Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 34 What do you think of life! ? (Please read! Please vote for me!)

"Where's Tikki?"

In the new transvestite paradise, Ivankov asked the phone bug.

"Such a big incident happened in the prison, why didn't I see Teach?"

According to Ivankov.

"Edward Teach", who inherited the power and courage of Whitebeard, is definitely a powerful help at this time.

But Bai Sanshi can’t be seen in Red Lotus Hell.

Bai III cannot be seen in infinite hell.

This guy can't hide at this critical moment, can he?


Ivankov was puzzled.

But there was no answer from Storm on the phone.

Ivankov's response was only the constant roar of explosions.

Ivankov looked at the infinite hell screen returned by the surveillance phone bug, and saw Storm continuing to bombard the criminals.

Huge and ferocious white dragon heads grew out of the depths of the earth.

They opened their bloody mouths and launched an indiscriminate saturation bombing on the prisoners in the infinite hell!

"Vongola Storm! You guy!"

Ivankov put down the phone, his big face full of solemn emotions.

"Your plan is definitely not what you said at first!"

Previously, "Edward Teach" told the Shemale King that he would select the most powerful subordinates from the criminals in infinite hell.

But Ivankov looked at the scene in infinite hell.

Is this selecting subordinates?

This is clearly an execution of criminals!

Ivankov looked at the posture shown by Storm.

This guy seems to want to kill all the criminals in the infinite hell!

At this time.

Lightning standing aside said softly.

"Ms. Eva, do you really want to obey the order of the chief jailer?"

"It's not that I want to listen to him, but I have to listen to him!"

Ivankov said helplessly, he raised his hand and pointed at the figure inside the surveillance phone bug.

"If I don't intercept Magellan and Shiliu, then the entire fifth floor will sink into infinite hell!

"Vongola Storm's [Clay Fruit] has awakened, he can definitely do this kind of thing!

"By then, the entire new transvestite paradise will be ruthlessly destroyed."

Ivankov went to intercept Magellan and Shiliu of the Rain, but he was the only one who "sacrificed";

If he doesn't take action, the entire new transvestite paradise will be buried with him!

The lesser of two evils.

It was not difficult for Ivankov to make the decision.

"Lady Eva!"

Lightning quietly clenched his fists.

At this moment, his heart was filled with self-blame and anger.

He blames himself for not being able to help Ivankov;

Angry that Vongola Storm persecutes them at will!

But at the critical moment, Lightning still managed to maintain a calm attitude and asked.

"Ms. Eva, should we take this opportunity to leave directly from the city?"

As soon as these words came out, Ivankov suddenly showed an emotional expression.

But in the end he shook his head.

"The time has not come yet. Dolag has not started taking action yet. There is no need for us to escape from prison for the time being..."

The Shemale King made the final decision and took a deep breath.

"Okay, Lightning, I've made up my mind! Let me intercept those two bastards Magellan and Shiliu!"

Ivankov was full of ambition one second, but showed a cunning expression the next.

"However, my strength is not as good as that bastard Vongola Storm...

"So I don't know how long it can be delayed! Haha!"

Just as Ivankov was preparing to take action.

A certain shemale responsible for observing the surveillance screen suddenly reminded him.

"Ms. Eva, there seems to be some conflict between Magellan and Xiliu... They acted separately!"

"Separate actions?"

Ivankov was startled, and he immediately approached the surveillance screen.

"Where is this separate action?

"Xiliu stayed alone in the Red Lotus Hell, and only Magellan came down alone!

"Haha! The elevator has been completely blocked by Vongola Storm, and he has to climb the stairs now...

"There is one less enemy to face, which is great news!"

On the other side, Red Lotus Hell.

Magellan found that the elevator was completely blocked by clay and could only rush to the prison's grand staircase.

Just now.

He and Shiliu teamed up to deal with the [Clay Clone] that kept regenerating no matter how hard it was beaten.

The patrolling guards immediately reported news such as "the control room was destroyed", "the infinite hell was invaded" and so on.

At that moment.

Magellan realized that all the riots in the prison today were related to Storm, the new chief warden!

"Vongola Storm!"

Magellan rushed into the staircase connecting the Red Lotus Hell and the Beast Hell, and rushed towards the sixth level of Infinite Hell as fast as possible.

"What on earth do you want to do!?

"Do you want to destroy Impel Down City?"

The speed of moving with his legs alone was too slow, so Magellan ran for a while and directly released his fruit ability.

