword with a click.

The sharp blade of the sword reflected a fleeting white light on his face.

"What a great weapon! It must be a famous sword!"

Even though Ace had never seen any good knives, he could tell at a glance that this knife was extraordinary.

"What's its name?"

"It's not a famous sword, and it doesn't have a name."

Storm spread his hands and said calmly.

“Would you name your pipes?”

Storm has always called his weapon the "Liquor Iron Ore Saber".

Even if he used the [Grand Trophy] to improve the quality of the [Liquor Iron Ore Saber] to five stars, the title has not changed.

After all, Storm was not a professional swordsman.

His real weapon is actually his "fist"!

He is also a "fighting faction"!

Storm's flat rhetorical question immediately silenced Ace.

How could his water pipe be compared with this famous sword, which was of extraordinary quality at first sight?

This guy Clam... is so irritating!

Ace gritted his teeth, sheathed the knife, and returned the weapon to Storm, while he hugged the water pipe without saying a word.

You use your saber, I use my water pipe, and everyone has a bright future.

Ace originally wanted to use "Indifference" to fight Storm.

But Storm did not let go of the newly recruited son of the Pirate King.

"Ace, can you use a knife?"


"Then are you interested in swords?"

"Not interested!"

"You don't want to inherit your father's abilities?"

"My dad - you mean, my father?"

"Yes, your father, Gol D. Roger, is actually a pirate who is very good at using swords."

Storm said with a narrow look.

"Have you forgotten the origin of your name? The pirate scimitar [Ace], one of the twelve skills of the supreme sword!"

"I have no interest in the pirate scimitar with the same name as me."

Ace replied with a cold face.

"My fist is my weapon!"

"Okay, I get it."

Storm's response caught Ace off guard.

"...What do you know?"

"You still need to exercise now!"


"It's time to speed up!"


Under the blessing of [Momo Fruit], the Blue-Eyed White Dragon burst out with terrifying speed.

Although it is still not as good as the [Thunder Fruit], it is a hundred times faster than the previous flying speed.

It only took one day.

Storm and Ace rushed back to the Conomi Islands from Dawn Island.

He took Ace to Cocosia Village, met Nami, and had a simple meal at Nami's house.

Then the trio got back on the road, riding the blue-eyed white dragon to the island where the Kingdom of Oiket was located, and directly came to the giant snail where the Kingdom of Germa was located.

A few days ago, Big Bear also mentioned to Storm that the Germa Kingdom planned to return to the North Sea in the near future.

But until now, these giant snails still stay in the East China Sea.

Daxiong has not contacted Storm in the past few days, so it is probably nothing serious.

The re-arrival of the Blue-Eyed White Dragon attracted the attention of everyone in the Germa Kingdom.

The members of the Vinsmoke family were the first to appear.

Robin, Kidd and Kira also came to the open space outside the Vinsmoke family castle.

Storm looked around and didn't see the big bear. He guessed that the other person was still with his daughter.

He said to Ace and Nami.

"You two, wait in the sky for a while, and I'll go down below and bring you up."

Nami and Ace nodded in unison.

Without hesitation, Storm jumped directly from the blue-eyed white dragon's body. A pair of white wings appeared behind him, and he glided like a bird to the Kingdom of Germa below.

"Robin, Kid, Kira."

Storm first greeted his three subordinates, and then nodded to the Vinsmoke family on the side.

"Where's the big bear?"

"Mr. Big Bear is accompanying Bonnie for daily check-ups."

Robin answered directly.

"The two of them, as well as Dr. Gaji, are all over there in the laboratory now.

"The routine checks won't take long, they should be here soon."

Robin just finished speaking.

Storm then opened his senses, and happened to sense the auras of Big Bear and Bonnie coming here.

Just listen to a "beep" sound.

Big Bear and Bonnie appeared at the gate of the Winsmoke family castle. They stood in the shadows, avoiding contact with the natural light from the outside world.

Storm came to Bonnie's side and raised his hand to touch her head.

The "Little Bear" then appeared and contained Bonnie's whole body inside.

"Haha! I look like dad again!"

Bonnie immediately became happy and looked at the big bear again.

Big Bear reached into his arms, carefully took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket, and put them on his daughter.

down these days.

What troubles Big Bear the most is not Bonnie's treatment, but Bonnie's obsession with the "Little Bear".

Bonnie has always wanted to wear the "Little Bear" armor again so that she can run freely in the outside world.

It's a pity that Storm is not in the Germa Kingdom.

Big Bear can't transform into that "Bear" armor.

If Storm hadn't returned to the Germa Kingdom today.

Big Bear wanted to ask Dr. Judge for help and asked him to make a similar piece of clothing.

Anyway, there are similar "battle suits" in the Germa Kingdom...

Bonnie put on the "Bear" armor and immediately jumped out of Big Bear's arms, running directly into the world under the sun with a pair of short legs.

Storm and Big Bear immediately followed Bonnie's footsteps and gathered with Robin and the other two.

"Ms. Reiju, please tell your father that my subordinates and I need to have a short meeting."

Storm waved his hand to create a blue-eyed white dragon, and sent Big Bear, Robin and others to the dragon's back, even Bonnie who was running wildly was no exception.

"Please prepare the things I asked for in advance!"

After saying this, Storm drove the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and flew to the side of another Blue-Eyes White Dragon in the sky.

On one Blue-Eyes White Dragon stood Nami and Ace.

On the other Blue-Eyes White Dragon stood Kuma, Robin, Kidd and Killer.

The two groups looked at each other, and no one knew what to say.

Nami and Ace were fine, because they both knew that Storm already had another group of subordinates.

But Robin and the others were quite surprised. The captain/boss had only been out for a few days, and he brought back two newcomers...

"I'll talk about the introductions later."

Storm controlled the two Blue-Eyes White Dragons and continued to fly into the sky.

"Let's go to the sky now!"

Ten thousand meters above the sky.

The sky courtyard quietly floated among the white clouds, waiting for the return of its owner.

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