Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 16 The Art of Clay! (Please read on!)

Chapter 16 The Art of Clay!

"You two! How could you fight in front of so many prison colleagues?!"

Magellan turned purple—purple in the physical sense.

"Absolutely lawless!"

In anger, Magellan's [Poison Fruit] exploded with astonishing effects.

Dark purple venom covered the surface of his body and dripped downwards.

The moment these venoms came into contact with the floor, they immediately made a "sizzling" and "sizzling" sound, which was obviously very poisonous.

In terms of attack effect alone, there is no doubt about the power of [Poisonous Fruit]!

In front of the angry poisonous man.

The entire prison cafeteria was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Magellan didn't care whether it was Storm who beat Xiliu or Xiliu who was beaten by Storm.

Anyway, it’s wrong for two people to fight each other in public!

Magellan cut the knot quickly.

"You both need to be punished! Confinement!"

Poison Dragon stared at Storm and Shiliu and issued the ruling order from the director.

Storm received a "Scorching Hell 24-Hour Special Forces Travel Guide."

Xiliu received a "Seven-day Tour Package to Extremely Cold Hell".

Storm protested, not expecting that he too would be punished.

"Director! I was acting in self-defense!"

The little white dragon that didn't know when it returned to Storm's shoulder also roared at the director along with its master.

“But it still had a bad impact!”

Magellan said with a straight face and seriously.

"You are just a first-time offender, so you will only be sent to the scorching hell!"

Pushing forward the fourth floor of the city, the scorching hell.

The fifth level of extreme cold hell has a harsher environment and climate than the fourth level.

Magellan's punishment plan already took into account the factor of Shiliu taking the initiative to attack.

So his punishment for Shiliu was even more severe!

Perhaps he knew that he was in the wrong, or perhaps he was unwilling to argue with Magellan.

Shiliu disarmed Haki, cleaned up the clay on [Thunderstorm], and turned around to leave neatly.

"Hannibal! Send Storm to the fourth floor!"

Magellan gave instructions to the warden, and then left with Shiliu.

He wants to personally escort Xi Liu to the fifth level of extreme cold hell!

Wait until both directors have left.

Hannibal then slowly moved to Storm's side and smiled flatteringly.

"My Lord Jailer, you are so powerful! Even that bastard Shiliu is no match for you!"

"It's not even close!"

Storm shook his head and said noncommittally.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he was suppressing Shiliu throughout the entire battle.

The actual situation...is also the same.

But the reality of the battle is otherwise.

Storm's movements were as fierce as a tiger's.

It can be seen that the damage is 2.5.

Storm's attack only caused Shiliu to bleed a little and did not really threaten the opponent.

As a great swordsman, Shiliu's physical fitness is terrifying!

Far more resistant to beatings than sphinxes.

On the other hand, the attack power of [Clay Fruit] is seriously insufficient.

If the attack power of [Clay Fruit] is comparable to [Poison Fruit]...

never mind.

Storm shook his head inwardly.

The attack power of a Devil Fruit is determined by its basic properties.

The essence of [Clay Fruit] is to make clay.

Even if the clay is played with tricks and becomes art——



The image of a four-mouthed artistic young man who liked to play with clay flashed in Storm's mind.

Can he impart certain qualities to clay to increase its basic attack power?

Hannibal didn't know Storm's inner thoughts at this time.

After hearing his words, the warden agreed cheerfully.

"Yes, yes! That bastard Shiliu is far behind you!"

After saying this, Hannibal felt coy for a moment.

"Well, Storm, it's time to set off for the Searing Hell."

Storm came to his senses and buried the idea of ​​"clay art" in his heart.

"I haven't eaten yet!"

"I'll send someone to send the food over immediately!"

Searing Hell, single room.

Storm, who had eaten and drank enough, sat cross-legged on the ground. The terrifying high temperature around him had no effect on him at all.

A four-star [Physique] was enough for him to completely ignore this temperature.

Storm called out his [Big Trophy] and looked at the [Armed Color Haki] rated as high as "☆".

"Have you really awakened [Armed Haki]?"

Storm clenched his fist and channeled the power slightly awkwardly.

The next moment.

A transparent energy invisible to the naked eye emerged on the surface of Storm's fist, wrapping his fist.

"There is no color, which is a bit different from the [Armed Color Haki] in my impression. Is it because the level is too low?"

Storm dispersed this [Armed Hakiness], closed his eyes again, and felt the level of physical exertion.

"Using [Haki] is much more expensive than using [Six Styles]!

"As for power..."

Storm thought, and a clay statue as tall as a human appeared in front of him.


He swung the punch entwined with [Armed Haki] and easily shattered the clay statue into pieces.

"The fists wrapped with domineering power have much higher attack power than ordinary fists!"

Storm dispersed [Armed Haki] and created several clay clones again.

