Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 75 Shandia people will always be your most loyal friends! (Please subscribe!)

Storm was once an atheist and a staunch materialist.

Until he came to this sea and lived on the sea for eighteen years...

His attitude towards "gods" changed into what his ancestors had taught him so hard -

Respect ghosts and gods and stay away from them.


Storm "worships ghosts and gods."

What he "respects" is those ethereal and ethereal gods.

These so-called "gods" in the sea have incompletely developed cerebellums and completely underdeveloped brains.

Storm fights each one.

What a bullshit god.

It's nothing more than rubbish that uses the name of gods to rule and exploit innocent people.

The so-called world government.

The so-called world nobility.

The so-called descendants of the Creator.

It's nothing more than the most stinky garbage handed down by the divine monarch!

What age are we in, and you still practice the idea of ​​divine right of kings!

Pooh! nausea!

Storm sneered at the idea of ​​blood.


What's more stinky than the Celestial Dragon's theory of divine right to kingship by blood?

Even if they are separated by hundreds of years.

The "reincarnation" of a god can also create a new "god" in place!

Even a lawless guy like Storm knows what "disgusting stench" means!

All men are created equal, who dares to be superior? !

Nika, the sun god?


Storm admired Wapa and other Sandians' attitude towards the gods very much, so naturally he was not stingy with his kindness.

He generously invited this group of people to enter the so-called "Island of Gods"——

Although this was once the hometown of this group of Sandians, "Gaya Island".

Stepping onto the dirt ground after a long absence, both Wapa and the other Sandians couldn't help showing joy.

Storm also noticed that a certain little girl immediately squatted on the ground, grabbing dirt and trying to put it in her purse.


Lucky, who was standing aside, immediately pulled Aisha to her feet and warned in a low voice.

"Don't do anything stupid!"

Although this strange man showed a very generous attitude.

But the opponent is a super strong man who defeated Enelu after all!

Mud is more precious than gold on Sky Island.

Lucky saw Elsa's movements and immediately stopped her.

The surrounding Sandia warriors also noticed the movements of the two girls and stopped in unison.

The leader Wapa's face darkened, and he was about to scold Aisha.

"Your name is 'Elsa'?"

Storm looked at Aisha, and her voice was obviously very gentle, but it made everyone present freeze.

"How do you know it was me who defeated Enelu?"

Lucky subconsciously wanted to explain.

But Elsa, who was a brat, spoke first.

"I heard it! Enelu's voice disappeared! Only your voice is here!"

"This is talent..."

Storm waved to Aisha, as if he was deliberately trying to seduce a child, and a clay doll suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Want this doll? Answer a few questions and it's yours."

The residents of Sky Island are very lacking in entertainment options.

Not to mention the Sandians who have no fixed abode and are wandering around.

The moment she saw the clay doll in Storm's hand, Aisha's eyes lit up as she was just a child.

She didn't pay attention to Lucky's warning look and trotted all the way to Storm.


Aisha said this, but her eyes were not looking at Storm, she was just staring at the exquisite blue-eyed white dragon clay doll.

Storm smiled and asked immediately.

"Your ability is called 'Heart' on the island in the sky, and it's called [Seeing, Hearing and Color Haki] on the sea."

"Yeah! Yes! Wapa also said that I can 'heart'!"

"Is this an ability you've had since childhood?"

"Yes, I have been able to hear the sounds made by others since I was a child."

"A gift you are born with... apart from hearing 'voices', do you have any other abilities?"


Aisha blinked, finally looking away from the blue-eyed white dragon, and looked at Storm in confusion.

"What did you say? I don't understand."

"How do you say that?"

Storm thought for a moment and said slowly.

“As far as I know, people with ‘natural knowledge and color’ are very, very, very rare in this sea.

“Generally speaking, people with ‘natural knowledge’ will hear many different things.

"For example, what the human mind thinks."

The aloof and red Patrick Redfield, he is a super strong man who has "natural knowledge and color" and has given full play to his talents.

Patrick Redfield’s “natural ability to see, hear, and see” includes “mind-reading”!

This is why he is called the "Aloof Red".

Possessing the ability to read minds and seeing the dangers of the world, the aloof red never trusts anyone.


Princess Otohime of Fishman Island also has a "natural sense of knowledge".

However, Storm is not sure what Princess Otohime's "natural ability to see, hear, and see" is.

It is said that you can sense and even infect other people's emotions...

As a result, even the Tianlong people were "brainwashed"...

In comparison.

Aisha's "natural sight color" seems to be just an ordinary sight color.

