Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 229: The Dragon of Dawn! The Dawn Pirates! (Fourth update, 150,000 subscriptions required!)

Storm frowned and realized that things were not simple.

He thought the phone bug was called by Warring States just to show off his cards.

At the same time, it was also to announce to him the punishment results of the "first war on top".

For example, depriving the king of Shichibukai's identity, removing him from the position of Vice Admiral in the Navy Headquarters, expelling the Blade Force...

But now that Storm was listening to Sengoku's words, the other party seemed not to understand the situation at all.

Shouldn't it?

It is not recorded in the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book" that after eating [Human Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Buddha Form], the eater can gain the power, wisdom and spirit like a Buddha.

Is this what Buddha is?

Is this what a wise general is?

Storm hesitated for a moment, then asked with a hint of disbelief.

"You...are asking me, who is Sekiryuutei?"


Sengoku responded without thinking.

"After all, Sekiryuutei looks exactly like you—"

"Wait a minute! Marshal of the Warring States Period."

Storm couldn't help but interrupt Sengoku.

"Is there a possibility that I am the 'Red Dragon Emperor'?"


There was a long silence on the Warring States side.

Then another old and gentle voice sounded in the phone bug.

"Lieutenant General Storm."

"This voice is... Granny He? No! Lieutenant General He?"

Storm was stunned and instantly recognized the voice of Peacock's grandmother.

"Why are you here? Did you hear the conversation between me and Marshal Warring States just now?"


Lieutenant General He replied calmly.

"Any questions?"


The corners of Storm's mouth twitched, feeling very speechless.

"When I joined the Blade Force, Admiral Aokiji once told me that the only person qualified to know the true identity of the members of the Blade Force is the Navy Headquarters Admiral."

The implication of Storm’s words is——

Is this how the Navy maintains confidentiality?

He Zhong will answer with an impeccable reason.

"My granddaughter is a peacock."

Peacock, a member of the Blade Force and Storm's comrade.

"...Um, okay."

Storm instantly accepted Lieutenant General He's statement, and at the same time changed back to the name he used to call Lieutenant General He.

"Grandma He, what's the problem?"

Lieutenant General He asked bluntly.

"You said you are the 'Sekiryuutei'?"

Storm replied solemnly.


"As far as I know, the Devil Fruit Aokiji gave you before was a [Clay Fruit]."


"You said you are the 'Sekiryuutei', which means that while you possess the ability of the [Clay Fruit], you also possess the unknown ability that closely resembles the [Blue Dragon Fruit]."


"Sengoku just said something to me... He said that you had said before that you were Whitebeard II Edward Teach."

"I did tell him about it."

"But no one in the ocean has ever been able to eat two Devil Fruits at the same time!"

Lieutenant General He said extremely calmly.

"What's more, what you mean is that you ate the [Clay Fruit], [Thunder Fruit] and an unknown phantom beast devil fruit at the same time!

"A man ate three Devil Fruits at the same time.

"Is this reasonable?"

This time it was Storm's turn to have nothing to say.

He really wants to say that the Devil Fruits he possesses at the same time are not only the [Clay Fruit], [Thunder Fruit] and [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit], but there are actually other Devil Fruit abilities that have not been publicly displayed.

If we include the [Phantom Beast-Nine-tailed Fox Fruit] which has been completely replaced by the [Artificial Red Dragon Fruit].

Storm's current Devil Fruit abilities have reached double digits!


If Storm were to reveal to others that he possesses ten completely different Devil Fruit powers.

Let alone others, he himself felt that this was a bit outrageous.

not to mention.

Storm is able to possess many different Devil Fruit abilities because of the existence of the [Devil Ring].

And the [Devil Ring] comes from the [Grand Trophy].

Storm would not inform anyone else of the existence of the [Grand Trophy] under any circumstances.

This is the stalemate here...

Storm hesitated for a moment and decided to save the country through a curveball. He asked tentatively.

"Grandma He, maybe I am that special being who can break the rules?"

Lieutenant General He did not speak.

