Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 3 [Special Parahuman Clay Fruit]!

The co-author I got is X. Drake’s Undercover script!

Storm's Silky Chicken Mackerel.

But if you didn't eat the [Nika Fruit], what kind of pirate would you become? What kind of Pirate King would you become? !

Is it still too late to regret joining the Blade Force now?

Just when Storm was hesitant to speak.

Qing Pheasant suddenly added another sentence.

"Of course, Storm, your current strength is still lacking."


Storm swallowed the words that slipped to his lips back into his stomach.

It seems like something big is coming?

"In order to implement this undercover plan, this department will also provide certain assistance."

Aoki continued.

“You heard about this year — no, it’s last year now.

"Any rumors about last year's boot camp?"

Related rumors?

Storm recalled it for a moment and immediately thought of something.

"Is General Kuzan talking about the rumor that 'outstanding graduates of the training camp can receive Devil Fruit rewards'?"

Why is this news circulating in this boot camp?

Of course it was because of the vicious incident that happened three years ago!

Haiyuan calendar year 1515.

Edward Weeble, who calls himself "Whitebeard II", brazenly attacks the boot camp.

The entire naval training camp suffered heavy casualties.

From Chief Instructor Zefa down, only three people in the entire training camp survived this attack.

Even Zefa himself had an arm cut off by Edward Weibull.

After the attack broke out, the Navy headquarters was in an uproar.

For this reason, the boot camp was suspended for one term.

It wasn't until last year that the boot camp reopened.

At that time, in order to eliminate the negative impact of the previous vicious attack.

It is also to encourage recruits to actively participate in this training camp program.

The Navy Headquarters not only placed a large number of accompanying security personnel in this training camp.

Moreover, very generous prizes have been prepared for the graduates of this boot camp.

According to rumors, one of them includes the legendary secret treasure of the sea - Devil Fruit!

This news was eventually identified as “Fake News” by Storm.

Because as a personal participant and outstanding graduate of this boot camp.

Storm has never seen any devil fruit at all!

Until he graduated from boot camp.

Don't call it a devil fruit.

I didn’t even see the Devil’s Peel!

But now, things seem to have turned around?

"Yes, that's the news."

Qingzhi nodded and said calmly.

"Devil fruits do exist.

"That is not only prepared for 'outstanding graduates', but also for 'members of the Blade Force'."

Storm's heartbeat skipped a beat.

He was an "outstanding graduate" before, and now he is also a "member of the Blade Force"!

Could it be that...

Storm gently rubbed the [Devil Ring] on his thumb a few times.

"General Kuzan, you mean... I can get a Devil Fruit right now?"

Aokiji responded directly to expectations.

"That's it!"

The next moment.

Aokiji stretched out his hand, and three hard white ice balls emerged from under the desk.

Under the control of Frozen Man's thoughts.

Three ice balls flew to Storm's side, surrounding his body like satellites.

"Devil Fruits are very rare treasures. Even our headquarters doesn't have much in stock."

Qingzhi controlled three ice balls and said casually.

"Of these three Devil Fruits, two are superhuman and one is animal. You can choose one to eat.

"This fruit is also a 'benefits' for you to join the Blade Force!"

If I had already said that there would be such benefits for new recruits, why would I waste so many words before? ?

Looking at the three hockey pucks surrounding him, Storm's eyes were as hungry as Big Mom's having an episode of Sireia.

Through the hard ice shell, he could vaguely see the mysterious Tang grass spiral pattern below.

This is the devil fruit!

The "superpower plug-in" I dreamed of when I was a kid!

Aoki controlled the three ice balls back to him and thawed the ice.

As the ice-white shell faded away, the three Devil Fruits finally revealed their true appearance in front of Storm.


Qingzhi smiled.

"Do you need me to introduce you to the names and general effects of these three devil fruits?"


Storm refused casually, his eyes still firmly fixed on the three Devil Fruits.

"I've read the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia."

"Devil Fruit Illustrated Book".

This is a book that sounds very valuable, but is actually not that rare.

At least in the Navy Headquarters archives, Storm had seen several copies.

At first Strom didn't understand.

Based on the information he knows.

There are only two people in the whole sea who will hold the "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia" to search for the devil fruit of their dreams.

And they are all from the "black" generation——

Blackbeard Teach.

Blackfoot Sanji.

Don’t other people know how to look for Devil Fruit abilities according to the “Devil Fruit Illustrated Book”?

A very cruel fact is——

Most people really don't know the existence of the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.

Even among naval groups all over the world.

There are a lot of people who don't know the information about Devil Fruit.

In this sea where every person is out of prenatal education.

Knowledge is also a "secret treasure of the sea".

But at least Storm has read the "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia".

He is familiar with the appearance and ability of every devil fruit recorded in it.

