"Birds, good morning!"

Chen Mu showed his big white teeth and said with a smile.

As soon as he said this.

The angels came back to their senses in anger.

"Damn it! Damn it, you have repeatedly prevented the coming of miracles, you should have eradicated you pagans earlier!"

Looking at the furious birdman.

Chen Mu didn't want to waste time.

His eyes were already on the souls of the birdmen.

As if they had felt something in their hearts, the souls of the birdmen wanted to go back directly.

But Chen Mu sneered.

"Haha, my Dragon Country is a country of etiquette. Since you are here, I will definitely treat you well."

Before he finished speaking.

Chen Mu had already made a move.




Accompanied by the swinging of the Hell Shura Scythe.

The souls of the birdmen only had time to scream.

Then they turned into dots of light and dissipated.

"Ding! Kill the double-winged angel soul and get a pure soul source!"

"Ding! Kill the double-winged angel soul and get a pure soul source!"

"Ding! Kill the double-winged angel soul and get a pure soul source!"

Accompanied by screams.

The angels also came back to their senses.

"Let's get started and eradicate this pagan together."

An angel shouted on the spot.

Looking at the birdmen rushing over, Chen Mu didn't say much.

Foreign aid is the same as if he didn't have it.

The next moment.

Twelve yellow turban warriors appeared.

Used fists to hit the angels rushing up.

Chen Mu continued to clean up the angel souls that came across the border.

The battle happened suddenly and ended quickly.

Those angels were no match for the yellow turban warriors, and Chen Mu's side was a one-sided massacre.

Not long after.

The number of surviving angel souls dropped to single digits.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu also put away the Hell Shura Scythe.

"I almost didn't hold back and killed you all, so there would be no fun."

He whispered.

A layer of dim light appeared in his hands.

Then he grabbed the nearest angel soul.

"What kind of power is this? Why can it directly grab my soul..."

The angel soul roared in fear, trying to break free from Chen Mu's palm, but was ravaged.

Not long after.

The angel soul was only the size of an egg.

There were panic shouts from them.

"It's worthy of being the Earthly Evil Method, it can easily ravage the soul..."

Chen Mu looked at the soul ball in his hand and couldn't help sighing.

What he just performed was the Tongyou in the 72 changes of the Earthly Evil.

With this ability, all his attacks can act directly on the soul.

He even has a more buggy ability.

He casually took out a jade bottle from his backpack.

After a squeeze.

The angel's soul was stuffed into the jade bottle.

After doing this.

With the ability to communicate with the spirits activated again.

A layer of dark light appeared on the bottle.

In the jade bottle, a group of souls roared angrily.

"You pagan, let me out!!!"

Chen Mu ignored it.

His attention fell on other angels' souls again.

Suddenly, those angels' souls wanted to escape, but they were bound by the restrictions in the mountain and could not escape directly from the mountain.

"It seems that the ancient people are not simple either!!!"

Chen Mu sighed.

His movements were not slow at all.

After a few encounters.

The remaining angel souls were caught by Chen Mu and stuffed into the jade bottle for alchemy one by one.


He murmured.

His eyes fell on the yellow-turbaned warrior.

The remaining angels with containers were pressed to the ground and could not move at all.

Just waiting for Chen Mu to speak and send him off.

"Pagan, you will not die well. One day, God will come and completely destroy you pagans!!!"

A disheveled angel roared.

Looking down.

What a coincidence!

I know her!

It was the woman who took the lead in arresting me last night.

Recalling the painful memories of last night.

"Then let's do some experiments on you."

The eyes gradually became cold.

This made the angel suddenly have a bad premonition.


Before the voice was finished.

A pair of hands had pierced through the chest.


A shrill scream.

The woman who was held down by the yellow-turbaned warrior had a distorted face and was obviously in great pain.

Chen Mu ignored the other party.

As his hands stirred the other party's chest.

Suddenly, a smile appeared.

"Come out!"

Accompanied by the voice.

The woman screamed even more shrillyLi.

When Chen Mu pulled his hand out, a golden soul was also pulled out.

After doing all this, Chen Mu did not pause at all.

Still a simple jade bottle, and then threw the soul in.

"We are a country of etiquette. I have to reciprocate after listening to nonsense for so long."


Then he looked at the unconscious body.

As the consciousness entered the spiritual sea.

A familiar scene appeared.

It was still the image of a thirty-two-winged angel. The owner of this body was praying devoutly.

Even if Chen Mu, a stranger, appeared, there was no movement.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu frowned.

"Whether it can be awakened depends on the guy's obsession."

In this case, if the soul is completely assimilated, there is definitely no possibility of awakening.

As for this time.

Chen Mu did not use the image of the Buddha.

If you trace the source, he is a Taoist priest with a good family background.

How can it work if the old man promotes it?

So this time.

Chen Mu used the image of an old Taoist.

As for the 32-winged angel with a huge momentum, it was actually an illusion.

A general Yuanying stage can deal with it.

For him, any divine thought can tear it apart.

"Diaspora, die!"

As the voice sounded.

Chen Mu also used his divine thought to construct an image of a Taoist with a fairy-like appearance.

This made the woman who bowed her head to praise the Lord stunned.

Looking at the 32-winged Lord destroyed by a blow, she was obviously at a loss.

For a moment, she felt a sense of faith collapse.

But soon, she came back to her senses.

"Thank you, Taoist priest!"

She saluted the figure quickly.

But Chen Mu had disappeared.

"It is feasible... but it is a bit troublesome."

In the past, it was difficult to extract the soul. First, it was because it was difficult for professionals to reach the level of angel souls. Second, there were very few professions that could cause damage to the soul.

And these professions were all very powerful.

It was precisely because of this that the Celestial God Cult could become the number one scourge of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Meeting is fate, let's all help."

Looking at the struggling angels, he shook his head gently.

At this moment.

The eyes of those angels changed, with fear or panic.

It was only a short while.

There were bursts of shrill screams throughout the cave.

One after another, the angel souls were pulled out.

Put into the jade bottle.

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