Storm felt more and more that Hawkeye Mihawk was a duplicitous man.

It was obvious that he was not interested in "red-haired Shanks" as he said.

As a result, as soon as Storm mentioned the issue about red hair, this guy couldn't help but feel his heart sway.

Hey, No. 2~

Storm let out a sigh of disdain in his heart.

By the way, why can't a "red-haired person with two hands" be the Yonko, but can a "red-haired person with one hand" be the Yonko?

Of course it's because the red hair with one hand blocked his "little left" directly in the new era!

Then all the gears of fate began to turn...

Red hair on both hands, what kind of crooked melons and cracked dates are they?

Bandit King Sig can kill fifty-six pieces of sea garbage at will (Qing Zhen)!

You can even bite off the left hand of an offshore king less than a hundred meters away and then leave calmly (Bao Zhen)...

But red hair with one hand is different.

The left hand is separated from the body, and the domineering force is in place. When you rush into the new world, you can become the pirate emperor!

What is a person with [Face Fruit] ability, and what is a guide in the new era~ (tactical backtracking)

Storm ignored Mihawk, whose mind was drifting to who knows where.

He looked at the unconscious Crocodile next to him, then glanced at Mihawk, and bold ideas came to his mind again.

Storm raised his right hand and released the ability of the [Clay Fruit]. Pieces of scale-like gray-black clay were released by him, covering the surface of the sand crocodile's body.


Mihawk's voice sounded like thunder around Storm.

The "former" world's greatest swordsman crossed his arms, looked at the unconscious Sand Crocodile, and shook his head.

"The banana crocodile in Alabasta has yellow-green scales, not gray-black."

Storm turned his head, glanced at Mihawk, and silently extended his thumb to the other person.

He is worthy of being called "Eagle Eye", his eyes are so sharp!

Got a friendly reminder from Mihawk.

Storm instantly changed the color of the clay.

Crocodile's appearance began to undergo an astonishing change under the control of his power.

Yellow-green hard scales cover the surface of the body. As the body stretches and lengthens, the length of its limbs remains unchanged. The golden poisonous hook on the left hand disappears, turning into a short but sharp claw. A thick and powerful tail also grows from behind. Come out...


There was a sound of camera phone buzzing.

Storm turned to look at Mihawk again.

The latter held a freshly baked photo of the "Real Sand Crocodile" between his two fingers and shook it at Storm.

"One for one."

Storm instantly understood what Mihawk meant.

One "art photo of a harpy" was replaced with an "art photo of a desert crocodile".

"Hey~ It's like I don't have a camera bug!"

Storm snorted, took out his camera phone, and started taking photos of his latest "masterpiece".

Mihawk could only take back the photo in his hand with regret.

His sharp eagle eyes stared at the photo for a while, then put it in his pocket.

…The crocodile is much uglier than the eagle.

Storm finished handling the trivial matters on Crocodile's side. He collected the carefully taken "art photos of desert crocodiles" in his bag, and then walked towards Edward Weibull on the other side.

The power of the Blue Eyes White Dragon's [Dragon Roar] was too powerful, completely beyond Buckingham Stussy's endurance. The old woman has not yet woken up.

But Edward Weibull on the side has amazing physical fitness and has not fainted until now.

Storm walked over to the gaunt, scrawny Edward Weeble.

If he hadn't witnessed Edward Weibull's "weight loss" process.

He also didn't want to believe that the straw-like guy on the ground was the fat Edward Weeble from before.

Edward Weibull naturally saw Storm approaching.

His brain is not very smart, but at least it is stronger than the fish in the legend of the sea with a memory of only seven seconds...

Edward Weible remembered it well.

Although the little man approaching now did not attack him like the other two guys.

But this little man came here with two other little men!

These three little guys are in the same group!

"Don't come over..."

Severely dehydrated, Edward Weeble was unable to move at all and could only try to intimidate his enemies with words.

"My mother will be here soon!"

Your mother—let’s call her “Mom”—is still unconscious!

Storm was completely unconcerned with Edward Weibull's threat.

He waved to the blue-eyed white dragon in the sky, and several buckets of fresh water fell from the sky.

Storm condensed several balls of clay and projected them into the sky like throwing ammunition, hitting every wooden barrel filled with fresh water with great precision.

Flutters of fresh water fell from the sky, as if there was a local heavy rain here.

