Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 100 [Please Order First] Qingyi Is Picturesque, Xue Qianluo

Chapter 100 [Seeking First Subscription] Qingyi Ruhua, Xue Qianluo

Just as the two were finishing their chat, the man with the folding fan licked his lips and smiled at Xue Qianluo, saying, "Junior Sister Xue, I have a top-grade flying boat. Let's take the boat for this journey, it'll be faster."

The tone of his speech was reminiscent of a rich second-generation, saying, "Brother has a luxury car, wherever you want to go, I can give you a ride."

Xue Qianluo didn't respond to the man's flattery, not even looking at him. She simply got up and walked outside.

Bai Genshuo, who enjoyed watching the excitement, said, "Oh, isn't this Senior Brother Duan Aotian?"

Bai Genshuo got up and walked directly towards the man, appearing enthusiastic on the surface, but there was a hint of a strange tone in his words.

"You are..." Duan Aotian was slightly annoyed by Bai Genshuo interrupting him, but as a senior brother, he maintained a good demeanor and asked Bai Genshuo with a smile.

"It's me, Bai Shidi. We've had a drink together before," Bai Genshuo continued enthusiastically.

"Oh, it's Junior Brother Bai. Look at my memory," Duan Aotian's smile became more friendly, showing that he really knew Bai Genshuo and had a good impression of him.

This didn't surprise Xu You. Bai Genshuo was known as Bai Xiaosheng, and although his cultivation level was not high, his connections in the Immortal Gate were top-notch.

Soon, the two became acquainted, and Xu You also got to know them.

Finally, Xue Qianluo took the lead and left. Xu You and the other two followed her and boarded Xue Qianluo's luxurious flying boat.

Throughout the journey, this senior sister, who was as proud as a plum blossom, didn't say a word or show any emotions.

On the flying boat, Xue Qianluo stood alone at the bow, looking at the distant night.

Duan Aotian eagerly served Xue Qianluo by her side.

Xu You sat at the stern, with Bai Genshuo sitting next to him, supporting himself with a comfortable posture, and spat at Duan Aotian's back.

Xu You didn't understand the contrast between Bai Genshuo's behavior before and after, but he didn't bother to ask.

However, Bai Genshuo, who loved gossip, whispered, "Have you heard of Senior Brother Duan's name before?"

Xu You shook his head.

"He is a disgrace to us strong and mighty men!" Bai Genshuo indignantly said, "He acts like a woman every day, always hanging out with women."

Xu You didn't find anything particularly wrong with that. It was quite common for there to be soft-hearted guys everywhere. As long as they weren't pretending to be someone they're not just to get laid, Xu You could understand. After all, there were tomboys among girls, so it was the same principle.

"What's even worse is that he likes to pretend to be knowledgeable. Many of our senior brothers are repulsed by his arrogant and pretentious appearance."

"The two types of people I hate the most in my life are those who like to show off and those who can show off better than me."

"What's even worse is that he's a bootlicker. Look at how he's acting towards Senior Sister Xue, it's disgusting! It's because there are so many bootlickers like him that prices are inflated. In the past, pursuing Senior Sister didn't require so many Kun coins! It's all because of these bootlickers!"

Bai Genshuo ranted on, getting angrier and angrier, as if he was speaking up for justice.

Just as he was about to continue his criticism, he noticed Xue Qianluo walking towards them. Bai Genshuo was stunned for a moment, then immediately stood up to greet her.

With a flattering smile, he said, "Senior Sister Xue, do you have any instructions? Just say it, even if it means going through fire and water, this junior brother will help."

Xu You looked expressionless at Bai Genshuo's smooth transformation, not surprised, because Bai Genshuo's principles and bottom line were unpredictable.

For such an outstanding young man like Bai Genshuo, Xu You could only describe him in three words.

He's truly impressive!

Xue Qianluo walked straight ahead, ignoring Bai Genshuo's smile. She casually pushed him aside and then stared straight at Xu You.

Duan Aotian and the pushed-away Bai Genshuo were a bit confused, staring at each other with wide eyes. Especially the latter, his eyes quickly scanning between Xu You and Xue Qianluo.

The gossip fire was burning.

He felt disgusted by Duan Aotian's earlier attentiveness, but he had no such thoughts when it came to Xu You.

Instead, he felt a sense of pride. Look, this is my buddy, a guy with a story!

"Xu You?" Xue Qianluo spoke lightly.

This was the first sentence she had said since earlier, and her voice was as cold and distant as she appeared.

Xu You nodded in surprise. He didn't know how Xue Qianluo knew him, but he said, "Yes, it's me."


The flying boat suddenly came to a sudden stop, and Xue Qianluo's long sword behind her suddenly unsheathed, its blade hanging by Xu You's side.

