Following the Pixiu, he went deeper into the mountains.

It might be because of the contract.

Even if Chen Mu rode on the back of the Pixiu, the other party did not resist, and even ran away happily.

With the leadership of the Pixiu, he would kneel down and kowtow to the monsters he encountered.

Among them, there were even monsters comparable to the second-level monsters.

Chen Mu said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strong position."

Hearing this.

The Pixiu hummed and groaned in a humanized way, obviously showing off.

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu was a little helpless and signaled the other party to speed up.

"Okay, take your family and let's leave this place quickly."

There are still several third-level monsters fighting outside the mountains.

The Pixiu nodded heavily.

He increased his speed.

I have to say.

Although the back of this Pixiu is covered with scales, it doesn't hurt my butt when I sit on it, and I even feel a little comfortable.

Not long after.

Chen Mu came to the entrance of a cave.

Without any pause.

The Pixiu went straight in.


At this moment, Chen Mu's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked at his side.

There was a bunch of grape-like fruits on the wall.

Throw out a scan.

Name: Psychic Grapes

Quality: Gold

Effect: Professionals gain 2 times the experience effect within 30 minutes, and pets and mounts shorten the growth cycle

Introduction: A relatively common spiritual fruit

"Good stuff!"

Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

Reached out and began to pick carefully.

Although this psychic grape is not as amazing as the evergreen ginseng, it is good that there are many of them.

A rough scan showed that there were about one or two hundred.

As the spiritual grapes were put into the backpack, Pixiu couldn't wait to urge Chen Mu to tell him that there were good things ahead.

"Okay, let's go."

He reached out and patted Pixiu's head.

He continued to walk deeper into the cave.

Not long after walking.

He stopped again.

There were two three-color flowers at his feet. Chen Mu naturally didn't recognize them, but he had a system scan.

Name: Seven-leaf tricolor flower

Quality: Gold

Effect: Professionals gain 2 times the experience in 1 hour, and pets and mounts shorten the growth cycle

Introduction: A relatively ordinary spiritual object

Put it directly into the backpack.

Continue to move deeper into the cave.

Next, Pixiu would stop from time to time.

At this time, Chen Mu could get one or more spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits.

"This is too cool..."

He couldn't help but say.

Of course, he knew.

If this is really where Pixiu lives, there must be more precious items.

Those things are probably deeper.

No pause.

One person and one auspicious beast walked and stopped.

Continuously went deeper into the cave.

About an hour passed.

The two finally came to the deepest part of the cave.

Looking at the coffin of more than 100 feet, Chen Mu had a row of question marks above his head.

Seeing Chen Mu stunned, the Pixiu on the side bit the corner of his clothes with his mouth, pulled it hard, and did not forget to urge him to call twice.



This also brought Chen Mu back to his senses.

Never dreamed that this cave was actually a big tomb.

Looking at the coffin of more than 100 feet above his head, Chen Mu thought about it and bowed to it.

"The younger generation is poor, please do not blame me if I offend you!"

After that, he began to follow the Pixiu to collect resources around him.

Compared with the spiritual objects in the passage, the resources here are more precious.

Name: Millennium Ganoderma

Quality: Gold

Effect: Get 3 times the experience in ten hours, shorten the growth cycle of mounts and pets

Introduction: Relatively precious Ganoderma

As he continued to collect, Chen Mu also found that the closer he was to the coffin, the higher the quality of the spiritual objects would be.

This made him wonder what kind of strong man was lying in the coffin.

Even after death, he could still affect the surrounding environment.

Because the place was not too big.

It took Chen Mu more than ten minutes to collect all the natural treasures.

After doing this.

Just about to leave here with the Pixiu.

Then he saw this guy.

A jump.

Already landed on the coffin board.

? ? ?

This made Chen Mu's heart instantly lifted.

He had just solved a zombie two days ago, so he didn't think this was a materialistic world.

"Don't be silly, come down quickly..."

Before the voice fell.

Then he heard the Pixiu sobbing.

This made Chen Mu a little confused.

"Why are you crying? Could it be your father...father..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Mu swallowed it back.

Look at the sad look, and then think about the familiar look of Pixiu.

This is really possible.

Chen Mu was a little surprised.

You broughtYou are digging up your father's "grave grass" with an outsider?

You are really a filial son.

"Woo woo woo!"

The Pixiu cried more and more fiercely, which made Chen Mu embarrassed to disturb him.

Leave this time.

Maybe he will never come back in this life.

Sighed in his heart.

He also let the Pixiu cry on the coffin.

Wait for a moment.

Chen Mu felt that the time was almost up and it was time to leave.

When those third-level strong men arrived, they would not be able to leave even if they wanted to.

He looked up.

"You rebellious son, what are you doing!"

Then he saw that the Pixiu had pushed open the coffin lid and half of its body had already been inserted.

Chen Mu felt his scalp tingling.

What kind of thing did he accept.

It's not enough to bring outsiders to visit his father's grave, but he also lifted the lid of his father's coffin.

Now I am somewhat afraid that when I die, this guy will bring a group of people to visit my grave.

"Damn it! Is it too late for me to return the goods now?"

He complained in his heart.

Then I saw that Pixiu had come out.

There was a lotus with a halo in its mouth.

Name: Pure Heart Ten Thousand Years Lotus

Quality: Platinum

Effect: Gain five times the time within 72 hours after taking it, greatly shortening the growth cycle of the mount pet

Introduction: Natural treasures

At this time.

A deep voice sounded.

"Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find the Pixiu cub for this Lord."

As the voice sounded.

Chen Mu was slightly startled.

Directly opened the copy exit.

At the same time, signaled Pixiu to hurry up.

At this moment.

A strong divine consciousness appeared and swept across here.

In the haze, Chen Mu even heard a sentence.

"I found you."

"Hurry up!"

Waved to the Pixiu.

A breath was rushing in.

In the blink of an eye.

Already appeared outside the cave.

But as the other party walked into the cave, Chen Mu and the Pixiu's breath disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Rush to the depths of the cave.

If Chen Mu was here, he would definitely recognize the other party at a glance.

This is exactly the Wanhu Hou that he saw outside the town. The only difference may be that this one is now missing an arm and the armor on his body is broken.

It should be injured by the silver giant bear.

Looking at the empty tomb, Wanhu Hou's eyes instantly turned red.

"Damn the descender! Sooner or later, I will grind you to ashes!"

Said and punched the mountain wall.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

The entire mountain collapsed directly, and Wanhu Hou was smashed under the mountain.

Chen Mu didn't know all this.

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