"Ding! The dungeon record is refreshed, and you get 100 credits!"

Chen Mu exits the dungeon.

Prepare to upgrade the skill quality first.

This moment has been waiting for a long time.

I am even more curious about what changes will happen this time.

As they returned to the basement of the villa, Dabai's voice sounded first.

"Master, do you need help?"

Chen Mu asked with a smile.

"I have collected 500 credits. Where should I go to buy items?"

Dabai answered instantly.

"Master, I can help you place an order, and a staff will deliver it."

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

This place is really a paradise for lazy people. You don't need to do anything yourself.

Even online shopping is delivered to your door.

"Okay, I want to buy a gold-level skill upgrade scroll."

Before he finished speaking.

Dabai's voice sounded.

"Master, I have placed an order for you. The goods will be delivered in 5 to 10 minutes."

Chen Mu waved his hand and said lightly.

"Go and do your work. I'll call you if I need anything."

After that, he walked towards the bedroom.

Not long after.

The doorbell rang, and as the door opened, a courier robot appeared.

"Hello, distinguished user, this is your courier. I wish you a happy life."

After that, he turned around and went to deliver the next courier.

Chen Mu took the courier box back to the living room.

Tear open the outer packaging, and a brand new scroll appeared.

Name: Gold-level skill upgrade scroll

Quality: Gold

Introduction: It can upgrade silver-level skills to gold quality

Make sure the item is correct and choose to use it directly.

A prompt sounded in my ears.

"Ding! There are two upgrade routes for the skill of "Scattering Beans into Soldiers". Please make a choice!"

"Choose 1, strengthen the number of summons, which can greatly increase the number of summoned soldiers!"

"Choose 2, strengthen the quality of summons, which can greatly improve individual combat capabilities!"

This time, Chen Mu did not hesitate and directly chose 2.

"I choose 2."

As the sound rang.

The skill icon of "Throwing Beans into Soldiers" glowed with colorful light.

It soon turned into a light gold icon.

"Ding! Congratulations, the skill of "Throwing Beans into Soldiers" has grown to gold quality!"

Before the voice fell.

Chen Mu couldn't wait to summon the first-class soldier.

As the light faded, a figure appeared, giving people a feeling of "no strangers allowed".

Check the information panel directly.

Name: Iron Blood Infantry

Level: 26

Quality: Gold

Skills: Gale Slash, Wind Soul, Bloody Battle Undying

Attributes: Strength 450, Stamina 520, Speed ​​330, Spirit 380

Equipment: Dragon Slayer Set, Wind Eagle Sword

Medium: Ordinary Soil

Introduction: Ace among Elites


The panel attributes are simply a leap.

Even if other soldiers are not as good as the first-class soldier, I believe the improvement will not be much different.

Moreover, as the introduction says, this is definitely an ace.

This panel is not easy to reach even for hidden professions above level 20.

Soon, Chen Mu calmed down.

Noticed the extra medium.

He was a little suspicious.

"What is this medium?"

He muttered.

He couldn't find anyone to ask.

He could make soldiers by himself.

"Ordinary soil... ordinary soil?"

He murmured a few times.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's tiger body trembled, and a hint of fanaticism appeared in his eyes.

"To summon these soldiers, they just picked up the soil and raised it to the sky. That's why it's ordinary soil."

For a moment.

The idea was clear.

At the same time, he also wanted to try to use other items as a medium to summon soldiers.

Opened his system backpack.

Looked at the items he had.

"It seems that there is nothing good, just a bunch of materials."

Spider silk and the like.

These things naturally cannot be used as a medium.

Chen Mu continued to check other items.

Soon, he found a few things that could be used as a medium.

Actually, they were the crystals dropped by the slime.

Of course, he had a lot of flame crystals in his hand, and there were more than a dozen five-star crystals.

"Try it first."

Took out a flame crystal casually.

"Turning day into night, throwing beans into soldiers..."

As the voice sounded.

Chen Mu threw up the flame crystal in his hand.

Almost at the same time, a choice appeared in front of him.

"Ding! Please choose the soldiers you summon from the following arms."

Choose 1, Iron Blood Infantry

Choose 2, Heavy Armor Tiger Soldier

Choose 3, Eagle Eyed Sharpshooter

Choose 4, Giant Axe Soldier

"I choose 4."

Chen Mu had seen the other three types, so he naturally wanted to see the new type of soldiers.

What surprised Chen Mu was.

There was a sound in his ears.A voice sounded.

"Ding! This type of soldier cannot use flame crystal as a medium!"


"I choose 1!"

"Ding! This type of soldier cannot use flame crystal as a medium!"

"I choose 2!"

"Ding, this type of soldier cannot use flame crystal as a medium!"

Before the voice fell, Chen Mu's face turned black.

"What else can I choose now?"

"Ding! Summoning Hawkeye Sharpshooter."

The flame crystal emitted a fiery red light.

The next second.

A sharpshooter with thick arms appeared.

Chen Mu clicked on the message.

Name: Hawkeye Sharpshooter

Level: 26

Quality: Gold

Skills: Hawkeye, Powerful Flame Arrow

Attributes: Strength 210, Stamina 120, Speed ​​190, Spirit 98.

Equipment: None

Medium: Flame Crystal

Introduction: Strengthen fire attribute attack

Looked at two skills.

Hawkeye increases the lethality and distance of bows and arrows.

Powerful Flame Arrow: Condenses the flame element, causing high flame damage

"Add a skill?"


Soon Chen Mu felt that his statement was not valid.

It should not only increase skills, but also have some impact on the four dimensions.


This feature will not be awakened only at gold quality.

Chen Mu felt that he had not yet tapped the highest feature.

"It seems that we need to pay attention to special materials, such as flame crystals."

Of course, one thing is certain.

Soldiers summoned with high-quality items will definitely crush the earth people.

Chen Mu thought of the five elements crystals in his backpack.

He took one out directly.

Prepare to continue the experiment.

But this time, it was even worse than the last time.

All of them could not be summoned.

"It seems that I still have too few awakened soldiers. This five elements crystal can definitely be used, but it's a pity that there is no matching soldier."

I couldn't help but sigh.

I was quite satisfied with this skill improvement.

The number of soldiers in his hands has increased by ten.

That is, 40 soldiers.

Just enough to summon ten giant axemen.

What makes Chen Mu headache is that this giant axeman can't use warrior equipment.

"Damn it, I will run around for equipment in the future."

As for not having equipment that I want to match, that's pure bullshit.

Even Chen Mu has found a matching profession based on the characteristics of the giant axeman.

Probably a hidden profession like the Berserker.

And it's a bit difficult to get giant weapons.

In the end, he had to give up the giant axeman first and summon all the eagle-eyed sharpshooters.

Further improve the lethality of his team.

After doing this.

Chen Mu started the slime dungeon again.

The improvement of the quality of the beans into soldiers also increased the upper limit of the soldier level by 10 levels.

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