Thick and slippery purple venom poured out of Magellan's body, covering the entire staircase in the blink of an eye.

"Poisonous way!"

Magellan stepped on the venom, and with the lubrication of the venom, he rushed downwards like flying.

It didn't take long.

Magellan went from the first level of Red Lotus Hell to the fifth level of Extreme Cold Hell.

Just when the director wanted to rush into the Infinite Hell in one go.

At the entrance of the stairs of the Infinite Hell, a burly figure was standing.

At this time, the person who would appear at the stairs of the Infinite Hell would definitely not be a prison staff!

Magellan subconsciously stopped his steps and looked at the person opposite him.

"Ambrio Ivankov? How come you are here!?"

After seeing the figure clearly, Magellan's pupils shrank a few points instantly.

"According to the records in the prison, you should have died in the Extreme Cold Hell!"

"As the director of the Impel Down City, you don't even know whether the prisoners in the prison are dead or alive..."

Ivankov put his hands on his hips and winked in the direction of Magellan.

"Then you are really... derelict of duty!"

The moment the voice fell.

Ivankov blinked at Magellan.

Death blink!

A strong blast of wind rushed out from in front of Ivankov and hit the stairs in front of Magellan directly.

Under the bombardment of this shock wave, a large gap was instantly blown out of the staircase covered with venom.

"Even if you want to delay time here."

Magellan's expression did not fluctuate at all, and the thick purple venom formed a terrifying poisonous dragon behind him.

"Vongola Storm will never escape from the infinite hell!"

No matter what method the demon king used to avoid the eyes and ears of the prison staff.

In Magellan's view, all those who would block his route at this time were Vongola Storm's accomplices!

In this case.

Then execute them all together!

"Poisonous dragon!"

It was said in a flash.

Magellan controlled the poisonous dragon and launched a thunder-like attack on the demon king.

The demon king was not in a hurry to dodge, and was directly hit by the poisonous dragon on his huge face.

A dazzling smoke came out of Ivankov's face.

There was also a crackling corrosion sound.


Ivankov fell to his knees on the ground, uttering a terrible wail.

He wanted to cover his face with his hands, but was afraid of contact with the venom.

"My face! My face is going to be melted by the venom!! My face——"

Before Magellan could grasp the battle situation clearly.

The next moment.

Ivankov suddenly took off his face.

The big face that was still emitting light smoke was like a terrifying "venom mask".

"It can't be melted! Hee-ha!"

Ivankov, who was unharmed, showed a sunny and cheerful smile to Magellan.

"Because I put on heavy makeup! You were fooled!"


Magellan watched Ivankov's "face-changing performance", and the venom kept flowing out of his body like cold sweat.

"Boring trick!"

In the blink of an eye, the poisonous dragon behind Magellan changed from one to three.

The venomous dragons with bared fangs and claws twisted their bodies in mid-air, and each of them exuded deadly poison.

"I don't have extra time to stay here and play with you!"

Magellan controlled the three venomous dragons and ordered them to rush forward and attack Ivankov from different angles.

Ivankov seemed to be unable to react in time and was bitten by the three venomous dragons.

Purple venom spots quickly spread on the surface of his body.

Ivankov fell to the ground wailing again.

This time, he never got up and performed his unique skill of "changing faces".

"Rioter, this is the punishment you have to accept."

Magellan walked in front of Ivankov and looked down at the figure on the ground.

"In the next 24 hours, you will continue to be eroded by venom and then fall into endless hell!"

In Magellan's view, Ivankov was no different from a dead person after being poisoned by the "venomous dragon".

He passed Ivankov, who was poisoned, and continued to rush towards the Infinite Hell.

As Magellan got closer.

The roar of the explosion became clearer and clearer.

When Magellan finally entered the Infinite Hell, he could see the scene in the Infinite Hell clearly.

The ground was covered with dragon head turrets, which kept firing at the prisoners in the cells.

Except for a very small number of prisoners with strong strength.

Most of the prisoners in the cells were no longer moving.

Magellan didn't know if these criminals were all dead.

Probably, maybe, maybe, they were all dead...

Looking at the scene in front of him that looked like a slaughterhouse, Magellan's eyes were bloodshot.

His eyes instantly locked on the only figure who was still moving freely in the Infinite Hell.

"Vongola Storm!"

Magellan was extremely angry, and a steady stream of venom gushed out like a flash flood.

"What do you think of life!?"


Storm stopped and looked at the person who came.

"It's just cleaning up the garbage. Does anyone think it's wrong?"

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