Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 216 A top battle that tears the sky apart! (Fifth update, 18w, please subscribe!)

"Red-haired Shanks!"

Sengoku's eyes were fixed on the red-haired pirates arriving at the huge square at the navy branch base.

The unexpected Pirate Emperor suddenly appears.

Zeng Guoming still maintained a calm expression on his face, but his eyes were full of astonishment.

Why did the Red-Haired Pirates appear silently on the Shampoo Islands?

The naval branch base in the New World did not give any warning message!

The navy branch base on the Shampoo Islands also found no movement of the red-haired pirates!

From this point of view, the Navy's intelligence collection capabilities are simply not too bad!

But this also illustrates the excellence of the red-haired pirates from the side.

"A group of troublesome guys have appeared~"

Kizaru transformed into a flash of light and appeared under the execution platform, looking at the red-haired pirates opposite.

"It's so scary ~ the red-haired pirates."

At this moment, Kizaru's heart was filled with helpless emotions.

His luck this year is too bad!

Whitebeard II, Golden Lion II, Kaido of the Beasts...

During this recent period.

Kizaru could hardly remember how many powerful enemies he had faced!

Just a few days ago.

Kizaru also fought in Dressrosa with the drunken and crazy Hyakuju Kaido.

Relying on the extreme speed of [Sparkling Fruit], Kizaru did not suffer any damage during the battle.

But he had no good way to deal with the drunken Qinglong.

The two sides fought for a long time.

Kaido of all beasts also woke up from his wine.

In the end, the green dragon twisted its butt and walked away.

Kizaru, who was exhausted and exhausted, dragged his heavy body back to the navy headquarters.

Today's execution event.

Kizaru had already made plans to fish (cross out) and recuperate.

As a result, I didn't expect that the red-haired pirates would actually "fall from the sky"!

The live broadcast of Telephone Bug to the whole sea has been started.

Red-haired Shanks wanted to stop the execution of Pluto Rayleigh by the Navy Headquarters with just one word.

That is definitely wishful thinking!

Kizaru raised his head and glanced at the Warring States Marshal on the execution platform behind him.

The Warring States Period needed to sit on the execution platform to ensure that the execution process of Pluto Rayleigh would not be affected by external forces.

In other words.

Among the members of the navy present, the only one who could compete with the red-haired Shanks was Kizaru!

As for Vice Admirals like Flying Squirrel, Kizaru definitely didn't mean to look down on them, but he really didn't think Flying Squirrel and others could fight against red-haired Shanks.

And the King's Qibuhai...

Kizaru's peripheral vision slowly swept across the three kings of the Shichibukai.

Boya Hancock looked slightly excited - Kizaru didn't know what she was excited about.

Moonlight Moria was also a little excited - maybe he thought that after a battle broke out later, he could get a large number of strong corpses and then turn them into zombies.

As for Kai Xia Jinbei's whale-shark face, Kizaru couldn't see any emotional changes.

But Kizaru knew very well.

Rather than expecting the king to descend to the Shichibukai.

It's better to count on the group of ordinary sailors on the ground who have been stunned by red-haired Shanks' [Overlord Haki]!

‘What a tiring life! ’

Kizaru let out a long sigh in his heart.

'If I had known that Red-haired Shanks was coming, I wouldn't have come! ’

At this moment.

The voice of the Warring States Period came from the execution platform.

"The entire navy enters combat mode!"

Sengoku's roar, even without the amplification of the phone bug, was enough for every navy in the base square to hear clearly.

"Get ready to destroy the red-haired pirates who invaded the base!"

Although the Red Hair Pirates are the Emperor Pirates of the New World.

But after all, they didn't officially become the "Pirate Emperor" until this year.

In the view of the Warring States Period.

If we can take advantage of today's opportunity to eliminate the red-haired pirates in one fell swoop, it will definitely be a major gain!

Shanks could also hear Sengoku's roar clearly.

The crew of the red-haired pirates let out a burst of relaxed laughter at this moment.

"Captain, did you hear the Admiral's order?"

"Your face seems to have no effect on the Admiral?"

"It's really embarrassing, Captain... Hahaha!"

Shanks did not answer the words of his companions. He just tightened the handle of the famous sword [Griffin] in his hand.

Since there is no way to take back Rayleigh through the power of words.

Then the only thing left is to use the power of the sword!

Shanks clenched the famous sword [Griffin] in his hand. The top-notch [Overlord Haki] in the sea was poured into and entangled on the blade of this rare and famous sword. Black-red arcs of electricity shuttled between the snow-white blades. .


Shanks faced the execution platform in front, and swung the famous sword [Griffin] in his hand, and a metallic gryphon roar suddenly sounded in the void.

A crescent-shaped flying slash, entwined with a twisting black-red arc of electricity, flew out from the blade of the famous sword [Griffin], and in the blink of an eye, it crossed most of the base square and reached the bottom of the execution platform.

Wherever this flying slash passed, the ground cracked and shattered, leaving an extremely deep ravine mark on the base square.

"Overlord color entanglement?"

Kizaru looked at the flying slashes coming towards him, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

Even though he is an admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

But Kizaru had no experience fighting with Red-haired Shanks.

But an expert would know the outcome as soon as he made a move.

This flying slash of Red-haired Shanks wrapped with [Conqueror's Haki] really opened Kizaru's eyes!

Only the strongest in the sea can master the special technique called "Conqueror's Haki".

