"Ding! The quality of the Bean-Switch Soldier has been improved to the Mythical Two Star!"

"Ding! The quality of the Bean-Switch Soldier has been improved to the Mythical Three Star!"

Although he failed to clean up the secret realm overnight, he did obtain a lot of broken magical fragments, which allowed the quality of the Bean-Switch Soldier to be improved by two levels in a row.

This made Chen Mu unable to resist trying it.

"Ding! Please select the summoning type!"

1, Primary Heavenly Soldier

2, Primary Yellow Turban Warrior

"Why is there no change?"

Chen Mu was a little confused.

According to past experience, the quality should be improved, and the type of soldiers should also be improved.

Now what can be summoned is still the primary Heavenly Soldier.

"Is there a change in the inside?"

Thinking of this.

He casually summoned a primary Heavenly Soldier.

As he scanned the attribute panel, other places were not improved much, and a new skill was added.

"Mind and Mind Unity?"


But the information panel has been summoned.

Unity of mind and heart: Heavenly Soldiers have extremely high combat instincts, can fight in any environment, and can passively improve all attributes by 50%

? ? ? ?


Chen Mu couldn't help but exclaimed.

He is now more and more curious about the complete version of Heavenly Soldiers.

The Heavenly Soldiers he summoned now should all be castrated versions.

Maybe they haven't mastered the magic of all Heavenly Soldiers, and maybe from now on to the ten-star Mythology, this name will not change.

But one thing is certain, the other abilities of Heavenly Soldiers should be awakened one after another.

Chen Mu even has a hunch that when Heavenly Soldiers reach their peak, one person can kill the entire Xiuxian world in seconds.

"This skill must be improved first, set a small goal first, the ten-star Mythology."

After seeing the abnormality of the beans-turning-soldiers, he is even more eager to improve the entire skill.

"4,000 Heavenly Soldiers, unfortunately, I don't have so many media in my hands, otherwise my speed of looting the secret realm can be improved..."

Going to the Demon City is imminent.

At this time.

A voice sounded outside the door.

"It's the last day of the Immortal Gate Competition. Do you want to go and take a look?"

Li Changqing's voice sounded.

"I'm here, Master."

He agreed and hurried out.

Although the harvest this time is enough, the quality of the secret realms of the ten major immortal gates will only be higher.

If he can't grab some, Chen Mu will not be able to sleep well in the future.

Chen Mu came to the Immortal Gate Competition again.

This time, the final ranking is determined.

"The requirements are very simple. You can challenge someone who is within ten places of your ranking. If you win, you will replace the other person's ranking. If you fail, you will consume one chance."

It happened that the Mahayana period was explaining the rules.

Looking at the figure, someone suddenly asked.

"Excuse me, can I challenge someone else who is not participating in the Immortal Gate Competition?"

The person who spoke was none other than Chen Mu's clone.

Due to the amazing performance in the last round, the clone's ranking was directly ranked first in the Golden Core.

Accompanied by this voice,

All the representatives of Tianwu Sect began to communicate excitedly.

The Shit Taoist even communicated with the middle-aged man who was talking to Chen Mu's clone.

"Hahaha, you did a good job. Regardless of whether this boy joins our Tianwu Sect or not, your position will be promoted by one level, and you will receive 10,000 medium-grade spirit stones as a reward."

This completely provoked an internal fight in Lingxu Sect.

Regardless of whether they win or lose this battle, they have already made a profit.

There is even a chance to win over this genius of thunder.

Of course, these are naturally done by Chen Mu.

After talking with the two masters, he felt that Tianwu Sect had an insider who could save a lot of trouble.

As for now, he was going to perform a big show with his clone.

Perform it for these immortal sects to see.

If conditions permit, his other clones can be placed in other sects.

The most terrifying thing about the incarnation of the devil is.

His clone, let alone the scattered immortal realm, even if it is above the true immortal, cannot detect any abnormalities.

Use the opponent's resources to fatten himself.

This kind of thing is exciting just thinking about it.

"Yes, provided that the person agrees to your invitation to fight."

The Mahayana cultivator did not answer immediately. After some feedback, he responded.

Hearing this.

The clone slowly turned around and looked at the crowd.

Soon, his eyes locked on one person.

This person was naturally Chen Mu.

"Before I joined Lingxu Sect, I heard about Brother Chen Mu's record. He killed the Taoist of Tianwu Sect with a hundred moves. I, Ye Yan, want to ask for advice!"

The voice fell.

There was an uproar around.

However, the faces of the people in Tianwu Sect were a little ugly.

If you want to fight, why do you have to drag me out to embarrass me again?

In my heartUnhappy.

But thinking about the internal fight that will happen in Lingxu Sect, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Brother Chen, do you dare to fight?"

The clone transmitted the sound with the true essence, and the sound fell into the ears of most of Baidi City.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu was speechless.

Is this clone into the play? This is the same as the villain.

Of course, this is the effect he wants.

There is no reason to retreat.

It is reasonable for him to take action.

"Junior brother has an idea, why don't we go back to the sect to compete?"

Chen Mu sighed lightly, showing some reluctance.

This made everyone present unhappy.

"I think Chen Mu is just a name, most of the Taoist things are diluted."

"Junior brother invites you to fight, but you don't dare to accept it, hehe..."

For a while, many people with ulterior motives began to make trouble.

The clone also stood up at the right time.

"Brother Chen, this place is good, there are so many people to witness us."

While speaking, thunderbolts burst out from his body.

He even pressed towards Chen Mu with a heavy pressure.

This made those casual cultivators who were close to Chen Mu feel depressed and quickly hid far away.

Chen Mu still looked embarrassed.

"Brother Ye, why bother? We are from the same lineage. Why don't you listen to me? When we go back, I will accompany you to fight happily..."

Looking at that, Chen Mu was like a sensible brother, persuading his rebellious brother.

And the clone seemed to be completely crazy.

"So this is why you are here, then I will quit Lingxu Sect..."

It was a plain word.

But it set off a storm at the scene.

Almost all the high-level people of the immortal gate stood up from their seats.

Even those high-ranking ancestors could not stand it.

The heart began to transmit information frantically.

There is only one request, dig them up.

On the surface, he said to the ancestor of Lingxu Sect with a smile.

"Ye Yaozun, some of your disciples are rebellious... Take them back and discipline them properly."

"That's right, for a competition, they can actually give up the friendship of the sect. I think this ungrateful person should be expelled from the sect as soon as possible."

Listening to the weird voices around.

Ye Lingxiao despised them in his heart.

You guys are happy, sooner or later you will cry.

But on the surface, his face looked a little ugly.


He snorted coldly.

He didn't respond.

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