Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 54: The Seven Warlords of the Sea Hunting Plan! (Please read! Please give me a monthly vote!

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are recognized as the super pirates by the World Government.

In the eyes of the world, the Navy Headquarters, the Four Emperors, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea are collectively known as the three major forces in the Grand Line.

Of course, in Storm's opinion, this perception... is actually quite funny.

At this stage.

The strength of the Navy Headquarters and the Pirate Emperor is beyond doubt.

But the Seven Warlords of the Sea...

They sound as fierce as a tiger.

They look like a fool at the battle record.

In terms of actual battle record.

There are hardly any good ones among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Even many members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea were defeated by the Pirate Emperors in previous years!

Although these people managed to escape from the hands of the Pirate Emperors.

But is "the Pirate Emperor's defeated" a good reputation?

Although from a certain perspective, being able to escape from the hands of the Four Emperors is indeed a skill...


Only after being recognized and invited by the World Government can a pirate become a Shichibukai.

But there are always exceptions.

Just like Marshall D. Teach, the Blackbeard who is still acting as a son in the Whitebeard Pirates.

He did not become a Shichibukai by the "invitation" of the World Government.

Blackbeard "recommended himself"!

Storm also considered recommending himself to become a Shichibukai.

But he is now strong enough, but his fame is seriously insufficient...

Then he has to change to a simpler and more direct way -

Defeat a Shichibukai, step on the other party's reputation and status, promote his own fame, and then become a new Shichibukai!

At this stage.

The members of the Shichibukai organization are not much different from the "first generation Shichibukai" in Storm's impression.


Snake Princess.

Sea Man.

Sky Yasha.

Magic Duck.


These six, plus the Tyrant next to them.

Together they constitute the "first generation of Shichibukai" in Storm's impression.

However, at present, Bartholomew Kuma has not officially set sail, nor has he become a Shichibukai.

The last Shichibukai, his name is also somewhat unfamiliar to Storm.

The Lizard King, Hanafda.

He is also the only animal-type devil fruit user among the Shichibukai.

[Animal-type·Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Tyrannosaurus Form]!

Storm is very clear that the members of the Shichibukai have undergone alternating iterations.

If nothing unexpected happens.

This Shichibukai, who is known as the "Lizard King".

He is the Shichibukai that Portgas D. Ace will quickly defeat after entering the Grand Line in the future.

But now Ace has not set sail.

This "Lizard King" is still serving as his Shichibukai peacefully.

Just like Crocodile Crocodile and the others.

"Defeat the Shichibukai..."

Kuma frowned slightly.

"This should be difficult, right?"

Kuma knew that each of the Shichibukai was a famous and powerful pirate.

Each of the Shichibukai had their own legendary experiences before becoming "the running dogs of the World Government".

If not, these pirates would not have received invitations from the World Government.

A certain snake princess who did not want to reveal her name once said.

The reason why she was appointed as Shichibukai was because of her powerful strength!


Storm looked at Kuma a little strangely.

"Have you had some unnecessary misunderstandings about your own strength level?

"In my opinion, even you, Kuma, are qualified to be a Shichibukai! ”

Although in the judging of the [Grand Trophy], Kuma only has a six-star rating at this stage.

But in Storm's opinion, some of the Seven Warlords of the Sea are not as strong as Kuma!

That's right.

What Storm is talking about is the Crocodile who can't even beat the Straw Hat Boy who just entered the Grand Line!

At that time, the Sun God was not the Sun God.

Rubber against sand.

There is no attribute restraint effect such as "rubber and lightning".

As a result, Crocodile, who was at home, didn't beat the Straw Hat Boy, and was even beaten by the latter to the point of "breaking his heart"!

This record is simply shameful.

Look at Bartholomew Kuma.

Although the character problems of this "tyrant" are more serious than expected.

But he has good racial talents and strong devil fruit abilities.

Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Kuma's strength level is definitely among the best!

"...Me? "

Big Bear touched his big face.

The bruises caused by Storm just now have not completely disappeared.

Big Bear did not expect Storm to be so optimistic about his strength--

Wait a minute!

If he, a "defeated general", is qualified to become a Shichibukai.

Then is Storm more qualified?

"Yes, it's you."

Storm nodded.

"Big Bear, do you want to become a Shichibukai?

"If you want, just fill in one more name in the 'hunting list'."


Big Bear shook his head and refused.

"I have no ambition to be a 'Shichibukai'."

"Then listen to my plan."

Storm once again created a clay planet.

“The Seven Kings’ Qibuhai is mainly concentrated in the Grand Route, both in the first half and the second half.

