Dressrosa Palace.

Storm quickly devoured all the food placed in front of him, the speed was so fast and the scene was as big as the wind and the remaining clouds.

Such a feasting scene made other Dressrosans who attended the banquet around them unable to help but secretly swallow their saliva.

"Master Bailong eats so deliciously..."

"I watched Master Bailong eat, and I felt a little hungry myself..."

"Eating so fast, it's like a real dragon..."

"Is Lord White Dragon really a dragon?"

Storm turned a deaf ear to the murmurs around him.

He came to Dressrosa this time for only one purpose——

Eat, eat, eat!

Storm's eating frenzy lasted for more than half an hour.

He had eaten several of the "hills" formed by the accumulation of food.

Until then.

Storm's eating speed returned to normal, and he slowly began to taste Dressrosa's specialties.

And this is also the time.

Only then did the members of the Liku royal family, led by Violet, appear in front of Storm.

Violet had already informed other members of the Liku royal family of some of Storm's habits and hobbies.

For example, Storm doesn't like others "kneeling down" in front of him.

Therefore, when all the members of the Riku royal family appeared, they just bowed to the great benefactor who saved the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"Lord Bailong!"

The current king of Dressrosa, Riku Dold III, bowed 180 degrees to Storm.

"Thank you so much for saving this country!"

Under the leadership of Liku Dold III, other members of the Liku royal family also bowed to Strom to express their gratitude.

"There is no need to say more words of thanks, King Riku."

Storm opened his five fingers, and strips of white clay stretched out like octopus tentacles, helping the four members of the Riku royal family in front of him.

King Riku, Violet, and——

One-legged Cyrus and his daughter Rebecca.

Storm didn't know when Cyrus and Rebecca were found by King Riku and the others.

However, these people are originally "a family", and family reunions are normal.

Storm helped up the four members of the Liku royal family and added.

"I only came to Dressrosa because of Donquixote Doflamingo."

What Storm meant was that he did not come to the island to "save Dressrosa."

The Kingdom of Dressrosa was saved, just as a "by-product" of Storm's cleanup of the Don Quixote family.

However, Storm still accepted the salute of the Liku royal family with great peace of mind.

Because he gave his flag to the Riku royal family and the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

As the captain of the Storm Pirates, Storm can accept respectful greetings from the affiliated forces under his command with peace of mind.

Out of politeness, Storm asked politely.

"Dressrosa hasn't encountered any trouble recently, has it?"

"No, please excuse me, Lord Bailong."

King Liku shook his head and replied respectfully.

To be fair.

Dressrosa has encountered a lot of troubles recently.

What Storm initially dealt with was only the leaders and senior officials of the Don Quixote family.

The Don Quixote family is obviously not just Doflamingo and other family cadres. This is a powerful evil gang, with countless pirate minions attached to the Don Quixote family.

With the demise of the top figures in the Don Quixote family.

These low-level pirate minions still remaining on Dressrosa Island also caused a certain amount of chaos.


With the destruction of the Don Quixote family, a large number of people who had been turned into "dolls" by Don Quixote Doflamingo also returned to their original appearance.

Out of hatred for the Don Quixote family, these restored people vented their anger on the low-level minions of the Don Quixote family.

During this recent period.

The order on Dressrosa is relatively chaotic.

It didn't get better until these two days.

Especially today.

The arrival of the Blue-Eyed White Dragon completely restored order on Dressrosa.

No one dares to make a mistake in front of the white dragon who destroyed the Don Quixote family.


Compared to the evil rule brought by the Don Quixote family.

The "little chaos" during the recent period was not considered a big deal in King Riku's eyes, and he didn't even mention it.

Storm nodded slightly.

He still didn't know whether King Riku's words were true or polite, but the atmosphere inside Dressrosa Palace was still very relaxed, and he could sense that there were no major problems happening on the island.

Even if some trivial problems occur, the Kingdom of Dressrosa can solve them on its own.

Storm also saved a lot of energy.

After finishing some polite words.

King Liku fetched two boxes, one large and one small, from the attendants on the side, and placed the two boxes in front of Storm.

"Lord Bailong, this box contains the asset ledger of the Don Quixote family."

King Liku first pointed at the big box, and then opened another small box.

"Inside this box is a devil fruit recently collected by the Don Quixote family."