After all, he also has a lot of "dream fruits".

Something like [Thunder Fruit], [Surgery Fruit], [Shining Fruit], [Blue Dragon Fruit]... and the like.

But what is very regrettable is that all these Devil Fruits now have owners.

The three Devil Fruits Aokiji took out at this time were not the ideal fruits in Storm's mind.

But this did not prevent him from identifying their "real names" at a glance——

The one on the left is [Superman-type Whip Fruit].

The one on the right is [Superman Clay Fruit].

The one in the middle is [Animal Type·Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Allosaurus Form].

If Storm remembers correctly.

The power of these three Devil Fruits will appear in the members of the Blade Force in the future!

Storm looked at the rough-skinned, dark-green Allosaurus Fruit placed in the middle by Aoki Pheasant.

He couldn't help but think of X. Drake again.

If Storm had chosen [Allosaurus Fruit] at this time.

Could he have also received a mission from X. Drake - to work as an undercover agent for the Beast Pirates?

What a pity...

Storm is not against Devil Fruits.

But he also has very serious stereotypes.

For example, the infamous saying——

Even the dogs won’t eat the Shaoshao fruit!

There are too many people playing with fire on the sea.

The fire-based abilities are as rampant as the slaves in the Chambord Islands.

And as the "rightful owner" of [Burning Fruit], he can't even play with fire like others...

No wonder I "withdrew"!

But if you say [Shao Shao Fruit], even dogs won’t eat it.

As for the ordinary species and ancient species of the animal system, dogs would shake their heads just looking at them.

On the premise that you can choose.

Storm has no interest in the [Allosaurus Fruit].

However, his long gaze still attracted Qing Pheasant's attention.

Storm, a "half-native", views Devil Fruits.

There is a big difference between the view of devil fruits and that of "locals" on the blue planet.

For example, Storm is not sensitive to the [Allosaurus Fruit].

But Aokiji felt that the [Allosaurus Fruit] was the strongest among the three Devil Fruits he took out at this time!

No matter what "mud" or "whip" it is...

Ancient species of animals.

Hand-to-hand combat is the way to go!

Aokiji picked up the Devil Fruit in the middle and asked.

"Strong, is this [Allosaurus Fruit] what you want?"


Storm decisively refused.

"What I'm thinking about now are the other two superhuman fruits!"

A superhuman fruit, the upper and lower limits of abilities fluctuate greatly.

Just like [Shocking Fruit] and [Silent Fruit].

The former can cause "sea earthquakes", "earthquakes" and "air earthquakes" that can destroy the world.

As for the latter, it is also invincible in terms of improving sleep quality... right?

Storm recalled what was recorded in the "Devil Fruit Encyclopedia".

[Superman type·Whiplash Fruit].

The esper can command everything he whips, including even inanimate objects.

This is a "super slave owner fruit"!

If the [Whiplash Fruit] falls into the hands of some people with evil intentions.


Storm put some unhealthy thoughts behind her.

[Superman type·Clay Fruit].

His ability is to create and control clay, and he can also become a clay figure.

If you have to say it.

This is actually a "Special Superman Devil Fruit".

"I've decided!"

Storm pointed at the devil fruit with a milky white skin and layers of flesh piled together like dirt.

"I want [Clay Fruit]!"

See Storm make her final choice.

Aokiji didn't offer any rebuttal.

To what extent can Devil Fruit abilities be developed?

In the final analysis, it still depends on the level of the eater.

Some devil fruits are obviously very powerful, but are used like clowns;

Some Devil Fruits have very weak abilities, but have been developed by the Joker to have special features.

At this moment, Qing Pheasant chose to believe in Storm's talent!

Aoki personally handed the [Clay Fruit] into Storm's hands.

"This superhuman fruit belongs to you, Vongola Storm!"

The moment he got the [Clay Fruit], Storm had an idea.

"Sir! I like the Navy so much! I like the Blades so much!"

As soon as he joins the army, he is given Devil Fruit.

The Blade Troops really dare to give it!

"Ah la la."

The green pheasant laughed dumbly.

"How much do you like it?"

Storm pondered for a moment and started singing directly.

"Evil is coming, and I will watch from now on until I die.

"I will not seek fame or fortune, nor will I strive for honor.

"I will be loyal to my duty, live and die here.

"I am the sharp blade in the darkness, the guardian of the sea.

"I am the shield that guards justice, the drum that awakens the sleepers.

"I am the storm that sweeps away sin, the dawn of light.

"I dedicate my life and honor to the sharp blade army.

"Today, every day."

Such a gorgeous oath.

It almost ignited the "burning justice" in Aokiji's heart that had been frozen for more than ten years.

He clapped his hands and praised loudly.

"Good! Very spirited!"

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