Apart from the somewhat far-reaching range of perception, he doesn't seem to have any other special abilities.

"Hear other people's inner thoughts?"

Elsa's little face wrinkled tightly.

"It sounds so strange..."

"Well, that's my problem."

Storm twitched the corner of his mouth and directly sent the clay doll forward.

"I shouldn't ask you such a complicated question. Just accept this doll."


Aisha couldn't wait to grab the clay doll of the Blue-Eyed White Dragon, raised it high with both hands, and said with shining eyes.

"A giant lizard with wings!"

"...Huh? What did you say?"

Storm's face instantly darkened, and he tapped Aisha's head with his fingers.

"This is not a 'big lizard'!

“This is a dragon! A dragon!

"Blue Eyes White Dragon!!"

The blue-eyed white dragon flying in the sky seemed to feel the anger from the Creator, and immediately let out a roar.


The shocking dragon roar that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks sounded on the island.

The Sandia warriors looked up at the sky and put on vigilant and solemn expressions.

In comparison.

Young Elsa didn't have the slightest fear.

The little girl was holding the clay doll in her right hand and covering her beaten head with her left hand. She even had enough energy to look at the blue-eyed white dragon in the sky.

"Why can it fly?"

Elsa raised the clay doll in her hand and waved it in front of Storm.

"It can't fly?"

"Where do children come from with so many problems?"

Storm stretched out his right hand and tapped the blue-eyed white dragon's clay doll with his index finger.

Under the control of his will, the blue-eyed white dragon doll immediately turned into a nine-tailed demon fox doll.

"Now it's not a dragon! And it can't fly!"


Aisha looked at the clay doll of the nine-tailed demon fox that suddenly turned into a fox in her hand, and tears quickly welled up in her big eyes.

"Wow! My big lizard!!"

The little girl's cries were absolutely horrific.

This kid is so annoying...

Several green veins appeared on Storm's forehead, and he looked at the group of Xandian warriors.

"Who is the parent? Take this crybaby away quickly!"

"I'm not a crybaby! Whoa whoa whoa -"

Elsa was crying as she ran towards the team of Xandian warriors.

"Raki! I don't want to talk to that annoying guy anymore!"

Lucky, who felt sorry for Elsa, immediately hugged the little girl into her arms.

The Sandia warriors who witnessed the whole process showed twisted expressions.

It was a twisted expression of wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

"Who is that!"

Storm looked at the leading Xandian warrior.

"I'm Vongola Storm, what's your name?"


"Very well, Wapa, do you and your people accept the offer?"

"...Hire? Servants?"

"I pay and you do the work."

Storm touched his chin, feeling that his conditions were not attractive enough.

“I almost forgot that the customs and habits of Sky Island are different from those of the sea below.

"You don't seem to like money very much, right? What about soil?

"I'll make the dirt, and you'll do the work."

If these words were spoken on the sea below.

Then everyone who hears this will probably want to throw mud into Storm's face...

But speaking these words on Kongdao has a completely different meaning.

Storm's words were like celestial music in the ears of the Sandia warriors.


The leader of Sandia, who looked unruly just now, immediately became docile.

"Sir! Are you really willing to share the 'mud' with us?"

"Let's just say it."

Storm stomped the ground beneath his feet.

“This island does not include the gold on the island and other properties in Alni Road.

"How long can it employ you Sandians?"


Not a few grams of soil? Not a few kilograms of soil? Not a few tons of soil?

But an entire island? ?

This island, home to the Sandians? ? ?

All the Sandians present were shocked.

Even Aisha, who was crying just now, couldn't help turning her head to look at Storm.

This nasty guy——

No, this big brother looks so handsome...

There was no need for any discussion. As the leader, Vapa directly expressed their feelings on behalf of all Sandiya people.

"My lord! The Sandians will always be your most loyal friends!"


Storm walked towards Wapa and extended his right hand to the opponent.

"Contract concluded?"

Wapa looked at Storm's outstretched right hand and was a little at a loss.

But he still followed the other person's example and gently grabbed the other person's hand.

"very good."

Storm held Wapa's right hand and shook it twice.

"From this moment on, this island belongs to you, and you manage it and do things for me."

"Yes! Lord Vongola!"

Wapa could not suppress his excitement.

The other Sandia warriors on the side couldn't help but roared excitedly.

Four hundred years!

Four hundred years have passed!

The Sandians finally got their land back!

The golden bell will ring again.

From every dawn to every sunset.

"Let's have a lively party!"

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