At the same time, because of this, the destructive power of the attack wrapped with [Conqueror's Haki] is also the best in the sea!

Facing the flying slash of Red-haired Shanks.

Kizaru did not have the slightest idea of ​​being careless. He decisively released the power of [Shining Fruit], and even omitted the slightly fancy "drawing sword" posture, and directly condensed a "Sky Cloud Cloud Sword" with photons.

The golden Sky Cloud Cloud Sword was held in Kizaru's hands. He raised it above his head, poured all his strength into this lightsaber, and then slashed it forward.

The extremely sharp Murasakibara sword made no sound when it cut through the air, as if it arrived right in front of the flying slash of Red-haired Shanks without a trace of fireworks.

The next moment.

The Murasakibara sword and the flying slash collided head-on, and a thunderous roar suddenly broke out.


With Kizaru's position as the source, the collision of the two top forces directly squeezed the surrounding air, forming a series of extremely violent shock waves.

The powerful shock wave rushed in all directions, like a super strong wind, directly swept up a large number of navy soldiers, and the space around the execution platform was cleared.

Kizaru clenched his teeth.

He only felt that the flying slash of Red-haired Shanks, which was wrapped with [Domineering Haki], was even more terrifying and amazing than Kaido's "Vajra·Dysphorus"!

He is only the youngest pirate emperor, but he possesses such a powerful [Hao Wang Haki]...

Kizaru used all his strength to swing the Ame-no-Kume sword in his hand and cut off the flying slash in front of him.

The shattered flying slash turned into a bunch of sword energy, shooting towards the surroundings, mixed with a large number of black and red arcs.

Chi Chi Chi——

The ground and even the walls of the square of this naval branch base were instantly pierced by the sword energy, leaving dense holes.

Even the execution platform in the back was attacked a lot by the shattered sword energy.

Dust and debris rushed into the sky, forming a vague smoke barrier near the execution platform.

Kizaru took a slight breath, and his eyes hidden behind the sunglasses flashed a sharp red light, obviously he had already opened the [Observation Haki].

Catch the thief first!

Find Red-haired Shanks first!

That's what Kizaru originally thought.

However, his [Observation Haki] penetrated the layer of smoke barrier, but could not sense the breath of Red-haired Shanks.

It was as if Red-haired Shanks disappeared in the Navy Branch Base and Island No. 66 in an instant.

Kizaru did not believe that Red-haired Shanks could move so fast.

But if this answer is excluded.

There is only one answer left -

Red-haired Shanks directly avoided the perception of Kizaru's [Observation Haki]!

Just at this moment.

A figure with extremely fast speed penetrated the layer of blurry smoke and dust and rushed directly to the execution platform.

Red-haired Shanks was wrapped in [Conqueror Haki], which was his unique Conqueror Haki technique.

Observation Kill!

After performing "Observation Kill", Shanks can perfectly control his own breath, and even prevent the opponent's [Observation Haki] from predicting the future!

Haki is the power above everything!

Red-haired Shanks rushed to the execution platform at an extremely fast speed.

But his target was not Kizaru below the execution platform, but the one on the execution platform——

Buddha Sengoku!

Kizaru's [Observation Haki] lost its sensitivity to Red-haired Shanks.

Sengoku's [Observation Haki] also could not sense Shanks' breath!

Shanks rushed to the execution platform at an extremely fast speed, his eyes fixed on the Buddha Sengoku in front of him, and the famous sword [Griffin] wrapped with [Haowang Haki] in his hand slashed at the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters.

"God avoid!"

Even though he had retreated to the front line of battle for many years.

But Sengoku was Sengoku after all.

The moment he noticed Shanks rushing out of the fog, Sengoku directly released his devil fruit ability.

[Animal System·Human-Human Fruit·Mythical Beast Species·Great Buddha Form]!

Sengoku's body suddenly turned into a golden color, and the pale golden light that looked like the Buddha's light instantly filled the entire execution platform.

Under the Buddha's light,

Zhan Guo's already very tall body expanded again, and turned into a golden giant more than ten meters tall. His head was full of dense flesh buns, and his skin was as dazzling as gold, looking like a huge Buddha statue!

[Big Buddha Fruit]'s "Buddha Form"!

Zhan Guo, who turned into a big Buddha, waved his fist at the red-haired Shanks who was attacking from the front.

In the gap between the huge golden Buddha fist, twisted black and red arcs were entangled.


Zhan Guo is also a top strong man who has mastered the "entanglement" technique of [Haowang Haki]!

Red-haired Shanks's famous sword [Griffin].

Buddha Zhan Guo's huge Buddha fist.

One punch.

One sword.

The two have not really touched each other, and there is still a small distance between them. This space can no longer withstand the collision of the two forces, and directly distorts and deforms.

Boom boom boom——

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, the earth-shattering roar erupting from Island 66 could be heard throughout the Shampoo Islands.

The already shaky execution platform shattered and exploded at this moment.

The terrifying shock wave not only spread to the surrounding naval branch bases, but also spread to high altitudes.

Overlord colors intertwined and collided with each other.

Under the interference of this fighting force, the clouds in the sky were instantly torn into two halves, and the huge gap spread from the Chambord Islands to the infinite and distant sea horizon.

Look from afar.

It was like the sky was completely torn apart by the power of Shanks and Sengoku!


Everyone who was shocked by the battle between the Marine Marshal and the Pirate Emperor and looked up to the sky saw an even more terrifying existence at this moment.

High in the sky.

The red dragon soars freely and makes its debut!

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