Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 8 Lord Hannibal, why don’t we kill our way to the Burning Hell and seize Magellan’s throne!

Passing through the majestic Gate of Justice is the Windless Zone.

The sky was dim and gloomy, and the prison warship stopped in front of the strict and orderly fortress complex.

Impel Down City, here it is.

The battleship docked at the dock.

Personnel on the ship, both marines and prisoners, were moved downwards in an orderly manner.

The highest officer responsible for the task of escorting prisoners is Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters.

Storm followed the flying squirrel and moved towards the gate of Impel City.

A figure stood silently at the gate of Impel City. His appearance was like a combination of a pharaoh and an evil spirit, ugly and terrifying.

When Storm and Flying Squirrel got closer, the figure finally spoke.

"Welcome to-"

Hannibal said calmly.

"My Impel Down."

The flying squirrel originally wanted to shake hands and greet him.

After hearing these words, his movements couldn't help but stagnate.

If I remember correctly.

Isn’t the director of Impel Down Magellan?

Who is this big, silly guy with a little belly who looks like a ghost?

Without waiting for the flying squirrel to ask a question.

Hannibal quickly grabbed the flying squirrel's right palm and shook it rapidly.

"Ah! Sorry, sorry! I just said the wrong thing!

"To say 'my prison' is a bit too ambitious.

"I am the warden of Impel Down City, Hannibal. Please give me your advice."

The corners of Flying Squirrel's eyes twitched, and he responded coldly.

"…flying squirrel."

"I've heard about it. Is this Vongola Storm?"

Hannibal let go of the flying squirrel's hand and turned to look at Storm behind him.

"My new subordinate - ah! Revealed his ambition again!"

The flying squirrel did not stay here for too long. He said goodbye and left directly, citing "busy military affairs" as an excuse.

Only Storm and Hannibal were left.


Storm took out the job transfer order that Aokiji had given him before.

"This is the job transfer order issued by this department, please take a look."

"Don't call me Sir, call me Lord Warden!"

Hannibal took the paper handed over by Storm and stressed seriously.

"If you want to call me 'Master Director', that's okay."

"Actually, since the first time I saw Lord Hannibal, I felt that you had the potential to become the director of Impel Down."

Storm suggested seriously.

"Master Hannibal, why don't we go to the director's office together and seize Magellan's position as commander!"


Hannibal couldn't help but take a step back, as if he was frightened.

Boy, I'm just a careerist who likes to have sex, but you want to be serious?

"I think... you're a little too radical, ahem."

Hannibal casually put Storm's job transfer order into his pocket.

"Come with me, I will take you to visit my Impel Down City first."

Storm followed Hannibal and entered the interior of Impel Down City together.

As soon as he stepped through the door, he heard a painful howl coming from the side.

"It's a pleasant wailing sound, isn't it?"

Hannibal showed a satisfied smile and raised his hand to motion to the iron fence beside the road.

"Prisoners who are sent to my impel city will first be taken to the opposite side of the iron fence.

“Prisoners need to take off their clothes and enter ‘hell’s warm water’ heated to 100 degrees for disinfection.

"This is also the 'baptism' that Impel Down City conducts for the prisoners."

Storm nodded calmly, and then asked pretending to be curious.

"Master Hannibal, why does Impel Down use boiling water instead of hot oil?"

Hot, hot oil?

The smile on Hannibal's face suddenly froze.

Boy, do you want to fry all the prisoners?

"Because...it's tradition."

Hannibal wiped the sweat from his forehead and wanted to end the topic directly.

But Storm did not let him go easily.

"Sir, if you become the director in the future, can you turn the 'warm water of hell' into the 'warm oil of hell'?"

Boy, I think you are a bit too extreme!

Hannibal roared internally.

He finally understood.

Why was this guy transferred from the Navy Headquarters to Impel Down!

Hell is empty, the devil is in the navy!

"Newcomer, not every prisoner in Impel Down is on death row."

"So why is that?"

Storm was really confused this time.

“If the government doesn’t kill these scum, is it deliberately waiting for them to escape from prison?”

"prison Break?"

Hannibal seemed to have heard a big joke.

“Impel City is made of copper and iron walls and is the world’s highest security prison.

"It's absolutely impossible for any prisoner to escape from Impel Down!"

Storm glanced at Hannibal and directly threw out a name.

"Golden Lion Shiki?"

"Ah this..."

Hannibal was startled again.

Promote urban cold knowledge.

Hannibal once witnessed the escape process of Golden Lion Shiji.

Golden Lion Shiji also personally asked Hannibal where he placed his [Sakura Ten] and [Muku] in Impel Down.

