Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 163 New Navy, Second in Command! (3rd update, 9k, please subscribe!)

"Navy guerrillas?"

Storm is not unfamiliar with the term "guerrillas".

Because he is a member of the Blade Force.

To be precise.

As a rear admiral, Storm is now the second in command of the Blade Force!

When Aokiji invited Storm to join the Blade Force, he once said that the Blade Force was "a guerrilla force that can act freely".

But Storm did not expect that Zefa would also invite him to join another "Navy Guerrilla" at this time.

In fact.

If Storm had not given Zefa the "clay arm" today.

Zefa would indeed form a "Navy Guerrilla" on his own two years later, travel the sea, and hunt pirates.

This former admiral did not leave the navy and act alone until 1523 of the Sea Circle Calendar.

As early as 26 years ago, Zefa's family was killed by pirates.

At that time, he had already had the idea of ​​quitting the navy and hunting pirates.

But because of the strong dissuasion of the other generals of the navy at that time.

Zephyr stayed in the Navy and began to teach and train Navy recruits as the chief instructor.

Until three years ago, the recruit training camp led by Zephyr was attacked by Edward Weeble.

That major blow made him think of leaving the Navy again.

And it was not until five years later that the World Government invited Edward Weeble to become the new King of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Zephyr officially left the Navy at this time - this statement is not quite accurate.

Strictly speaking.

In the year 1523 of the Sea Circle Calendar, Zephyr was completely disappointed with the World Government and the Navy Headquarters. He completely abandoned his past camps and positions and chose to form the "NEO Navy".

Between 1520 and 1523, Zephyr had always been active on the sea as the highest person in charge of the "Navy Guerrillas".

Storm's move today, the "giving away" move, only stimulated the early birth of the "Navy Guerrillas".

"Teacher Zefa, have you forgotten that I am still a member of the Blade Force!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

Zefer said in a deep voice while adapting to his "new clay arm".

"Rather, it is precisely because of your status as a member of the Blade Force that I invited you to join my Navy Guerrilla!"

Zefer's original plan was to wait until the Navy scientists had completely built his mechanical arm, and then leave the Navy with a group of marines to hunt pirates as a "guerrilla".

But that would face a problem.

That is, in that "Navy Guerrilla", apart from Zefa himself, there is no other outstanding navy who can stand alone.

You know.

Zefer's own health condition is not optimistic.

Zefer under normal circumstances can indeed exert the combat effectiveness of the admiral level.

But Zefa is ill!

And he is very ill!

Once the disease breaks out, Zefa will have difficulty in maintaining his combat effectiveness, let alone protecting himself.

In that case, don't imagine that Zefa can protect the rest of the Navy Guerrilla.

He even needs the Marine Guerrillas to protect him...

About the "senior officers" of the Marine Guerrillas.

Zephyr has examined three people so far, all of whom are marines he brought up.

Shuzo, Ein, and Binz.

The former is a master of physical skills and is currently Zephyr's right-hand man in the boot camp.

The latter two are devil fruit users, the former has the [Reverse Fruit] and the latter has the [Prosperity Fruit].

It is worth mentioning that.

Ein and Binz are both survivors of the attack three years ago, and are the only two survivors of that boot camp.

For now.

The strength levels of Shuzo, Ein, and Binz are relatively... mediocre.

Having taught students for decades, Zephyr can fully see the potential level and strength limit of Shuzo and the other two.

If we use the bounty amount of pirates as an analogy.

The upper limit of these three people is estimated to be around 500 million Baileys.

This is just an ideal state.

The three people at this stage.

Shuzo, who has studied physical skills, is okay.

I think Ein and Binz don't even have the ability to deal with supernovas...

Zeff's expectation for the "Pirate Guerrilla" is to lead this guerrilla into the New World and clear out the garbage and scum in the New World.

But the entire "Guerrilla".

Except for Zefa himself.

The other three "big cadres" even have a hard time dealing with pirates with bounties of over 100 million Baileys.

And the pirates living in the New World with bounties of over 100 million are as numerous as crucian carp crossing the river.

How can we fight this?

We can't put all the fighting pressure on Zefa alone, right?

Not to mention that Zefa himself has a lot of problems!

But now.

The appearance of Storm has given Zefa another direction to think about.

First of all, Storm is a pure navy soldier;

Secondly, Storm was born in the Blade Force and is very familiar with the "guerrillas";

Finally, Storm's own strength is strong enough to easily defeat the two Shichibukai!

If such a navy can be pulled into the navy guerrillas, Zefa's own pressure can be reduced a lot.

"Navy guerrillas?"

Storm pondered for a moment and asked.

