Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 39 What is the Admiral of the Navy?! (Please read! Please vote for me!)

Blue - Blue -

The Grand Line, somewhere in the sea.

A handsome boy with curly hair riding a bicycle on the sea suddenly received a phone call.

Aokiji slowly took the phone bug out of his arms and slowly placed it on the handlebar of the bicycle.

During this period, the phone bug never stopped ringing.

Qing Zhi curled his lips and then answered the phone.


Qingzhi was about to speak.

A very polite and warm friendly greeting came from the other end of the phone.

"Aoji, you bastard!!!"

"Ah la la..."

Qing Pheasant dug his ears and replied lazily.

"It turns out to be Marshal of the Warring States Period. What's wrong?"

"Of course something big happened!"

Sengoku's angry expression was vividly performed by the phone bug.

"You bastard! Why did you introduce that guy Vongola Storm to join the Blade Force?"

"Vongola Storm?"

Qing Zhi raised his eyebrows.

“That’s a very interesting sailor, and it was indeed me who invited him to join the Blade Force.

"What happened to him?"

"Vongola Storm slaughtered Impel Down!!!"

"Actually, it was Teacher Zefa who recommended him to join the Blade Force!"

Qing Pheasant changed his tone very cleverly.

"I'm not familiar with Vongola Storm at all, and I've only met him a few times in total.

"If you have any questions, Marshal, you can go directly to Teacher Zefa."

"You bastard! Don't try to shirk responsibility!"

Sengoku said angrily.

"You are the top leader of the Blade Force!

"Now that the members of the Blade Force have made a big mess, don't even think about turning your back on them!"

"Ah la la, this kind of thing sounds very troublesome..."

Qingzhi scratched his messy afro.

"What did Storm do?

"The words 'Tu Kong Pushing City' or something like that are a bit too exaggerated, right?"

"That was indeed an exaggeration on my part."

Sengoku's tone finally softened.

“However, although Vongola Storm did not completely destroy the Impel City, he almost turned it upside down!

"He executed more than ninety percent of the prisoners in Infinite Hell."

"...He is a really good sailor."

Qing Pheasant choked for a long time and finally managed to form a response.

"That guy Sakaski will be very happy when he hears this news."

"Now is not the time for you to tell cold jokes!"

Sengoku scolded him coldly.

"You still regard Vongola Storm as a marine? He caused irreparable heavy damage to Impel Down City!"

"Marshal Warring States, I have a question."

Qing Pheasant said seriously.

"Except for the prisoners imprisoned in the city, did Vongola Storm harm the lives of other innocent people?"

As soon as this question came up, the Warring States side suddenly fell silent.

"Regarding this issue, I just confirmed the news with Impel City."

Sengoku paused, then continued.

"Except for criminals, Vongola Storm did not kill any jailer staff in Impel Down."

"Isn't this enough?"

When Qing Zhi heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“It is inevitable for the navy to kill pirates.

“Although what Storm did this time was a little over the top...

"But if the lord marshal wants to convict a navy on the grounds of 'killing too many pirates'.

"I think you should send that murderous bastard Sakaski to Impel Down first!"

Warring States was not fooled by Ao Pheasant's little trick of changing his mind.

"Kill the pirates in battle and massacre the convicted prisoners in the prison."

Sengoku asked sharply.

"Are these two the same thing?"

"Those scum imprisoned in the infinite hell should have been sentenced to death!"

Qing Pheasant responded forcefully.

"What I don't know is why the government deliberately spared their lives!"

In the naval camp.

There are indeed groups divided into "hawks", "doves", "centrists" and so on.

Roughly speaking.

Green Pheasant belongs to the category of "Dove".

But even in the dovish navy, not all of them are as kind-hearted as Zefa.

Black-armed Zefa, the "don't kill" general.

He has fought countless pirates in his life, but has never killed any enemy.

Qingzhi admires Teacher Zefa very much.

But he doesn't think "killing pirates" is a wrong thing.

There is indeed some hopeless trash in the ocean.

The criminals imprisoned in the infinite hell can even be called "trash among the trash."

Qing Pheasant felt that what Storm did was indeed a bit excessive.

But, it's not a big problem.


What if the general commanding the sharp-edged troops was not Aokiji but Akainu.

Maybe that guy will praise Storm for what he did!


Warring States sighed.

“Sometimes, I really can’t tell the difference.

"Are you still insisting on 'Burning Justice'?

"Or has it completely transformed into 'lazy justice'?"

"Ah la la..."

Qingzhi chuckled and did not answer the question directly.