Faced with this situation, Xu You's face slightly changed. Feeling the sharp Sword Intent emanating from the blade, it would be false to say he wasn't nervous.

In that instant, his mind raced. He really didn't know the other person, nor could he think of anything he had done to offend her.

But this Sword Intent was real, and Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian were startled by Xue Qianluo's sudden outburst and the chilling Sword Intent.

Unconsciously, the two of them hugged each other in fear.

Xue Qianluo was at the Late Stage of the Four Realms, the number one in sword cultivation in their sect. The Sword Intent she emitted was truly awe-inspiring.

Xu You forced a smile and said, "Senior Sister Qianluo, do you have any advice?"

"You also practice sword cultivation?" Xue Qianluo asked lightly.

Xu You shook his head, "I know nothing about it."

"Without Sword Heart and Sword Soul, how can you be so at ease under my sword with your cultivation?" Xue Qianluo directly pointed out Xu You's concealment.

The latter was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the trembling Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian, then looked at the long sword hanging by his side.

He hadn't expected that Xue Qianluo's sword was a test of his sword cultivation.

At this point, he stopped pretending. He nodded and said, "I have some practice in sword cultivation, but I'm not proficient."

Xue Qianluo glanced at Xu You again. Her body lightly landed on her own long sword, stepping on the flying sword to leave the flying boat. She simply said, "Follow me."

Xu You looked at her slender figure hesitantly, but in the end, he followed her.

As Xue Qianluo left, the solemn Sword Intent on the flying boat dissipated. Bai Genshuo and Duan Aotian regained their senses, patting their chests with lingering fear.

They didn't dare to follow. Xue Qianluo didn't need to explain her actions to anyone. All they had to do was wait obediently for her return.

Outside the flying boat, Xue Qianluo brought Xu You to the top of the clouds before stopping. The strong wind made her plain clothes flutter.

She held her sword, facing Xu You, and asked lightly, "Are you a disciple of Mo Fengzhu?"

"Yes," Xu You nodded.

Xue Qianluo continued, "Mo Fengzhu said that if you choose the path of the sword, you should establish the Eight Sword Foundations."


Xu You was completely confused. When did his master start saying such things to others?

Was this how rumors spread? Xu You couldn't help but complain inwardly.

My master blowing his own trumpet at home is one thing, but why does he continue to do so outside?

"My master tends to exaggerate things," Xu You explained.

"Mo Yuhuang even said that you can completely master the Vast Cloud Sword Art within a month," Xue Qianluo continued calmly.


Xu You couldn't argue anymore, because the fact was that he had indeed mastered it in less time.

"How did you know about these things?" Xu You was puzzled. Normally, even if Mo Yuhuang boasted outside, it wouldn't reach Xue Qianluo's ears.

The two of them don't belong to the same circle.

"That's right!" Xue Qianluo didn't answer Xu You's question. A fierce look appeared on her face, and her Sword Intent surged.

"What do you want to do, Senior Sister?" Xu You asked with a slightly furrowed brow.

"Ask for a sword fight!"

Xue Qianluo's voice was clear as she held the sword flower in her left hand and solemnly saluted with her right hand. This was the etiquette for sword cultivators when asking for a sword fight, and she did it perfectly.

At this moment, her imposing manner clearly treated Xu You as an evenly matched opponent.

For some reason, when Xu You heard the words "ask for a sword fight," he couldn't help but feel that this might not be an ordinary teenage girl.

His expression stiffened slightly, and he immediately waved his hand, "Senior Sister, my cultivation is a whole realm lower than yours, I am not your match."

"I will suppress my cultivation to the same level as yours, and we will only compete in sword understanding, not in killing intent," Xue Qianluo explained. She once again held the sword flower and...

Seeing Xue Qianluo's solemnity, Xu You couldn't refuse anymore. He stopped declining and performed the same etiquette, saying, "Then please enlighten me, Senior Sister. We'll stop when one of us admits defeat."

As soon as Xu You finished speaking, Xue Qianluo held the sword in her right hand and gracefully offered it towards Xu You.

The silver moonlight fell on the edge of her sword, like a galaxy flowing, directly enveloping Xu You, exuding a great sense of beauty.

Xu You clapped his hands, and the flying sword landed in his hand. At this moment, he had no intention of appreciating the beauty of Xue Qianluo's sword offering. He focused all his attention on observing the Sword Intent emanating from her.

In Xu You's eyes, a brilliant radiance bloomed from her, dazzling and sharp.

This could only be seen by professional sword cultivators. Xue Qianluo's understanding of sword dao had clearly surpassed the level expected for her age, reaching an extremely high level.