He was questioned by a newcomer one after another.

Hannibal's face was a bit lost.

"Newcomer! Impel Down City has rules! Subordinates are not allowed to talk back to their superiors!"

Really? I don't believe it.

Storm pouted.

If you push forward into the city, your subordinates really can't talk to their superiors.

On the first day that Hannibal's ambition is exposed, he will be thrown into infinite hell by Magellan.

But Storm still likes Hannibal, a pretentious commander.

Seeing that Hannibal couldn't hold back his anger, he pinched his thumb and index finger and drew them across his mouth, which meant "sew the mouth shut."

With this, Hannibal nodded with satisfaction.

The sea area of ​​Impel Down City is not too large.

Hannibal gave Storm a tour.

From the initial baptismal room to the generator room, medical room, monitoring room, jailer's dormitory, etc. at the back.

When passing by the jailer's canteen in Impel Down City.

Storm saw a large group of blue gorillas, dragging huge pieces of meat towards the back of the kitchen.

The leader of this group of blue gorillas is a woman wearing a pink leather coat and having long wavy orange hair.

"My little Sadie."

Hannibal waved warmly to the other party.

"Did the food replenishment work go well today?"


Little Sadie's orange bangs obscured her eyes, but her vision didn't seem to be affected by it.

She easily spotted Storm next to Hannibal.

"Hmm?! Is this the new guy who's here to take over my job?"

between talking.

Little Sadie gave the long-handled pitchfork a slight twist.

The pitchfork's prongs fell off immediately, and a thin and long whip appeared in her hand.


Little Satikong flicked his whip and made a loud cracking sound.

"Newcomer, what's your name?"

"Vongola Storm."

Storm stepped forward and looked at little Sadie.


"Call me little Sadie!"

It was too late, but soon, little Sadie swung the whip in his hand and whipped Storm from a distance.

Her ability to control a long whip is much better than that of a peacock.

The black leather whip made of unknown material had a glossy black oily surface.

If you look closely, you can also see the sharp barbs attached to the whip.

If you are hit by this whip, the consequences will be disastrous.

But in the face of such attacks, Storm didn't even raise his eyelids.

He obviously didn't make any movement, but layers of white ripples appeared on his body.

The next moment.

A white snake made of clay flew out of Storm's body and bit directly at the whip.


Little Sadie's leather whip accurately hit the white snake's head, and the soft clay exploded instantly.

But the white snake did not "die" because of this.

on the contrary.

After exploding, the white snake turned directly into a large airtight clay net, tightly wrapping the black whip in it.

Storm controls the clay like a white chain, wrestling with little Sadie.

"Little Sadie! Vongola! Stop fighting, you guys!"

Hannibal on the side let out a nervous shout.

"If the fight continues, the blue gorilla will lose control!"

Little Sadie was startled.

She turned her head and saw the blue orangutan who was responsible for carrying food sprinting towards her.

The blue gorilla's real name is "Brugli".

They are huge in size, incredibly powerful, and have strange skull-like patterns on their faces. They are known as "sea fighters."

The blue gorilla running over at this time had a very clear goal——

Storm is fighting Little Sadie!

"Ho! Roar!"

The blue gorilla holds a huge double-sided ax and chops at Storm with great courage.

Storm's expression remained unchanged.

He raised his right hand, and white clay poured out continuously, and instantly piled up into a hill next to him.

Then, the clay hill squirmed.

A huge white orangutan whose height almost broke through the ceiling of the impel city "broke out of the ground"!

The blue gorilla swung his giant ax and slashed with all his strength.

Due to height restrictions, it only hit the white gorilla's knee.

The fighting strength of sea fighters is not weak.

Even the sea kings in the windless zone, the blue gorilla can easily "cut two" with one axe.

The white gorilla, made of clay, was too hard to withstand the axe, and its knees were cut off directly.

But clay creatures are not afraid of harm.

Even though the white gorilla's knees were cut off by the "Sea Fighter", its upper body remained unscathed.

Storm controlled the white gorilla, who raised his huge fist and smashed downwards.


The blue gorilla that took the initiative to attack just now was unable to dodge the attack and was hit directly in the head by the giant clay fist.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

The blue gorilla was knocked over and completely unconscious.

[Silver Trophy: Brugli]

[Trophy Stars: ★★★]

A blue gorilla is a silver trophy! ?

Storm looked at a group of blue gorillas running towards them not far away.

In his eyes, these are not blue water monkeys, but silver trophies!

Auditory hallucinations seemed to ring in Storm's ears.

The main mission has been triggered!

Start dominating Impel Down with the Blue Water Monkey!

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