Half an hour.

Chen Mu has left the city gate.

Not anxious, but very anxious.

With the complete fusion of memories, he will take the college entrance examination in three days.

The difficulty of leveling up in the later stage will also increase, and scattered monsters cannot meet the daily upgrade.

If you want to upgrade quickly, you can only go to the dungeon secret realm, and most of the dungeon secret realms are controlled by major forces.

Among them, the war group and the army want to obtain resources, only by paying for freedom, and the only way to relax is the major famous schools.

The four major famous schools have nearly a hundred dungeon secret realms.

This is also the reason why you have to go.

The college entrance examination has a hard indicator, that is, the level reaches level 5.

You need to reach level 5.

"I'll be busy these three days."

If it's easy to upgrade, the hard indicator will not be so low.

Often the highest level of the college entrance examination is only level 10.

"With my panel, it's also a shame that I can only bully monsters."

After thinking about what monster to hunt, Chen Mu didn't pause, opened the map and rushed to a small gathering place.

After a while, Chen Mu found a group of slimes.

Since these monsters have little experience, the items that exploded are useless.

But no one is here to spawn slimes.

He kicked the slime at his feet, and a panel appeared.

Name: Water Slime

Level: 1

Kill explosion rate: 100% of black iron items

Introduction: Weak chicken, you are only worthy of fighting the shame of monsters

"100% explosion rate?"

Now Chen Mu has determined the main function of the gold finger, but I don't know if there are other surprises.

The slime that was kicked away was obviously angry and hit it with all his strength.

"Don't make trouble, it's a bit itchy."

As he spoke, he pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed it directly.

Accompanied by a puff.

The water slime exploded, leaving a light spot.

Chen Mu didn't wait to touch the light spot, and the light spot automatically flew into Chen Mu's body.

A prompt sounded.

"Ding! Kill the water slime and get a recovery pill!"

Name: Recovery Pill

Quality: Black Iron Grade

Effect: Instantly restore 100 MP

Introduction: Mass-produced pills

"Fuck! Magic pill!"

According to memory recovery potions, there is no instant recovery. The best is continuous recovery, and many can only be used in non-combat states.

Recovery pills obviously do not have these restrictions.

What's more, it is easy to obtain.

Thinking of this.

Chen Mu's eyes seemed to emit green light.

Like a pervert who hasn't seen a beautiful woman for many years, he suddenly met a group of beautiful women.

The next second.

Chen Mu pounced on the slime like a hungry tiger, tearing... and poking the slime.

Due to low intelligence.

Even if their companions were killed, this group of slimes still stayed there stupidly.

In less than ten minutes.

There were hundreds of recovery pills in the professional's backpack.

"It should be enough for a short time."

Even for the mage profession, the MP value of level 5 will never exceed 200.

It is definitely enough for him as a Taoist priest.

"Wait, are there differences in the items dropped by slimes with different attributes?"

Suddenly, Chen Mu realized a problem.

Looking at a backpack of recovery pills.

He made up his mind secretly.

Take out the map and start looking.

Soon, he found another group of slimes.

These slimes are of earth attribute.

He rushed up with a quick step, and then he output.


Accompanied by an instant kill.

The prompt sounded again in his ears.

"Ding! Kill the earth slime, get the skill book, and make soldiers out of beans!"

? ? ?


Chen Mu was stunned.

The items dropped this time were even more fierce.

At the same time, he felt that his golden finger might be different from what he imagined.

The items that dropped seemed to have never appeared before.

"The Qi-Restoring Pill has never appeared, and I have never heard of this "Sowing Beans to Create Soldiers". Could it be that my golden finger can explode Taoist-exclusive items?"

A doubt arises in my heart.

Wait for him to confirm.

Before that, of course, I have to look at the properties of "Sowing Beans to Create Soldiers".

Name: Sowing Beans to Create Soldiers

Profession: Taoist

Quality: Black Iron

Introduction: Consume 50 MP and summon a soldier to assist in combat

Quantity: 0/5

No pause.

Choose to learn directly.

I have had enough of poking monsters myself.

As I clicked to learn, the skill book turned into a little light and sank into my eyebrows.

Chen Mu instantly mastered the essentials of casting spells.

"Turning day into night, scattering beans to create soldiers..."

Bend down, grab a handful of soil, and throw it into the air.

Instantly, it turned into a soldier wearing tattered armor and holding a spear.


Also nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, not bad, looks a bit ugly, but the attributes are okay."

The mostThe important thing is that I don't have to do it myself.

"Poke it!"

The order was issued.

The soldier rushed forward and pierced through the body of the slime.

Another skill book of Sowing Beans into Soldiers appeared.

Chen Mu picked it up without hesitation.

This is 100 skill proficiency.

As long as there are enough, I can completely stack the skill level of Sowing Beans into Soldiers.

Silently followed behind to pick up the spoils.

Not long after.

All the earth slimes were killed, and Chen Mu also obtained 331 Sowing Beans into Soldiers skill books.

"Consume all Sowing Beans into Soldiers skill books."

A thought.

The Sowing Beans into Soldiers skill increased rapidly.

Level 2!

Level 3!


It stopped until it reached level 10.

The skill attributes changed.

Name: Scattering Beans into Soldiers

Level: LV10

Quality: Black Iron

Quantity: 1/50

Introduction: Consume 50 MP and summon 10 soldiers to fight

"Okay, okay! In this way, I won't have any problem playing alone."

He couldn't form a team either.

The experience gained by forming a team is evenly distributed, and the efficiency is improved, but the experience is reduced.

It's not suitable for me now.

Chen Mu is going to see what other slimes can explode.

Anyway, it's nearby.

Under the guidance of the map, new slimes were soon discovered.

Grass slime.

Along with the kill, pills were obtained again.

But this time the pills were used to restore HP.

The effect is 200.

If this is leaked out, it will definitely drive countless blood cow professions crazy.

Chen Mu has no idea of ​​releasing it for the time being.

The level is too low now, and it's hard to explain where it came from.

What's more, these pills are not enough for him to use now.

At least you have to wait until you get through the novice period before considering whether to sell these pills.

Since the fire slime only lives near volcanoes, there is none around here, but Chen Mu found the gold slime.

What surprised Chen Mu was that.

This slime was killed after being stabbed twice.

"Ding! Kill the gold slime and get the weapon..."

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