"There is even one who lives in the Nine Snakes Island in the Windless Zone."

Storm told him all the information he knew about the general location of the King's Shichibukai.

Kaixia Jinbei is now a member of the Whitebeard Pirates;

Tenyasha Donquixote Doflamingo, his force is on the island of Dressrosa.

Both of these are in the New World.

There was a red earth continent between Storm and them.

Let’s not think about these two people for now.

As for the rest...

Hawkeye Mihawk lives on the island of Krai Kana;

Snake Princess Hancock is based on the Nine Snakes Island in the windless zone;

Moonlight Moria hides in the Horrible Barque;

Sand Crocodile Crocodile in Alabasta;

The last "Lizard King".

This king's Shichibukai is also active in the paradise stage, and the island he is on is Banaro Island.

On this blue clay planet.

Storm marked the approximate location of each of the King's Shichibukai.

He had studied some geography knowledge at the naval school.

Although there is no guarantee that the locations of the islands where the King’s Seven Warlords are located are accurate.

But at least it can ensure the accuracy of the general direction.

Storm's tentative target is the five Shichibukai under the king who are active in the paradise stage.

He decided to temporarily name this plan "Operation Shichibukai Hunting"!

This "hunting operation" coincides with the plan of "finding helpers" reported by Storm and Aoki.

In fact.

The "helpers" that Storm was talking about back then were referring to these big pirates in the park stage!

After all, his current identity is to go undercover and become a member of the pirates' Blade Force.

Naturally, the only helpers that Storm could recruit were pirates.

And look at the entire sea.

A great pirate who has the strength, qualifications, and courage to challenge the Four Emperors.

Let’s take a closer look. Aren’t these the seven kings under the Qibuhai?

The plan conceived by Storm at that time was to cooperate with several kings of the Shichibukai to rush into the new world and challenge the four emperors!

on the other hand.

Storm took the initiative to look for those kings of the Qibuhai, so that he could easily hunt the [big trophies] on them.

You can earn big trophies and improve your strength.

You can also recruit suitable subordinates to expand your power.

It’s a win-win!

Storm wins twice!

However, Storm did not expect that after leaving Impel City, he would fly directly to the South China Sea...

"The King's Shichibukai Hunting Operation" was forced to suspend...

In fact, it is not a complete suspension.

Although Storm did not meet the serious King Shichibukai.

But didn’t he also meet a tyrant bear who was about to become the Shichibukai?

Rounding it off, there’s not much difference…

The big bear looked at the marked locations on the clay planet.

In his heart, he was amazed at the intelligence ability displayed by Storm.

"Haixia and Tianyaksha are in the new world, so don't think about them for the time being."

Storm cut off the new world stage of the clay planet, leaving only the paradise stage alone.

“We are now in the South China Sea, close to the windless zone, and after that is Paradise.

"I have a question, Big Bear, your [Meat Ball Fruit] should be able to teleport over long distances, right?"

The big bear was startled.

Storm actually knew this bit of information?

However, recalling the "rich knowledge" displayed by Storm, Big Bear put this little surprise behind him.

"Yes, my ability can achieve ultra-long distance teleportation."

The big bear raised his right hand, and the ball in his palm looked bouncy and soft, so cute.

“Even teleportation across islands is possible.

"However, my ability can only send people to the islands I have been to."

Storm nodded, this was no different from the information he had.

Big Bear's [Meat Ball Fruit] can directly "shoot" the target object and land it accurately at the destination.

The only restriction on this ability is that Big Bear must have visited the location in person.

What a coincidence...

Big Bear once traveled around the world with the revolutionary army.

This kind of experience makes the significance and value of Big Bear’s [Meat Ball Fruit] beyond imagination!

"very good."

Storm said with satisfaction.

“Hydra Island, Banaro Island, Terror Barque, Krai Kana Island, Alabasta.

"Have you been to all these five islands?"

In Storm's impression, Big Bear should have been to these islands.

Otherwise, he would not be able to accurately send the members of the Straw Hats to those islands to practice in the future.

"Except for Nine Snake Island and the terrifying three-masted sailing ship."

Big Bear said.

"I've been to Banaro Island, Kraikana Island, and Alabasta."

Nine Snake Island is located in the windless zone.

The terrifying barque is in the Devil's Triangle.

At this stage, Daxiong has never been to these places, which is reasonable.

Storm thought for a moment.

The three islands mentioned by Big Bear respectively correspond to——

King of Lizards.


Sand crocodile.

Just then.

Big Bear asked softly.

"If you travel, where would you like to go?"

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