"If I choose to join, will I have to withdraw from the Blade Force?"

"Why retreat?"

Zefa shook his head and denied it directly.

"My guerrillas are organized separately, even if you are also a member of the Blade Force.

"In addition, I also know the meaning and goal of the Blade Force...The nature of the Blade Force and the guerrillas are actually the same."

They all just listen to the tune but not the propaganda!

Storm nodded, he understood this!

Don't wait for Storm's final answer.

Zefa said to himself again.

“I am still leading this new generation of boot camp. No matter what, we must start and finish everything.

“Even if the guerrillas are formed, it will probably be a year later.

"Ström, I can give you a year to consider whether to join the guerrillas."

Zefa stared at Storm and said sincerely.

"I hope you'll give this a serious thought."

"You don't need to think about it seriously. In fact, I can give you an answer now, Teacher Zefa."

Storm shook his head and said directly.

"I can join this 'guerrilla group', but as you know, my current status is rather special and I am not suitable to appear with the navy."

"Of course! Of course!"

Zefa nodded repeatedly.

"You are now the King's Qibukai after all... In this case, it's settled!

"After this recruit training camp is over, I will start preparing for the guerrilla affairs. I will contact you then."


Storm responded solemnly.

The reason why he chose to agree to Zefa's invitation.

Not just because he respected Zefa as a teacher.

What’s more, Zefa’s “Naval Guerrilla” will evolve into another organization in the future——

"NEO Navy", or "New Navy".

Just like Crocodile said before.

The navy is the king of this sea.

But as an organization under the World Government.

The Navy doesn't always do their "justice"!

Even Storm has no way of seeing the very distant future.

But one thing he is sure of is that the "harmonious" relationship between him and the world government will not always be the same.

And once Storm comes into conflict with the World Government.

The navy will definitely become a huge obstacle between him and the world government!

That's when.

Zefa's "Naval Guerrilla Force", or the "NEO Navy" can play a role...

Join the naval guerrillas now.

He will be the second in command of the new navy in the future!

This can be regarded as Storm preparing for a rainy day!

Zefa also didn't expect that he just invited Storm casually, but he actually accepted it.

The naval guerrillas had not yet been formed.

Zefa invited a junior with outstanding ideas, strength, and reputation.

As for Storm’s “radical justice”…

Zefa, who "doesn't kill", may still dislike him.

Now Zefa just wants him to "increase efforts"!

The "right hand" was restored and Storm was recruited. Two happy events happened one after another, making Zefa's pace become much lighter.

Zefa quickly walked to the side of Edward Weibull who was still sleeping, raised his just-created right hand, and at the same time wrapped around [Armed Haki].

Deliberate punch!


Only a dull sound was heard.

Zefa's heavy punch directly hit the head of the sleeping Edward Weibull.

The latter was awakened directly by this sudden heavy blow, and he jumped up in confusion. A huge bulge grew on his head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It hurts so much!"

Edward Weeble held his head in pain, tears quickly welling up in his eyes, and he cried out for Buckingham Stussy.

"Mom! Mom!"

Zefa stood in front of Edward Weibull, looking at the big man who was crying like a child, and an inexplicable subtle emotion surged in his heart.

"Don't cry!"

Zefa clenched his fists, took a step forward, and spoke loudly and forcefully.


Edward Weibull could not recognize the true identity of the purple-haired man in front of him at all, even though he was the one who chopped off one of his arms with his own hands.

The sharp pain that kept coming from the top of his head made Edward Weibull feel scared. He just wanted to get away from this scary-looking purple-haired strong man as soon as possible.

"Mom! Mom!"

Edward Weeble ran and shouted.

He couldn't even speak clearly, all he could say was "Mom".

Zefa frowned tightly, and the subtle emotions in his heart continued to ferment.


Zefa's figure disappeared instantly, appearing directly in front of Edward Weibull as if teleporting.

He waved his right hand and struck again——

Deliberate punch!


Zefa's fist hit Edward Weibull hard on the lower abdomen, and the latter flew directly into the sky, and then fell heavily to the ground of Long Ring Island, creating a deep pit on the ground. .

First, he was forcibly beaten to wake up, and then he was hit in the stomach.

Edward Weeble also had pain in his head and stomach.

He couldn't call his mother, so he gave up resistance, held his head with both hands, and curled up in the depths of the pit, ready to be beaten and scolded.

But at this time, Edward Weeble was still shouting.

"Mom... Mom... Where are you... It hurts so much..."

Zeff stood at the edge of the pit, looking down at this big fool who only knew how to hold his head, cry, and call his mother, and felt extremely sad in his heart.

Was his life ruined by such a fool?

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