Devil fruit?

Storm raised his eyebrows and looked intently at the Devil Fruit with a yellow-green skin.

He recalled what was recorded in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.

"This is... [Animal type·Ancient species·Dragon fruit·Stegodragon form]?"

[Ancient Species Stegosaurus Fruit]!

"Yes, Lord Bailong."

Violet, who was standing by, took over what her father had said and explained to Storm.

“Some time ago, Donquixote Doflamingo went to Wano Country to form a cooperative relationship with the Beast Pirates.

"This [Ancient Stegosaurus Fruit] was specially collected by Doflamingo and planned to be sent to Wano Country."

There are no animal devil fruit users in the Don Quixote family.

The abilities of the members and cadres of the Don Quixote family are almost all "superhuman".

The only exception is Monet, the "Snow Girl".

Storm was originally a little confused about the appearance of this [Stegosaurus Fruit].

But Violet's explanation made him understand immediately.

Storm vaguely remembered that Doflamingo seemed to have told him nonsense like "cooperating with Kaido of the Beasts".

But this kind of thing is not within the scope of Storm's attention.

Kaido, the beast of all beasts, is still lying deep in the ocean of the new world.

Storm wouldn't mind playing a few more games with each other.

The eight-star [Huiyue Trophy] is gone.

The seven-star [Stars Trophy] is also a good harvest.

As for this devil fruit grown in ancient times...

Storm took the [Stegodragon Fruit] and glanced at Iqi next to him.

The [Stegodra Fruit] was thrown directly by him. The big black dog opened his mouth in time and "swallowed" the ancient devil fruit into the swamp space.

The quality potential of the animal type and ancient devil fruits is just that.

Storm was not very interested and chose to collect it first.

Watching a big black dog eat the rare [Stegosaurus Fruit].

Violet couldn't help but open her mouth.

This is a devil fruit!

A devil fruit that can turn into a "dragon"!

Just throwing it to a dog...isn't it inappropriate?

In Violet's impression, even Donquixote Doflamingo did not behave in such a "luxury" way.

Instead, she heard that the group of world nobles and the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land Marie Joa had a special hobby of throwing Devil Fruit to slaves for fun...

Lord Bailong's level of squandering is even more bold than that of the Tianlong people!

But this [Stegosaurus Fruit] is the "legacy" of the Don Quixote family after all.

Its disposal rests entirely in Storm's hands.

Even though Violet was surprised in her heart, she did not make a hasty judgment.

Princess Dressrosa just talked about another thing.

"Master Bailong, Doflamingo's business is very large."

Violet lowered her head and said in an apologetic tone.

"From the four seas to the Grand Line...Doflamingo's business territory is almost all over the world.

“What we have now only obtained are the assets of the Don Quixote family located in the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

"There's really nothing we can do about the rest..."

The Don Quixote family made its fortune from the North Sea, and their business has grown bigger and bigger, and they have relationships with most of the forces in the world.

Storm already knew this.

But he himself didn't care about those ordinary treasures.

Because Storm has long occupied "Sky Gaya Island", almost all the gold treasures of Shantora, the golden city hundreds of years ago, belong to him.

The wealth of the Don Quixote family.

Storm's view is - I get lucky, I lose my life.

Anyway, he has already directly obtained most of the Devil Fruits in the Don Quixote family.

Now I also accidentally obtained a [Stegosaurus Fruit].

The power and wealth of the Don Quixote family located elsewhere on the sea were not that important to him.

"It doesn't matter."

Storm waved his hand to calm Violet's mood.

"I don't really value things like gold and silver..."

After getting a positive answer from Storm.

Violet and King Riku breathed a sigh of relief.

"As for the list of these assets..."

Storm glanced at the huge box again and motioned to Violet.

"I currently don't have professionals who can help take care of these businesses, so these things will be placed in Dressrosa for the time being."

"Yes! Lord Bailong."

Storm had a good meal in the Palace of Dressrosa.

Not only did it replenish the energy consumption of the previous few days of fighting.

Moreover, it also makes up for the energy deficit caused by adding points to one's own [Endurance].

Storm originally wanted to rest for one day in Dressrosa.

And at this time.

Beihai sent a message.

The "ship's doctor" that Storm wanted to see before has arrived on Mignon Island!

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