The countermeasures were also simple and crude.

Aren't you strong in vitality?

I'll just use the Pure Yang Sword to pierce your heart, liver, spleen, and lungs.




For a while.

Blood flowers kept bursting from the black dragon's body.

Less than half a minute later.

A reminder sounded in Chen Mu's ears.

"Ding! Kill the black dragon and obtain the broken magical inheritance fragments*5!"

As the reminder sounded.

Equipment also exploded from the black dragon's body.

No more, no less.

Just a set of black dragon equipment.

"Unfortunately, no dragon blood crystals were exploded."

The black dragon is indeed a platinum-level creature. It may be because it is underage, so the equipment it explodes will be of a lower quality.

Even so, it is much stronger than many scattered platinum pieces.

Chen Mu was just about to challenge the dungeon again.

A gourd suddenly appeared in front of him.

Before he could react, the gourd in front of him appeared with a faint spiritual charm.

Although there was no change, his intuition told him that the gourd had become more dangerous.

"Ding! Your magic weapon, the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, has completed its transformation and reached the platinum level!"

A reminder sounded in his ears.

Chen Mu was immediately delighted.

Among these magic weapons, the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife was the treasure he used most easily.

Name: Immortal Slaying Flying Knife

Quality: Platinum [Growable]

Wearing level: None

Skill: Please turn around

Spirit value: 0/10000

Introduction: Weakened version of the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, which can improve the quality and eventually become the prehistoric version of the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife

Check the information.

There was almost no change.

That is, the upper limit of the spirit value has been increased.

Of course, Chen Mu also knew in his heart that the lethality must have increased without showing it on the panel.

"The quality of the monster should be able to affect the number of spirit values."

I vaguely remembered that there were still dozens left. I killed a black dragon and it was full.

"I have to kill more high-quality monsters in the future."

Thinking in his heart.

But he has already challenged the dungeon again.

He plans to get a few sets of black dragon suits first, anyway, this dungeon is not difficult.

"Let's just lie down in the back."

After testing his own strength, Chen Mu instantly lost interest in attacking.

He should leave the impression of a weak fighter to others, and then slowly wait for Lao Liu's sneak attack.

"Yan Xin! You are responsible for leading the team, don't let me down."

He re-entered the dungeon and casually explained.

He began to practice the skills in the back.

Improve his strength.

As for the effects of the skills, they are all similar.

For example, the Sword Classic, in addition to awakening the sword energy, each level can improve the lethality of the sword.

The Tyrant Body Art can continuously enhance strength and physical strength.

"Yes, my lord."

Yan Xin agreed softly.

The melee soldiers have already taken action.

Quickly kill the approaching forest wolves, and several sharpshooters attack the forest wolves farther away.

A face-to-face encounter.

The surrounding monsters were cleared.

Then the wolf king came.

He rushed out of the dense forest.

Just as he was about to attack, several dragon blood soldiers rushed up.

Even if they were higher in level than them, they still couldn't stop him.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

In an instant.

Dozens of wounds were left on his body.

This is not over yet.

A giant axe soldier suddenly rushed out and aimed at the wolf king's neck with an axe.

He was killed on the spot.

"Not bad."

Seeing this scene.

Chen Mu inexplicably felt that these soldiers had grown a lot.

Not in terms of strength, but in terms of tacit understanding. Even if he didn't use himself, he could achieve seamless connection.

He glanced at the position of the black dragon.

In the end, Chen Mu still summoned the Pixiu.

"Quickly shout a few times to provoke the other party."

Hearing this.

The eyes of the Pixiu were instantly wide open, as if it had heard something incredible.

"Hurry up and call the lizard dragon over here."

Chen Mu rolled his eyes.


Perhaps because of the special approval, the Pixiu screamed loudly.

Along with the sound.

Almost at the same time.

An angry roar sounded in the distance.


Seeing that his plan was successful, he put the Pixiu away again.

Not long after.

The angry black dragon arrived.

"Human, are you here to kiss..."

Without waiting for the words to fall.

The Yanxin charged the arrow feather and flew out.

The black dragon sensed the danger and dodged, but the anger in his eyes was almost bursting out.


Directly spewed dragon breath in the sky.

All the soldiers were well prepared.

Two heavily armored tiger soldiers raised their large shields to block the hot dragon breath.

The sharpshooter began to draw his bow and shoot arrows.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

It might be because of the dragon's breath.

The black dragon didn't notice the existence of the arrow feathers.

Almost at the same time.Several blood flowers exploded on the body.


The black dragon didn't care and continued to spit out dragon breath.

Seeing this scene.

Originally, Chen Mu wanted to lie down, but he couldn't bear it anymore.


He sighed softly.

If he encountered those fragile third-level monsters, the soldiers would definitely be enough.

But now he encountered the black dragon with the thickest blood volume and the strongest recovery ability among the lizard dragons.

He wanted to take it down.

Chen Mu felt that it might take dozens of minutes to fight.

He didn't hesitate.

The Pure Yang Sword flew out and the immobilization technique was activated.


Accompanied by a word.

The Pure Yang Sword has turned into a stream of light and passed through the black dragon's head.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The soldiers took the opportunity to make up for the damage.

"Unfortunately, it's still a little short now. If it can reach the platinum level, there will be no such embarrassing things at that time."

Sighed softly in his heart.

The sword control technique did not stop.

Quickly cutting the internal organs of the black dragon.

Not long after.

A prompt sounded in his ears.

"Ding! Congratulations on killing the black dragon successfully and obtaining the dragon blood crystal!"

His eyes lit up.

Just as he was about to summon a dragon blood soldier.

He saw Yan Xin jogging all the way.

"My lord, this time I got a set of black dragon suits and this thing."

As he spoke, he had already handed over the items in his hand.

Name: Platinum Skill Upgrade Scroll

Quality: Platinum

Introduction: It can forcibly upgrade gold-quality skills to platinum level

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Chen Mu's eyes were straight.

Obviously he didn't expect that this thing would explode now.

"Hahaha! I said I'm not black, and it exploded after two black dragons."

He didn't hesitate.

He quickly chose to use it.

The wonderful prompt sound appeared again.

"Ding! Check that there are two upgrade routes for this skill of scattering beans into soldiers. Please make a choice!"

"Choose 1, strengthen the number of summons, which can greatly increase the number of summoned soldiers!"

"Choose 2, strengthen the quality of summons, which can greatly improve individual combat capabilities!"

PS: I fell asleep while writing, and continued writing after waking up from the cold

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