"It is difficult for people to fully understand themselves."

"Stop talking about this!"

Sengoku also chose to skip this topic.

He is also a naval officer who has experienced a change in his thinking.

Only the individual knows the taste.

Sengoku continued.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Vongola Storm will definitely be rewarded!"

"Reward? Why?"

Qing Pheasant asked doubtfully.

"Isn't there Magellan in Impel Down, and that, um, Shiliu?

"Storm must have been suppressed by Magellan, right? [Poison Fruit] is still very powerful."

The Warring States Period made things so serious before.

Qing Pheasant thought that Storm would die before he left the army.

Before becoming an undercover pirate, this "sharp blade" had already been imprisoned in Impel Down...

Qing Pheasant was even mentally prepared to go to Jinchen City to hunt for people.

But now it seems that he understood it wrong?

"You underestimated Vongola Storm, and I also underestimated him!"

Warring States said in an inexplicably complicated tone.

"According to Magellan's testimony, Vongola Storm has developed [Clay Fruit] to the awakening level!

"After almost wiping out the entire Infinite Hell, Vongola Storm transformed into a white dragon and flew away from Impel Down City!"

"Is this...a joke?"

Qingzhi asked in disbelief as his eyes widened in shock.

"How long has it been since Storm got the [Clay Fruit] that he is now awakened? And he can also fly?"

"This is the situation. Maybe Storm...he is really a genius."

Sengoku explained.

"I just went to the staff headquarters and discussed with Ahe the amount of Vongola Storm's reward.

“Based on what he has done and his level of strength, this guy’s initial bounty amount may be terrifyingly high!

“Anyway, as a ‘pirate’, Vongola Storm is—wait a minute.

"There's a call coming in..."

Sengoku's voice quickly became weak.

But with Aoki's ears, he could still hear clearly the conversation on the other end of the phone.

‘What does withholding information mean? ’

‘Such a major event happened in Impel Down City! The government and navy want to keep this a secret? ! ’

‘It affects the government’s credibility…what a joke! ’

‘I am the Admiral of the Navy! ’

Aoki heard Sengoku's angry roar.

But what shocked him even more were the other, weaker, older voices.

‘What a marshal! ? ’

‘Your navy is just a facade for the government! ’

‘There is no need for the navy to deal with the matter of Impel Down City’s Infinite Hell! ’

Immediately afterwards, the caller was hung up directly.

Qing Pheasant waited silently for a while.

The tired voice of Warring States sounded again.

"I'm sorry, Kuzan, I made you laugh... let's just pretend that nothing happened about Vongola Storm!"

Qingzhi heard Seng Guo's intention to hang up, and he suddenly asked.

"Marshal Warring States, the person who just spoke to you was Wulaoxing, right?"

"You heard it."

Warring States didn't hide anything and answered directly.

"It is indeed the Five Old Stars, they want to conceal the matter of infinite hell.

"So, Vongola Storm's reward will be cancelled..."

Qing Pheasant didn't care whether there was a reward on his head or not, he asked bluntly.

"In the eyes of the government, what do we think of our navy?"

"What is it? Haha."

Sengoku smiled.

"Kuzan, let's ask Wulaoxing this question when you become a marshal one day in the future..."


The phone caller on the Sengoku side hung up.

Qing Pheasant stood alone in the middle of the vast sea, feeling inexplicable.

After a long time.

Qingzhi dialed a number again.

"Moxi Moxi, this is Kuzan."

"Admiral Kuzan! I haven't heard from you for a long time. I thought you had left the navy too!"

"Stop joking, Storm."

Qing Pheasant held the phone in his hands and said very solemnly.

“I just got news from Marshal Sengoku.

"You have done something quite remarkable!"

"I did all this according to your wishes."

Storm's aggrieved voice came from the phone bug.

"Didn't you ask me to be a pirate?"

Is this how you become a pirate? !

Qingzhi rolled his eyes.

Storm complained mercilessly.

"Hey, hey! The phone bug can imitate its owner's expression. I can see the roll of your eyes!"

"Ah la la..."

Qingzhi laughed and got to the point.

"You still want to continue being a pirate?"

"Of course! I am a sharp blade in the darkness! Keep your mission in mind and never forget your original intention!"

Storm replied cheerfully.

"I want to become a great pirate! Go deep into the new world! Break into the Yonko!"

Qing Pheasant asked.

"So you're planning on entering the new world now?"

"Of course - no!"

Storm denied.

"To keep up with the Yonko Pirates by one person? I can't do it now.

"If you want to successfully break into the Yonko, you must find some suitable helpers!"

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