But the phone bug vividly showed her expression of extreme speechlessness, and her disgusting eyes.

Lieutenant General He didn't often use this look to look at people.

But she often looks at Garp with this look, that monkey king who is always missing a brain!

In the view of Lieutenant General He.

Storm was able to say such words in front of her.

Not only his face, but also his brain has also degraded to the level of Garp...

"...Oh, Storm, Sengoku still doesn't want to talk to you. He's really tired now."

General He was silent for a long time, then sighed, and then picked up the previous topic.

“The reason why I suggested that he ask you.

"On the one hand, it's because Sekiryuutei's appearance is indeed the same as yours, not 'similar', but 'identical'!

“On the other hand, it’s because you took away the artificial imitation Devil Fruit that is said to be Kaido’s [Blue Dragon Fruit] on Punk Hassad Island.

“Sekiryuutei’s Devil Fruit ability is so similar to Hyakju Kaido’s ability that they are almost carved from the same mold. It can even be said to be stronger than Kaido Hyakju’s [Blue Dragon Fruit].

"So your information is really crucial."

Lieutenant General Tsuru did not regard Storm as the Sekiryuutei.

The main reason must be because of the well-known "iron rule" of the sea——

One person cannot eat two Devil Fruits at the same time.

Secondly, Sekiryuutei's Devil Fruit is also a reason.

The person Lieutenant General He had just contacted in advance was not only Kizaru, but also Bega Punk on Punk Hassad Island.

She specifically asked Vegapunk for a lot of information about the artificial devil fruit.

According to Vegapunk.

The [Artificial Blue Dragon Fruit] that Storm took away from Punk Hassad before had great flaws in itself and could never surpass the level of Kaido Kaido himself.

Lieutenant General He also asked Vegapunk.

Could it be that the Devil Fruit possessed by the Sekiryuutei is the [Artificial Blue Dragon Fruit] that Storm took away before?

But Vegapunk guarantees it with the professionalism of the number one scientist in the sea.

The artificial Devil Fruit he gave to Storm before was definitely not the Devil Fruit possessed by the Sekiryuutei!

The most critical point lies in the "color" of the red dragon that the Sekiryuutei transformed into!

Vegapunk told Lieutenant General He with great certainty that the color of the [Artificial Blue Dragon Fruit] he created was "pink" rather than "red".

Although Lieutenant General He felt that this statement was a bit ridiculous.

The color difference between "pink" and "red" is not big.

But Vegapunk still stands by his previous statement.

Sekiryuutei's Devil Fruit is definitely not the [Artificial Blue Dragon Fruit] he created before.

The iron law of the sea.

Guaranteed by the world's number one scientist.

Under the influence of various factors, Lieutenant General He completely gave up his doubts about Storm.

Although she didn’t doubt Storm too much in the first place...

A very simple truth.

Storm had specifically handed over Pluto Rayleigh to the Navy Headquarters before, and it was said that there were other dirty deals behind the scenes...

Now he waited specifically for the Navy to execute Pluto Rayleigh, and jumped out to snatch people from the Navy headquarters...

Is there something wrong with Storm's brain?

Lieutenant General He has long known that there are many fools, idiots, idiots, and lunatics on the sea...

But in her opinion, Storm was only occasionally in the "dumb" stage.

Most of the other times, this child is still a very reliable and trustworthy good child.

Who allowed Storm to grow up almost under the eyes of the navy bosses?

Lieutenant General He's sincere attitude was clearly felt by Storm.

But the more this happened, the more complicated his mood became.

Why do you feel that the self-revealing drama, which was obviously very simple and easy to understand, is now becoming more and more complicated?

"All right……"

Storm twitched the corners of his lips and replied helplessly.

"Grandma He, if you want to know anything, just ask and I will try my best to answer."

"Storm, I already knew you were a good boy."

Lieutenant General He dropped a free compliment and asked directly.

"Is Sekiryuutei your clone?"

What the hell is this problem! !

Storm's eyelids twitched wildly.

"No! He is not human!"

"Yes, he is a madman...but he is also a capable madman."

