"Ding! The quality of the Ruyi Jingu Bang has been upgraded to three stars in the Mythology!"

"Ding! The quality of the Ruyi Jingu Bang has been upgraded to four stars in the Mythology!"

Chen Mu sacrificed all the magic weapons he had obtained in the past few days.

Prepare to use only the Ruyi Jingu Bang in the next few days.

After thinking about it, he glanced at the information changes.

Other things have not changed.

The maximum possible shape can now reach 100 meters.

The power has naturally increased a lot.

At this time.

A voice was heard outside.

"Next is a crazy battle, one Jindan vs. ten Yuanying!"

Before the voice fell.

There were bursts of excited roars outside.

Then it was heard.

"Please invite our new god of war!"

As the voice fell.

Chen Mu also walked out slowly.

There were already ten Yuanying cultivators around.

"Without further ado, this arena is left to you. I hope you can bring me a hearty fight!"

The host left the stage directly.

There were also bursts of noisy voices from above.

"What a bold move, but I choose ten Nascent Souls to win."

"Just when you win a game, you are really invincible in the world. There is a ruthless person among these ten people."

"This kid's luck has run out."


Chen Mu ignored these voices.

He slowly looked at the Nascent Soul cultivators on the opposite side.


Dozens of hair-thin threads suddenly tied up Chen Mu's body.

Of course, there was a voice saying with a smile.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. You have been hit by my Tiansi thread. Become a piece of meat!"

At the end, there was a hideous look on his face.

He even urged the thin thread in his hand.

He wanted to cut Chen Mu into countless pieces.

However, as he exerted force, the thin threads broke one by one.

As if he couldn't bear it.

? ? ?

"How is it possible? This Tiansi thread can seriously injure the Yuanying monster beast, how can it be ineffective against a human race..."

Somewhat unbelievable.

Suddenly, a calm voice sounded in his ears.

"It's very simple. My physical body is stronger than the Yuanying monster beast."

Before the man showed his horror, the Ruyi Jingu Bang had already fallen.


Without any resistance, it turned into a pool of meat paste.

"Ding! Kill Feng Yuxiu and get an ordinary Yuanying!"

Without waiting for others to react.

The Ruyi Jingu Bang in his hand suddenly grew wildly and turned into a giant thick and hard stick.


With full force swinging down.

The entire underground arena was shaking violently.

Even the audience, some people fell to the ground.

Although several people were lucky enough to avoid the attack, they all turned pale after this set.

"This is not a human, this is clearly a beast in human skin..."

The physical strength is comparable to that of a beast, and there is such a strange magic weapon.

"Don't hold back, in this battle, either he dies or we die."

One person suggested.

The rest of the people nodded.

Originally thought that just a battlefield would give them a spiritual stone, but now they know that this battle is more dangerous than ever.

"You dodge very quickly."

Chen Mu controlled the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

The power of the 72 Disha magical powers was directly activated.

The muscles all over the body bulged.

At this moment.

The nine Yuanying cultivators felt the threat of death.

"You defend me from the main attack!"

A sword cultivator transmitted a voice.

Hearing this.

The other Yuanying cultivators took out their defensive magic weapons and activated them.

Almost at the same time.

The Ruyi Jingu Bang was swung down again.


There was another loud noise.

The ground shook violently.

The several layers of defensive magic weapons were broken layer by layer, and only the last layer was left to barely block Chen Mu's attack.

For a moment.

Several Nascent Soul cultivators vomited blood.

It was obviously because the magic weapon was broken and suffered backlash.

"Monster... He is a monster..."

He murmured in his mouth.

Fear was already in his eyes.

At this moment.

The sword cultivator who was responsible for the main attack had already appeared behind Chen Mu.

The long-accumulated sword energy was slashed out in an instant.

Chen Mu didn't even turn his head.

"Earth Demon Magic, Hu Tian!"

Accompanied by the sound.

Those attacks disappeared quietly.

Whether it was the sword cultivator or the other Nascent Soul cultivators, they all looked horrified.

They couldn't see through Chen Mu's moves at all.

Just when the sword cultivator was stunned.

Chen Mu's voice suddenly sounded.

"Reciprocity, return the things to you!"

The voice sounded.

The vanishing sword energy instantly attacked the sword cultivator.

It was originally a move that was accumulated.

It was completely impossible to resist the sword energy in a short time.

Puff! Puff!Puff!

In the blink of an eye, it was shattered by his own sword energy.

Chen Mu ignored it.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand fell again.

"No, I give up!"

"I give up too!"

For a moment.

The remaining few Nascent Soul cultivators were almost scared to death.

They cried and begged for mercy.

But Chen Mu's stick did not stop.

Because he asked, these people were not good birds.

It can even be said that they were a disaster.


The physical body was destroyed, and the Nascent Soul wanted to escape.

But before he could run.

He was surrounded by balls of flames and died completely in the Samadhi True Fire in the blink of an eye.

"Ding! Kill Chang Xuhong and get an ordinary Yuanying!"

"Ding! Kill Shi Zita and get an ordinary Yuanying!"

"Ding! Kill Guo Guanxiang and get a first-grade holy infant!"


The scene was quiet.

There were sounds of people gasping for air.

Even though he had witnessed countless fights, this was the first time he had seen such brutality.

At the least, he would be turned into meat paste, and at the worst, no bones would remain.

This is simply a big demon.


What is this place.

Demon City, the more brutal you are, the more they like you.

They are not afraid of you being perverted, but they are afraid that you are not perverted enough.

After a moment of silence.

Deafening shouts rang out.

"God of War!"

"God of War!"

"God of War!"

Listening to the voice beside his ear, Chen Mu just suppressed it with his hand.

The surroundings instantly became quiet.

"You are too weak. If I find it boring, we can add some new challenge conditions, such as a group of 20 people. As long as you can win, you can take away the blockage I brought."

Hearing this.

Many people felt their heartbeats speed up.

Although the odds of the previous battle were not high, Chen Mu's 300,000 medium-grade spirit stones had become 500,000.

This is actually not a small amount for the immortal gate.

"I welcome your challenge."

After saying that, Chen Mu did not stay.

He walked directly to the back.

Just a few words when leaving, but completely ignited the whole scene.

Many powerful forces began to stir.

As for the tragedy just now, it can only be said that those guys were too weak and too ordinary.

The host saw this scene, but showed a bitter smile.

He quickly contacted his boss.

"Master, if we let the other side win, we... will not be able to bear it."

Just in that moment, the profit of more than half a month was lost.

If Chen Mu is allowed to continue winning, their place may be lost. "Take out 500,000 yuan and make it an even number for him, so that he won't bet anymore." A voice came from the transmission. "Okay, my lord, I'll go and talk to him right away."

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