Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 88: Make the Germa Kingdom great again! (5th update with 160,000 words, please subscribe!)

As soon as Gaji said these words.

Storm and others have yet to give any reaction.

Gaji himself noticed something was wrong in advance.

His original intention was just to use some social rhetoric and to draw closer the relationship between him and Bailong, Tyrant and others.

But if Gaji remembers correctly.

Both the tyrant and the white dragon mentioned that the "tyrant's daughter" was a patient.

A young girl suffering from "Jade Scale".

But at this moment, the "Little Bear" who appeared in front of Jiazhi, how did she look like a patient?

not to mention.

Patients suffering from "sapphire scale" should not be exposed to natural light.

But this "tyrant's daughter" walked openly and openly under the sun.

Gaji was almost confused.

"Bonnie is my daughter."

Big Bear touched Bonnie's head tenderly. He didn't mind at all the unintentional offensive words Gaji just made.

"But this is not what she really looks like. She looks much cuter than me."

Bonnie said coquettishly: "Dad looks very cute too! Hehe..."

Gaji didn't have the slightest feeling about the picture of family affection between a loving father and a filial daughter.

He just welcomed several guests as the king of the Germa Kingdom.

Immediately afterwards, Gaji took Storm and his party directly to the scientific research room of the Kingdom of Germa.

Storm and others followed Gaji and entered this huge laboratory with a style that transcended the times.

The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the huge array of various experimental instruments.

The most eye-catching thing among them is the neatly arranged and densely packed special capsules.

Each special capsule has its own unique number, and the inside of the capsule is filled with an unknown solution.

But what is even more creepy is that inside each specially-made capsule, there is a human with burly muscles and a cold expression!

These are the soldiers of Germa 66, the famous "Evil Legion" in the North Sea - clone soldiers who are not afraid of pain, death, and will not betray!

Big Bear, Kidd and Kira have been in the Germa Kingdom for some time.

But this was the first time they entered the secret experimental base of the Germa Kingdom.

At this time, Kidd and Kira both showed shocked expressions when they saw the rows of clone soldiers enclosed in special capsules.

Bonnie, the youngest, saw so many men with straight faces, soaking in the water, who looked like corpses, and she couldn't help but grab the big bear's right hand.

Big Bear could clearly feel his daughter's palms trembling slightly. He bent down without thinking, took Bonnie into his arms, and patted her back gently.

"What a unique laboratory."

Robin admired the scene in Germa's laboratory with great interest.

"What are those things? They look like human organs..."

"Those are unexpected products born during the development of cloning technology. You can call them 'artificial organs'."

In a very proud and proud tone, Gaji raised his hand and pointed to the pile of clone capsules and explained to everyone.

"That's Germa's cutting-edge technology! Clone troopers!"

Gaji's words seemed like some kind of special signal.

A dozen clone troopers hiding in the corner of the laboratory immediately walked out.

They have the same appearance, the same height, and the same clothes.

Even their footsteps sounded almost at the same time.

"Identical clones..."

Robin looked at the line of clone troopers in front of him.

"It's like a robot produced on an assembly line."

Robin's words seemed to step on Gaji's tail, and he snorted coldly.

"Hmph! The beauty of genes and flesh cannot be compared to cold machines!"

"Well, there is no need to introduce your clone army to us, Dr. Gaji."

Storm intervened and pointed at Bonnie.

This is a secret laboratory with extremely high confidentiality standards, and the lights inside are all unnatural light.

Even if Bonnie reveals her true identity, she doesn't have to worry about being harmed.

With a thought in Storm's mind, the "Little Bear Mecha" covering Bonnie's body disappeared immediately.

Bonnie's true appearance was then revealed in Gaji's eyes.

The scale-like blue scar located under Bonnie's right eye was also noticed by Gaji at this moment.

However, the first thing Gaji thought of was not the "Jade Scale" treatment plan, but...

Is this little girl really the daughter of a tyrant?

It looks like a genetic mutation...

Storm looked at Gaji and said politely.

"Please check Bonnie's body first."

Gaji put aside distracting thoughts, brought Bonnie to a special instrument, and began to examine her body.

While Big Bear was waiting impatiently.

The test results are finally out.

Gaji held a piece of information in his hand, reading it and nodding.

"It is indeed a green jade scale...

"I can indeed treat her sapphire scales here!