Lieutenant General He tentatively believed this statement, but she still had some doubts that the Sekiryuutei was a clone of Storm.

It's also possible to have biological brothers...

all in all.

Sekiryuutei has the same face as Storm, he must be related to Storm!

But listen to Storm's tone.

Sekiryuutei is "not a human"?

Looks more and more like a clone...

General He suppressed his somewhat divergent thoughts and asked again.

"About Sekiryuutei's Devil Fruit ability, do you know what it is?"

After hearing this question, Storm hesitated for a moment, but still did not choose to "betray" Vegapunk.

"That's [Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Red Dragon Form]."

Storm covets Vegapunk to a certain extent, and he really wants to take the world's number one scientist away from the World Government.

Now if someone from the Navy or the World Government knew that the Sekiryuutei's [Red Dragon Fruit] was actually an artificial Devil Fruit created by Vegapunk...

The world government will definitely keep a close eye on Vegapunk!

Tightly guarded, Storm didn't care.

But he doesn't want Vegapunk to continue adding power to the World Government.

The current Vegapunk, his various scientific researches, and the strengthening of the World Government are still within the acceptable range of Storm.

Can wait until the future.

[Pacifist], [Seraph], [Green Blood], [Holy Flame]...

It can be said that most of the power of the World Government is supported by Vegapunk alone!

Especially [Our Lady of Flame].

Judging from the various intelligence collected by Storm before.

The [Holy Flame] developed by Vegapunk provides enough energy for the ancient weapon [King Uranus] owned by the World Government.

What effects can an ancient weapon with sufficient energy have?

Just look at the Kingdom of Lulucia.

A blast!

Sea levels around the world have risen by one meter.

Countless low-lying islands were even completely submerged.

Have to admit.

Vegapunk's "ancient black technology" is indeed outrageous.

Storm doesn't want Vegapunk to provide countless [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruits] to the World Government.

An eight-year-old kid, after eating the [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit], can immediately defeat Kaido of the Hundred Beasts.

When he reaches adulthood, the power of [Artificial Pink Dragon Fruit] will also "mature".

If thousands of "Hyundai Kaido Pink Limited Edition" side with the World Government...

Thinking about that scene is a bit mind-numbing.

Although Storm felt that his words might not be able to hide Vegapunk.

But I can hide it for a while...

Just listen to what Lieutenant General He said again.

"...That's the [Red Dragon Fruit]. It's really similar to Kaido's [Blue Dragon Fruit]!"

About Sekiryuutei.

Lieutenant General He currently only wants to know these two points.

An identity, an ability.

As for the rest...


Lieutenant General He suddenly remembered another thing.

"Do you know about Sekiryuutei's pirate group?"


Storm then thought about it, and he felt that Granny He was probably talking about the "Second Generation Pirates" that he had created casually before.

Just then.

Lieutenant General He added a few more words.

"That's right, Sekiryuutei's pirate group, Whitebeard II, Golden Lion II, an unknown flame ability user, and a hidden ability user who can deprive the five senses."

Storm was a little dazed.

Regarding the "fire-type ability user", he probably guessed it was "Natsu".

But who are the “people who are deprived of the five senses”?

Are there still people like this in the Nisei Pirates?

Could Granny He be talking about Qiao An who has the [Bubble Ring]?

Storm was not sure yet, but he still tried his best to give the Second Pirates a serious name.

They have always been called "Second Pirates" and "Second Pirates" before, which seems a bit uncomfortable.

"...Dawn Pirates!"

"Dawn Pirates? Humph! Just pirates..."

Lieutenant General He suddenly snorted coldly.

"By the way, one more thing, about Sekiryuutei's name?"

Storm replied with a slight hesitation: "...Vongola Storm."


There was a warning in Lieutenant General He's tone.

"Ström, be serious."

"Okay, his name is Vongola——"


"Then call him Ddraig!"

"Ddraig? Dawn Dragon?"

Lieutenant General He wrote Sekiryuutei's name on his reward order, and at the same time, several large characters appeared in her mind.

Dragon of Dawn!

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