Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 167 The Ghost Fruit is invincible! (Two more chapters, please subscribe!)

His strength is unknown, he becomes stronger when he encounters the strong, and is nicknamed the King of Souls.

Storm couldn't complain about Brooke's seniority.

The main reason is that although this guy came online early, he was "offline" for too long!

"The King of Souls returned from the underworld and found that the sea was full of new people"... This sentence is really not just a joke.

Except for pirate groups composed of special races like the Giant Soldier Pirates.

If you only consider "human" pirates.

The only thing Storm can think of for the time being is a "first-line veteran pirate" who is older than Brooke and is still active on the sea...

There is only one person.

The chef of the Big Mom Pirates, a person with the [Chichi Fruit] ability, long bread.

But Baguette and Brooke's situation was different.

Brooke is really a very special kind of pirate.

I don’t know if Brooke really has any “large vest”…

Storm shook his head and no longer paid attention to Brooke who was reminiscing about the past. He controlled the blue-eyed white dragon to fly to the terrifying three-masted ship.

When approaching the terrifying three-masted ship for a certain distance.

Storm's [Seeing Color Haki] already felt two familiar auras.

That was exactly the aura of Red Oni Broki and Ao Oni Tori.

There are other "auras" around Akki Broki and Aoki Tori.


Storm "heard" a girl's voice, but his [Seeing Color Haki] did not feel the other person's presence, as if the other person was a ghost that did not exist in the world.

"Princess Mononoke..."

A suspect flashed through Storm's mind. He controlled the blue-eyed white dragon and flew into the sky above the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

Compared with ordinary ships, the area of ​​​​the terrifying three-masted sailing ship is indeed very large.

But if the comparison target is an "island", then the terrifying three-masted sailboat is actually just a small island.

Just a short while.

The blue-eyed white dragon flew over the dense forest called "Forest of Death" in the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

On the blue-eyed white dragon's head, Storm could clearly see Red Ghost Broki and Blue Ghost Tori kneeling somewhere.

And beside them, there are two other giants - they are Cassie and Oyimo who were rescued from Judiciary Island by Red Ghost Broki and Aoki Tori.

The four giants knelt down on the ground together, in a respectful posture, and kept mumbling something in their mouths.

"I'm sorry for being born human..."

"If there is an afterlife, I want to be a fish..."

"I don't deserve to live in this world at all..."

"A waste like me should just die..."

Storm's [Seeing and Hearing Haki] clearly heard the words of the four giants.

at the same time.

Storm also heard the extremely happy laughter coming from the other side.


A pink-haired girl, who looked about the same size as a giant, was standing in the open space nearby, mocking the four giants including the red ghost Brocky.

"You four big guys are really too weak!"

Storm was looking at the pink-haired girl.

A voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"What a beautiful lady..."

As soon as Storm turned his head, he saw Brook jumping off the back of the blue-eyed white dragon and jumping directly to the "pink-haired giant girl".

Brooke's frame is so light that it can even support him running temporarily on the ocean.

Falling from the sky, he landed lightly like a flying swallow without any harm.

But nevertheless.

The moment Brook landed, he still knelt on the ground, like the four giants next to him.

He knelt on the ground, raised his skull, stared directly at the "big pink-haired pussy" with his empty eyes, and asked in a very humble and sincere tone.

"Excuse me, can I see your panties?"

"Huh? Who are you?"

Perona looked at the skeleton that suddenly fell from the sky, and felt that her original good mood was disturbed by the other party.

"You naughty skeleton!

“Negative Ghost!”

Perona raised her right hand and instantly released a huge white ghost.

The moment the ghost appeared, Brooke's begging gesture disappeared without a trace.


Brooke was so frightened that he took a few steps back, and the green soul seemed to protrude from his eye sockets.

"I hate ghosts the most...don't come here!!"

"Why are you, a skeleton, afraid of ghosts?!"

Perona looked at Brooke very uncomprehensively, but she still decided to give him a happy life.

"Negative Ghost! Go!"

Under the control of Princess Mononoke's will, the huge white ghost waved its arms and approached Brooke at an extremely fast speed.

When Brooke didn't react at all, the huge white ghost wrapped Brooke's body together until it penetrated him.

The power from the [Ghost Fruit] instantly infected Brooke.