Since [Iron Block] can guide him to awaken [Armed Color Haki].

So can [Paper Painting] also help awaken [Visual Color Haki]?

Under the control of Storm, several clay clones attacked together and launched a series of intensive attacks at him.

Facing the attack from the clay clone, Storm held his breath and released his power, dodging like paper.

I don’t know how much time passed.

There is an extra column in Storm's abilities——

[Seeing and hearing domineering: ☆]

The confinement time flies by.

During this period of time, Storm initially mastered the power of [Armed Color Haki] and [Information Color Haki].

Not only that, he also completely digested the [Six Forms] ability that he had previously added points to improve.

What surprised Storm was that after he mastered all the four-star [Six Styles].

He has a new ability——

【Return of Life:☆】

[Six Forms] is a physical technique that exceeds the physical limits of ordinary humans.

And [Return of Life] demonstrates the characteristics of [Six Styles] that can extremely develop physical abilities.

Storm has mastered [Life Return], and he can freely control his body, even his internal organs and hair.

As long as his consciousness is instilled, he can control any part of his body at will.

Storm knows very well that [Life Return] still has great potential that can be tapped.

However, the confinement time is limited and he cannot complete this task in the cell.

End the confinement and leave the cell.

Storm was immediately taken to the director's office, which was also on the fourth level of scorching hell.

This time, he finally met Magellan in his office—not the bathroom.

"Ström, I'm sorry."

Magellan looked apologetic.

"I'm going to put you in solitary confinement."

Storm looked at the director without saying a word.

If an apology is useful, what does the law need to do?

"I have thoroughly investigated what happened that day."

Magellan raised his hands and made gestures.

"Xiliu, Xiliu... Xiliu is a madman!

"You don't want to be like him."

"General knowledge?"

Storm smiled absurdly.

"Director, are you saying that I can't be angry when he stabbed me with a knife, but I have to forgive him generously?"

"I know it might be a little embarrassing to say that."

Magellan wanted to say something more.


"If you know it's embarrassing, don't say anything."

Storm interrupted.

"Director, if there is nothing else, I will go to work.

"I haven't visited the prison for several days, so I'm a little itchy."

Itchy hands?

Magellan's eyelids suddenly twitched as he looked at Storm's leaving figure.

He was originally worried that Xi Liu would become a madman who could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and would kill countless people.

But now it seems that Storm also has that kind of potential?

"It must be an illusion! An illusion!"

Magellan held his butt between his legs and rushed into the toilet.

The corridor outside the director's office.

Storm walked a few steps when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the side.


Storm turned to look, and the recovered little Sadie waved her whip at him.

"...remember to train those jailer beasts!"

"I don't have such a bad habit."

Storm waved to little Sadie and took the elevator directly to the sea level.

After cleaning up and changing into his uniform, Storm once again started his tour of Impel Down City.

But a few days ago, the "prison warden vs. deputy director incident" occurred.

Through word of mouth among the jailers, many prisoners also learned the news.

Ame no Shiru is a cruel guy who kills people without batting an eyelid.

Storm could actually suppress and beat such a ruthless person.

The prisoners immediately transferred their fear of Shiliu to Storm.

This also resulted in his entire inspection trip to Impel Down City being extremely safe.

How is this possible?

Storm, who was thinking about the [Big Trophy], found another reason.

——He doesn’t like striped clothes today.

Then he went straight to the guy with the highest bounty in the Scorching Hell.

The bounty is 91 million Baileys, the person with [Animal Type·Chameleon Fruit] ability!

Even in Impel Down, a place where prisoners gather, there are not many people with devil fruit abilities.

At least in the first four levels, the number of Devil Fruit users is rare.

Storm came to find him, just to see if this pirate, who had a bounty of more than 90 million, could provide a golden trophy!

But the result disappointed him.

This "Chameleon Man" can also only provide one [Silver Trophy].

‘The reward is over 100 million, corresponding to the gold trophy! ’

This confirmed some of Storm's guesses.

‘It seems that the hope of hunting the golden trophy lies in the extreme cold hell! ’

I got a [Silver Trophy] today.

Taking into account the opponent's Devil Fruit ability user's identity.

Instead of adding points to the trophy, Storm used it to "make a wish" on a whim.

‘Chameleon, a three-star trophy, shouldn’t there be a three-star [Devil’s Ring]? ’

Storm looked expectantly at the melting silver trophy in front of him.

But he didn't see any real thing until the trophy completely disappeared.

'Is it... a new ability? '

Storm looked at his ability bar and saw a new ability.

[Name: Color Change]

[Stars: ★★★]

[Effect: Change the color of the body surface freely]

[Comment: Why did I change color? ]

'Color change, the chameleon's signature skill. '

Storm released a ball of clay, and the color of the clay kept changing with his mind.

'The effect is that it can make a more realistic doll? '

'The clay art I want is not this art! '

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