"It's okay to eradicate it completely."

Very good!

The big stone in Big Bear's heart finally fell to the ground. He hugged Bonnie and cried with joy.

Storm looked at the big bear who was crying again, shook his head, and asked Gaji.

"What about the treatment plan? There are also treatment costs."

"Let's talk about the treatment plan first."

Gaji put aside the medical records in his hands and crossed his arms.

“I will first clone the little girl’s stem cell tissue, and then transplant it into her body after cultivating it to a certain level.

"In words you can understand... I will transform her body into a perfect state!"


This slightly sensitive word caught Big Bear's attention, and he turned to look at Gaji.

"Doctor, will Bonnie become a cybernetic?"

"If you want to transform her into a Cyborg, I can do that too."

Gaji said confidently.

"However, transforming her into a reformed person is a different price!

"The plan I mentioned before is just to eradicate her stubborn sapphire scale disease."

Big Bear couldn't quite understand it, but he could barely understand that Bonnie would not turn into one of those stern-faced reformers...

That's it!

Daxiong asked: "What's the specific cost?"

This time came to Germa 66.

Big Bear brought over all the more than one billion Baileys that Storm had previously obtained from the warship trade.

This much money...should be enough, right?

"It's not about money, tyrant."

Gaji, the notorious mercenary leader, actually said the words "It's not about money" at this time.

"I can treat this little girl, but at the same time... I need your genetic data."

Gaji's scientific research strength is all focused on "bloodline factor technology"——

To be precise, it's about transforming people's technology.

Transformed humans and clones created with the help of these technological means.

Gaji greatly enhanced the military power of the Kingdom of Germa.


After these years of development.

Gaji has realized an extremely serious problem.

Forget about the undeveloped "modified people" - his four children.

Those ordinary clone troopers...

There are limits to human cloning!

For ordinary humans, each of the clone soldiers of Germa 66 is a master who can equal ten to one.

But for those who are truly strong, the clone soldiers of Germa 66 are no different than weeds on the roadside.

Gaji's lifelong ambition is not to explore the true meaning of science.

But to restore the glory of our ancestors and make the Kingdom of Germa great again! Dominate the entire North Sea!

If Beihai only has those ordinary franchised countries and non-franchised countries.

With the power of Gaji and his "evil army", it is not difficult to defeat them one by one.

Just like the "Four Kingdoms Killing" incident back then.

But Beihai doesn’t just have ordinary franchise countries.

On the road to realizing the dream of the Kingdom of Germa becoming "great again", a "stumbling block" appeared that left Gaji helpless.

Also from Beihai;

Also nicknamed "Bird";

The power of the family is also used to control power——

Tenyasha, Donquixote Doflamingo.

Gaji also tried to compete with the Don Quixote family for business.

But the final result is...

The Vinsmoke family is no match for the Don Quixote family.


If the Kingdom of Germa could "eat and drink enough" in the North Sea.

Gaji would not bring the entire country to the East China Sea to fight with the countries in the "weakest sea" and earn commissions...

But still the same sentence.

The Kingdom of Germa is more than capable of dealing with ordinary franchising and non-franchising countries.

Not against the Don Quixote family.

Gaji originally wanted to wait until his children grew up before causing trouble for the Don Quixote family.

But the arrival of Big Bear gave Gaji another idea.

Look at the big bear, look at his burly physique and strong muscles...

Although Gaji has not carefully tested the physical data of Big Bear.

But as he often "behaves", he can tell at a glance that Bartholomew Bear is an excellent clone template!

If we could get the genetic data of Bartholomew Bear and introduce it into the clone soldiers...

Gaji can definitely create a group of troops that are far more powerful than the previous "Evil Legion"!

Until then.

Gaji can lead the Kingdom of Germa to greatness again!

"My genetic data?"

Big Bear's brows frowned slightly.

"What do you want this for?"

"I was looking for monsters that could serve as prototype templates for clone troopers."

Gaji didn't hide anything and gave a direct answer.

"You're just right."

"...You plan to make a clone of me?"

Big Bear understood what Gaji meant and frowned even more.

"But what are you going to do with those guys?"

"Let them populate my 'Legion of Evil', of course!"

Gaji opened his arms and showed his ambition.

“With your clones, I can create a whole new army!

“What do you think of the military name ‘Tyrant’?

"The king who rules the North Sea with absolute violence!"

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