Edward Weibull was bathed in this rainstorm of fresh water. His body, which was extremely short of water, greedily absorbed the fresh water from the surroundings, and his whole body slowly inflated as if it were inflated.

Although it is not as flexible as the "rubber man".

But Edward Weible was slowly getting back into shape.

Storm observed this scene with interest.

Edward Weibull's body was like a dry river bed, constantly absorbing fresh water from the surroundings.

But he did not return to his original fat appearance. Instead, he turned into a tall, muscular man.

Not like the Edward Weeble before.

More like Edward Teach!


Edward Weibull also had very obvious suture scars on his left eye, neck and left arm.

And his crescent-shaped white beard is also thinner and longer than the real white beard and "Edward Teach".

But it has to be said.

Every fat person has potential.

Weight loss is the most effective medical aesthetics.

Now Edward Weibull, except for his silly expression, looks like a mighty and domineering super hunk!

"Sand Crocodile's [Sands Fruit] is indeed interesting."

Mihawk walked to Storm's side and gave a positive comment on Edward Weibull's new image.

"This way, he looks more like Whitebeard's son."

"I am Whitebeard's son!"

Edward Weibull absorbed enough water and became energetic.

He snorted coldly at Mihawk, then looked at Storm and said something silly.

"Thank you!"

Without waiting for Storm's response.

Edward Weeble picked up Buckingham Stussy, who was still unconscious, picked up his naginata, and ran away without saying anything.

"Bai Long, aren't you going to do something?"

Mihawk looked at Storm, who was standing motionless, and couldn't help but wonder.

"If you don't take action, this 'Whitebeard' will run away."

"No rush."

Storm shook his head, looked at Edward Weibull who was gradually running out of the desert area, and said calmly.

"Let's take a look first."

Edward Weibull held his weapon and held his mother in his arms, and rushed out of the desert created by Crocodile's ability.

The moment you step out of the yellow sand.

Edward Weibull seemed to have lost power. He stood still and stopped running.

He knew the sand was dangerous.

He was defeated by the sand just now.

So as soon as Edward Weibull recovered, he immediately ran out of the desert to avoid being swallowed by the sand again.


After running out of the desert area, Edward Weibull returned to his original appearance.

A "silly son" who has an empty brain and needs Buckingham Stussy to give orders no matter what he does.


Edward Weeble looked at Buckingham Stussy, who was still unconscious in his arms, and asked himself.

"What should I do now? Sleep? I understand..."

Buckingham Stussy said absolutely nothing.

Edward Weible seemed to get the answer from his unconscious mother.

I saw Edward Weibull sitting down on the ground. When he put down Buckingham Stusy, he also lay down on the ground.

Mihawk looked at the "Human Confusion Behavior Show" not far away and felt a little bad.

Although he wanted to spar with Edward Weeble, who had the white-bearded power of his youth.

But after witnessing what the other party did...

An idea suddenly came to Mihawk's mind.

——You can’t play with fools!

"Whitebeard's son, why is he like this..."

"Who knows? You can torture his mother."

Storm answered nonchalantly, and then walked directly to Edward Weibull.

Edward Weibull, who was about to listen to his mother's words and go to bed early, heard the footsteps of Storm approaching. He immediately sat up straight like a restless child.

Storm raised his right hand and released the [Clay Fruit] ability. His right fist instantly expanded and lengthened like rubber, and punched Edward Weibull in the stomach.


Edward Weibull looked at the clay fist that was bounced away by his strong muscles, and couldn't help but scratch the area where it was hit.

"What are you doing?"

"Edward Weeble?"

Storm looked at Edward Weibull, and then extended his hand to the side.

"Who do you think that is?"

The shape of the clay fist that had just been bounced away had changed dramatically.

The power of "imitation" of [Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit] is quietly operating at this moment.

A brand new, slimmed-down version of Edward Weibull stood quietly on the earth. Even the naginata in his hand looked like the [Cushimogiri], one of the twelve skills of the supreme sword.

Edward Weibull's little eyes were widened. He looked at the "white beard" in disbelief and suddenly roared.



Storm coughed slightly.

Even he had sufficiently underestimated the intelligence of Edward Weeble.

But I didn't expect it to be overestimated...

Storm looked at the "Clay Weibull" on the other side and manipulated it to start talking.

"Weeble! What did Buckingham Stussy tell you?"


Weibull climbed up from the ground neatly and stood there respectfully.

"Mom told me a lot... She said I was your son..."


Clay Weibull said in a deep voice.

"I'm not your father!"

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