Xu You closed his eyes slowly, and suddenly, his fingertips touched the long sword. He transformed into a rushing dragon and charged towards Xue Qianluo.


The sword edges clashed as the two passed each other.

Xu You's long sword was like a swimming dragon, and his Sword Qi was like thunder. Xue Qianluo's long sword was like a flying phoenix, and her Sword Qi was like snow.

The two refined Sword Qi collided, leaving behind two long strands of Sword Force in the air.

Both of them simultaneously stopped and stood with their swords, surrounded by the entwined Sword Force. Snowflakes, gentle breeze, and thunderous sounds intertwined, creating various celestial phenomena around them.

At this moment, they only had each other in their eyes, shutting out the outside world.

Just now, they were only testing each other and didn't use any sword techniques.

They simply used the most basic Sword Force to move around, which could best determine a person's understanding of sword dao.

Clearly, the moves they just made were far beyond what ordinary sword cultivators could compare to.

Xue Qianluo's eyes were shining brightly at this moment, surpassing the stars in the sky. She had changed from her previous indifference, and her eyes were filled with much more emotion.

She raised her right hand, and suddenly, in the clear night sky, feathers of snow began to fall. The snowflakes danced around Xue Qianluo's long sword, eventually forming a crystalline phoenix.

Sparkling and translucent, the phoenix cried out with a lifelike voice, its sound serene and resounding through the heavens.

Xu You stared with wide eyes, watching as the opponent's Sword Qi took shape, transforming into the apex-level form of an ice phoenix. This alone was enough to show how terrifying Xue Qianluo's swordsmanship skills were.

Seeing the ice phoenix about to attack him, Xu You didn't hesitate. He clapped his hands heavily and let out a furious shout.

Hundreds of dazzling Sword Qi appeared in front of Xu You at the same time.

He had become more proficient in instantly unleashing the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique, and the bright Sword Qi surged towards Xue Qianluo.

At this moment, Xue Qianluo's calm expression finally showed ripples.

In front of her eyes, there were hundreds of almost identical Sword Qi, making it impossible for her to distinguish between real and fake.

As an apex-level expert, how could she not understand the value of the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique?

The cultivation difficulty of the Vast Cloud Sword Art was notoriously high, otherwise, why would she have been stagnant for so many years?

Now, Xu You, who was only at the Late Stage of the Three Realms, was able to instantly unleash hundreds of Sword Qi with the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique.

The momentum, sharpness, illusion, and intent of each Sword Qi showed no flaws.

Even if she studied it, she might not be able to cultivate the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique to such a level in such a short time.

It must be noted that she was a once-in-a-millennium talent in the Eight Sword Foundations.

In terms of talent in swordsmanship, there was no one among the young cultivators in the Divine Continent who could surpass her.

Pride and confidence were innate to her, but seeing Xu You's Sword Qi at this moment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion.

However, soon, her clear Sword Heart brought her out of this confusion, and the Sword Intent in her eyes flowed to distinguish which Sword Qi was the real killer move.

In an instant, Xue Qianluo's gaze fell to the upper left, and the ice phoenix in front of her rushed towards that direction with a loud cry.


An explosion sounded as the ice phoenix accurately landed on the killer move.

The two collided, and the hundreds of Mirror Flower Water Moon Sword Qi simultaneously dissipated, turning into scattered starlight. The ice phoenix also turned into ice crystals.

The ice crystals, mixed with starlight, poured down like a galaxy, outlining a picturesque scene under the moonlight.

Xu You looked up at the scene in front of him, marveling in his heart.

He had witnessed what true talent was, not like his own talent that seemed to be cheating.

Xue Qianluo's perception of Sword Qi was as sharp as a microscope.

It must be noted that under the influence of the Heart of Dao, the specific effect was that people couldn't tell which Sword Qi was real.

Even Xu You himself didn't know, and even the Sixth Realm experts, Wang Tanxiao and Li Fengsheng, who had previously overwhelmed him, couldn't tell.

It could be imagined how perfect the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique was.

But Xue Qianluo was able to accurately distinguish and grasp it in such a short time, which Xu You had to admire.

Xue Qianluo was truly a formidable sword cultivator at the Transcendent Level.

"Senior Sister Xue, I am no match for you," Xu You laughed loudly and bowed, admitting defeat.

Xue Qianluo looked at the Sword Qi scattered in the sky for a long time before slowly saying, "Can you perform the Mud Pill Palace Sword?"

"No," Xu You shook his head directly, "My master was just bragging. How could I learn the Vast Cloud Sword Art in a month? Being able to master the Mirror Flower Water Moon technique has already cost me a lot of effort."

(End of this chapter)

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