I saw Brook kneeling on the ground again, directly putting his skull close to the ground, and said extremely passively.

"This world is really meaningless...let the male dog take away my bones..."


Perona looked at Brook, who was kneeling on the ground, wrinkled her nose, and snorted with disdain.

"What a skeleton!

"My [Ghost Fruit] is invincible!"

Perona wanted to laugh loudly, but as soon as she raised her head, she saw the white dragon hovering in the sky.

"White Dragon..."

The smile on Perona's face froze instantly, her pupils kept trembling, and drops of cold sweat oozed from her forehead.

"Shichibukai White Dragon!"

"Why is a pirate of the same level as Lord Moria here!"

"Although I have met a talking skeleton."

Storm's voice was still ringing in the sky in the last second, and appeared on the ground in the next second.

"But... can ghosts sweat?"

Perona lowered her head instantly and saw a strange man standing at her feet.

The other party looked exactly like the Shichibukai White Dragon with a bounty of 95 million Baileys!

Storm stood at Perona's feet.

In front of him was a pair of huge red round-toed leather shoes that looked like pillars.

"It seems a bit strange to talk like this..."

Storm released the power of the [Clay Fruit], and the whole person instantly swelled into a giant.

"But it's very convenient to talk like this."

In the blink of an eye.

Storm's body swelled to a size roughly equivalent to Perona, the red demon Broki, etc., and a giant about 20 meters tall appeared in the Death Forest.


Perona looked at the man in front of her who suddenly grew up, and couldn't help but scream.

The ghost princess who was still making an "invincible declaration" the moment before.

The next moment, like a weak little girl, she fell to the ground in a duck-like sitting manner.

"Giant, giant!"

Perona looked at Storm in horror, and the cold sweat oozing from her forehead became more dense.

"You are actually a giant... No! What's there to be afraid of a giant!

"What's there to be afraid of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

"My ability is invincible!"

Due to her blind confidence in the [Ghost Fruit], Perona instantly regained her confidence. She waved her hands and released one white ghost after another.

Dense white ghosts appeared in the sky together, as if forming a thick and terrifying white mist.

"Your shadow should be very powerful, right? And that dragon... I heard about it from Lord Moria!"

Perona continued to release white ghosts, her eyes firmly looking at Storm.

"I will kill you! Just like killing these giants!

"When the time comes, I will offer your shadow to Lord Moria!

"Go! Negative Ghost!"

Under the command of the Ghost Princess.

Numerous negative ghosts attacked Storm together.

Storm was very curious about the specific effect of "Negative Ghost", but he didn't want to experience it himself.

He raised his right hand, and a powerful [Armament Haki] burst out from his right palm, as if a violent hurricane had been set off on the spot.

This is not the "entanglement" technique of [Haki], but a further "external" technique.

Storm's [Armament Haki] has already reached the eight-star level, and he is familiar with all the techniques for using [Armament Haki].

At this time, he released [Armament Haki], as if forming a solid barrier invisible to the naked eye in front of him, resisting the group of negative ghosts that were rushing towards him.

Bang bang bang——

Perona's negative ghost hit Storm's external [Armament Haki].

It was like a bunch of balloons hitting a solid and sharp needle wall.

One after another, the negative ghosts burst directly in the air, like one after another balloons exploding, and the roar was endless.

It was just a round of collision.

The countless negative ghosts that Perona had just released were directly consumed.

The ghost princess saw that her invincible ability was easily broken by someone, and her appearance collapsed directly.


Storm calmly waved his right palm, and the [Armament Haki] turned into a storm, rushing towards the ghost princess.

[Haki] is an ability that transcends everything.

As long as the power of [Haki] is strong enough, it can even forcibly remove the power of the devil fruit.

Although Perona's [Ghost Fruit] is indeed special and powerful.

But it is still too fragile in front of the power of [Haki].

Storm's [Armament Haki] rushed over.

Perona, who was already shocked, was directly hit by his [Armament Haki], and her huge body instantly shrank to a normal human body.

The next moment.

The ghost princess's soul continued to fly back until it retreated to the castle in the distance.

A [Golden Trophy] jumped out in front of Storm.

[Golden Trophy: Ghost Princess·Perona]

[Trophy Star Rating: ★★★★]

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